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Ebook56 pages51 minutes


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About this ebook

A short story concerning the unexpected consequences of playing with a ouija board.

PublisherIan Bussell
Release dateAug 31, 2013

Ian Bussell

I was born, bred and buttered in the South West of England, close to the area where my first novel, Pryckle is set, though I spend as much time as possible in warmer parts of the world. I've enjoyed creative writing since my school daze when I would write compositions that were usually five times longer than most of the other kids. Since then, there have been a series of starts and stops, though I'm currently in full flow. My other career followed the trajectory of a pinball until I chose to go for tilt. Finally, after eighteen years sparring in the global communications arena, I now devote most of my time to writing. I take one day out each week to provide energy healing for people and animals in need. I abhor cruelty to animals in any form and actively support animal welfare campaigns. Music plays a big part in my life as can be seen from the many musical references in my writing. My other main interests are travel and films. I have written numerous short stories and a few stage plays and two novels. My most recent foray onto the stage was November 2011 when one of my plays, Pick Up, was performed in two Somerset arts centres. Generally speaking, I am attracted to unusual people and things. In books and films, this translates to Science Fiction, Fantasy, Mystery, Supernatural & Horror (there is a big difference between the last two). My output isn't meant to be particularly scary. Sci Fi / Supernatural elements are used as settings or devices to tell stories which are well outside the boundaries of 'normal' everyday experience. I don't like boundaries. Pryckle brings together murder, history, science fiction, mystery, the supernatural and even a dollop of romance. Some of my readers have also expressed the belief that horror plays a significant part. Some of the supernatural events in the book are based (however loosely) on my own interactions with the spirit world though I have yet to encounter anything like the malignance in Pryckle. Meta-Mirror begins with a sci-fi premise and develops into a human story of lost love and a man's struggle to come to terms with a violent world where he doesn't belong.

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    Deadman - Ian Bussell

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