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The Elder Gods
The Elder Gods
The Elder Gods
Ebook442 pages6 hours

The Elder Gods

Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars



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A new world and a glorious story destined to reach the biggest audience yet.

They are called the Dreamers. They look like sleeping children. They are, in fact, Gods.

There are eight elder Gods, four awake, four asleep, by turns. When they sleep, they sleep for eons. The only time the Gods are vulnerable is when the sleepers awake.

Knowing this, the Ruler of the Wasteland, ambitious to become a God by destroying Gods, watches and waits, marshalling troops for war. So it is that the coming of the Dreamers passes unnoticed in the Wasteland. But the world is soon out of kilter, it is being dreamed, and the awakening of Gods is no simple transition.

The sleeping Gods are stirring. When they wake the battle will begin.

There will be trickery and deception. Tribes of humans, creatures of the deep, the sea itself and the earth, the weather and the divinities, all will play their part in the epic struggle against the Ruler of the Wasteland.

In their own exquisitely effortless style, David and Leigh Eddings weave a web around the reader of magic, mystery and humour.

The Elder Gods is the first in a series of four books from the bestselling authors David and Leigh Eddings. It is a magical, action-packed, totally engaging and characterful novel on the grandest scale.

Release dateMar 25, 2010
The Elder Gods

David Eddings

David Eddings was born in Washington State in 1931 and grew up near Seattle. He graduated from the University of Washington and went on to serve in the US Army. Subsequently he worked as a buyer for the Boeing company and taught college-level English. His first novel was a contemporary adventure, but he soon began a spectacular career as a fantasy writer with his bestselling series ‘The Belgariad’.

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Rating: 2.533333333333333 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Good but not great. The dialogue, humor, and even characters can often be a straight copy paste job of Eddings earlier works. And like the Mallorean series, the stakes here do not seem to be particularly high.

    But it is still an enjoyable read. I’m looking forward to read the next book.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Quatre Dieux président aux destinées du pays de Dhrall. Ils sont en lutte avec une incarnation (?) du mal appelé le Vlagh, et doivent bientôt laisser la place à quatre Dieux plus jeunes. Dans cet épisode la Déesse de l'Ouest, Zelana avec l'aide de sa future remplaçante invoquée par son frère le Dieu Dahlaine, prépare la défense de sa prtie du pays de Dhrall en allant recruter des mercenaires dans une autre partie du monde (ces mercenaires ressemblent comme deux gouttes d'eau aux vikings)Pour ceux qui ont apprécié les cycles de la Belgariade et de la Mallorée, ils ne trouveront rien ici de nouveau. D et L. Eddings appliquent les mêmes recettes d'une façon assez laborieuse et moins d'imagination. Le décalage entre l'histoire et le discours est ici peu convaincant.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Badly written rubbish. The banter between characters was so forced as to be unreadable. Even worse plot.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    This review is for the entire series, because all four books suffer from the same flaws. Ye gods, this was a pile of rubbish. The Eddingses must have been writing on autopilot, because all the elements from previous series were here, but none of the enjoyment. The one-trick "races", the "precocious" child-goddess, the "warfare" between the "races" whose individual representatives all get along famously, the "clever" plans after a "setback" that always work, the "witty" sardonic sense of captain-obvious-humour that a few characters default to, ... it goes on. The previous series by this duo had all of these -- but in moderation! They worked because there were different characters, plans and plot devices strewn in between the Eddingses' favourite tropes. Here, the clichés are all that's left, and the text is just filler, inserted to move the readers soullessly from one eddingsian trope to the next. It's as if no prior thought or planning went into this series, and these books are really a first draft with minimal editing. The trick of following one (set of) character(s) for a couple of chapters before turning to another set is another reason why these books are so godawfully boring! It could have worked as a way of creating tension (it did for Robert Jordan), but the technique is not put to any use -- say, switching between fast-moving and slow-moving storylines, or heightening the tension by cutting between several climaxes. None of it works because the groups reunite every so often, and then the Eddingses treat us to painful sequences where the characters retell everything that happened to them to the others, and it goes on for a couple of pages. And what's worse, they do so in the most annoying way possible: faux-humble and pretend-cool, with only one sense of humour and one voice to go around a fairly large cast. Entire sequences of these books are dull repetition of events that happened two or three chapters ago, where characters stand around congratulating each other on how clever and brave and witty they are. So whenever a character is off having adventures on their own, you can be certain to be reading the Cliff's notes version in a couple of chapters' time. Ugh. At this point most other reviewers here have warned you not to buy these books and to spend your time and money on something else. I can only agree with that sentiment, because I couldn't recommend this lazy excuse for a book to anyone.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This book has great promise and could have gone far but for some reason it just does not deliver. There's no great climax or build up and its the same for its acompanying books.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book promised a good, medium-paced read and delivered it was a literal 'bang' at the end. The direct involvement of Gods worried me for a while before the laws or what they could and couldn't do was set. Full of good characters as I've come to expect from Eddings books, and an added bonus of being set against creepy bad guys who have the upper hand.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This series starts out with a bit of promise, being a slightly different version of Edding's usual theme. The good gods select champions, and oppose the plans of the evil gods, who mostly have hordes of brainless followers and a few champions. As usual, good triumphs over evil, mostl because good is exceptionally clever and devoted, and evil is pretty stupid. An entertaining book, but pretty shallow.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    No one in my family liked this series & we were all thrilled with his Belgariad series. There are 4 of us with varying tastes in fantasy & not one of us wanted to get the second book. We just couldn't like or identify with the main character or his issues. Blech.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I used to think David Eddings had some talent as a fantasy author. I haven't read anything of his in several years so I bought the Dreamer series expecting a good read. I was extremely disappointed. The writing is very weak. The characters are shallow and one dimensional. I cannot believe the dialogue is so silly and repetitive. The characters seem to say the same thing every 5 or six pages. The plot line is predictable and there is no suspense or intrigue to be found. I thought after the first book that it might get better, but it continued to plod along. I do not recommend any of the books in the series. Save your money and find a good fantasy book/series. This is not it. It has turned me off to ever wanting to read Eddings work again.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This review is for the whole dreamers series. I can't say this is Edding's best work. it's a good story; there's and evil creature that wants to take over the world with its minions and a group of gods, goddesses, children and other various characters who fight it off in a series of wars. But the reader quickly gets annoyed by the sardonic sense of humor that EVERYONE in the books seems to have. in his earlier books there was one or two characters that could make funny jokes by pointing out the obvious and making cryptic little remarks but in this series it seems everyone is that character and it gets a little tiring. and confusing there are so many characters in this series and they are all so much alike one loses track because it doesn't really matter who is talking as they all talk alike
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    The Elder Gods is the first book in the Dreamers series, which takes place in the land of Dhrall, where gods live on the Earth along with men and an evil, insect-like creature called the Vlagh. For this first installment, the people of Dhrall have become threatened by the Vlagh and its minions, and so the gods of the land have created the four Dreamers to help in the fight. Much of this book involves familiarizing the reader with the world and its history, as well as introducing the important characters. While I don't read a great deal of epic fantasy, I have read it in the past, and this particular series is just not for me. The world that the Eddings' have built and its intricate history had the potential to be interesting for me, but in the end the writing itself felt kind of cliched and wooden, and few, if any, of the characters were compelling. All this could have been salvaged for me with some intense action, but that was largely absent as well. I probably will avoid reading further volumes in this series, but fans of the Eddings' could very well find lots of enjoyment here. Unfortunately, it left me, personally, cold.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Do not waste your time. Almost painful to read.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Utter crap....especially when compared to Eddings Belgariad and Mallorean series.

Book preview

The Elder Gods - David Eddings




Zelana of the West had grown weary of the brutish man-creatures of her Domain. She found them repulsive, and their endless complaints and demands irritated her beyond measure. They seemed to believe that she lived only to serve them, and that offended her.

And so it was that she turned her back on them and sojourned for several eons on the Isle of Thurn, which lies off the coast of her Domain. And there she communed with Mother Sea and entertained herself by composing music and creating poetry.

Now the waters around the Isle of Thurn are the home of a rare breed of pink dolphins, and Zelana found them to be playful and intelligent, and in time she came to look upon them not as pets, but rather as dear companions. She soon learned to understand – and to speak – their language, and they gave her much information about Mother Sea and the many creatures that lived in Mother’s depths and along her shores. Then by way of recompense, she played music for them on her flute or sang for them. The dolphins came to enjoy Zelana’s impromptu concerts, and they invited her to swim with them.

They were much perplexed by a few of Zelana’s peculiarities after she joined them. So far as they could determine, she never slept, and she could remain under the surface of Mother Sea almost indefinitely. It also seemed odd to them that she showed no interest in the schools of fish which swam in the waters around the Isle. Zelana tried to explain to her friends that sleep and air and food were not necessary for her. Her periods of sleep and wakefulness were much longer than theirs; she could extract the essential element of air from the water itself; and she fed on light rather than on fish or grass. But the dolphins could not quite grasp her explanation.

Zelana decided that it might be best to just let it lie.

The man-creatures of the Land of Dhrall knew full well just who – and what – Zelana was. She held dominion over the West, but there were others in her family as well. Her elder brother Dahlaine held sway over the North, and he was grim and bleak. Her younger and sometimes frivolous brother Veltan controlled the South – when he was not exploring the moon or contemplating the color blue – and her prim and proper elder sister Aracia ruled the East as both queen and goddess.

The ages continued their stately march, but Zelana paid them no heed, for time meant nothing to her. Then one day her dearest friend, a matronly pink dolphin named Meeleamee, surfaced near the place where Zelana sat cross-legged on the face of Mother Sea playing her newest musical composition on her flute. ‘I’ve found something you might want to see, Beloved,’ Meeleamee announced in her piping voice.

‘Oh?’ Zelana said, setting her flute aside in the emptiness just over her shoulder where she kept all her possessions.

‘It’s very pretty,’ Meeleamee piped, ‘and it’s exactly the right color.’

‘Why don’t we go have a look then, dear one?’ Zelana replied.

And so together they swam toward the stark cliffs on the southern margin of the Isle, and as they neared the coast, Meeleamee sounded, swimming down and down into the depths of Mother Sea. Zelana arched over and followed, and soon they came to the narrow mouth of an underwater cavern, and Meeleamee swam on into that cavern with Zelana close behind.

Now reason and experience told Zelana that this cave should grow darker as the two of them went deeper and deeper into its twisting passage, but it grew lighter instead, and the water ahead glowed pink and warm and friendly, and Meeleamee rose toward the light with Zelana close behind.

And when they surfaced in the shallow pool at the end of the passage, Zelana beheld a wonder, for Meeleamee had led her into a grotto unlike any other Zelana had ever seen. There was a rational explanation, of course, but mundane rationality could not tarnish the pure beauty of the hidden grotto. A broad vein of rose-colored quartz crossed the ceiling of the grotto, filling that hidden cave with a glowing pink light. Almost in spite of herself, Zelana feasted on that light and found it delicious beyond the taste of any other light she had savored in the past ten eons. And she shuddered and glowed with pure delight as she feasted.

Beyond that shallow pool at the entrance was a floor covered with fine white sand touched with the luminous pink of the prevailing light, and there was also a musically tinkling trickle of fresh water in a little niche at the rear, and all manner of interesting nooks and crannies along the curved walls.

‘Well?’ Meeleamee squeaked, ‘What do you think, Beloved?’

‘It’s lovely, lovely,’ Zelana replied. ‘It’s the most beautiful place on all the Isle.’

‘I’m glad you like it,’ Meeleamee said modestly. ‘I thought you might like to visit here now and then.’

‘No, dear one,’ Zelana replied. ‘I won’t need to visit. I’m going to live here. It’s perfect, and I deserve a little perfection.’

‘You won’t stay here all the time, will you, Beloved?’ Meeleamee squeaked in consternation.

‘Of course not, dear one,’ Zelana replied. ‘I’ll still come out to play with you and my other friends. But this beautiful place will be my home.’

‘What is home?’ Meeleamee asked curiously.

It was on a day much like any other when Dahlaine of the North came up out of the passageway that led to Zelana’s pink grotto to advise his sister that there was trouble in the wind in the Land of Dhrall.

‘I don’t see how that’s any concern of mine, dear brother,’ Zelana told him. ‘The mountains protect the lands of the West on one side, and Mother Sea protects them on the other. How can the creatures of the Wasteland ever reach me?’

‘The Land of Dhrall is all one piece, dear sister,’ Dahlaine reminded her, ‘and no natural barrier is completely insurmountable. The creatures of your lands of the West stand in as great a danger as all the others. I think it’s about time for you to come out of your little hide-away here and start paying attention to the world around you. How long has it been since you last surveyed your Domain?’

Zelana shrugged. ‘A few eons is all – certainly no more than a dozen. Have I missed anything significant?’

‘The man-creatures have made a bit of progress. They’re making tools now, and they’ve learned how to build fires. You really ought to look in on them once in a while.’

‘What in the world for? They’re stupid and vicious, and they stink. My dolphins are cleaner and wiser, and their hearts are large and filled with love. If the creatures of the Wasteland are hungry, let them eat the man-creatures. I won’t miss them.’

‘The people of the West are your responsibility, Zelana,’ Dahlaine reminded her.

‘So are the flies and ants and roaches, and they seem to be getting along well enough.’

‘You can’t just ignore the world, Zelana,’ Dahlaine told her. ‘There are changes taking place all around you. The creatures of the Wasteland are growing restless, and it won’t be long before the Dreamers arrive. We need to be ready.’

‘It’s not nearly the age of the Dreamers yet, is it, Dahlaine?’ Zelana asked incredulously.

‘The signs are all there, Zelana,’ Dahlaine said. ‘Mother Sea and Father Earth move to their own schedule. They won’t wait until it’s convenient for us to do what needs to be done. The ruler of the Wasteland is preparing to move against us, and we aren’t ready to face it yet.’

‘We should have destroyed that hideous creature as soon as we realized what it was.’

‘We can talk about all this some other time, dear sister,’ Dahlaine smoothly changed the subject. ‘What I really came here for was to give you something I thought you might like.’

‘A gift – for me?’ Zelana’s irritated humor seemed to vanish. ‘What is it?’ she demanded eagerly.

Dahlaine smiled. Somehow the magic word ‘gift’ always seemed to bring his brother and his sisters around to his way of thinking. Zelana in particular always responded in exactly the way he wanted her to. A gift wasn’t really a form of coercion, but it served the same purpose, and it was a nicer approach. ‘Oh,’ he said in an off-hand manner, ‘it’s not much, sister dear. It’s just a little something I thought you might enjoy. How would you like a new pet? It occurred to me that you might be getting a little tired of your dolphins after all these eons, since they can’t come out of the water to play with you here in your lovely grotto. So I brought you a pet that should be able to share your home.’

‘A puppy, maybe?’ Zelana asked eagerly. ‘I’ve never owned a puppy, but I’ve heard that they’re very affectionate.’

‘Not exactly a puppy, no.’

‘Oh,’ Zelana sounded disappointed. ‘A kitten then?’ she said, her eyes brightening once more. ‘I’ve heard that the purring sound kittens make is very relaxing.’

‘Well, not quite a kitten either.’

‘What is it, Dahlaine?’ Zelana demanded impatiently. ‘Show me.’

‘Of course,’ Dahlaine replied, concealing his sly smile. He reached both hands into the unseen emptiness he always carried along behind him and took a fur-wrapped bundle out of the air. ‘With my compliments, my beloved sister,’ he said extravagantly, handing her the bundle.

Zelana eagerly took the bundle and turned back the edge of the fur robe to see what her brother had given her. She gaped in obvious disbelief at the newborn pet drowsing in the warm fur robe. ‘What am I supposed to do with this thing?’ she demanded in a shrill voice.

He shrugged. ‘Take care of it, Zelana. It shouldn’t be much more difficult to care for than a young dolphin.’

‘But it’s one of those man-creatures!’ she protested.

‘Why, so it is,’ Dahlaine replied in mock astonishment. ‘How strange that I didn’t notice that myself. You’re very perceptive, Zelana.’ He paused. ‘It’s not an ordinary man-creature, dear sister,’ he added gravely. ‘It’s very special. There are only a few of them, but they’ll change the world. Care for it and protect it, Zelana. I think you’ll have to feed it, because I don’t think it can live on light alone, as we do. You might have to experiment a bit to find something it can digest, but I’m sure that you’re clever enough to solve that problem. You’ll need to keep it clean as well. Infant man-creatures tend to be messy. Then, after a few years, you might want to teach it to talk. There are things it’s going to need to tell us, and if it can’t talk, it won’t be able to pass them on to us.’

‘What could one of these creatures tell us that we don’t already know?’

‘Dreams, Zelana, dreams. We don’t sleep, so we don’t dream. That baby in your arms is a Dreamer. That’s why I brought her to you.’

‘It’s a girl, then?’ Zelana’s voice softened.

‘Naturally. I didn’t think you’d get along very well with a boy. Care for her, Zelana, and I’ll drop by in a few years to see how she’s coming along.’

The baby in Zelana’s arms made a cooing sound and reached out one tiny hand to touch Zelana’s face.

‘Oh,’ Zelana said in a trembling, almost stricken voice, clasping the infant more closely to her.

Dahlaine smiled. It had turned out rather well, he congratulated himself. All it had taken to totally enslave his brother and both of his sisters had been a few peeps and coos and one soft touch from an infant hand. He might have gloated a bit more, but his own baby Dreamer was home alone, and it was almost feeding time, so he really should get on back.

He swam out of Zelana’s grotto and remounted his well-trained lightning bolt. Lightning bolts are noisy steeds, there’s no question about that, but they can cover vast distances in the blink of an eye.

Zelana’s first problem with her new charge was finding something to feed it. She rather hoped that Dahlaine had been mistaken. If the infant could live on light alone, as Zelana herself did, feeding it would be no problem. The vein of pink quartz in the ceiling of the grotto concentrated the sunlight into a glowing pink pool which was presently centered on the bed of moss where Zelana occasionally rested. Hopefully, she laid the fur-robed bundle on that moss bed and turned the robe back to allow the sunlight to touch the child.

The infant began to fuss a bit. Maybe the little creature didn’t like the color. Zelana had discovered that a steady diet of pink light took a bit of getting used to. Pink, it appeared, was an acquired taste.

Zelana snapped her fingers, and the quartz obediently turned blue. The baby didn’t stop fussing, though, and her discontent was growing louder.

Zelana tried green, but that didn’t work either. Then she tried plain white. It was a little bland, but perhaps the baby wasn’t ready for advanced colors yet.

The sounds the infant was making grew louder and more insistent.

Zelana quickly gathered the squalling infant in her arms and hurried down to the edge of the shallow pool at the mouth of the grotto. ‘Meeleamee!’ she called in the piping language of the dolphins, ‘I need your help! Soon! Please!’

Now Meeleamee had mothered many, many young, so she had great wisdom and much experience in such matters. ‘Milk,’ she advised.

‘What is milk?’ Zelana asked. ‘And where can I find some?’

Meeleamee explained in some detail, and for the very first time in her endless life, Zelana blushed. ‘What a strange sort of thing,’ she said, blushing even harder. She looked down at herself. ‘Do you think I might be able to…She left it hanging.

‘Probably not,’ Meeleamee replied. ‘There are some things involved that are just a little complicated. Can the young one swim?’

‘I don’t really know,’ Zelana admitted.

‘Unwrap her and put her down in the shallow water here. I should be able to nurse her without too much trouble.’

It was a bit awkward at first, but between them Zelana and Meeleamee managed to feed the infant. Zelana felt a real sense of accomplishment – which lasted for nearly four hours.

Then they had to feed the child again. It seemed that there was great deal of inconvenience involved in caring for infants.

The seasons turned, as seasons always do, and summer drifted on into autumn, and winter followed shortly after. Zelana had never really paid much attention to the seasons. Heat or cold had little meaning for her, and she could create light whenever she grew hungry.

The female dolphins were taking turns feeding the infant, and Zelana noticed that the child seemed to be very affectionate. The dolphins were a bit startled by kisses at first, but after a while they enjoyed being kissed by the grateful child, and sometimes there were even arguments about whose turn it was to nurse. The arguments broke off abruptly when the child sprouted teeth and began chewing on whatever was handy, though. Her diet changed at that point, and the dolphins offered her fish instead of milk. She still kissed them by way of thanks, so everything seemed all right again.

Since the child had always been fed in the shallow pool at the grotto’s mouth, she was swimming even before she began to grow teeth, but she started walking – and running – not long after her diet changed, and she was soon toddling about the grotto, squeaking dolphin words as she went. She returned to the water whenever she grew hungry, however. The dolphins were careful to keep her more or less confined to the water at the mouth of the grotto, but they took to chasing fish in from the deeper waters of Mother Sea to give the child some experience in the business of catching her own food.

When the summer of the child’s third year arrived, she ventured out of the grotto to join the younger dolphins in their forays along the coast of the Isle of Thurn. She spent her days now frolicking with the young dolphins and eating the bounty of Mother Sea.

Zelana approved of that. The child’s independence freed her mistress at last so that she could return to poetry and music.

The young dolphins called the child ‘Beeweeabee,’ but Zelana didn’t really think that was appropriate, since it approximately translated into ‘Short-Fin-With-No-Tail.’ Despite her habits and her companions, the little girl was still a land animal, so Zelana unleashed her poetic talents and ultimately arrived at ‘Eleria.’ It had a nice musical sound to it, and it rhymed with several very pleasant words.

The little girl didn’t seem to care for the name, but after a while she would answer to it when Zelana called her, so the name more or less did what it was supposed to.

The seasons continued to turn, but Zelana had long since realized that they could do that on their own, so she didn’t have to prompt them.

Then in the autumn of Eleria’s fifth year, Dahlaine came by again. ‘How are things progressing with your child, dear sister?’ he asked Zelana.

‘It’s a bit hard to say,’ Zelana replied. ‘I haven’t had any contact with the man-creatures for more than ten eons, and I’m sure they’ve changed in that many years. I can’t really be sure what’s normal for them at Eleria’s age. She spends most of her time in the water, though, so she doesn’t stink the way most of her kind did when I turned my back on them.’

‘Where is she?’ Dahlaine asked, looking around the grotto.

‘Probably out playing with her friends,’ Zelana said, ‘most likely somewhere along the coast of the Isle.’

‘She has friends?’ Dahlaine seemed a bit surprised. ‘I didn’t know there were any people here on the Isle.’

‘There aren’t, and even if there were, I wouldn’t permit her to associate with them.’

‘You’re going to have to get over that, sister. Eventually she will be required to have dealings with her own kind.’

‘What for?’

‘She’ll have to tell them what they’re supposed to do, Zelana. If her playmates aren’t people, what exactly are they?’

‘Dolphins, of course. She and the young dolphins get along very well.’

‘I didn’t know that dolphins can move around on dry land.’

‘They can’t. Eleria swims with them.’

‘Are you mad?’ Dahlaine almost screamed. ‘She’s only five years old! You can’t just turn her loose in Mother Sea like that!’

‘Stop worrying so much, Dahlaine. She swims almost as well as her playmates do, and she finds most of her food out there in deep water. It saves me all sorts of time. She feeds herself, so I don’t have to bother. She does seem to like berries – when they’re in season – but most of the time she eats fish.’

‘How does she cook them if she’s out there in the water?’

‘What is cook?’ Zelana asked curiously.

‘Just a custom, really,’ Dahlaine replied evasively. ‘You ought to try to keep her out of deep water, though.’

‘Why? She swims mostly along the surface, so what difference does it make how much water’s down below her?’

Dahlaine gave up. There was just no talking with Zelana.


Though Zelana would not have admitted it even to herself, her life was much more pleasant now that she had Eleria to love and to care for. Since Eleria was able to find her own food and she had playmates enough to keep her occupied, her presence in the grotto in the evenings was hardly any inconvenience at all. Zelana was still able to create poetry and compose music, and Eleria served as a ready-made audience. She loved to have Zelana sing to her, and she seemed to enjoy listening to the recitation of Zelana’s poems – even though she didn’t understand a single word. She was now well into her sixth year, but she continued to speak exclusively in the squeaky, piping language of the dolphins.

Zelana considered that. It wasn’t really all that much of a problem, since she herself was also fluent in that language. She decided, though, that perhaps one of these days she might teach the young one the rudiments of the language she spoke and shared with her sister and her brothers. It shouldn’t be too difficult. Zelana had discovered that Eleria was very quick.

As it turned out, however, Eleria was about two jumps ahead of her. Zelana had been reciting poetry to the child since Eleria’s infancy, and one day in the early autumn of Eleria’s sixth year Zelana happened to overhear the child reciting one of the poems to her playmates, translating each line into their own language as she went along. Zelana’s poetry took on whole new dimensions when delivered in the squeaks and burbles of the dolphin language. Zelana was fairly sure that the young dolphins weren’t really all that interested in poetry, but Eleria’s habit of rewarding their attention with kisses and embraces kept them obediently in place. Zelana was very fond of dolphins herself, but the notion of kissing them had never occurred to her. Eleria, however, seemed to have discovered early in her life that dolphins would do almost anything for kisses.

Zelana decided at that point that it might not be a bad idea to start paying closer attention to the progress of the young child. Lately it seemed that every time she turned around, Eleria had a new surprise for her.

‘Eleria,’ she said a bit later when the two of them were alone in the grotto.

Eleria responded with a squeaky little dolphin sound.

‘Speak in words, child,’ Zelana commanded.

Eleria stared at her in astonishment. ‘It is not proper that I should, Beloved,’ she replied quite formally. ‘Thy speech is not to be used for mundane purposes or ordinary times. It is reserved for stately utterances. I would not for all this world profane it by reducing its stature to the commonplace.’

Zelana immediately realized where she had blundered. In a peculiar sort of way she’d treated Eleria in much the same way the child was now treating her dolphin playmates. Eleria had been something on the order of a captive audience – but not quite completely captive. The child had drawn her own conclusions. There was a certain logic behind Eleria’s conviction that Zelana’s language was reserved for poetry alone, since the only times when Zelana had spoken that language to her had been during those recitations. Ordinary conversations between them had been in the language of the dolphins.

‘Come here, child,’ Zelana said. ‘I think it’s time for us to get to know each other a bit better.’

Eleria seemed apprehensive. ‘Have I done something wrong, Beloved?’ she asked. ‘Are you angry with me because I told your poems to the finned ones? You didn’t want me to do that, did you? Your poems were love, and they were for me alone. Now I have spoiled them.’ Eleria’s eyes filled with tears. ‘Please don’t send me away, Beloved!’ she wailed. ‘I promise that I won’t do it again!’

A wave of emotion swept over Zelana, and she felt her own eyes clouding over. She held out her arms to the child. ‘Come to me,’ she said.

Eleria rushed to her, and they clung to each other. Both of them were weeping now, yet they were filled with a kind of joy.

Zelana and Eleria spent all of their time together in the grotto after that. The dolphins brought fish for Eleria to eat, and the trickling spring provided water, so there was no real need for the child to go out into Mother Sea. Her playmates were a bit sulky at first, but that soon passed.

Zelana spent many happy hours teaching Eleria how to create poetry and how to sing. Zelana’s poetry was stately and formal, and her songs were complex. Eleria’s poetry was still antique but much more passionate, and her songs were simple and pure. Zelana was painfully aware that the child’s voice was more beautiful than her own, clear and reaching upward without effort.

Eleria eventually came to realize that the language she had come to know as the language of poetry had a more colloquial form which they could use for everyday communication. She still insisted on calling Zelana ‘Beloved,’ however.

It was in the spring of Eleria’s seventh year when the child went out to play with her pink friends again. Zelana had suggested that Eleria had been neglecting them of late, and it was not polite to do that.

Late that day Eleria returned to the grotto with a strange glowing object.

‘What is that pretty thing, child?’ Zelana asked.

‘It’s called a pearl, Beloved,’ Eleria replied, ‘and a very old friend of the dolphins gave it to me – well, she didn’t exactly give it to me. She showed me where it was, though.’

‘I didn’t know that pearls could grow so large,’ Zelana marveled. ‘It must have been an enormous oyster.’

‘It was huge, Beloved.’

‘Who is this friend of the dolphins?’

‘A whale,’ Eleria replied. ‘She’s very old, and she lives near that islet off the south coast. She joined us this morning and told me that she wanted to show me something. Then she led me to the islet and took me down to where this enormous oyster was attached to a reef. The oyster’s shell was almost as wide across as I am tall.’

‘How did you pry it open if it was that big?’

‘I didn’t have to, Beloved. The old whale touched the shell with her fin, and the oyster opened its shell for us.’

‘How very peculiar,’ Zelana said.

‘The old whale told me that the oyster wanted me to have the pearl, so I took it. I did thank the oyster, but I’m not sure it could understand me. It was a little hard to swim and hold my pearl at the same time, but the old whale offered to carry me back home.’


‘Well, not exactly. I rode on her back. That is so much fun.’ Eleria held the pearl up. ‘See how it glows pink. Beloved? It’s even prettier than the ceiling of our grotto.’ She nestled her pearl, which was about the size of an apple, against her cheek. ‘I love it!’ she declared.

‘Did you eat today?’ Zelana asked.

‘I had plenty earlier today, Beloved. My friends and I found a school of herring and ate our fill.’

‘Did the whale have a name, by any chance?’

‘The dolphins just called her mother. She isn’t really their mother, of course. I think it’s more like a way to let her know that they love her.’

‘She speaks the same language as the dolphins?’

‘Sort of. Her voice isn’t as squeaky, though.’ Eleria crossed to her bed of moss. ‘I’m very tired, Beloved,’ she said, sinking down onto her bed. ‘It was a long swim out to the islet, and mother whale swims faster than I do. I had trouble keeping up with her.’

‘Why don’t you go to sleep, then, Eleria? I’m sure you’ll feel much better in the morning.’

‘That sounds like a terribly good idea, Beloved,’ Eleria said. ‘I’m really having trouble keeping my eyes open.’ She lay back on her bed of moss with the glowing pink pearl cradled to her heart.

Zelana was puzzled, and just a trifle concerned. It wasn’t natural for whales and dolphins to associate with each other in the way Eleria had just described, and Zelana was almost positive that they wouldn’t be able to speak to each other and be understood. Something very peculiar had happened today.

Eleria appeared to be sound asleep now, and her limbs had relaxed. Then, to Zelana’s astonishment, the glowing pink pearl rose up into the air above the sleeping child. Its pink glow grew steadily stronger and the glow seemed to enclose Eleria.

‘Don’t interfere. Zelana,’ a very familiar voice echoed in Zelana’s mind. ‘This is necessary, and I don’t need any help from you.’

Eleria awoke somewhat later than usual the following morning, and she had a puzzled look on her face as she sat cross-legged on her bed of moss with her pearl in her hand. ‘Why do we sleep, Beloved?’ she asked.

‘I don’t,’ Zelana replied, ‘and I’m not sure exactly why other creatures seem to need to sleep every so often.’

‘I thought you and I were of the same kind,’ Eleria said. ‘We look very much alike – except that your hair is dark and glossy and mine is sort of yellow.’

‘I’ve wondered about that myself. Maybe I’ve just outgrown the need for sleep. I am quite a bit older than you are, after all.’ It was a simplified answer, but Zelana was quite certain that Eleria wasn’t ready for the real one just yet.

‘Since you don’t sleep, you wouldn’t know about the strange things I seem to see happening while I’m sleeping, would you?’

‘They’re called dreams, Eleria,’ Zelana told her, ‘and I don’t think any other creature has the same kind of dreams you do. My brother Dahlaine told me that your dreams would be very special, and much more important than the dreams of the ordinaries. Did you have a dream last night that frightened you?’

‘It didn’t particularly frighten me, Beloved. It just seemed very strange, for some reason.’

‘Why don’t you tell me about it?’ Zelana suggested.

‘Well, I seemed to be floating – except that I wasn’t floating in Mother Sea the way I do sometimes when I want to rest and catch my breath. I was floating way up in the air instead, and all sorts of strange things were happening far below. Father Earth seemed to be all on fire, and his mountains were rising and falling the way Mother Sea’s waves do. Rocks were melting and running down the sides of some of Father Earth’s mountains into Mother Sea, and some of his other mountains were spouting liquid fire way up into the sky. Could something like that really happen?’

‘Yes, child,’ Zelana said in a troubled voice, ‘and it happened in exactly the way you just described it. I was there watching while it happened. It was at the very beginning of the world. What happened next?’

‘Well, the fires kept burning for a long, long time, and then the land below me started to break apart, and the pieces floated off in different directions. Then trees began to sprout on the face of Father Earth, and Mother Sea started having children. It was about then that I seemed to know that I wasn’t alone. Others were having the same dream – only maybe for them it wasn’t really a dream.’

Zelana smiled. ‘No, dear, it wasn’t. I was one of those others, and I certainly wasn’t dreaming, and neither were my brothers or my sister.’

‘Then it was your family that was sort of hiding around the edges of my dream?’ Eleria asked. ‘I thought you only had two brothers and one sister. There seemed to be two more brothers and a sister watching with me.’

‘They’re another branch of the family, Eleria,’ Zelana told her. ‘We don’t get together very often. We can talk about them some other time. Why don’t you tell me what happened next in your dream. Dreams fade, I guess, and I’d like to hear your whole dream before you forget.’

‘Well, most of Mother Sea’s children were fish, but some of them weren’t. Those were the ones who crawled up onto the face of Father Earth. They looked like snakes at first, but then they sprouted legs and they grew up to be very big. Some of them ate trees, but some of the others ate the ones who were eating trees. Then a great big rock that was on fire fell down out of the sky, and when it hit Father Earth it made an awful splash, except that it was rock that splashed instead of water, and everything got dark for a long time. It finally started to get light again, but the snakes with legs weren’t there any more.’

‘Did my relatives go away, too?’

‘Some of them went to sleep, but they woke up after a while, and the ones who’d stayed awake went to sleep. There was one that never slept, though. That one’s very ugly, isn’t it?’

‘Indeed it is, child,’ Zelana replied with a shudder. ‘It’s an outcast, and we don’t even like to think about it. What happened next?’

‘There were a lot of things with fur wandering around, and there were birds and bugs, too, but then some things who walked on their hind legs came along. They didn’t look at all the way we do, though. Their skin was scaly, like the skin of large fish – or maybe snakes, and their eyes were huge and stuck way out in front of their faces. That went on for quite a long time, and then everything was all covered with white, and it got very cold. Mother Sea seemed to shrink, and she ran away from her shore. Then the white went away, and Mother Sea came back. That’s when the man-things who look like me arrived. They didn’t look exactly like me, though. They wrapped themselves up in animal skins for some reason, and you and I don’t do that, do we?’

‘It isn’t necessary for us, Eleria. The skins help the man-things stay warm, and they’re ashamed of their bodies.’

‘How peculiar,’ Eleria said, frowning slightly. ‘That was about all there was, Beloved, except that the awful-looking watcher was still way off at the edge of my dream, and I don’t think it likes me very much. I get the feeling that it’s afraid of me for some reason.’

‘If it has anything like good sense, it is,’ Zelana said. ‘Do you think you’ll be able to manage

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