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Failure of the United States of America.
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USA RIP - emdee
By: emdcando
Copyright 2011 Mitchell Drucker
Smashwords Edition
All rights reserved. Without limiting the right under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the copyright owner.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products that may have been referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication or use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.
Wishing to thank Merali, Jessica, Roberta, Michelle, Erick, Micah, Emily, and Matthew for letting me experience life. And many thanks to all the rest who have touched my life.
While many authors dedicate their books to their family and sometimes their colleagues or friends.
This book is;
Dedicated to the average American
Whom deserves better,
And hang the bastards that have caused us harm.
Table of Contents
The Fall of the Roman American Empire
Part I: The History
Wall Street
Power Corruption and Crime
Politics and Religion
American Leadership
And the Solution
Part II: The American Dream
The American Nightmare
Part III: The Future, Year 2100
The Fall of the Roman American Empire
* Roman Empire
* Greek
* Egyptian
* Aztec
* Babylon
* Persia
* Spanish Empire
* British Empire
* Soviet Union
History clearly demonstrates that highly civilized societies have perished because of greed. What happened to the Roman Empire? What about the Greeks? What about Europe? Isn't the USA next? Or have we already passed that turning point?
Is it the classic American casualty, the American Tragedy, or just plain and simple collateral damage? You decide, you choose, use your best judgment. How about American Greed?
It is a terribly broken and fragile system. Is it beyond repair? Have we gone too far? Life ends as we know it in the USA.
America is in absolute GRIDLOCK! The Politicians have hijacked the American people. Politicians are no better than kidnappers and they are holding the American people hostage for a very high ransom. The ransom cannot be paid and death is imminent.
PART I: The History
What a crime? How is it that politicians, government or municipal employees get great coverage; yet a majority of Americans basically get nothing? How is it that a select few get elevated and get very special treatment?
How is it that Health Care is such a critical issue in the good old USA? Who would have thought that we would give away hundreds of billions of dollars in other parts of the world and then refuse to take care of our own people? It clearly does not make any sense. But then again, does it ever?
Medicare Fraud is rampant. It seems like too many people are stealing billions of dollars from Medicare. And the doctors, health care providers and the general public get screwed once again. Why aren't these people being put in jail? No, just pay a fine and by the way here is your license to steal. Does anybody really understand something called crime? Does anybody really care? Perhaps crime really pays.
Insurance companies are the healthcare giant which continues to go totally uncontrolled. They can decide who gets insured. Let's select the crème of the crop and have those that are less likely to need healthcare get it and deny those that might really need it. Then let's automatically deny every claim at least for the first time. And then if somebody complains, make it real hard until they just give up. Of course everything is a pre-existing condition and therefore is not eligible for insurance anyway. 20%, 30%, even 50% annual increases go unchecked and unjustified. There never is any supporting documentation that justifies these criminal increases. Certainly, most
of the money does not end up in the healthcare system, but rather in the pockets of a select few. Crime??? You be the judge.
Military Heath care is extremely poor for service personnel after the fact. Simply put, we do not take care of our own! How is it possible that we allow this to happen? We allow people in the military to give us a blank check. It is one that is good for their life. And as evidence demonstrates, they frequently give their lives. Yet, too often we deny health benefits for most of the disabled military personnel. We should just step up to the plate and ensure that our own are not in need.
A staff sergeant, Steve, did three tours in Iraq. On his third tour, Steve's Humvee hit an TED (improvised explosive device), roadside. The Humvee was destroyed and four of Steve's fellow soldiers were killed. While Steve's life was spared, he lost his left foot and his left arm. Steve spent the next three months in an Army hospital in Kuwait. Then Steve was shipped home. Steve needed additional surgeries and major rehabilitation at the VA. But things were so screwed up, it took six months to get an appointment for a consultation and another four months to schedule his first surgery. This is not an isolated story. Too many of our soldiers do not and cannot get the appropriate medical care in a timely fashion.
Boehner and McConnell should practice what they preach. They should give up their own government sponsored healthcare. It is time for the politicians to stop using a hatchet instead of a scalpel. The only thing they look to do is chop, chop, unless of course if it directly impacts them. They have never chopped any of their own benefits. Ever wonder why this is the case? Somebody needs to take McConnell and wipe that smirk off his face!
More and more people are going to India or Costa Rica for medical procedures. Medical procedures that usually cost hundreds of thousands of dollars in the USA, usually top out at maybe $2500 in India or Costa Rica. The facilities in India and Costa Rica are state of the art. The care is better than in the USA. Many of the medical staff in Costa Rica are in fact American doctors. In India you might say that perhaps there may be a language barrier. However, most of the medical staff speaks English. How is it any different than all the doctors in the USA that are in fact Indian? An interesting observation!
Drug and pharmacy costs have also sky rocketed. Much of the older population, those over 40, are utilizing Canadian Pharmacies. Canadian Pharmacy pricing is roughly 30% of the cost of the identical medication in the USA. It is the same manufacturer, the same packaging, and in fact the same exact pill or capsule. However, instead of paying $175 in the USA, one might only pay $60 from the Canadian Pharmacy. But now Homeland Security is getting involved and slowing and stopping packages from getting into the USA. Clearly, the American public is getting ripped off again.
Just some frightening simple healthcare facts:
* Two thirds of Americans now say they cannot afford to be sick.
* 49% of Americans say that they have put off or refused medical treatment for a serious condition due to concerns about the cost of their care.
* Between 2000 and 2003, 7 in 10 adults who were driven into debt by medical expenses, had insurance at the time. But their insurance just did not cover all of their expenses and they did not have a back-up plan to take care of the extra bills.
* Rates for family benefits, through employer sponsored healthcare coverage, have increased 73% since 2006. That is three times faster than the average paycheck and twice as much as inflation.
It is beyond one’s comprehension and wildest dream as to how we could let this happen.
Is this supposed to be funny?
First it was management or the wealthy and their greed. Management created jobs that endorsed slavery, sweat shops and child labor. Then the workers rebelled and organized into unions. This was originally successful because it was beneficial to the worker and protected against management policies that were frightening. But then the unions got greedy and demanded more and more. This was also a terrible situation as the union demands and requirements were not sustainable long term. Hence, another failure. Today the pendulum has swung back to the other extreme. Now management virtually has a free hand and does anything and everything. It is again out of control. There never seems to be a happy balance whereby both management and workers can be successful together.
The creation of jobs appears to be anti-American and an oxymoron, at least in America. For sure we have created mega jobs all over the world but not at home. In fact, in America we are truly very efficient at eliminating jobs. America cannot and will not survive without jobs for its citizens. And that means citizens and not illegals! Manufacturing used to be a mainstay of America. This is certainly not true today. In fact there is no mainstay of America today. We used to be a country that had pride in what we made in the USA. Since we no longer manufacture in the USA, we have lost our pride also.
There was a time where research and development was an integral part of the business. Re-investing in the company made sense. But in today's culture, this does not happen often enough. Instead, corporate bleeds everything dry with salaries and bonuses that have crossed the line.
An aggressive strategy to create, protect and ensure jobs in America certainly seems like a top priority But maybe everybody else is so smart and more