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Ebook389 pages5 hours


Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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  • Family

  • Identity

  • Survival

  • Rebellion

  • Grief & Loss

  • Forbidden Love

  • Chosen One

  • Star-Crossed Lovers

  • Dystopian Society

  • Rebellion Against the Empire

  • Love Triangle

  • Fish Out of Water

  • Mentor

  • Mentorship

  • Hidden Identity

  • Betrayal

  • Space Exploration

  • Self-Discovery

  • Love

  • Secrets & Lies

About this ebook

In this futuristic, outer space thriller that #1 New York Times bestselling author Veronica Roth calls “richly imagined” and “beautifully written,” Terra has to decide between supporting the rebellion she believes in—and saving the life of the boy she loves.

“This richly textured first novel deserves to be widely read” (Publishers Weekly).

For generations, those aboard the Asherah have lived within strict rules meant to help them survive the journey from a doomed Earth to their promised land, the planet Zehava—which may or may not be habitable, a question whose imperative grows now, in the dwindling months before touchdown.

Sixteen-year-old Terra’s situation is tough. A dead mom. A grieving dad. A bitchy boss, and a betrothed who won’t kiss her no matter how bad she wants it. She’s doing her best to stay afloat, even when she gets assigned a vocation she has no interest in: botany.

But after Terra witnesses the Captain’s guard murder an innocent man, she’s drawn into a secret rebellion bent on restoring power to the people. The stakes are higher than anything she could have imagined. When the rebellion gives Terra an all-important mission, she has to decide where her loyalties lie for once and for all. Because she has started to fall for the boy she’s been sent to assassinate…
Release dateJul 23, 2013

Phoebe North

Phoebe North is the critically acclaimed author of the novels Starglass and Starbreak. They were a Sustainable Arts Foundation finalist, and their short fiction and critical work has appeared in Analog, Flash Fiction, the YA Review Network, Umbrella Journal, and Strange Horizons, among others. Phoebe lives in the Hudson Valley, where they enjoy gardening, spending time with their family, and listening to music on outdated audio formats. They can be found online at

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    So i basically couldn't put this book down, it was so well written i just wanted to drink it in. The world building was great, small snippets given to you here and there created a believable story as to why this group left earth and what their life was like aboard the Asherah. The MC, Terra, was great. Flawed in all the right ways and not perfect at all. She developed throughout the story in a believable way and made me care about her, even though she was quite dumb in some moments (like really how could you not know about Koen). The subtle foreshadowing of the real purpose of the Captain and everything else going on was great. Can't wait for the next instalment!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    Very rarely, every so often – -but not very often — comes along a book that just takes hold of me. These are books that I remember years after I have read them. Starglass is one of those books. I am not sure why I was surprised by Starglass. Perhaps because I was thinking — what more could be done with young adult and science fiction. I should not doubt the capacity for invention among the creative — and author Phoebe North is definitely creative. This is a book I am sharing with my 13.5 year old and my husband. Starglass is fun, it is beautiful and it is important. There are so many big themes in this book but they are not done in an “in your face way”. The themes are background. Some readers have noted that religion plays a role int his book. But I disagree — I don’t think religion is a theme. The culture of a religion is definitely a theme, but religion as a way to worship or express faith in a higher being was not present. Does that make sense?

    The setting of this book is a spaceship, however it felt like a village yet it was still claustrophobic. The idea of people boarding a ship they would never leave and never ever set foot on the destination is amazing to me. Amazing in the sense that I cannot fathom it. Maybe because everything is so immediate for me in my current life style. The simple sacrifice given in hopes that generations later will benefit? Amazing.

    Some themes in this book center on duty to society -- they play on religious culture and romanticism. But I see the governing power as using these themes to control the populace. For example, the young girls often talk about finding their soulmate/Bashert. I found the concept of soulmate/Bashert to be used by those running the ship to get people to buy into the idea of picking a mate of the opposite sex and staying with that person for the remainder of their lives. But full disclosure — I am not a sucker for soulmates. I just don’t believe in it, but then I a like romance novels without a happily ever after. ;) Another example is that reproduction does not happen in a woman's body any longer but in a hatchery. The concept of the hatchery seems to be done in many futuristic novels. But how it was done in Starglass — with the incorporation of joy and anticipation was new. I wonder though, is it really more energy to have babies the old fashioned way? It seems like a lot of energy is put into the hatchery. But the use of the hatchery does remove the self sustaining ability of each individual and transfers the power for everything to the government. I wonder if that was the purpose. Something as simple as creating one’s own family was removed from each individual.
    Language and Terminology

    The main character, Terra, is a great main character! She is appealing, but not perfect. I really appreciate having a main character with flaws, she is just more personable and more identifiable. Her shame and embarrassments in certain situations were so real. North does a great job at drawing out Terra’s insecurities and her differences from the other youth her age. Terra has that something that allows her to question things and be loyal — some people have it and others don’t. The friendships Terra has are so real and believable. One of the talents Ms. North has is to slowly draw relationships. By doing this, the build up in the story is well done and situations that happen are believable.

    The novel works toward a certain climax. It makes sense where the people of the ship are going. In getting there, there is a great twist and an awesome reveal. No spoilers in this review — but the twist as to who was behind everything was great. Not surprising but great. The people in the story and on the ship have surrendered everything to the higher ups, they have bought into a caste system, they have no ability to full express themselves verbally, creatively or sexually. I can see the motivation for wanting something different, something more in tune with what was left behind 500 years ago.

    “I thought about how our society had survived these five hundred years. By swallowing our lumps and doing what we were told. Even if it bored us — even if we hated it.”

    I want the sequel now – -Phoebe did you read that? Do you need a beta reader? :D I am going to look into the other stories Ms. North has out. And we can always enjoy her very thoughtful reviews on Goodreads and where she blogs.

    So who would enjoy this story? This is easy — fans of reading. I am serious. Fans of young adult books, fans of science fiction, speculative fiction, and dystopia will have love this book. But readers do not have to be into young adult or science fiction to like this novel. It is so well written and is a beautiful story. Starglass has broad base appeal.

    For more reviews like this check out Badass Book Reviews
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    An exciting story about what utopia truly is and isn't.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I usually like space dystopia/post-apocalyptic stories, but this was a little stranger than I was expecting. Once I got more into it and changed my expectations I liked it a little better, but it was still rather strange.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    It started off like a good book but I didn't like how the events happened and what caused them.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    STARGLASS was an entertaining science fiction story that takes place on a generation ship that is nearing its destination. The main character is Terra. She has lost her mother to cancer - the first cancer death in the ship's 500 year history - and has been left with her father who is so buried in grief and anger that he doesn't make a good parent. At age sixteen, Terra is given her vocation as all others her age are. While she is a talented artist, she is assigned to be a botanist. Sixteen-year-olds on the ship also pick their life partners with girls as likely to propose as boys. Terra's father is encouraging her to pair up with his apprentice. Koen is willing but Terra senses something off about him. When he introduces her to the revolutionary underground, Terra learns secrets that move her out of her complacency and into a more active role in the fate of the voyage. This one has lots of the familiar tropes of generation ships. The leadership has apparently lost sight of the good of the people and are most concerned with keeping their social position. I did have some problem with the science fiction. A crew of 1000, despite how clean their genes are, seems too small to make a self-sustaining colony. Even though the boys are sterilized and babies are made in artificial wombs, I have a hard time thinking that they aren't getting pretty inbred after 500 years. I was also asking myself why they had gravity when the engines were off in the ship. I thought that it was unique that the base population of this ship was Jewish. One of the aims of the people who planned this was to keep Jewish culture alive. I didn't mention that Terra has been having odd dreams of the planet they are approaching and the love that is waiting for her there. I chose to pull this one off my TBR mountain at just the right time. A sequel - STARBREAK - was released on July 8. I am eager to see what happens when they reach the planet they have been travelling toward for so long.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    3.5 hearts

    The blurb tells of secret rebellions, and takes place on a spaceship, sounds interesting right? Terra has live her entire life on Asherah, but this ship harbors some major secrets and so do the people on board.

    Terra was pretty great character, she is looking for her “bashert”, her soul mate, and mostly everything she does is for this reason. She makes some dumb mistakes, and sometimes has an attitude, but she does what she believes in her heart so I can’t fault her for that. the love interest, or shall I say love interests. Yes there is a triangle, so we’ll just get that out of the way now. Koen is, well I guess you could call him her betrothed who just s a sweet guy all around and Silvan, who is mysterious to a degree and ot to mention hot. This really wasn’t the typical love triangle, there is a twist to it that I thought was done very well, so in no way did it bother me. Oh, I have to mention Rachel, who is Terra’s best friend, she was just amazing, I adored her.

    The story take place in space on a ship named Asherah, they are stores, and and everyday building just like on here, but the government controls everything. Where you work, what job you get, who you are allowed to marry and even when you can and can not have children. The Jewish culture was entwined throughout the story, and their beliefs. It was a little too much for me at a few points, I’m not a very religious person and I don’t know much about the Jewish religion, so some of it was confusing for me. The ship is close to landing and the rebellion that Terra has found herself part of is putting plans into motion, so there isn’t really a dull moment. Things don’t always go as planned, and Terra does find herself in a dangerous situation. Some of what happened were events that I knew were bound to happen, which took away a little for me plot wise. On to the romance, it was between Terra, Koen Who is her, I guess you could call him her betrothed, and Silvan, but this really wasn’t the typical love triangle, there is a twist to it that I thought was done very well, so in no way did it bother me. The ending is definitely a cliffhanger, but sets the story up well for the next installment.

    Starglass has government conspiracy’s and secrets rebellions, and some science fiction along the way. Overall, this turned out to be a pretty good one.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    Title: Starglass
    Author: Phoebe North
    Release Date: July 23, 2013
    Publisher: Simon and Schuster for Young Readers
    Source: Edelweiss DRC
    Genre(s): Young Adult, YA Science Fiction, Science Fiction, Jewish Fiction

    Rating: ★★★☆☆
    Review Spoilers: High

    I have very mixed feelings about Starglass. For the most part I think I can say that I liked it. At no point did I ever struggle to finish the book or feel like I needed to take a break from it. But I don’t think I enjoyed it as much as I was hoping I would. The idea of generation ships and space travel are fascinating to me and I loved reading through Beth Revis’s Across the Universe (though I admit to not having read the sequel yet) so I was expecting to really like this one as well. So, I’m not sure if my desire to give this a two-and-a-half star rating is more about my expectations or the book itself. I rounded up to there stars to give the book the benefit of the doubt.

    Starglass starts off with a lot of promise. It follows the life of a teenager named Terra Feinberg who has lived her entire life on a ship called the Asherah. For hundreds of years it has traveled quietly through space searching for a new planet that they have called Zehava. Everyone’s lives are essentially run by the Council, a group which seems to be generally benevolent despite the strict control they keep over their community. Terra, who loves art and wants to be an artist despite the lowly position in their society, instead winds up with a specialist position as a botanist trainee which could afford her certain privileges and powers and a way to take care of herself. She has to deal with her ornery training specialist, the affection of her father’s new trainee, troubles with boys and her best friend, among other things. Like, you know, seeing someone murdered and discovering that there’s a rebellion against the Council. (Because, of course, no young adult book can really be complete these days without a rebellion.)

    It’s a fairly slow paced book which was actually a nice change. Some books move too fast, others too slow. I think this one found hit it’s stride and knew how to keep it for the most part. Though, at some points – especially at the end – it just got to a point where it felt like we were just getting twist after twist after twist. I get that there is some crazy stuff going on but man. A lot of the stuff just came out of left field and you have to sit there and sort of be like, “Really? That’s the direction we’re going with this?” I appreciate twists as much as the next person but at some point I just need a minute.

    Still, the bulk of the book was pretty good.

    The backstory behind the Asherah was pretty cool and definitely unique. The entire ship is essentially a special cultural preservation project established by a Jewish group to preserve their culture and heritage after Earth was finally destroyed. I actually really liked that idea because I could see that in the advent of the end of the world a lot of people would probably do things like that and bond together to make sure their cultures survived. Hebrew and Yiddish words are common (though I suppose we assume that they speak English otherwise) in Terra’s world and if you’re not familiar with them you might get confused. But it’s an interesting way of making something seem alien and foreign to readers without making them actually alien or foreign.

    I actually really enjoyed the whole social system that was established fairly early on. The world building was interesting and believable to a point. So, to be honest, I wasn’t sure what the deal with rebelling against the Council was. They seemed fairly reasonable. They let people clone and breed pets when they realized how much they helped with morale. They regulated population because they needed to. They changed the seasons and the length of days artificially to help people adjust to what they thought the conditions would be on Zehava as the got closer and could send out more probes. They really didn’t do the best job of demonizing the Council in my opinion and the rebellion actually seemed to be kind of douches.

    Maybe that was more the characterization and development of the different people in the story, though. Terra herself is hard to like sometimes. I’m not entirely sure what was going on with her but I felt that she was kind of unsympathetic at times. She was mean to her brother when he left to get married (disregarding the fact that he had to get married and start a family at some point under their laws) and I didn’t really get the whole abusive father thing from what I was shown. Yeah, he was kind of a dick and he took her mother’s death hard but still. She didn’t listen to her brother when he came to talk about their father and well… you’ll find out how that goes.

    I did appreciate the development of her training specialist though in the botany labs. For whatever reason I have forgotten her name but I really liked her. A tough woman who never wanted children, goes along with things because she has to, and doesn’t take shit from anyone if she can avoid it. I like it. I felt bad for her kids but hey. I actually kind of liked Coen, the boy working for Terra’s father, too, and thought their who relationship arch was probably one of the more interesting things in the book. We get a bit of a after school special on LGBT bullying thrown into the story but I didn’t mind it; it certainly raised some questions and I felt bad about how things went there, too. I just felt bad a lot when it came to these people and their relationships. Nothing seemed to work out for anyone. Which was actually a relief because the whole love at first sight thing that most young adult novels suffer from has been getting super old. I liked the reality that people had to face in this story.

    Starglass is a lot about facing reality and growing up. Making hard choices – especially under pressure. I think that it really sort of knew what it was doing when those were the big elements. But then things really changed up at the end and I’m interested to see how it all gets pulled back together in the next book. There’s at least one more book coming out called Starbreak and the expected publication date seems to be July 2014. I’m just saying, there are forgivable cliffhangers and then there are ones like this that just completely and totally change the story at the last minute and leave you floored for a full year! Not cool, bro.

    Final Thoughts:
    If you’ve ever wanted to answer someone’s question when they ask, “Hey, what’s that book about?” and answer seriously, “Jews in space!” then this is the book for you. Joking aside, it’s a slow paced and easy read that I think most fans of the genre would enjoy. It certainly isn’t for everyone but you should be good so long as you’re a young adult fan who enjoys hard science fiction and female narrators. Be prepared for some big twists and turns towards the end, though, and know that you’re not going to get much in the way of answers until the second book is released. If you’re impatient, maybe wait until it’s closer to the second book’s release date to tackle this one.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Phoebe North's Starglass has been on my radar ever since I learned that the author was once a prominent blogger. I've never read that blog and don't know too much about her, but I like supporting bloggers, so I wanted to read this book. I always expect big things from bloggers who publish, because they know better than anyone what tropes to avoid, or so I assume. For the most part, that was very true in Starglass and I did very much enjoy North's debut.

    The plot on a basic level is highly reminiscent of Beth Revis' Across the Universe trilogy. However, in the course of one book, North takes the plot through what took two books in that series: the dissent on the ship and the approach to the planet towards which they've been heading. This is not to say that the two are identical by any means, because they're not. In fact, I think I rather like Starglass better, both for the abbreviated time on ship and for the more interesting characters.

    As I mentioned already, North does a lot of those things bloggers regularly request. There's diversity in that everyone on board the Asherah is Jewish, this being one of many ships that departed Earth as its destruction neared the Asherah only accepted those of Jewish descent. One of Terra's ancestors, a non-practicing Jew and a lesbian (squee!) found a place on the ship. There are other gay characters as well, which is awesome, even if society does not approve, which is less awesome.

    Another fantastic thing is how many of the authority figures on the Asherah are female. Women and men are in equal standing here. The current leader of the guard is an imposing female by the name of Captain Wolff. When the time comes for marrying (16 - if you have not chosen by 18, a mate will be chosen for you), girls can ask for a boy's hand in marriage just as the boys may ask. Plus, women don't have to bear the two mandated children (one male, one female), as they are hatched from eggs in a disturbing and haunting process.

    As with Revis' series, the plot consists largely of a combined mystery and rebellion. North does a good job with it, and did surprise me with one of the twists there at the end. On the Asherah, it's really hard to know who to trust, and that's conveyed beautifully. The pace does move somewhat slow, without much action, but I really enjoyed the writing so I didn't mind.

    So far as the characters go, they don't quite have the depth I would have wished for, but they are interesting. Terra's narration is intelligent, but lacks the scientific know-how to get too much into the nitty gritty science fiction details, but that worked out pretty well. For most of the book, Terra has a tendency to go along with what others want of her, even if she's not particularly happy with it. By the end, she's finally obtaining some agency of her own, perhaps due to the example of Mara Stone, to whom she's apprenticed, or to the craziness going down on board the Asherah.

    My only other concern is the romance. Most of what went down with that in Starglass was walking the border of discomfiting. For example, I find her treatment of her first suitor rather hateful, but, then again, he did lie to her, so I suppose it's forgivable as long as she learns from the experience, which I think she has. Terra's second suitor also upsets me, because of what that did to her friend, whom she envies for being so pretty. Hopefully, the impending love interest will lay my concerns to rest, but things could really go either way at this point.

    The ending leaves me very ready for book two, though Starglass does come to a nice ending of the main plot arc. Phoebe North's debut is a fun science fiction novel on the lighter side, and I look forward to her career; I expect good things!

Book preview

Starglass - Phoebe North





On the day of my mother’s funeral, we all wore white. My father said that dressing ourselves in the stiff, pale cloth would be a mitzvah. I ran the word over my tongue as I straightened a starched new shirt against my shoulders. I was twelve when she died, and Rebbe Davison had told us about mitzvot only a few days before—how every good deed we did for the other citizens of the ship would benefit us, too. He said that doing well in school was a mitzvah, but also other things. Like watching babies get born in the hatchery or paying tribute at funerals. When he said that, he looked across the classroom at me with a watery gleam in his eyes.

That’s when I knew that Momma was really dying.

In the hours after the fieldworkers took away her body, Ronen locked himself in his room, like he always did back then. That left me with my father. He didn’t cry. He wore a thin smile as he pulled off his dark work clothes and tugged the ivory shirt down over his head. I watched him while I held my kitten, Pepper, to my chest. It wasn’t until the cat pulled away and tumbled to the floor that I lost it.

Pepper! Pepper, come back! I said, drawing in a hiccuping breath as he scampered out my parents’ open bedroom door. Then I brought my hands to my cheeks. Back then I cried easily, at the slightest offense. Knowing I was crying only made my grief cut deeper.

My father turned to me, the stays on his shirt still undone.

Terra, he said, putting a hand against my shoulder and squeezing. My answer was an uncontrollable bray, an animal noise. I let it out. I was naive—I thought that maybe my abba would draw me into his arms, comfort me like Momma would have done. But he only held me at arm’s length, watching me steadily.

Terra, pull yourself together. You’re soaking your blouse.

That’s when I knew that he wasn’t Momma. Momma was gone. I brought my hands up to my face, veiling it, as if I could hide behind my fingers from the truth.

After a moment, between my own panted breaths, I heard him sigh. Then I heard his footsteps sound on the metal floor as he drew away from me.

Go to your room, he said. Compose yourself. I’ll get you when it’s time to go.

I pulled myself up on weak legs. My steps down the hall were as plodding as my heart. When I reached my bedroom door, I launched myself over the threshold and thrust my body down into my waiting bed. Pepper followed me, his paws padding against the dust-softened ground. He let out a curious sound. I ignored him, my hands clutched around my belly, my face pressed against my soggy sheets.

•  •  •

Usually it was Abba’s job to ring the clock tower bells. But that day, the day my mother died, the Council gave the job to someone else. As we marched through the fields of white-clad people, I couldn’t help but wonder who it was who pulled those splintered ropes. Perhaps my father knew, but his jaw was squared as he gazed into the distance. I knew that he didn’t want to be bothered, so I held my tongue and didn’t ask any questions.

I walked between them, Abba on my one side, his hands balled into fists, and my older brother on the other. Ronen slouched his way up the grassy atrium fields. That was the year he turned sixteen and shot up half a head in a matter of months. His legs were nearly as long as my father’s by then, and though he seemed to be taking his time, I had to scramble to keep up.

The bell tolled and tolled beneath a sky of stars and honeycombed glass. Underneath the drone of sound I heard words—murmured condolences from the other pale-clothed mourners.

By then we’d learned in school about Earth, about the settlements that had held thousands and thousands of people. They called them cities. I couldn’t imagine it. Our population was never more than a thousand, and so the crowd of people—a few hundred, at least—felt claustrophobic. But I wasn’t surprised by the throng of citizens that gathered in the shadow of the clock tower. Momma had been tall, lovely, with a smile as bright as the dome lights at noon. She’d made friends wherever she went. As a baker, working at a flour-dusted shop in the commerce district, she had encountered dozens of people daily.

Everyone wore white. On a normal night we’d be dressed in murky shades of brown and gray, the only flashes of color the rank cords the adults wore on the shoulders of their uniforms. But there were no braided lengths of rope on our mourning clothes. Rebbe Davison said that rank didn’t matter when we grieved.

Terra! Terra! A voice cut through the crowd. My best friend Rachel’s lips were lifted in a grim smile, showing a line of straight teeth. She was the kind of person who couldn’t stop herself from smiling even at the worst times, especially in those days before she started saving most of her smiles for boys.

I moved my slippers through the muddy grass, afraid she might apologize, offer empty words like all the others had done. But she only reached out and took my hand in hers. As we walked across the field together, she looped her pinkie finger around mine. We neared the clock tower and the grave dug deep below it; her hand offered a small, familiar comfort.

When we reached the grave, she pulled away. She gave my fingers one final squeeze, but she had to go join her family, and I had to join mine. I watched her leave. At twelve she was already willowy and lean, and her dark skin seemed to glow against her dress in a way that reminded me of freshly turned soil. I knew that in comparison I was little more than a shadow, faded and pale, my complexion sallow and my dirty-blond locks stringy from tears.

This is why I was surprised when I turned and saw a pair of black eyes settle on me. Silvan Rafferty was watching me. He was my age, in my class. The doctor’s son. His lips were parted, full and soft. I hadn’t told anyone yet, but I knew those lips. Only a few days before, Silvan had followed me home after school.

That afternoon he’d called out to me across the paths that spiraled through the dome. At first I blushed and walked faster, sure he was only teasing. But then he broke into a jog, his leather-soled shoes striking the pavement hard. When he neared me, he reached out like he meant to take my hand.

I heard your mother is sick, he said. My father told me. I’m sorry.

I wouldn’t let his fingers grace mine. Abba had always said that good girls didn’t hold boys’ hands until they were older and ready to marry. I didn’t want to give Silvan the wrong idea. We’d never even spoken before that day.

It’s all right, I told him, fighting the strange desire to comfort him. His eyelashes trembled. He looked so sad. I didn’t want to be pitied. So I did the only thing I could think of—I stood up on my tiptoes and pressed my mouth to his.

It was a quick kiss, closed-mouthed, but I could smell the sharp scent of his breath. He tasted like strong tea and animal musk. He leaned in . . . then I pulled away.

I have to go, I said, trying to ignore the heat that spread over my ears and face. They’re waiting for me at the hospital.

As I walked I didn’t look back. I thought of the things Abba had always told me about being good, about not giving boys the wrong idea. Over the dinner table Momma scolded him. Don’t be so old-fashioned, Arran, she always said. Perhaps she was right. Even Rebbe Davison said that there was nothing wrong with going with boys, once they’d had their bar mitzvahs. And Silvan was nearly thirteen. Still, Abba insisted he knew better. He’d been a boy, after all. And standing there, still and stupid and blushing at my mother’s funeral as Silvan’s eyes pressed into me, I wondered if he was right. This was no time for flirting. It was time to do my duty, to be an obedient daughter.

Abba and Ronen stood at the head of the crowd. I drew in a breath as I pushed through the crush of bodies. My mother waited in the black earth, her body wrapped in cloth. I told myself it wasn’t her, that all those stories about how the dead wandered the atrium dome on lonely nights were just kids’ stuff. Momma was gone, and this was only flesh. But I couldn’t deny the familiar shape of her—her long thin figure—underneath the cotton wrappings.

My throat tightened. I squeezed myself between Abba and Ronen, doing my best to resist taking either of their hands.

It’s a mitzvah, I told myself. To be brave. To be strong. To stand alone. And then I cast my gaze up to my father to see if he noticed how hard I worked to keep my trembling mouth still. But his eyes were just fixed forward.

The sound of gossip crested beneath the bell’s final toll. I watched as the crowd parted, making way for the captain’s guard. The square-shouldered soldiers were dressed in funeral whites, ceremonial knives dark and glinting against pale cloth. As they marched, their boots drummed like rain against the grass.

In their wake Captain Wolff appeared. Everyone pressed two fingers to their hearts in salute. But my own fingers hesitated at my side.

I knew that I was supposed to believe that Captain Wolff was brave, noble, and strong. She’d instituted the search for capable shuttle pilots, lowered the sugar rations to make room for more nutritious crops, and raised the number of guards to almost fifty in order to better keep peace among the citizens. Her leadership skills and self-sacrifice were going to lead us straight to Zehava’s surface. It was treason to think otherwise.

But she frightened me. She always had. Whether staring back at me from the pages of my schoolbooks or making speeches to a crowd, her sharp, hawkish features and her long, white-streaked hair always moved a shiver down my spine. Perhaps it was the scar across her face, a gnarled line that ran from her left cheekbone to her chin. They said it was from an accident when she was small—she’d saved a boy who’d gotten caught up in a wheat thresher in the fields. That noble act had been the first thing she’d ever done for the good of the ship, and the scar, a memento of her bravery.

But I always thought it made her look creepy.

As she turned toward us I focused on her eyes—drops of pitch-black ink. Her gaze willed me to do what I had to do. I pressed my fingers to my heart.

Honored citizens. I come to you on behalf of the High Council to lead you in your mourning duties, she began. I noted how she spoke of our mourning duties, not her own. Her words always excluded her from the rest of us. Today you bid farewell to your cherished sister, Alyana Fineberg, spouse of Arran Fineberg, mother of Ronen and little Terra.

My jaw tightened. I was twelve, but I no longer thought of myself as a child.

Alyana was a baker, but her loving smile warmed your spirits just as much as her work warmed your bellies. She was, indeed, a true Asherati.

Captain Wolff paused as she surveyed the people spread out across the field before her. It looked like she expected someone to disagree. My eyes darted out to the citizens gathered in the pasture.

Most of the mourners were solemn as they waited for Captain Wolff to go on. But to my surprise a few men and women wore faces as pale as their clothing. Their eyes were wide. Their lips trembled. They were afraid of Captain Wolff.

At least I wasn’t the only one.

No one spoke. Satisfied with our silence, Captain Wolff lifted her hands through the air. Now let us sing the kaddish, she said, and began to croon. Her old voice warbled.

Numb, I sang along, moving through the verses by rote. On our hallowed ship or on Zehava, I sang, hardly feeling the words. May there come abundant peace, grace, loving kindness, compassion. . . .

A few verses later it was all done. Captain Wolff was the first to step forward. She bent low and took a fistful of black dirt in her delicate hand. Against the spotless cloth that waited, she cast it down. Then, wiping her palm on a rag that one of her guard members provided, she turned and was gone.

We all watched her disappear. At the far edges of the field, sheep bleated. Finally, at last, Rachel came forward, her family trailing after—her curvy, beautiful mother; her handsome father; her younger brother tottering behind. Rachel pressed her lips into a thin smile. Then she bent down and tossed another fistful of dirt into the grave. Three more handfuls followed. Then dozens more.

Every family stepped forward together to throw their own dirt down over my mother’s body. Each family had a mother, a father, a daughter, a son. When it was at last our turn, I couldn’t help but notice how only three clumps of dirt were cast down. For the first time I realized how we were different. Broken. I stood there for a long time, waiting for the fourth handful of dirt to fall, until Ronen touched my shoulder and told me it was time to go.

•  •  •

That night they invaded our quarters. I’d never seen our home so full of people before. Busy and crowded, it felt completely alien. Pepper seemed to agree with me. He ducked behind the bath basin, crouched down beneath the tangle of pipes, and refused to come out.

I couldn’t hide. It was my job to take the kugels and pies and tuck them away into our icebox. But I decided that I didn’t have to be nice about it. I pushed out my lower lip, sulked and stomped. I knew my father’s eyes were on me as I snatched a tray of salted meats from Giveret Schneider’s hands. But Abba wasn’t the one who had to rearrange all the shelves in the icebox to make room.

I wanted them all to leave us alone, but they wouldn’t. They mingled and joked and then grew silent again, as if they suddenly remembered why they were there. I glared at them from my place in the corner. I watched as Abba’s family crowded around him, ignoring me. It had been years since we’d seen them last, not since Grandpa Fineberg had twisted Ronen’s arm as a punishment for feeding their dog table scraps. Momma had refused to visit them after that, but now that she was gone, they had no reason to stay away.

Ronen sat on the stairwell, making out with Hannah Meyer. Since they’d turned sixteen, she’d been hanging around more and more. Her parents had come too, and though they weren’t wearing their gold-threaded cords, you could tell that they were Council members. It was the way her father held himself, posture stiff and proud. Abba saw it too. When they came in, he practically fell over himself trying to shake the man’s hand. Momma would have laughed at that. I could almost hear her voice in my ears.

Arran, you’re such a suck-up.

But there was one visitor he ignored. Mar Jacobi, the librarian. He was a small, copper-skinned man, serious-looking, and he wandered in through the front door holding a tin in his hand and looking lost.

I’ll take that, I said, scrambling up from my chair when I realized no one else would. The corners of his eyes went all crinkly. He bowed his head.

Thank you, Terra, he said. I tensed at his words. Before that day, we’d only ever spoken at the library’s checkout counter. And even then our words had been polite—perfunctory. Hello, and This is when they’re due, and all of that. But now he held out the tin for me. I brought you macaroons. Chocolate. Alyana told me they were your favorite.

I didn’t realize you knew Momma, I said, taking the tin from him. The metal box had been recycled many times, rust ringing the edges. The glue seemed hardly strong enough to hold the label down. I tugged on one of the loose ends of the paper, lifting wary eyes to the librarian. His smile was small, strained.

I certainly did.

But it didn’t make sense. He didn’t fit into our tiny galley, packed with familiar mourners. He floated around alone while Momma’s bakery coworkers drank all the wine they’d brought for Abba, and while Rachel came in and sat with me, holding my hand and gossiping about the other girls from school. Mar Jacobi stood there with a plate in his hands, stirring the food around and not eating anything. And then, when people began to leave, yawning their apologies once again, the librarian stayed, sitting across from us at our galley table.

I don’t know why they keep saying they’re sorry, I said to him at last, eager to plug up the silence that had begun to fill our home. It’s not like it’s their fault Momma died.

The librarian lifted the corners of his mouth, quietly amused. But Abba didn’t find it funny.

Terra, he said. It’s time for you to go up to bed.

Ronen gets to stay up!

My brother had slipped out with Hannah, his arm draped over her shoulders. But Abba wasn’t hearing any of it. He only shook his head. Your brother is sixteen, a man. He can stay up as late as he wants. You’re still a child.

Mar Jacobi’s eyebrows were knitted up, but he didn’t argue with Abba. I pushed my chair away from the table, huffing.

Momma would let me . . ., I started. Hearing my father’s silence answer me, I winced.

Sorry, I muttered. My father’s hard gaze softened. Still, he urged me toward the stairwell with a tilt of his chin.

Bed, Terra, he said.

I pulled myself up the stairs. When I reached the dark second story, I stopped, my hand curled around the banister. It felt like I had broken some sort of sacred rule, reminding Abba that Momma was gone.

Gone, I said to myself. Gone. And then I began to wonder whether she felt anything now that she was dead. Maybe she just stared into the empty darkness of the atrium, a darkness not so different from the one that waited for me in my windowless bedroom.

I shuddered at the thought of it—an endless black so dark that sometimes you couldn’t even tell if your eyes were open or closed. Meanwhile the warm light of our galley flooded the metal wall along the stairwell. I couldn’t bring myself to face the darkness. I sat down at the top of the stairs, holding my head in my hands. Pepper crept out of the bathroom to curl up at my side. I tucked my hand against his soft belly, listening to the men talk.

She’s a good girl, Mar Jacobi said. I sat forward at the words, desperate to hear what they were saying about me. There’s much of her mother in her.

My dad let out a snort of disagreement. Alyana wasn’t so good.


No, not good. Kind. But you knew that. Another pause. When my father’s voice came again, it was garbled. He wasn’t crying. But he was closer than I’d ever heard him. She was mine.

I’m so sorry, Arran.

My father kept talking as if the librarian hadn’t said a word. All these years of mitzvot, all these years of working up in that clock tower alone, doing my duty. I’m a good man, Benjamin. But what has it brought me?

You’ll reach Zehava. Only four more years. Then we’ll be rid of this ship.

I’ll be alone. My father’s tone wasn’t wistful or sad. He said it like it was a simple fact, like there would be no arguing with him. I knew that tone all too well, even at twelve. Alone, Benjamin. Alone.

You have your children. Your daughter. Your son.

Another snort. Ronen’s all but ready to declare his intentions to the cartographer girl. He won’t be living with me for more than a season. If it weren’t for Terra, I’d . . .

Arran. There was a warning in Mar Jacobi’s voice. "You’ll take care of your daughter until she’s grown. You’ll do your duty so that she can join you on Zehava. It’s what our forefathers wanted. What Alyana wanted. It’s why you’re here."

Chair legs squealed against the scuffed metal floor. I tensed, afraid that my father was coming close. But his voice went to the far end of the galley instead.

A burden, my father said. That’s what she is. Trouble. Like her mother.

My stomach lurched. I bent forward, pressing my face to my knees, and squeezed my eyes shut. I could see stars against my eyelids, but they didn’t distract me from the pain that I felt.

I heard the slosh of liquid then as my father spilled wine into a cup. There was a long pause, then a crash as he slammed his tumbler back down on the countertop. He filled it again.

When he spoke at last, his voice had hardened. Leave me, librarian, he said. Leave me to my grief.

I didn’t wait to hear Mar Jacobi’s reply. I knew that my father would soon come stomping up the stairs. He was going to slam his bedroom door, blocking out the world. And I didn’t intend to get in his way. I knew what would happen if he found me here, still awake. There would be yelling, and lots of it.

So I picked up Pepper, clutched him to my chest, and retreated to my room. When I stepped inside, I pressed the door closed behind me. I stood there for a moment, still as stone, waiting to hear my heart beat out its rhythm in the dark, a reminder, however small, that on the night my mother died, I still lived.



I leaned my weight against a maple bough and watched as the ceiling panels overhead went dark.

I was on the second deck. Up on the main deck, beneath the dome’s glass ceiling, I would have been able to see the stars as the artificial lights dimmed. But here, between the forests and the grain storage, there were no stars. The squares of sky were turning purple and would soon go utterly black. I’d have to stumble blindly through the forests to make my way to the lift and then home. That was all right with me, though. I’d never been afraid of the dark.

I sat with one leg on either side of a knotty branch, balancing my sketchbook between my knees. I had to make quick work with my pencils to capture what stretched out before me, the shape of the branches that crowded the second-deck walkways and the vines that shadowed the path. Below, people hurried along on their way home from the labs. They wore white coats that glowed in the twilight. They were scientists—specialists like my father, wearing blue cords on their shoulders and grim expressions. I knew I had little time to spare.

Momma had given me the pencils years ago. I hadn’t cared much for them at first, but lately they’d become a comfort. On nights that were too dark and too awful, I’d draw, letting my mind go blank and my hands do the thinking for me. Usually it soothed me. But not on this night.

I penciled in another tree, crosshatching the shadows that now grew short in the twilight. As I cocked my head to the side, considering the way the branches bent in the wind, I tried not to think about what was waiting for me in the morning. My job assignment. My real life. The end of school and free time to spend whittling down my evenings in the forest. I was nearly sixteen, and it was time to be serious, as my father always reminded me. At the thought of his deep voice, I clutched my pencil harder, overlaying violet in dark strokes across the top of the page.

Perhaps I’d gripped the pencil a little too hard. It snapped in two in my fist, and I watched as the pointed end fell through the branches. With a sigh I tucked the other half behind my ear and then began the long climb down. I gripped the boughs in my hand, swinging my weight. It felt awkward, but then I always felt awkward lately, all knees and elbows since I’d had my last growth spurt. Abba hadn’t been happy about that. Such a waste of gelt to buy me clothes I’d surely outgrow again.

The pencil was nestled in a crook in a lower branch. I crouched low, steadying my back against the trunk. That’s when something in the gnarled bark caught my eye.

Words. Words carved in deep and then healed over. That alone wasn’t unusual—what tree in the atrium didn’t bear the initials of some young couple who had declared their love hundreds of years before? But these words were different. There wasn’t any heart looping around them. No arrow sliced through either. They were a little hard to make out in the fading daylight, but I ran my fingers over the rough bark, reading them with my fingertips.

Liberty on Earth. Liberty on Zehava.

I frowned. We were only months away from reaching the winter planet. The Council had been preparing us in their usual, regimented way. This year they’d said there would be more specialists among the graduating class. More biologists to wake burden beasts from cold storage. More cartographers, like my sister-in-law, Hannah, who would draw maps and find us a suitable place to live. More shuttle pilots too, to rouse the rusty vehicles that waited in the shuttle bay. The other girls whispered that it didn’t matter what the results were on our aptitude exams. It didn’t matter if we studied, or flirted with the counselors. The Council would make good use of us in preparation for landing, whether we liked it or not.


I heard loping footsteps on the path below. At the sound—heavy, uneven—I stiffened. I knew those footsteps. I’d grown up with them echoing on our stairwell and thundering in the bedroom down the hall. I scrambled for an overhead branch and then settled into the shadows cast by the budding leaves. Maybe if I sat back, with my sketchbook clutched to my chest and my breath shallow, he wouldn’t notice me.

I watched as my father’s bald head passed below my feet. He’d stopped just under my tree, one thick hand resting against the bark.

Walk on. Walk on, I thought. The pubs were still open in the commerce district. He had every reason to continue on his journey home, every reason to head for the lift. Just keep going.

I squeezed my eyes shut, unable to look. That’s when I felt his hand close around the heel of my boot.

I was tall—the tallest girl in my class. But my father was still taller than me, bigger and stronger. His arms were lean and strong from years of ringing bells. He moved up through the branches like it was nothing, gripping my calf and pulling it hard. I knew that I should have just climbed down, keeping my chin against my chest and my gaze contritely away. But anger rushed through my body. It overwhelmed my good sense, like it always did.

Terra, get down!

Leave me alone!

He balanced on the branch now, his eyes level with mine. They were clear and brown, sober. And they fixed on my sketchbook.

This again? he asked, tearing it from my arms. I told you not to waste your time with this.

He cast it at the forest floor below. It drifted down like a handful of autumn leaves. The colors scattered in the twilight.

This was why I never drew at home.

I scrambled down after it, plucking it out of the mud. The pages were rumpled. One or two drawings of flowers had gone soggy in the rainwater. But it wasn’t too bad. Still, my father gazed at me, a victorious smile smoothing his lips. He was so self-satisfied. It made me want to scream at him. My temper was a white-hot ball, sticky in my chest.

Is everything all right here?

We turned. A guard had stopped on the path, all dressed up in her woolen uniform blacks. The red rank cord stood out on her shoulder, twisted with Council gold. Her hand rested on the hilt of her blade as if to warn us.

My father came to stand beside me. He put his hand on my shoulder, giving it a clean thump. It was meant to be a friendly gesture. He was telling the guard that everything was normal, that we were normal. But I stayed frozen, my gaze blank. I couldn’t even make myself force a smile.

Everything is fine, my father said. My daughter, Terra, receives her vocation tomorrow. She was worried about her assignment. Weren’t you?

Worried wasn’t the right word. When it came to my assignment, I was resigned to whatever fate the Council doled out. But I spat the word out anyway. Yes, I said.

The guard’s eyes, small and close set, narrowed on me. "Every job is useful if we’re to achieve tikkun olam."

That’s what I told her, my father lied. I cast my gaze down. My cheeks burned with anger. I could feel how happy this conversation made my father—how noble he was feeling, how righteous. He loved any opportunity to spout Council rhetoric. He thought it made him a good citizen, no matter how many

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