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Find A Toad Gift Guide
Find A Toad Gift Guide
Find A Toad Gift Guide
Ebook79 pages31 minutes

Find A Toad Gift Guide

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About this ebook

Sometimes you need a great gift, but don't know where to look. Look no further than the Find A Toad Gift Guide. Based on the gift blog, Find A Toad, this gift guide gives you over 50 live links to sites, stores, and great gift ideas for everyone on your list, and for every occasion. Modernist, fresh, and fun, Find A Toad is gifted gift giving at its best.

For instance, where else can you find a gift recommendation for your therapist? Or, gifts for children that are not only fun, but perhaps heirloom quality? And you don't need to spend a fortune to give a great quality gift; Find A Toad keeps the costs under $200, and most recommendations are way below that.

So don't brave the mall. Order all your gifts online, from smaller stores, using Find A Toad's live links to everything from vintage to electronic toys. It's the easiest way to give a little love.

PublisherJenny Heitz
Release dateNov 18, 2013
Find A Toad Gift Guide

Jenny Heitz

Jenny Heitz started out as a journalist, moved into advertising copywriting, and graduated to her blog, Find A Toad. Basically, she decided she wanted to write about products she liked, rather than writing about stuff to sell more stuff. As The Toad, Jenny searches far and wide for gift ideas that inspire, writes about them in a (hopefully) entertaining fashion, and helps people give good gift. She lives in Los Angeles, and encourages everyone to shop small stores (like the ones she recommends on Find A Toad).

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    Find A Toad Gift Guide - Jenny Heitz


    Find A Toad Gift Guide

    Jenny Heitz

    Copyright 2013 By Jenny Heitz 

    Smashwords Edition

    What is Find A Toad?


    This book is a portal to the greatest gifts you've never heard of.

    Find A Toad began over four years ago as my blog, an attempt to share gift ideas and interesting products I came across. After years of advertising copywriting, essentially writing stuff to sell more stuff, I decided it would be nice to write about products I chose and liked for a change. I also suspected that there was a need out in the world for nicely sourced and reviewed products; many well meaning gifters simply don’t have the time to search for the perfect gift, and Find A Toad made it easier. As toads themselves are low lying, modest, yet enormously useful and beneficial garden creatures, so are the products I feature. To find a toad is to find a hidden gem.

    A Find A Toad blog entry, though, isn’t exactly a review. Sure, some of the items might be things I coveted, some of them I owned and praised through experience. But some of them just shared a certain modernist yet edgy sensibility. Perhaps what I’d term Skewed Swedish, or Bent Bauhaus, or simply Bizarre Bazaar. This isn’t your Grandma’s stuff, and you won’t find too much shabby chic farmhouse warmth here. What you will find is that, if I recommend a kitchen product, it’s a good and useful one, not some nonsense that’ll take up precious drawer space. I like functionality. And my guess is, your giftees will like it, too.

    None of these new eBook entries appear on my blog. I’ve organized the categories simply, from Home and Food to Kid and the Miscellaneous. Mostly, the links go directly to the item pictured for the entry, but it’s likely that, if I’ve chosen an item to feature from a site, that entire site has good stuff. So,use the links to browse around. You might even find your own toad.



    This is Toad’s largest category, simply because these types of gifts are your best shot at success, especially at a lower price point. Face it: it’s way easier to find a high quality, very interesting, wholly practical item for someone’s home than to try and buy them a sweater. Mostly because sweaters, unless they are total schmattes, are insanely expensive. But I digress…

    Here you’ll find plenty of serving pieces, display stuff, kitchen aids, and useless but intriguing decorative items. You will not find food. Food is a different category. Outdoor goods like planters and small,

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