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Managing meetings
Managing meetings
Managing meetings
Ebook63 pages24 minutes

Managing meetings

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About this ebook

Everything you wanted to know about Managing Meetings is the essential guide to managers who want to lead and perform well in meetings.

Most people spend too much time in meetings, but they are an essential part of most organisations. When badly organised they
are a source of frustration, and a drain on efficiency. Sometimes they are disaster. However, when properly run they are possibly the most valuable means of communication within an organisation and can ease the formidable task of coordinating and directing diverse activities.

This book spells out the pitfalls, and teaches how to make the most of the opportunities. Whether Chairing, taking minutes or simply participating well, this is the book that will lead you through the steps to managing your meetings.

PublisherJed Stone
Release dateMay 21, 2011
Managing meetings

Jed Stone

I began writing professionally over 40 years ago, when I started work for a traditional English weekly newspaper. The five journalists at the Middleton Guardian sat round a table in the middle of a room no more than 15 metres square. All of life flowed across that table. My first assignment was the Founder's Day Service for a posh girls' school in the town. I was 16 years old and surrounded by about 1,000 girls. This is a tough life, I thought, but someone's got to do it. I've lived in over 30 houses in my short life on earth. And I've had so many jobs, inside and outisde of journalism, that I've lost count. Some of them I've been happy to forget. But I've always kept coming back to journalism in some form or other, whether its writing, editing, design, photography or spin doctoring. I've tried to be serious about making money, but discovered I'm more interested in experiencing life in all its fullness. LIfe's too important to waste with work that has no meaning. You can get in touch with me at most of the time

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    Book preview

    Managing meetings - Jed Stone

    Chapter 1

    How this book will help you

    By the end of this book you will be able to:

    Explain why good meetings are essential for the health of an organisation.

    Identify the key skills in leading meetings.

    Describe the principle rules for productive meetings.

    Understand the place of building relationships in the process of managing meetings.

    Recognise the different types of meeting.

    Involve others in the process of discussion.

    Cope with conflict and opposition.

    Handle difficult people and maintain order.

    Know how to summarise discussion to clarify and assist progress of the meeting.

    Evaluate meetings, delegate responsibility for action, and monitor progress.

    Understand the basic elements of Agenda setting and Minute writing.

    Chapter 2


    If you were to ask yourself how much time do you spend in meetings, preparing for meetings and dealing with the outcomes of meetings you might well come to the conclusion ‘too much!’

    All of us can recall unsatisfactory meetings that seem to exist just in order to erode the time available for ‘real work’.

    But no organisation can operate without meetings. When badly organised they are at best a source of frustration, and a drain on efficiency; and at worse a potential disaster. However, when properly run they are possibly the most valuable means of communication within an organisation - able to ease the formidable task of co-ordinating and directing diverse activities.

    In this book you will learn how to:

    evaluate the purpose of a meeting;

    organise it properly;

    lead it effectively;

    contribute efficiently.

    In other words how to get the best out of meetings, and how to make sure that meetings get the best out of you.

    Chapter 3

    Why do we have meetings?

    The first question we must address is why do we have meetings? In each organisation there are specific reasons, and you can no doubt make a list of the reasons why meetings take place in your work environment. But what are the general purposes served by meetings?


    Make a list of some of the general purposes for having meetings that come to mind.


    You might have thought of examples specific to your own organisation, but which fall into these kinds of areas:

    • to give information

    • to obtain information

    • to bring together knowledge and experience to solve a problem

    • to develop co-operation and influence attitudes

    • to air grievances

    • to take decisions

    Chapter 4

    The benefits of meetings

    This helps us to identify some of the values that can be obtained from meetings. These are some of the benefits meetings offer:

    • participants have the opportunity to devote time to areas either for which they have an aptitude or in which they have a particular interest.

    • more knowledge and experience can be brought together and more information made available than one person could collect in the same time.

    • discussion is often productive because ideas are developed or new solutions proposed through the medium of the meeting itself.

    • job satisfaction can be

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