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Travelling the Path of Love: Sayings of Sufi Masters
Travelling the Path of Love: Sayings of Sufi Masters
Travelling the Path of Love: Sayings of Sufi Masters
Ebook144 pages2 hours

Travelling the Path of Love: Sayings of Sufi Masters

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With the passion and depth of feeling that belong to lovers, Sufi masters through the centuries have described the soul's journey toward union with God. This collection of sayings, dating from the ninth century to the present day, follows the stages of the journey, allowing the masters to beckon us along this ancient path.
Release dateJan 1, 2014
Travelling the Path of Love: Sayings of Sufi Masters

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    Travelling the Path of Love - Independent Publishers Group


    Sufism is a mystical path of love. It emerged in the Muslim world in the eighth century in small groups of seekers who were known as Wayfarers on the Mystical Path. In their deep passion and longing for God they realized Truth as The Beloved, and therefore also became known as The Lovers of God. Later they were called Sufis, possibly referring to their white woolen garments (Sûf ), or as an indication of their purity of heart (Safâ’ ). These small groups gathered around spiritual teachers and, in time, matured into fraternities and orders, with each order bearing the name of its initiator.

    The essence of the Sufi path is the particular tradition passed down from teacher to disciple in an uninterrupted chain of transmission. Each Sufi order and teacher has certain practices and principles to help the wayfarer on the journey, to keep the fire of longing burning within the heart and the attention focused on the goal. The sayings and writings about the path help the wayfarer to develop the right attitude and qualities, and also to understand inner happenings that are often bewildering and confusing. The ways of love are very different from those of the mind.

    The Sufi path has as its goal the state of union with God. For each traveller the journey to this goal is unique; it is the journey of the alone to the Alone. Yet there are also stages which all seekers pass through, trials, processes of purification and transformation. It is these stages that the Sufi masters, or sheikhs, have attempted to describe. As guides they have mapped out the path of the heart and the mystical states that are experienced along the way.

    The teachings and writings of the Sufis describe the soul’s journey from separation to union with God. With the passion and depth of feeling that belong to lovers they outline the stages of this journey and give advice to other travellers. Sufi literature offers us the richest and most detailed understanding of the relationship of lover and Beloved, a relationship that is at the core of every mystical path.

    Drawing on their own experiences, the Sufi masters describe the inner workings of the path of love. They tell how longing for God burns away our impurities. They remind us that by remembering God we come closer to our eternal essence and that in our moments of utmost despair the Beloved reveals Himself: He who had seemed so distant is discovered closer to you than yourself to yourself. They share their glimpses of the essential oneness of all life and, with simplicity, directness, and humor, describe the paradoxical nature of this mystical journey.

    The ninth-century ecstatic Bâyezîd Bistâmî, who left no writings, is known for his utterances made in a state of divine intoxication, like Glory be to me. How great is my majesty! Al-Junayd, who taught in Baghdad in the ninth century, advocated a path of sobriety and the integration of mysticism into ordinary life. At the same time in Baghdad the prince of lovers, al-Hallâj, spoke of the essential unity of lover and Beloved and was put to death for exclaiming the mystical truth "anâ’l-Haqq" (I am the Absolute Truth). In the eleventh century in Nishapur the great master Abû Sa‘îd ibn Abî-l-Khayr stressed the need to abandon the ego, or nafs, in order to realize the Pure Self.

    These early mystics spoke a direct and simple language different from the more learned and scholarly writings of some of the later Sufis, as, for example, al-Ghazzâlî, who in the late eleventh century worked to reconcile the teachings of Islam, the "sharî‘a, with the mystical path, the tarîqa. A century later ibn ‘Arabî, called the greatest sheikh," and considered by many to be the greatest Muslim exponent of metaphysical doctrine, stressed the existence of One God and the Unity of Being (wahdat al-wujûd ). A few years after ibn ‘Arabî’s death Jalâluddin Rûmî, spiritually awakened by his meeting with the wandering mystic Shams-i Tabrîz, began reciting one of the greatest mystical writings of all time, the Mathnawî, a treasure-house of spiritual lore.

    Rûmî is the most widely read of the Sufi writers, and the contemporary translations of his work have made Sufism more known in the West. But he is only one of the many Sufis who, from the eighth century to the present day, have spoken and written about the path of love, of the pain and the bliss of the heart’s opening to God. Each Sufi master is influenced by those who have gone before him, by the history of the tradition. But more important are the mystic’s own experiences, his individual communion with the Beloved. This is the truth that speaks through their words, whether the direct utterances of the drunken Bâyezid Bistâmî, or the metaphysical work of ibn ‘Arabî.

    Language and culture may change with time and place, but the inner workings of the heart remain the same. The essence of the mystical quest is beyond time and space, beyond all form. What the Sufi masters say about love speaks to all who long for their Real Home. They help to remind us of our divine nature and provide signposts on the way back to our innermost self. These lovers of God speak the direct language of spiritual experience, language that carries the conviction of those who have tasted Truth.

    This selection of Sufi sayings is offered as inspiration for fellow-travellers on whatever path they may be following. The Sufi says that there are as many ways to God as there are human beings, as many as the breaths of the children of God. Within each of us there is the call to open your hidden eyes and come, return to the root of the root of your own self. This journey of the soul is mankind’s most primal dream. It is the deepest purpose of life. On this journey we are in the company of all those who have gone before us. We are guided by their footprints.



    Sufism is defined as truth without form, and the Sufi aspires to become featureless and formless, to be so lost in God that only He remains. But there are certain qualities that belong to these travellers on the path of love.

    The Sufis are folk who have preferred God to everything, so that God has preferred them to everything.


    The Sufi is he who aims, from at first, at reaching God, the Creative Truth. Until he has found what he seeks, he takes no rest, nor

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