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This Isn't Goodbye
This Isn't Goodbye
This Isn't Goodbye
Ebook54 pages30 minutes

This Isn't Goodbye

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Stay-at-home dad Taylor MacLean chose his life knowing he could rely on the trust fund from his rich grandmother. He didn’t have to work a day in his life. He preferred to take care of his baby daughter Janine and, when he was not busy changing diapers, he would get down to his art studio.

After finishing college, Jamie Selkirk followed his dream to be a photographer. Now working for a famous fashion magazine, Jamie spent more and more of his time away from Taylor and Janine, his husband and daughter. can the couple learn to put each other first before their marriage begins to crumble?

Release dateDec 21, 2013
This Isn't Goodbye

Iyana Jenna

I’m Iyana Jenna and you can call me Iyana. I like writing, romance, and man love so as you can see on this site, you’re mostly going to find m/m stories whether they are for adults or young adults. They are not going to be too heavy on explicit sex, though, as many say that my stories are considered sweet romance.

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    Book preview

    This Isn't Goodbye - Iyana Jenna

    Published by Evernight Publishing at Smashwords

    Copyright© 2013 Iyana Jenna

    ISBN: 978-1-77130-673-7

    Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

    Editor: Avril Ashton


    WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

    This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


    To Marie Buttineau, Stacey Adderley, Sandra Pesso, and everyone in Evernight Publishing for accepting my work, being patient with me, helping me with the marketing of the book, and many more things.

    To Sour Cherry Design, for the sweet and lovely cover art.

    To my editor, Avril Ashton, who keeps pushing me to make the piece a lot better. I learned a lot from you!

    To my beta reader, Susan Foulkes, who never tires of encouraging me about my writing.

    To my dear friend, Trianne, who helped me a lot with this story.

    Last but not least, to you, Readers. Without you this piece would mean nothing. I hope you enjoy it. I always try to do my best for all of you.


    Romance on the Go TM

    Iyana Jenna

    Copyright © 2013

    Chapter One

    Oh Jamie, you're beautiful. I love your eyes and you smell so sweet.

    Jamie stood with his back pressed against the wall with Taylor all over his face and neck. He put his hands under Taylor's shirt, groping, touching, pinching. He loved the choking sounds Taylor made in his throat.

    Taylor's lips hovered over his mouth and Jamie opened it willingly. For a second they breathed the same air before Taylor thrust his tongue between Jamie's lips. Jamie groaned and threw his head back. Here they made out in the stuffy room behind the lab at their school and there was nowhere else he'd rather be.

    Suddenly they heard a loud banging sound from the end of the hall. Taylor and Jamie jerked away from each other.

    "What was that?"

    "Principal Drake lost his temper again?"

    "He never slammed the door that loudly."

    "You know that’s not true. Principal Drake is evil."

    Jamie stared at Taylor. Seriously?

    "Should we check it out?"

    "And get caught for skipping math? No, thanks."

    "Taylor, I don’t think it was Principal Drake."

    Taylor sighed. When are you going to stop being such a good little student? Has everything I taught you meant nothing?

    "I just skipped a class for you."

    "Yeah, and you didn’t enjoy it at all."

    "No. You have a so-so kiss."

    Taylor growled and grabbed Jamie by the waist. Mere inches set their faces apart. Jamie looked at Taylor’s lips and licked his own.

    "What? You want the so-so kiss again?"

    "I just want to make sure I didn’t miss the lesson for nothing."

    Taylor chuckled and lowered his face and claimed Jamie’s mouth. Jamie moaned and closed his eyes, giving himself up to Taylor’s kiss that was far from so-so. He regretted it when Taylor suddenly pulled back.


    "Let’s go check what that sound was about, shall we?"


    "Why are you standing alone in the corner, Jamie

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