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Humanity's Biggest Secrets
Humanity's Biggest Secrets
Humanity's Biggest Secrets
Ebook284 pages4 hours

Humanity's Biggest Secrets

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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  • Human Potential

  • Ancient Civilizations

  • Critical Thinking

  • Extraterrestrial Life

  • Giants

  • Ancient Astronauts

  • Forbidden Knowledge

  • Chosen One

  • Ancient Conspiracy

  • Lost World

  • Lost Civilization

  • Genetic Engineering

  • Secret History

  • Fish Out of Water

  • Coming of Age

  • Plasma Weaponry

  • Sirius Star System

  • Evolution

  • Space Exploration

  • Anunnaki

About this ebook

Humanity's Biggest Secrets is the world's first globally distributed book, revealing fascinating information regarding humanity's futuristic past, hidden mysteries, and triggers linking the secrets to our subconscious mind.

This captivating book includes stunning exposure of:

• Secrets behind man's origins and our altered solar system;
• A man and a woman co-existing in a single body;
• The race of Atlantis as the builders of the first pyramids, and not the Egyptians;
• Secrets behind Saturn, the Moon and Mars;
• Understanding the truth about our place in the universe;
• A link between ancient history and the subconscious mind;
• The history of our Third-eye;
• Evidence of giants;
• Revelations behind the ancient mythologies and deities;
• Hidden messages in modern day movies;
• Hidden messages contradicting our common beliefs, from celebrities e.g. Michael Jackson;
• Extracts of ancient texts: Sumer, Egypt, China, India and Tibet;
• Supporting evidence from scientists, researchers, physicists and philosophers.

Release dateOct 6, 2013
Humanity's Biggest Secrets

Drago De Silver

Drago De Silver provides knowledge to the World regarding Space Secrets, Hidden Dimensions & Spiritual Power, Magic, Witchcraft & Grimoires, Vampires, Reptilian Masters, Religion & Psychedelics, Kabbalah, Giants, Egyptian & Bosnian Pyramids, Sound & Consciousness, and Economic Truth & Making Money.

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    Aug 13, 2014

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Book preview

Humanity's Biggest Secrets - Drago De Silver


What is reality? What do you think you know? How do you know what you think you know is true? Because everyone else believes it, it must be true? Well, at one point in time, everyone ‘knew’ the Earth was the centre of the universe…everyone ‘knew’ the Earth was flat. So does that make it so? Have you seen the Earth as flat? But have you seen the Earth as round… for yourself? If not, how do you ‘know’ it is round? I don’t expect you to demand to go to Space to see it for yourself, but it is important to be inquisitive and to keep an open mind about what is true as opposed to what you’re told. Is the accepted reality a false reality? Close your eyes, take a deep breath and ask yourself: how does my intuition answer this question?

In this book, I will present a variety of topics which will give you a clear indication of the secrets of humanity. Our subconscious seems to be partially aware of these secrets. Are you one of those people who believe in the saying ‘seeing is believing’? If so, I ask you:

1) When you switch on the radio, can you see the radio waves?

2) When you connect to the Internet wirelessly, can you see the Wi-Fi signals?

3) When you turn on the microwave, can you see the micro-waves heating the food?

4) During an X-ray, can you see the X-rays penetrating your body?

The answer is no.

You must, therefore, accept that there are things around you which you cannot see. A little study on the electromagnetic spectrum can aid your understanding, but simply put, our eyes can only see a tiny percentage of what is really around us. We see less than one percent of reality.

Some believe the Universe to be a single infinite entity, in which many worlds and realities reside, which we can neither see nor hear. In research you may wish to conduct, you will find that the Universe seems to be infinite. You will also find there are billions of planets out there in Space and we reside on just one tiny planet. It is believed there are times when realities collide, bonding together. For example, the bonding of the physical world and the spiritual world, giving rise to entities such as ghosts. One need only study the Ouija board to discover this, although I strongly advise against this.

The aim of this book is to encourage you to ask questions about your accepted version of reality. Why is this important? Well, do you want to live life in ignorance? And how do you expect to get far in life without asking the basics such as What? Why? When? Who? How?

Do you remember the 1960’s rock band which became the most commercially successful act in the history of popular music, known as The Beatles? One of the group’s members, John Lennon, wrote a song called Imagine. I urge you to listen carefully to this great song. Take note of the mention of there being no Heaven, Hell, countries or religion.

1) Have you ever wondered where the terms Heaven and Hell originated? If you’re now directing your thinking to a specific religion, was this the first religion to refer to Heaven and Hell? And have these definitions changed over time? What is their origin? I have noticed the term ‘heavens’ to be synonymous with Space.

2) No countries? Has anyone heard of Pangaea? The continents were once joined together as one enormous continent! The word Pangaea in Greek means ‘all the Earth’. What separated these is said to be a drift by the sea – a theory called Continental Drift, put forward by Abraham Ortelius (Cartographer and Geographer) in 1596, and developed further by Alfred Wegener (Polar Researcher, Geophysicist and Meteorologist) in 1912.

No religion? Well, what is religion? What is considered to be the first civilisation on Earth? Did they have a religion? What was the Ancient Egyptian’s name for religion? You may find the answer difficult to find. Why? Because there was no word for religion.

This book will introduce some topics which are considered to be alternative. These include things which are not part of mainstream education. Ask yourself why? I hope this book helps you to start thinking critically and researching issues on your own. Whilst reading, take on-board what you wish. If there are found to be any errors, then I apologise for these in advance.

Whatever an individual’s role in society, do not be too quick to judge them, in a positive or a negative light. Everyone has the ability to think for themselves, and this is what everyone ought to do.

Finally, I hope reading this book opens your mind to alternative thinking, and therefore helps you to develop your attitude and mind-set in a positive way. Look at more angles in situations. Start to question things. To question is not to be disruptive; to question is to begin to understand the truth.

Part 1

The Human Potential


This book is filled with weird and wonderful topics. I want to start with us – Humans. Without knowing the human potential, can you really know how far your own abilities can go? Do you truly know what men and women have succeeded at in the past, and what men and women can succeed at in the future? In my opinion, a greater human potential = a greater human imagination = a greater consideration of possibilities.

For example, without the imagination of Thomas Edison, would we have the lightbulb? Without the imagination of Nikola Tesla, would we have the radio? Imagine what you can create and how you can positively change the world if you understand your human potential.

You are intelligent. You are capable of such extraordinary things. Who do you admire? Martin Luther King? Gandhi? JFK? Michael Jackson? Well, they were human just like you. Do not describe yourself as ‘normal’; describe yourself as unique. I believe we all have a gift. These people found theirs, and you can also find yours. It takes time, patience and experimentation. If you live your life in a bubble, finding yourself bored every day, then change things! Otherwise, you will remain in this bubble. Will you be happy in life?

The following words spring to mind, from two unique individuals, just like you. The world famous scientist, Albert Einstein, told us: Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. The world famous martial artist and actor, Bruce Lee, said: There are no limits. You may be asking what place all of this has in this book. My purpose for including the above is to remind you that you as a human being are very special. Do not underestimate the importance of human activity, both past and present.

Critical Thinking

Regarding the past, remember Winston Churchill’s saying history is written by the victors. I believe that life was once a balance of good and evil, and it should still be to this day. I also believe that those considered to be ‘good’ had no need for invading other lands, stripping others of their resources or carrying weapons of attack. I believe the ‘bad’ were the opposite, and therefore killed the ‘good’ and took over and manipulated ancient teachings. This is my belief. But, if this is true, then wouldn’t that mean that history as we know it has been manipulated and written by those with ‘bad’ intentions – those who do not want us to know the truth? If this is the case, then why hide it from us?

If it is our history, then we are entitled to know its beginnings. History has lessons to teach us about first encounters between civilisations. The less advanced civilisation is either enslaved or exterminated. As an example, just research the Inca Empire and Francisco Pizarro Gonzalez, a Spanish conquistador. Another example is the encounter between Christopher Columbus and the indigenous peoples of the Americas.

Of the present day, ask yourself: are you aware of what really goes on around you? How do you obtain this information? How do you know this information is not filtered? Why would it be filtered? What is there to hide?

There are two famous quotations with which you may be familiar:

History repeats itselfKarl Marx, German Philosopher.

If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must Man be of learning from experience?George Bernard Shaw, Irish Dramatist & Socialist.

Considering these, now ask yourself:

• If we don’t learn from our past, how can we develop ourselves and therefore avoid repeating mistakes?

• If we don’t learn from our past mistakes, how can we become successful? And how can we then help our children to be successful?

• If we don’t know our history, how do we know what we’re truly capable of? What was proved to be possible then? And what can be possible now?

It is my view that history is, therefore, crucial to the development of human potential. Can a healthier lifestyle create a better you? Of course it can. You don’t have to be a scientist to know or to prove this. For the body, trust a mirror. For the mind, trust your intuition.

I have heard among many other things, that the pineal gland can develop our human potential. I have heard that we use a tiny fraction of our brain. How true is this? For example, if we only use around 5% of our brain, what about the remaining 95%? Is it junk? If you believe in God, which many of us do, then why would God fill the remaining portion of our heads with useless parts? Isn’t the brain supposed to be one of the most important organs of our body? If we used this 95% then how powerful could we become? Aristotle, Greek Philosopher and Polymath said Of all animals, man has the largest brain in proportion to his size. This is something for you to ponder.

Today, we have something powerful at the tips of our fingers, which no one had in the past, and which can bring immense knowledge to us in a matter of seconds! Aside from books, we have the Internet. I strongly believe the Internet will change in time. The Internet of the future may not contain such a vast array of information. Life is short, and time is of the essence, so use it wisely.

In a park, I once saw a parent ask his son where God is. The son pointed to the sky. I thought to myself, Isn’t that where extra-terrestrials are supposed to come from?

In contrast to the above, I have heard that God is omnipresent. He is everywhere. Consciousness/energy is also everywhere isn’t it? I have seen this concept somewhere before…in the movie Star Wars – the power of The Force. If there is a God – in terms of an all-powerful being – and God is righteous, then why do innocent people get killed? And why does God allow wars to commence?

The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existingAlbert Einstein, Theoretical Physicist.

Part 2

The Futuristic Past

Darwin’s Theory of Evolution

Mankind came out of the Dark Ages and the Middle Ages, reached the Age of Enlightenment, experienced the Industrial Revolution, and entered into an era of advanced technology: the era of genetic engineering, the era of space flight. Yet, according to Charles Darwin, we came from apes, didn’t we?

We will now take a journey to unravel the meaning behind the title of this chapter, The Futuristic Past.

Truth is stranger than fiction

Mark Twain, American Author and Humourist.

I’m sure everyone has heard of Charles Darwin. He was the 19th Century Naturalist who famously wrote On the Origin of Species. In this book he proposed his theory of Evolution. Much of the general public had been taught that his theory was indeed fact. Darwin’s theory of evolution explains how different species have evolved from simple life forms over time. It says that from over 3 billion years ago, the first bacteria (prokaryotes) evolved into another form, and another, which eventually evolved into fish, dinosaurs… to hominids, Neanderthals, and finally to us, Homo sapiens.

So, Darwin says that we came from chimpanzees and gorillas. Interesting. Until Darwin, many scientists were in agreement with the biblical account that animals produce after their own kind. But as the evolution theory was given more authority, scientists became under pressure to prove Darwin’s hypothesis and explain how life-forms could possibly have changed from one form into another.

We are told that the way evolution proceeds is through damage due to some outside influence such as cosmic rays, which cause a cell to make mistakes, called mutations. Gradually one organism is supposed to have changed into another organism all the way from a single cell, to invertebrates like clams or starfish, and then the vertebrate fishes, the reptile, birds, mammals and finally man. So according to Darwin, here we are now, humans, the product of billions of mistakes. How does this make you feel, being called a mistake? Does God make/create mistakes?

Scientists know that the genetic code prevents one life-form from changing into another kind. So they speculate that mutations or damages to the DNA must be responsible for the evolutionary process. They believe this in spite of the observable evidence that no new species has ever resulted from a mutation. Geneticist, Dr. Lane P. Lester Ph.D.: Mutations are almost always harmful. They can bring about small adjustments in a particular species, but no way are they able to change one kind of creature into another.

If evolution has really occurred, we ought to able to see the evidence in the fossil record (the sum total of current palaeontological knowledge). This is the record of the past. However, from careful analysis of the fossil record, there are no recorded instances of one type of animal ever changing into another. We ought to see cats and dogs, and their transitional forms of ‘cogs’ and ‘dats’. There should be no complete division of a cat from a dog. Again, no transitional forms of species can be found. Since Darwin’s time, evolutionists have searched for fossil evidence to support the idea that life forms have evolved. Was Darwin’s theory simply speculation without invaluable fossil proof of transitional forms?

In collaboration with evolutionists, oil companies have drilled wells throughout the world, examining layers of the Earth to depths in excess of 5 miles. Of the millions of fossils unearthed, not one sample of a transitional form has been discovered. Over the years, the research of geology and archaeology have also failed to produce the evidence that supports the claims of evolution.

The best example of a transitional form that evolutionists usually give is of Archaeopteryx. This is supposedly the missing link between reptiles and birds. Evolutionists have misdated and misidentified this extinct bird. Another bird has since been found which has been dated to be 75 million years older than an Archaeopteryx. Therefore, Archaeopteryx cannot be the ancestor of the birds. According to Evolutionists, reptiles are supposed to have converted their scales into feathers. A scale of a reptile is nothing but a fold in the skin. How could a fold in the skin ever have been turned into the intricate design of a feather? Nothing has ever been found to be intermediate between the fold in the reptile’s skin and the feather of a bird.

Because no fossil record exists to confirm evolutionary assumptions, questionable artwork is relied upon and exhibited as fact. Misleading artistic interpretations depict fish magically growing legs and changing into amphibians.

Let us now focus on man. Again, man is supposed to have developed from ape-like creatures. The more I’ve learnt about Palaeontology, the more I believe that Evolution is based on faith alone. To aid evolutionary concepts, artistic depictions have gone beyond ethical boundaries. Despite having no foundation for the ape-to-man theory, scientists and artists continue to deceive the public with life-like but imaginary illustrations. These artists vainly entertain natural progressions of apes to humans, and assume their hair colour, skin tones and facial expressions, from no more than a tooth, a piece of bone or even no evidence at all.

Dr. Donald Johanson, Director of the Institute of Human Origins in Arizona, U.S, discovered the three-and-a-half foot tall Lucy in 1974. Lucy looks like a chimpanzee, and yet there is an alleged ape-to-man missing link. Johanson said that although it is an ape-like creature, it walked upright. Well today, the Bonobo chimpanzee wanders around in the African rainforest, walking upright virtually all the time. So Johanson’s statement of walking upright doesn’t prove anything. In fact, the only features of Lucy that hint at an erect posture are the knee and hip joints. Using computer analysis, Dr. Charles Oxnard concluded that Johanson’s claims for the hip are unfounded, and it must be pointed out that the knee was not even found with Lucy. The knee joint was found over a mile away and 200 feet deeper than the other bones!

Johanson says that the human family and ape family diverged and went on their own individual evolutionary trajectories. He also says that he doesn’t know precisely what the common ancestor was, but it resembled something like Ramapithecus.

However, Ramapithecus was formed out of nothing but a fragment of a jaw and several teeth. Additionally, for many years, Ramapithecus was held up as our ape-like ancestor. Dr. Pilbeam who at Harvard and Yale University, and as Curator of Paleoanthropology at the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, had found around 40 of these Ramapithecus, some fairly complete, said that they are not on the direct line to becoming man at all. They are more like an orangutan. Yet Evolutionists continue to believe that Ramapithecus is an ape-man link.

Another so-called missing link, Java Man (Homo erectus), was devised by Eugene Dubois, when he found an ape-like skull fragment fifty-feet from a human leg bone. However, just before he died, Dubois confessed that he also found two human skulls at the same location. Java Man is still accepted by Evolutionists today and it is presented to the public as a true missing link between ape and man.

Let us look at another of these supposed missing links, Piltdown Man. In this case, a human skull had been created with the jaw of an orangutan with filed teeth. This was done to make the jaw look somewhat human. The whole case of Piltdown Man was a complete hoax.

Neanderthal man was originally found in the Neanderthal valley in Germany. These creatures virtually look modern, but some of them had a stooped and brutish appearance. Upon X-ray examination of the bones, it was discovered they had rickets (defective bone growth), which typically results from a lack of vitamin D or calcium and from insufficient exposure to sunlight. Neanderthals were reclassified from being a separate species, to Homo sapiens – the same as modern man.

Another missing link was called Nebraska Man. Nebraska Man, consisted of nothing but a single tooth. Yet around the single tooth, artistic pictures were drawn of an ape-like creature that had evolved into man. It turned out later that this tooth was actually the tooth of an extinct pig.

It is my belief that Man has always been man. Scientific evidence shows this, and this is consistent with the account

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