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Turkeys: Gobblers of the Americas: 15-Minute Books, #70
Turkeys: Gobblers of the Americas: 15-Minute Books, #70
Turkeys: Gobblers of the Americas: 15-Minute Books, #70
Ebook32 pages10 minutes

Turkeys: Gobblers of the Americas: 15-Minute Books, #70

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You have seen them on your thanksgiving table, but what do you know about turkeys? OK, I don't mean that they taste good. What do you know about their lives?
Turkeys might surprise you, especially the wild ones. Let me tell you about them.
There are two main kinds of turkeys, wild turkeys and tame turkeys. There are many differences between the two kinds of turkeys.
Wild turkeys look different from tame turkeys. The males will have dark feathers that shine in the sunlight. The feathers will even look like they change color. The feathers will shine red, green, copper, or even gold.
Find out more about this amazing animal and learn the answers to these questions:
Can turkeys fly?
What are the differences between wild turkeys and tame turkeys?
Where do wild turkeys sleep?
What is a caruncle?
What is a turkey spur and how long can it become?

Learn what a turkey looks like, where it lives, what it eats, what eats it, how babies are born, and other fun facts.

Ages 7 to 10
All measurements in American and metric. believes in the value of children practicing reading for 15 minutes every day. Our 15-Minute Books give children lots of fun, exciting choices to read, from classic stories, to mysteries, to books of knowledge. Many books are appropriate for hi-lo readers. Open the world of reading to a child by having them read for 15 minutes a day.

Release dateJan 5, 2013
Turkeys: Gobblers of the Americas: 15-Minute Books, #70

Caitlind L. Alexander

Caitlind Alexander is the author of over 60 books for children, including the Jamie and Kendall Broderick Mystery series, the 14 Fun Facts and 101 Fun Facts series, the Wonderful World of Animals Series, and the Miss Jones series. She lives in California where she loves to visit historic places and learn about new things. She also loves to travel and has been all over the world.

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