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The Godhead Revealed
The Godhead Revealed
The Godhead Revealed
Ebook98 pages1 hour

The Godhead Revealed

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Is the Godhead a mystery that cannot be understood? Jesus said, "The Father has hidden these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes." Jesus also said, "No man knoweth who the Son is, but the Father, and who the Father is, but the Son, and he to whom the Son will reveal Him." Read this simple and brief study for a deeper understanding and revelation of the Godhead. Five lessons/68 pages/copyright 2001, 2012

PublisherBritt Prince
Release dateSep 13, 2013
The Godhead Revealed

Britt Prince

Pastor Britt Prince was born and reared in Vicksburg, Mississippi, USA. He has been involved in full time ministry since 1994, and has served as Pastor of New Destiny Church in Richland, Mississippi, since 1996. He has an affinity toward research and a passion for truth that motivates him to deal with difficult and unorthodox subjects. His books are not designed to be "feel good" messages. They are designed to inspire change. His first Bible study, "The Pentecostal Experience", (1998) has over 100,000 copies in circulation in English and has been translated and published in ten other languages. His second study, "The Godhead Revealed" (2001), has been used by many to gain a clearer understanding of who God really is. In 2012, Britt revised and expanded "The Godhead Revealed" and authored two new studies, "New Birth" and "The Gospel Revealed".

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    Book preview

    The Godhead Revealed - Britt Prince

    The Godhead Revealed


    Britt Prince

    The Godhead Revealed

    Britt Brince

    Published by Action Ministries Inc.

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2012 by Britt Prince, Action Ministries Inc.

    ©2001, 2012 by Britt Prince, Action Ministries Inc.

    Booklet ISBN: 978-0-7577-2334-6

    eBook ISBN:   978-0-9854-9581-7

    All rights reserved. No part of this book (except quotations from the Holy Bible) may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the author or publisher, except where permitted by law.

    Quotations are from King James Version of the Holy Bible unless otherwise noted.

    All graphics are in the public domain except those used with permission by Artist Rebecca Faith Boyd Wilson (pp. 7, 12, 15, 28)

    Cover design by Michele Shubert

    Logo design by Denise Cole

    Bible Studies by Britt Prince

    The Pentecostal Experience

    Revised 2012, This brief 30-minute (15-page) study explains the plan of salvation in clear and concise terms. A favorite of many since 1998, it has been translated into at least eight languages. Printed copies available in English and Spanish ©1998, 2005, 2012

    New Birth

    A 21-page study dedicated to answering the questions that may hinder one from being baptized. It also explains when you actually receive the Holy Spirit. ©2012

    The Godhead Revealed

    Revised and Expanded 2012, This five-lesson study is a favorite of many churches because of its clarity in comparing the Oneness and Trinitarian views of the Godhead.  67 pages ©2001, 2012

    The Gospel Revealed

    An eight-lesson companion study to The Godhead Revealed, it compares Apostolic, Catholic, and Reformed Theologies, clarifying many misconceptions regarding salvation.  90 pages ©2012

    For additional copies contact:

    Action Ministries Inc.

    PO Box 180248

    Richland, MS 39218-0248

    601.278.8711 or 601.278.8712


    Lesson 1

    ·  Oneness Statement

    ·  Trinity Statement

    ·  Oneness Explained

    Lesson 2

    ·  The Dual Nature

    ·  Jesus praying to the Father

    ·  How Many Thrones

    Lesson 3

    ·  The Trinity Explained

    ·  Finis Dake Explanation

    ·  Jimmy Swaggart Explanation

    ·  The Logos

    ·  Conversations in the Godhead

    Lesson 4

    ·  Historical Creeds

    ·  Nicene Creed

    ·  Council of Constantinople

    ·  Inquisitions

    ·  Origins of The Trinity

    Lesson 5

    ·  Church History

    ·  Trinitarians Make Oneness Statements

    ·  Oneness Illustration

    The Godhead Revealed

    Lesson 1

    The Godhead is one of the most difficult, yet simplest subjects in the Bible to understand. Some of the greatest minds in our world have stumbled while others with less scholastic ability have understood it clearly.

    Why? Because God has hidden these things from the wise and prudent and revealed it unto babes (Luke 10:21).

    God expects us to know who He is and to worship Him with understanding. The scriptures affirm that the Godhead is without excuse (Romans 1:20).

    Unfortunately, the subject of the Godhead has been greatly complicated by historical church creeds that were developed by church councils during the early days of church history. These creeds have left Christendom with a lack of understanding of

    the Godhead.

    These councils and creeds are revered by many today as being infallible. Yet, a closer look would prove that their concept of God is non-biblical.

    Two Views

    Basically, there are only two views of the Godhead being taught in mainstream Christianity:

    1.    Oneness (Monotheism)

    2.    The Trinity


    The Oneness doctrine teaches there is one supreme eternal spirit, known as the Father, who manifested Himself in flesh as the Son, Jesus Christ. God also manifested Himself as the Holy Spirit that comes to dwell inside of mankind. Thus, in short, God is the Father in creation, the Son in redemption, and the Holy Ghost in regeneration; one God operating simultaneously as three manifestations.

    Modern Oneness Theology does not endorse much of earlier Oneness Theology since censorship was practiced and Oneness documents were distorted and misrepresented by the biased victors of debates.

    Moreover, ancient manuscripts were often changed (interpolations) by later copyists to support their doctrines.

    The Trinity doctrine teaches there are three persons in the Godhead. The names that are given to these three persons are: God the Father; God the Son; and God the Holy Ghost. Yet, they deny they believe in three separate Gods (Tritheism). 

    In explaining their beliefs, proponents of The Trinity waffle between Oneness terms and Tritheistic. Ultimately, they resort to stating that The Trinity is a mystery our finite human minds cannot fully comprehend.

    There is a division among those who profess to believe The Trinity. Some believe outright Tritheism while others have a Oneness concept but simply apply the term Trinity to their beliefs.


    Oneness view: Both Old Testament Jewish believers and New Testament Oneness believers derive their beliefs from:

    Deuteronomy 6:4 Hear, O Israel: the LORD our God is one LORD:

    Jesus declared this was …the first of all the commandments (Mark 12:29).

    Jesus further endorsed this concept in His conversation with a Samaritan Woman.

    John 4:22 Ye worship ye know

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