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Mann's Pharmacovigilance
Mann's Pharmacovigilance
Mann's Pharmacovigilance
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Mann's Pharmacovigilance

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Highly Commended at the BMA Medical Book Awards 2015

Mann’s Pharmacovigilance
is the definitive reference for the science of detection, assessment, understanding and prevention of the adverse effects of medicines, including vaccines and biologics.

Pharmacovigilance is increasingly important in improving drug safety for patients and reducing risk within the practice of pharmaceutical medicine. This new third edition covers the regulatory basis and the practice of pharmacovigilance and spontaneous adverse event reporting throughout the world. It examines signal detection and analysis, including the use of population-based databases and pharmacoepidemiological methodologies to proactively monitor for and assess safety signals. It includes chapters on drug safety practice in specific organ classes, special populations and special products, and new developments in the field.

From an international team of expert editors and contributors, Mann’s Pharmacovigilance is a reference for everyone working within pharmaceutical companies, contract research organisations and medicine regulatory agencies, and for all researchers and students of pharmaceutical medicine.

The book has been renamed in honor of Professor Ronald Mann, whose vision and leadership brought the first two editions into being, and who dedicated his long career to improving the safety and safe use of medicines.

Release dateMar 24, 2014
Mann's Pharmacovigilance

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    Mann's Pharmacovigilance - Elizabeth B. Andrews




    The publication of a third edition of this book in twelve years bear's ample testimony to the continuing importance of pharmacovigilance, the study of the safety of marketed medicines.

    It is also a memorial to the founding editor, Professor Ronald Mann, who sadly died in December 2013, shortly before the new edition appeared. It had already been decided by the new editors to rename the book Mann's Pharmacovigilance, made more prescient by recent events. Ron Mann, as he was universally known, had spent a professional lifetime in the field of drug safety as a regulator, as an educator and as a physician. I had the privilege of working with him at the (then) UK Medicines Control Agency some twenty years ago when the word pharmacovigilance had not even been invented. Ron's quest to instil scientific rigour into the then disorganised field of drug safety represented a great step forward in the regulation of medicines, and the three editions of this book clearly demonstrate this achievement. The title Mann's Pharmacovigilance is richly deserved.

    Over the lifetime of the book, several trends in drug safety have become more evident. We have seen advances in the science of pharmacovigilance and with this, progress in the technology to allow them. Examples such as the electronic submission of case reports and the invention of automated data mining techniques have been matched by greater attention to benefit-risk assessment rather than mere considerations of drug safety, and by emphasis on proactive risk management planning. The frameworks of medicines regulation – the scientific, the legal and the public health – are increasingly accepted not only by major regulatory authorities but by those in the developing world. The role of the patient has become more insistent and that of the health care professional more important.

    Drug safety is no longer the preserve of the regulator and the pharmaceutical industry. These trends are clearly reflected in the changes in the structure of this third edition of Mann's Pharmacovigilance. Three major changes can be seen. First there is evidence of greater global reach, with descriptions of spontaneous reporting systems in many more countries than covered in previous editions. Second, there is more focus on active surveillance using multiple population based databases. There are new chapters on collaborative efforts to enhance signal detection and evaluation. Thirdly, the scope of the book has broadened beyond drugs and medical devices with new chapters on vaccine surveillance and the evaluation of the safety of biologics. In many respects, vaccine safety practice is more effective than that of medicines; we should also question whether the techniques of medicines surveillance as currently applied are appropriate for biopharmaceutical products, or whether a new approach is needed.

    Ron Mann would have approved of these changes.

    Alasdair Breckenridge

    January 2014


    Introduction: Updated from Second Edition

    Ronald D. Mann

    University of Southampton, Waterlooville, Hampshire, UK

    Elizabeth B. Andrews

    RTI Health Solutions, Research Triangle Institute, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA and School of Public Health and School of Pharmacy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC, USA


    Pharmacovigilance – the study of the safety of marketed drugs under the practical conditions of clinical use in large communities – involves the paradox that what is probably the most highly regulated industry in the world is, from time to time, forced to remove approved and licensed products from the market because of clinical toxicity. Why is such close regulation not effective in preventing the withdrawal of licensed products? The question has been with us from the very early days of the 1960s and remains with us today, and its consideration tells us a great deal about pharmacovigilance.

    The greatest of all drug disasters was the thalidomide tragedy of 1961–1962. Thalidomide had been introduced, and welcomed, as a safe and effective hypnotic and anti-emetic. It rapidly became popular for the treatment of nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy. Tragically, the drug proved to be a potent human teratogen that caused major birth defects in an estimated 10 000 children in the countries in which it was widely used in pregnant women. The story of this disaster has been reviewed elsewhere (Mann, 1984).

    The thalidomide disaster led, in Europe and elsewhere, to the establishment of the drug regulatory mechanisms of today. These mechanisms require that new drugs shall be licensed by well-established regulatory authorities before being introduced into clinical use. This, it might be thought, would have made medicines safe – or, at least, acceptably safe. But Table 1.1 summarizes a list of 46 licensed medicines withdrawn, after marketing, for drug safety reasons since the mid 1970s in the UK.

    Table 1.1  Drugs withdrawn in the UK by the marketing authorization holder or suspended or revoked by the Licensing Authority, 1975–2010.

    Why should the highly regulated pharmaceu­­tical industry need, or be compelled, to withdraw licensed medicines for drug safety reasons? Why do these problems of licensed products being found toxic continue despite the accumulated experience of more than 50 years since the thalidomide tragedy?

    Partly, the problem is one of numbers. For example, the median number of patients contributing data to the clinical safety section of new drug licensing applications in the UK is only just over 1500 (Rawlins and Jefferys, 1991). Increasing regulatory demands for additional information before approval have presumably increased the average numbers of patients in applications, especially for new chemical entities; nevertheless, the numbers remain far too small to detect uncommon or rare adverse drug reactions (ADRs), even if these are serious.

    The size of the licensing applications for important new drugs cannot be materially increased without delaying the marketing of new drugs to an extent damaging to diseased patients. Thus, because of this problem with numbers, drug safety depends very largely on the surveillance of medicines once they have been marketed.

    A second reason for difficulty is that the kinds of patients who receive licensed medicines are very different from the kinds of volunteers and patients in whom premarketing clinical trials are undertaken. The patients in formal clinical trials almost always have only one disease being treated with one drug. The drug, once licensed, is likely to be used in an older group of patients, many of whom will have more than one disease and be treated by polypharmacy. The drug may also be used in pediatric patients, who are generally excluded from initial clinical trials. The formal clinical trials may be a better test of efficacy than they are of safety under the practical conditions of everyday clinical usage.

    A third problem is that doctors may be slow or ineffective in detecting and reporting adverse drug effects. Many of the drugs summarized in Table 1.1 were in widespread, long-term use before adverse reactions were detected, and even now hospital admissions due to ADRs have shown an incidence of between 2.4% and 3.6% of all admissions in Australia, with similar or greater figures in France and the USA (Pouyanne et al., 2000). Even physicians astute in detecting adverse drug effects are unlikely to identify effects of delayed onset.

    A fourth reason for difficulty is that drugs are often withdrawn from the market for what may be very rare adverse effects – too infrequent by far to have shown up in the pre-licensing studies – and we do not yet have effective means in place for monitoring total postmarketing safety experience. This situation may well change as large comprehensive databases such as the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD, formerly the GPRD) in the UK and the Mini-Sentinel Network of databases in the USA become more widely used for signal detection and evaluation. These databases record, in quite large and representative populations, all usage of many specific medicines and clinical outcomes and can be used to systematically screen for and evaluate serious adverse events. Because they contain comprehensive information on some important data, such as age, sex, dose, and clinical events on all patients in the represented population, they are systematic compared with spontaneous reporting systems. They may offer a better chance of detecting long-latency adverse reactions, effects on growth and development, and other such forms of adverse experience.

    Some of the difficulties due to numbers, patient populations, and so on were recognized quite early. The Committee on Safety of Drugs in the United Kingdom (established after the thalidomide disaster, originally under the chairmanship of Sir Derrick Dunlop, to consider drug safety whilst the Medicines Act of 1968 was being written) said – quite remarkably – in its last report (for 1969 and 1970) that no drug which is pharmacologically effective is without hazard. Furthermore, not all hazards can be known before a drug is marketed. This then has been known for over 40 years. Even so, many prescribers still seem to think that licensed drugs are safe, and they are surprised when a very small proportion of licensed drugs have to be withdrawn because of unexpected drug toxicity. Patients themselves may have expectations that licensed drugs are completely safe rather than having a safety profile that is acceptably safe in the context of the expected benefit and nature of the underlying health condition.

    The methodological problems have been long recognized. The Committee on Safety of Medicines, the successor in the UK to the Dunlop Committee, investigating this and related problems, established a Working Party on Adverse Reactions. This group, under the chairmanship of Professor David Grahame-Smith, published its second report in July 1985. The report supported the continua­­tion of methods of spontaneous reporting by professionals but recommended that postmarket­­ing surveillance studies should be undertaken on newly-marketed drugs intended for widespread long-term use; the report also mentioned record-linkage methods and prescription-based methods of drug safety surveillance as representing areas of possible progress (Mann, 1987).

    Similar reviews and conclusions have emerged from the USA since the mid 1970s. A series of events in the USA recently created a resurgence of interest in drug safety evaluation and management. The Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA) of 1992 provided additional resources at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for drug reviews through user fees and established target time-lines for FDA reviews. The shorter approval times led to some medications being approved sooner in the USA than in Europe, in contrast to the pre-PDUFA experience. A few highly visible drug withdrawals led to a perception that perhaps drugs were being approved too quickly. Lazarou et al. (1998) published the results of a meta-analysis that estimated that 106 000 fatal adverse reactions occurred in the USA in 1994. This and other articles (Wood et al., 1998) stimulated considerable public, congressional, and regulatory attention on reducing the societal burden of drug reactions and medication errors (FDA, 1999; Institute of Medicine, 1999; United States General Accounting Office, 2000). As a result, greater attention and resources are currently being devoted to signal generation and evaluation by the FDA, industry, and academic centers. Moreover, efforts are underway to develop better tools to manage recognized risks through a variety of interventions, such as communications with healthcare providers and patients, restricted product distribution systems, and other mechanisms. Additional effort is being focused on measuring the success of these risk-management interventions. This new initiative represents a fundamental shift in the safety paradigm in the USA and offers new challenges to pharmacovigilance professionals. In fact, the shift is not restricted to the USA, as both the FDA and the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) in 2005 issued guidance documents for industry on signal detection, evaluation, good pharmacovigilance practice and recommendations for managing risks after the approval (FDA, 2005a–c).

    Even more recently, in December 2010, new pharmacovigilance legislation (Regulation (EU) No 1235/2010 and Directive 2010/84) was adopted by the European Parliament and European Council bringing sweeping changes to the European pharmacovigilance system ( Changes were aimed at strengthening the safety monitoring process, clarifying and simplifying roles, improving safety decision-making, and enhancing transparency. The legislation also strengthened the legal basis for requiring post-approval safety studies. The new legislation is being implemented through a series of good pharmacovigilance practices guidances (

    We have long recognized then that the safety of patients depends not only on drug licensing by regulatory bodies, but also on postmarketing drug safety surveillance, pharmacovigilance. It is also important to note that the same postmarketing information needed to confirm new safety signals is also needed to refute signals and protect the ability of patients to benefit from needed medicines that may be under suspicion due to spurious signals.

    Diagnosing Adverse Drug Reactions

    There are two types of ADRs. Type A reactions are common, predictable, usually dose- dependent, and appear as excessive manifestations of the normal pharmacology/toxicology of the drug; they are seldom fatal. Type B reactions are uncommon, unpredictable, often independent of dose, and usually represent abnormal manifestations of the drug's pharmacology/toxicology; they involve relatively high rates of serious morbidity and mortality.

    ADRs frequently mimic ordinary diseases and, if they are uncommon, may easily be overlooked. They tend to affect the skin, hematopoietic system, and lining of the gut (situations in which there is rapid cell multiplication) or the liver or kidneys (where drugs are detoxified and excreted). These special sites are frequently involved in iatrogenic (doctor-induced), type B illnesses, such as toxic epidermal necrolysis, aplastic anemia, pseudomembranous colitis, drug- induced hepatitis, or nephritis.

    A high index of suspicion is needed if ADRs are to be successfully diagnosed. The clinician always has to think: Could this be drug-induced – is this an ADR? The question is important, for withdrawal of the cause of an ADR is usually essential.

    Iatrogenic ADRs are usually uncommon or rare, and this adds to the difficulty of diagnosis. Some are avoidable, such as skin rashes in patients with glandular fever given ampicillin. Some are accidental, such as the non-iatrogenic disaster of an asthmatic given a beta-adrenergic blocking agent by another member of the family. It is a truism that the detection of common or uncommon ADRs requires vigilance. Many of the known serious ADRs have been recognized by astute clinicians with a high level of awareness, and such awareness is likely to be just as important as new methods of pharmacovigilance are developed as it has been in the past.

    Linked with this problem of diagnosing ADRs is the problem of understanding them. Why does one patient in 10 000 get some bizarre type B reaction and the rest of this population not get it? Clearly, our increasing knowledge of clinical pharmacology, drug metabolism, and genetics will contribute to our understanding of these things, and these subjects are explored in many of the chapters in this book.

    Current Methods of Pharmacovigilance

    Pharmacoepidemiology is the study of the use of, and effects of, drugs in large numbers of people. As the term implies, this form of enquiry uses the methods of epidemiology; it is concerned with all aspects of the benefit/risk ratio of drugs in populations. Pharmacovigilance is a branch of pharmacoepidemiology but is restricted to the study, on an epidemiological scale, of drug events or adverse reactions.

    Events, in this context, are happenings recorded in the patient's notes during a period of drug monitoring; they may be because of the disease for which the drug is being given, some other intercurrent disease or infection, an adverse reaction to the drug being monitored, or the activity of a drug being given concomitantly. They can also be because of drug–drug interactions.

    Public health surveillance methods are used to identify new signals of possible ADRs. Studies in pharmacoepidemiology are intended to be either hypothesis generating or hypothesis testing, or to share these objectives. Hypothesis-generating studies, with a recently marketed drug, aim to detect unexpected ADRs; hypothesis-testing studies aim to prove whether any suspicions that may have been raised are justified.

    Hypothesis-Generating Methods

    Spontaneous Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting

    Doctors (in some countries, other healthcare professionals, and patients as well) are provided with forms upon which they can notify a central authority of any suspected ADRs that they detect. In the UK, the yellow card has been used for this purpose since 1964. Similar forms are provided in the FP10 prescriptions pads, the British Na­­tional Formulary, and other sources. In the USA, the MedWatch form is used and is made broadly available to health professionals to encourage reporting.

    The great strength of spontaneous reporting is that it operates for all drugs throughout the whole of their lifetime; it is the only affordable method of detecting really rare ADRs. The data may represent merely the suspicions of the reporter, but they provide the opinion of a doctor or health professional attending a real-life patient. The main weaknesses are that there is gross underreporting, and the data provide a numerator (the number of reports of each suspected reaction) only. Moreover, some case reports are described in the medical literature but may not be reported by the clinician; such published case reports are subsequently reported by industry sponsors through the spontaneous reporting system. Nevertheless, the scheme is invaluable, and it is essential that health professionals should be provided with the means of reporting their suspicions.

    Spontaneous reporting has led to the identification and verification of many unexpected and serious ADRs. These findings have resulted in many marketed drugs being withdrawn or additional information being provided to guide safer use of the product.

    A variety of formal epidemiological studies can be undertaken to generate or test hypotheses.

    Prescription–Event Monitoring

    Prescription–event monitoring (PEM), as conducted in the UK and New Zealand, represents a hybrid method, combining aspects of public health surveillance and spontaneous reporting with aspects of formal epidemiological studies. In the UK, this important technique takes advantage of many features of the British National Health Service (NHS). Within the NHS, prescriptions written by general practitioners are sent, once they have been dispensed, to a central Prescription Pricing Authority (PPA). The PPA provides confidential copies of certain prescriptions for newly introduced drugs that are being monitored to the Drug Safety Research Unit (DSRU) at Southampton. At 6 or 12 months after the first prescription for an individual drug in an individual patient, the DSRU sends a green form questionnaire to the general practitioner who wrote the original prescription. Changing requirements regarding confidentiality and the effect that these have had on PEM are discussed in the appropriate chapter of this volume.

    Thus, the prescriptions provide the exposure data showing which patients have been exposed to the drug being monitored, and the green forms provide the outcome data showing any events noted during the period of monitoring. Pregnancies, deaths, or events of special interest can be followed up by contact between the DSRU and the prescribing doctor who holds, within the NHS, the lifetime medical record of all of their registered patients.

    The great strengths of this method are that it provides a numerator (the number of reports) and a denominator (the number of patients exposed), both being collected over a precisely known period of observation. Furthermore, nothing happens to interfere with the doctor's decision regarding which drug to prescribe for each individual patient, and this avoids selection biases, which can make data interpretation difficult. The main weakness of PEM is that only 50–70% of the green forms are returned, and the experience of the patients whose forms are not returned may differ from those returned. In addition, because PEM limits follow-up to 6 or 12 months, it cannot identify events of long latency. Thus, it is of great importance that doctors should continue to support the scheme by returning those green forms that they receive.

    So far, some 100 drugs have been studied by PEM, and the average number of patients included in each study (the cohort size) has been over 10 000. This is a substantial achievement and a tribute to the general practitioners who have participated. PEM in the UK and a similar program in New Zealand are unique in providing a monitored-release program that can detect or help refute new signals in the early life of a medicine.

    Considerable interest centers around those patients who produce major ADRs that are too rare to be detected in cohorts of around 10 000 patients. How many of these patients have inborn errors of metabolism or other rarities that reflect features of the patient rather than the drug? We do not have adequate facilities to investigate the genetic and metabolic features of those patients who produce these very rare type B adverse reactions.

    Other Hypothesis-Generating Methods

    Other systematic methods are used in signal generation. In some cases, data being collected for general public health surveillance, such as cause-of-death files, cancer registries, and birth defect registries are used to identify patterns of events that might be associated with medication use. Other programs, such as case–control surveillance of birth defects, conducted by the Slone Epidemiology Center, screen for potential associations between birth defects and prescription and over-the-counter medications. Analytic methods – data mining techniques – that allow screening of enormous amounts of data for patterns that might deviate from expected are being applied to spontaneous reporting databases, databases on potential drug abuse and diversion, and large population-based health records. Considerable advances are being made in the development and refinement of analytic methods for identification and exploration of potential safety signals in large databases as well as in the aggregation of information across many data sources. Several chapters are devoted to these methods.

    Hypothesis-Testing Methods

    Case–Control and Case–Crossover Studies

    Studies of this type compare cases with a disease with controls susceptible to the disease but free of it. Using this method, the research compares the exposure rate in the cases with the exposure rate in the controls, adjusting statistically for factors that may confound the association. As with any formal epidemiological or clinical study, great care has to be taken in the design. Special attention is needed in case definition so that the cases truly represent the specific outcome of interest (e.g., Stevens–Johnson syndrome, not all cases of rash). It is also important to select an appropriate control group that represents the population that gave rise to the cases. Careful design can minimize the amount of bias in a study; adequate control in the analysis is also important. Case–control studies have provided a substantial body of evidence for major drug safety questions. Two notable examples are studies that demonstrated the association between aspirin and Reye's syndrome (Hurwitz et al., 1987) and the evaluation of diethylstilbestrol (DES) and vaginal cancer in the offspring of mothers who took DES in pregnancy (Herbst et al., 1974, 1975). Moreover, a case–control study established the protective effects of prenatal vitamin supplementation on the development of neural tube defects (Werler et al., 1993). The final results of these studies present a measure of the risk of the outcome associated with the exposure under study – expressed as the odds ratio. Only in very special circumstances can the absolute risk be determined. Clearly, a fairly small increase in the risk of a common, serious condition (such as breast cancer) may be of far greater public health importance than a relatively large increase in a small risk (such as primary hepatic carcinoma).

    Case–control studies are more efficient than cohort studies, because intensive data need only be collected on the cases and controls of interest. Case– control studies can often be nested within existing cohort or large clinical trial studies. A nested case–control study affords the ability to quantify absolute risk while taking advantage of the inherent efficiency of the case–control design.

    The case–crossover design is a design very useful for the evaluation of events with onset shortly after treatment initiation. In this design, cases, but not controls, are identified. A drug association is evaluated through comparing frequency of exposure at the time of the event with frequency of exposure at a different time for the same individuals. This design is less subject to bias than case–control studies because individuals serve as their own controls. As with case– control studies, unless the experience is nested within a larger cohort, it is not possible to estimate the absolute rate of events. For special circumstances, the case–crossover design is a very powerful design in pharmacoepidemiology.

    Cohort Studies

    These studies involve a large body of patients followed up for long enough to detect the outcome of interest. Cohort studies generally include an exposed and unexposed group, but there are also single-exposure, disease or general population follow-up studies and registries. Studies must be designed to minimize potential biases. An advantage of the cohort study is its ability to quantify both an absolute risk and a relative risk. Cohort studies can be conducted prospectively, but such studies are usually expensive and time consuming. Retrospective cohort studies can be conducted within large existing databases, providing the advantage of the cohort study design and the efficiencies inherent in studies using existing records. Case–control studies are particularly useful to confirm a safety signal relating to a rare event (less than 1/1000). Cohort studies are useful when the outcome has not already been identified or when multiple outcomes are of interest. Both case–control and cohort studies can be conducted within large existing databases, assuming the required information is available.

    An example of methodologies can be found in the Medicines Evaluation and Monitoring Organization (MEMO). MEMO achieves record linkage by joining together general practitioner prescription data (the exposure data) with hospital discharge summaries (the outcome data). This activity takes place in Tayside, Scotland, where (uniquely in the UK) all patients have a personal Community Health Number (CHNo), which is widely used by NHS facilities of all types. Advantages include completeness, freedom from study-introduced bias in data collection, and timely availability of data for analysis. MEMO is an example of the types of databases that have been established since the mid 1970s that utilize data collected for other purposes. These databases have been used to detect and quantitatively evaluate hypotheses regarding safety signals.

    Data resources now exist in many countries, especially in North America and western Europe. Some examples of these data resources and application of these databases to answer important safety questions will be described in further chapters.

    It has been recognized that single databases, such as those available to MEMO or CPRD, even if they include information on several million individuals in their base population, have limited numbers of patients on specific medications to fully identify or characterize some important risks. Initiatives in western Europe and the USA have encouraged the development of collaborative studies across databases. The EMA coordinates the European Network of Centres of Excellence in Pharmacoepidemiology (ENCePP), which includes over 150 research organizations, special networks, and providers. ENCePP facilitates high-quality research across multiple research sites and multiple large databases. Through the Sentinel initiative in the USA, the FDA has created a network of researchers and databases in its mini-sentinel project that includes 17 data partners and data from nearly 100 million individuals (FDA, 2013). The aim of the project is to improve the FDA's ability to monitor the safety of drugs, biologicals, and devices, initially facilitating rapid response to safety signals with robust epidemiologic evaluations.

    Randomized Controlled Trials

    In this method of study, a group of patients is divided into two in strictly random order; one group is then exposed and the other not exposed, so that the outcomes can be compared. The method is of great importance because random assignment of treatment removes some of the biases possible in observational studies. It is, however, of only limited (but important) use as a pharmacoepidemiological tool because most serious ADRs are relatively uncommon; randomized controlled trials used in such contexts can, therefore, become unmanageably large and expensive. Large, simple trials have become more common over the last decade in evaluating safety and efficacy in special circumstances, such as vaccine development, hor­mone replacement therapy, and treatments for common cardiovascular conditions. The availability of large healthcare databases containing information on health outcomes could enable the conduct of randomized naturalistic studies through randomization of marketed treatments across different healthcare sites. This hybrid approach combines the advantages of randomization with the noninterventional follow-up for short- and long-term outcomes through the databases.


    Current progress in pharmacovigilance is marked by increasing use of databases and by attempts to make the process more proactive and organized. Attempts are being made to augment the spontaneous, random nature of the generation of pharmacovigilance data and to make the process more systematic and structured. These changes are emphasized by the recent guidance documents for industry by both the EMA and FDA on pharmacovigilance planning and risk management, as well as new research initiatives. This emphasis on planning a pharmacovigilance program for a drug and trying thoughtfully to minimize risk appears constructive and, to some of us, long overdue. It is notable that the emphasis on proactive safety planning is linked with an expectation that the suspicions arising from spontaneous reporting will rapidly be tested by formal pharmacoepidemiological studies conducted in organized and validated databases or prospective studies.

    It is in everyone's interest to develop safe and effective medicines and provide access to patients for whom benefits will outweigh harms. Post-approval surprises, such as drug withdrawals, are not innocent of harm for the drug is precipitously denied to large numbers of patients who found it safe and effective. There has been a coming together of academic, regulatory, and industrial interests across many countries to produce the guidance documents mentioned above, as well as good practice guidelines for the conduct of pharmacopepidemiology studies (International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology, 2004).


    FDA (1999) Managing the Risks from Medical Product Use: Creating a Risk Management Framework. US Food and Drug Administration, Washington, DC. URL [accessed 28 Feb­ruary 2014].

    FDA (2005a) Guidance for Industry: E2E Pharmacovigilance Planning. URL [accessed on 24 December 2013].

    FDA (2005b) Guidance for Industry: Good Pharma­covigilance Practices and Pharmacoepidemiologic Assessment. URL [accessed on 24 December 2013].

    FDA (2005c) Guidance for Industry: Development and Use of Risk Minimization Action Plans. URL [accessed on 24 December 2013].

    FDA (2013) FDA's Sentinel Initiative. US Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD. URL [accessed on 24 December 2013].

    Herbst, A.L., Robboy, S.J., Scully, R.E., & Poskanzer, D.C. (1974) Clear-cell adenocarcinoma of the vagina and cervix in girls: analysis of 170 registry cases. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 119, 713–724.

    Herbst, A.L., Poskanzer, D.C., Robboy, S.J. et al. (1975) Prenatal exposure to stilbestrol. A prospective comparison of exposed female offspring with unexposed controls. N Engl J Med, 292, 334–339.

    Hurwitz, E.S., Barrett, M.J., Bregman, D. et al. (1987) Public Health Service study of Reye's syndrome and medications. Report of the main study. JAMA, 257 (14), 1905–1911; erratum, JAMA, 257 (24), 3366.

    Institute of Medicine (1999) To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System. National Academy Press, Washington, DC.

    International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology (2004) Guidelines for Good Pharmacoepidemiology Practices (GPP). International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology, Bethesda, MD. URL

    Lazarou, J.B., Pomeranz, H., & Corey, P.N. (1998) Incidence of adverse drug reactions in hospitalized patients: a meta-analysis of prospective studies. JAMA, 279, 1200–1205.

    Mann, R.D. (1984) Modern Drug Use – An Enquiry on Historical Principles, pp. 597–619. MTP Press (Kluwer Academic), Lancaster, UK.

    Mann, R.D. (1987) The yellow card data: the nature and scale of the adverse drug reactions problem. In: R. D. Mann (ed.), Adverse Drug Reactions, pp. 59–63. Parthenon Publishing, Carnforth, UK.

    Pouyanne, P., Haramburu, F., Imbs, J.L., & Begaud, B. (2000) Admissions to hospital caused by adverse drug reactions: cross sectional incidence study. BMJ, 320, 1036.

    Rawlins, M.D. & Jefferys, D.B. (1991) Study of United Kingdom product licence applications containing new active substances, 1987–89. BMJ, 302, 223–225.

    United States General Accounting Office (2000) Adverse Drug Events: The Magnitude of Health Risk is Uncertain Because of the Limited Incidence Data. Report GAO/HEHS-00-21. US General Accounting Office, Washington, DC.

    Werler, M.M., Shapiro, S., &Mitchell, A.A. (1993) Periconceptional folic acid exposure and risk of occurrent neural tube defects. JAMA, 269 (10), 1257–1261.

    Wood, A.J., Stein, C.M., & Woosley, R.L. (1998) Making medicines safer – the need for an independent drug safety board. N Engl J Med, 339, 1851–1854.


    History of Pharmacovigilance

    Judith K. Jones

    The Degge Group, Ltd, Arlington, VA, USA; University of Michigan School of Public Health Summer Sessions, Ann Arbor, MI, USA; Georgetown University School of Medicine, Washington DC, USA and Eudipharm, University of Lyon, Lyon, France

    Elyse Kingery

    The Degge Group, Ltd, Arlington, VA, USA

    Early History of Drug Safety

    If Hippocrates' warning from the 4th century


    not to use medicines during early pregnancy had been heeded, the thalidomide tragedy over two millennia later might have been avoided, and our system of pharmacovigilance might be very different than it is today. In reality, though, thalidomide and the birth defects it caused when given to pregnant women in their first trimester was a major tragic event that transformed how we look at the safety and efficacy of our medicines.

    Hippocrates was not alone in observing the impacts of medicines on humans. The knowledge that medicines may cause harm dates back to ancient times. Instances of warnings and consequences are recorded in historic documents, as are suggested practice and regulatory measures to avoid them.

    Homer, Ovid, and Horace in the centuries


    refer to the effects of medicinal plants as both beneficial and harmful. In Eastern lore, the Yellow Emperor's Book of Medicine, thought to be compiled between 800 and 200


    , says that there are toxic herbs and non-toxic ones and suggests proper uses. In the early Middle Ages, Persian apothecaries knowledgeable about the risks and benefits of opium and henbane and many remedies compiled the 23-volume Continens Medicinae, wherein Abu Bakr Muhammad Ibn Zakariya al-Razi recommended animal testing. Around 1200 AD, Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II established regulations on prescribers and medicines. These included university education and passage of a public examination by physicians before practicing medicine; certification of apothecaries by a physician; regular inspection of apothecaries' drugs and mixtures; and having medical plant farmers pledge to prepare materials carefully. Apothecaries whose treatment caused a patient's death were executed (Stephens, 2010).

    Recent History


    More recently (the 1800s to the mid 1900s) drug safety was defined by crises and legislative reactions. Unproven treatments could be given by physicians or sold directly to patients and potentially result in serious or fatal injuries. News of patients suffering permanent injuries or dying created uproars. Lawmakers and regulators responded with new laws and increasing levels of drug product regulation to protect public health by preventing and/or reducing harm with their use. This task continues today.

    Determining true safety and efficacy of medicines has historically been confounded by lack of uniform regulations to define criteria for efficacy of medicines. While safety regulations have progressed, firm reproducible criteria for demonstrating safety are still works in progress, as are criteria for effectiveness and benefit/risk of medicines.

    Our understanding of what is safe has also evolved. Arsenic and mercury were used in the 19th century to treat a variety of illnesses from syphilis to leukemia. Medical experts recommended treating through side effects, believing the adverse events (AEs) were a sign that the therapeutic dose had been reached and the drug was working (Avorn, 2012).

    Serious drug scandals that occurred from 1848 until the mid 1900s focused the need for laws to protect patients from unsafe medicines and spurred establishment of governmental agencies and regulations to oversee drug manufacture, distribution, and prescribing practices. Tragedies involving children were particularly emotionally charged and provoked action. In 1848, a 15-year-old girl in England died from chloroform anesthesia during treatment for an ingrown toenail (Routledge, 1998). The Lancet then established a commission inviting physicians in Britain and its colonies to submit reports of anesthesia-related deaths – the forerunner of current spontaneous reporting systems.

    In the USA in 1901, 13 children died from contaminated diphtheria antitoxin. Passage of the Biological Control Act in 1902 followed quickly. Its goal was to ensure purity and safety of serums, vaccines, and other products (Lilienfeld, 2008).

    Soon thereafter, public outcry about medicines quickly followed a series of 10 articles on the pharmaceutical industry in the widely read Colliers Magazine in 1905. Publication of Upton Sinclair's book The Jungle on the meatpacking and pharmaceutical industries the following year further increased public concern. The result was the Pure Food and Drugs Act of 1906 (P.L. 59-384, June 30, 1906), which prohibited interstate commerce of adulterated food and drugs and regulated labeling. It contained no safety or efficacy requirements, but did give the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) some authority to withdraw drugs from the marketplace.

    Tragedy struck in 1937 when 105 people, including 34 children, died after a new liquid formulation of sulfanilamide was distributed in the USA (Ballentine, 1981; Wax, 1995). Anti-infective sulfanilamide tablets and powders had been used for years to treat streptococcal infections, but it was reformulated into a raspberry-flavored elixir when the manufacturer envisioned a more palatable form especially for children. Patient deaths from kidney failure were reported to the American Medical Association (AMA) by physicians within a month. The AMA laboratory isolated the toxin used – ethylene glycol – antifreeze – and issued a warning to physicians. Only then was the FDA alerted and dispatched to collect unused product. A charge of mislabeling was the only then-available legal recourse against the manufacturer, as labeling it an Elixir falsely implied it contained alcohol. At that time, selling poisonous drugs was not illegal, but misbranding was. It was noted at the time that lack of physician knowledge and education in medical schools in pharmacology contributed to the problem (Avorn, 2012); this shortcoming continues to contribute to drug safety problems today.

    Turning Point: The Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetics Act

    The sulfanilamide incident prompted an abrupt realization of the need for a change in the FDA's focus from that of a watchdog agency concerned primarily with confiscating misbranded products. A new role envisioned an FDA responsible for regulating potentially hazardous medical products. The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act (FDCA) was enacted in 1938. Its passage was a major turning point. Prior to the FDCA, there was little regulation of safety or efficacy of drug products, no oversight of their manufacture, and few penalties for perpetrators of fraud and tragedy. The FDCA began the government's attempt to examine the risk–benefit profile of medical products.

    The FDCA required proof of safety through a new drug application (NDA) and gave FDA authority over cosmetics and therapeutic devices. Adequate directions for use and warnings were to be on the labeling. Penalties, including injunctions, seizures, and prosecution in cases of negligence and willful misconduct on the part of manufacturers were specified. Prior to enactment, the FDA was required to prove that manufacturers intended to defraud; but the FDCA empowered the FDA to pursue manufacturers when deemed appropriate. However, the law did not require proof of efficacy, nor did it specifically restrict distribution and use of investigational drugs. This last omission became important in the USA two decades later when pregnant women were treated with an investigational drug with then unknown severe adverse effects.

    Each step toward regulating drugs brought new levels of government oversight and rules that industry saw as intrusive, restrictive, and damaging to profits. Nonetheless, government involvement and oversight increased; with new drug safety problems, laws were enacted and regulations became more clearly defined. In concert, physicians disseminated information when a safety issue became apparent.

    Gradual Increase in Regulatory Authority

    Gradually, the realization that increased drug safety regulation could help protect public health became clear. Congress found ways to expand the FDA's authority in the late 1940s and early 1950s. An important step was the Durham–Humphrey Amendment of 1951 (Food, Drug and Cosmetics Act Amendments of 1951 (P.L. 82-215, October 26, 1951)). These amendments authorized separation of drugs into two types – drugs that could be used safely without the assistance of a physician and drugs needing a physician's prescription. Drugs sold without prescriptions became known as over-the-counter (OTC) drugs.

    During WWII, the need for treatment of battlefield infections spurred antibiotic development, which accelerated in the 1950s. These drugs brought about a revolution in effective treatments for once-fatal infections.

    But safety issues developed, too, including allergic reactions and other adverse effects, such as those associated with chloramphenicol, a broad-spectrum antibiotic. One year after its 1949 approval, reports of bone marrow hypoplasia and death from aplastic anemia (blood dyscrasia) were reported in patients (Rich et al., 1950; Claudon and Holbrook, 1952; Wilson et al., 1952). In 1952, the FDA authored a paper that recommended (1) changes to the label and (2) that the drug should not be used for minor infections. However, no formal regulatory action was taken. In response to the FDA's modest action, the AMA together with the American Hospital Association and the American Pharmacists Association set up a blood dyscrasia registry to better track patients with this reaction. Shortly thereafter, in 1955, the FDA began requiring that an NDA include safety reports detailing each individual treated with the drug (Stephens, 2010).

    Tectonic Shift: Thalidomide

    The thalidomide disaster of the late 1950s and early 1960s caused the single biggest change to regulation of drugs worldwide. Thalidomide's AEs shifted the focus of drug safety worldwide from reactive to proactive. It led to development of regulations mandating specific safety surveillance before marketing, as well as postmarketing pharmacovigilance activities, including reporting

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