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Tarot de Marseille: Only the very Best
Tarot de Marseille: Only the very Best
Tarot de Marseille: Only the very Best
Ebook172 pages1 hour

Tarot de Marseille: Only the very Best

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There are many Tarot decks. However, there is only one Tarot de Marseille. Tarot de Marseille is not a Tarot among many others. IT IS THE ORIGINAL TAROT, coming from very far in the past, with a strong message of ancient wisdoms. If you want to discover the true Tarot de Marseille, this book is for you. In a simple wording, it shows you:

Choosing a Tarot deck among the Tarot de Marseille decks
Tarot de Marseille deck by Jean Dodal (1701-1715)
Meaning of the cards: major and minor arcane
Different Ways to make Drawings
The Reading of Drawings: how to interpret the cards of Tarot de Marseille
How to make your own readings
The mysterious story of the Tarot de Marseille. This story has its roots in two deep medieval current: Cathars, and (but much more important) the movement of the Prophetesses in the end of the 13th century. Through these two currents, women regained their right place in the society. Woman and Man are equal. We know Catholic Church asked in the same time the question: have woman a soul?

At last and not at least, Tarot de Marseille is not only a mean to discover your future; it is a way to discover yourself! It is a trip on the road of a very fruitful initiation, which brings you to a fully new mind through a fantastic new method of meditation.

We hope this simple introduction will be a profitable discovering of Tarot de Marseille and initiation for our reader!

Jean Michel Le Gall, the author, is a former Paris University member. He has a doctorate in Philosophy. He taught for several years human sciences. He has discovered Tarot de Marseille and Yi King twenty years ago when he was carrying out into a deep research regarding symbolism. He has considered for a long time an extraordinary event regarding Middle Age, the prophecy women movement. This movement ended with the burning alive of Joan of Arc, the last Prophetess. This chronicle explains the most mysterious card of the Tarot de Marseille: The Popess.

Release dateJul 4, 2014
Tarot de Marseille: Only the very Best

Jean Michel Le Gall

Jean Michel Le Gall, the author, is a former Paris University member. He has a doctorate in Philosophy. He taught for several years human sciences. He has discovered Tarot de Marseille and Yi King twenty years ago when he was carrying out into a deep research regarding symbolism. He has considered for a long time an extraordinary event regarding Middle Age, the prophecy women movement. This movement ended with the burning alive of Joan of Arc, the last Prophetess. This chronicle explains the most mysterious card of the Tarot de Marseille: The Popess.

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    Tarot de Marseille - Jean Michel Le Gall


    Jean Michel Le Gall is a former Paris University member. He taught for several years human sciences. He has devoted himself to the question of epistemology, that is to say: how are we able to communicate the knowledge. He has discovered Tarot de Marseille and Yi King twenty years ago when he was involved in a deep study about symbolism. He has considered for a long time a special fact regarding Middle Age, the prophecy women movement.

    Through his researches and his passion for the Tarot de Marseille, he has discovered that a book about a simple introduction to the Tarot de Marseille was deeply lacking. This is the purpose of the present book. He was also the author of the TAROT DIVINATOIRE, published in 2000 in multimedia form (Mattel Interactive publisher), which was a great success in France and Canada. The TAROT DE MARSEILLE deck reproduced in this book is said Jean Dodal. Jean-Claude Flornoy has restored this Tarot deck in 2005.

    This book is only focused to TAROT de MARSEILLE. Sure, it is a little bit weird for people with an English culture. English people are usually focused to Rider Waite Tarot. However, Tarot de Marseille is original Tarot. This Tarot is the oldest and the more significant regarding the deep symbols coming from far before Middle Age. We hope this simple introduction will be a profitable discovering for our reader!


    Although it is insufficient compensation for their gracious assistance, we wish to recognize here the individuals and organizations who helped to make this book a reality. The world of Tarot de Marseille is made with many valuable persons!

    We thank Roxane Flornoy for her extensive contributions to our work with her kindly authorization to reproduce the famous Tarot de Marseille Deck by Jean Dodal. ThisTarot Deck was restaured by her husband Jean Claude Flornoy. In addition, we thank Newgraphiks for its awesome illustrations.

    We want also and of course to say we never be able to write this book without the loving support of my family. Many thanks to Anne, Catherine, Julia, and Pamina.


    The origin of Tarot is an enigma. No attempt will be here for a historical trail that is sorely lacking. But we chose a philosophical approach to the Tarot de Marseille

    First, we can ask a simple question. However, it is simple only at first glance. Why do we come to the Tarot? The best answer is probably that of Hegel. When he writes: man comes to philosophy only because one day he has faced with misfortune. It stresses the inevitable encounter with death. If the man never met difficulties, moments of doubt or anxiety, Hegel argues that he would not need philosophy. Pascal emphasizes the same idea. When pointed out that even moments of happiness carry with them the anguish of their disappearance. It is the lark of Shakespeare...

    Therefore, we can try to deal with this misfortune to read all the works of philosophy. However, it quickly becomes clear that we do not find here a cure for fear, anxiety, and evil. Some believe, and probably with some reason, that man is not only prisoner in the material world, but his spirit (or soul) is trapped in his body too.

    Yet, we have the feeling that our soul knows other paths to truth. Tarot appeared for many superior minds (that is to say a mind that asks the fundamental questions about our life on earth) as a way to escape this weightiness of the material world.


    We know that the main criticism made against the Tarot is its lack of rationality. We also know that philosophy, and especially in the nineteenth century, have given the first place to the rationality and reason. The reason is the very heart of what we must call the official philosophy.


    When Pascal wrote: The heart has its reasons which reason does not know (the heart and soul here means in particular, the soul who tries to understand God. The soul who needs God), it raises the question of the infallibility of reason.

    There are many reasons to doubt of the strength of the reason. Although for several decades, it was the basis of philosophy. Therefore, philosophy becomes, for a lot, a pure logical construction...

    However, many philosophers doubt of this so logic reason.

    Montaigne comments on the pure reason.

    Kant, who devoted many years to the right, at last concludes on a pessimistic note. He stated that our reason is a prisoner of time and space. So much of our universe is beyond our understanding. It states in addition that our senses are not reliable. We know, for example, that our eyes cannot see infrared or ultraviolet. Nevertheless, we know that there are colors beyond these two limits. We also know that we can hear ultrasound. However, these sounds do exist. Proof dog hears. We are prisoners of appearance. Our understanding is prisoner of this appearance. Kant said that we only know the phenomenon of things. We cannot know the thing in itself. It means the true nature of the things. It remains an enigma. This true nature Kant called it noumenon. Consequently, the question is how to reach the noumenon? With our eyes which cannot see. With our ears which cannot hear?

    However, academic philosophers, from the middle of 20th century, did not want to answer this question. It was too difficult. They prefer the theory of Humboldt. In this theory, we change the subject. They said the true difficulty rises from the language. Our way to speak made our way to think and to understand. Our languages are so poor; they cannot gather the whole items needed to come to the true!

    Each language is a complete universe, closed on its own reconstruction of the world with its own semantics. This type of research has given the first place to the right. This is the reason that built our language. Our language has built our universe.

    With these researches, philosophers have lost their places in the society of men.

    We could go on the subject of reason. However, is it worth it? It has been demonstrated here that the reason is not so solid as it is said. It is only one component of a larger knowledge. Then we can say that the criticism of the Tarot, which said Tarot is bad, because it is not pure reason, is in fact a very poor and superficial criticism!


    Design of the Tarot de Marseille cards is in the fashion of the Middle Age. The first known Tarot de Marseille decks were printed in the 17th century (with the notable and mysterious exception of the Visconti, which was printed circa 1450). Oswald Wirth, who was a leading expert of the Tarot, was the first to raise the importance of this point.


    These designs are also reminiscent of those found in the mysterious dumb book of alchemists: Liber Mutus. Here, it is necessary to remember that the alchemists were the first scientific attempts of the medieval West.

    The Church had no confidence in the alchemists. The latter, to protect them from the Inquisition had become accustomed to hide their researches under symbolic representations. They used drawings to explain their findings.

    Many drawings of dumb book are very close of those of the Tarot de Marseille.

    The way to think is very specific. It is too much difficult to explain in

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