Answering Your Questions About Speaking in Tongues
By Larry Christenson and Corrie ten Boom
About this ebook
Larry Christenson
Larry Christenson, ordained in the Evangelical Lutheran Church, is the former director of the International Lutheran Renewal Center in Minneapolis. He was a popular conference speaker and wrote more than fifteen books in his lifetime, including The Christian Family, which has sold more than two million copies. He journeyed home to be with the Lord in December of 2017.
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Reviews for Answering Your Questions About Speaking in Tongues
7 ratings1 review
- Rating: 3 out of 5 stars3/5Christenson was one of the new Charismatic leaders in the 1970s. In this defense of the phenomenon of glossolalia, he refutes the old models that say it is a psychological pathology. I believed that glossolalia was a gift from God when I read the book in the 1970s and found the book helpful. Wouldn't bother with it now.
Book preview
Answering Your Questions About Speaking in Tongues - Larry Christenson
Answering Your
Questions About
Speaking in
Answering Your Questions About Speaking in Tongues
The Christian Family
The Heartless Troll
The Renewed Mind
Welcome, Holy Spirit
The Wonderful Way Babies Are Made
Answering Your
Questions About
Speaking in
Answering Your Questions About Speaking in Tongues
Copyright © 1968, 2005
Larry Christenson
Previously published by Bethany House under the title Speaking in Tongues.
Cover design by Eric Walljasper
Unless otherwise identified, Scripture quotations are from the Revised Standard Version of the Bible. Copyright 1946, 1952, 1971 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA. Used by permission.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise—without the prior written permission of the publisher and copyright owners.
Published by Bethany House Publishers
11400 Hampshire Avenue South
Bloomington, Minnesota 55438
Bethany House Publishers is a division of
Baker Publishing Group, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Printed in the United States of America
ISBN-13: 978-0-7642-0068-7
ISBN-10: 0-7642-0068-2
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Christenson, Larry, 1928–
[Speaking in tongues]
Answering your questions about speaking in tongues / by Larry Christenson.
p. cm.
Summary: ‘‘Written for lay Christians, this is a level-headed and clear presentation of what God had in mind when He made appointed the gift of tongues for the church. It discusses speaking in tongues as a sign, as a gift, and as a ministry’’—Provided by publisher.
Originally published: Speaking in tongues. London : Fountain Trust, 1968.
ISBN 0-7642-0068-2 (pbk.)
1. Glosssolalia. I. Title.
BL54.C48 2005
I praise the Lord for this book by the Rev. L. Christenson. I know that God will use it to open the eyes of many of His children to the privilege of living in a time when God is pouring out His blessings of the gifts and fruit of the Spirit on different churches, many which hitherto have been closed to these blessings.
The Lord did not in any way give His gifts as a means to quarrel about, but He gave His gifts that we should enjoy them.
As the Rev. Christenson says in his book: ‘‘The gift of speaking in tongues and the other gifts of the Spirit are the means which He has given to express Christ’s love in an effective and concrete way.’’
God bless this book.
—Corrie ten Boom
Preface to the Thirty-Seventh
Anniversary Edition
In 1961, as a newly ordained pastor, I stumbled upon the phenomenon of speaking in tongues. I met people from traditional denominations who had recently come into the experience of this gift. At first it did not particularly interest me. Several months later, however, I experienced the gift myself.
Inquiries—and controversy—were not far behind. The term charismatic had not even been coined. The experience of speaking in tongues was largely unknown in mainline denominations. Pastors in neighboring communities and members of my own congregation began to ask questions. Nothing in my own religious tradition had prepared me for this.
Fortunately, neither had anything prejudiced me against it.
As I began to think through the experience, one Bible verse spoke to me with singular clarity:
GOD HAS APPOINTED in the church first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then workers of miracles, then healers, helpers, administrators, SPEAKERS IN VARIOUS KINDS OF TONGUES. (1 Cor. 12:28, emphasis added)
God does not appoint foolish or unnecessary things for His Church. What God has established does not need to be defended, nor can it be downgraded. Our task is rather to discover the purpose and meaning God had in mind when He appointed this gift for His Church.
A seminary classmate heard about my experience and wrote me a letter. My answer to that letter became the beginning of this book. The letter grew into an article that was later published in booklet form and widely distributed in a variety of editions, including more than a dozen foreign languages.
Subsequently Wartburg Lutheran Seminary, in Dubuque, Iowa, asked me to bring a series of lectures on speaking in tongues at its annual ‘‘Luther Academy.’’ Those lectures, together with the original article, provided the groundwork for this book.
Today speaking in tongues is not the sheer novelty that it was back in the 1960s. The charismatic renewal has become a worldwide, churchwide phenomenon. In 1960 classical Pentecostals numbered about 25 million worldwide. Forty-five years later Pentecostals and charismatics numbered 553 million, trending toward 811 million by 2025.* Not since the days of the Early Church has the gift of tongues been so widespread among Christians. Yet many of the same questions that were first posed to me by that seminary classmate come up today as a new generation of believers seeks to understand this spiritual gift.
It is gratifying to know that Speaking in Tongues , approaching its fourth decade of publication, continues to be a help and encouragement to people. My prayer remains the same: that these chapters will help Christian people come into both an understanding and a personal experience of a beautiful gift of the Holy Spirit.
Larry Christenson
Pentecost 2005
*David Barrett, George Kurian, Todd Johnson, The World Christian Encyclopedia (New York: Oxford University Press), 2001.
Acknowledgment is gratefully made to the many individuals who have corresponded and spoken with the writer over the past years in regard to the subject of this book, sharing their insights and personal testimonies, some of which are related in the following pages. These have been of great personal help to the writer in preparing the chapters of this book.
We also gratefully acknowledge the permission of the following publishers and/or writers to make brief quotations from their works:
Weymouth’s New Testament in Modern Speech by Richard Francis Weymouth, special arrangement with James Clarke & Company, Ltd. Reprinted with the permission of Harper & Row Publishers, Inc., New York.
The Meaning of Persons by Paul Tournier, copyright 1957 by Paul Tournier, Harper & Brothers. Reprinted with the permission of Harper & Row Publishers, Inc., New York.
Tongue Speaking by Morton Kelsey, published by Doubleday, Inc., New York. Reprinted by permission of the author.
The Historic Church Newsletter, Box 3743, Portland, Oregon 97208, the article entitled ‘‘Guidelines in the Present Movement’’ by Clarence Finsaas. Quoted by permission.
History of the Christian Church by Philip Schaff, published by Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan. Used by permission.
Gnadengaben by Arnold Bittlinger, published by R. F. Edel Verlag, Madburg/Lahn, Germany. Quoted by permission of the author.
Christianity Today article by Philip Hughes. Quoted by permission.
Renewal Magazine article entitled ‘‘Pray, Don’t Condemn!’’ Quoted by permission of the editor, Michael Harper.
The Normal Christian Church Life by Watchman Nee, published by International Students, Inc., 2109 E Street N.W., Washington, D.C. Quoted by permission.
The Biblical Expositor article entitled ‘‘The Coming of Christian Power’’ by John H. Gestner, edited by Carl F. H. Henry, published by A. J. Holman Company. Quoted by permission. The Healing Gifts of the Spirit by Agnes Sanford. Quoted by permission.
The New York Times article by McCandlish Phillips. Quoted by permission of the author.
The Young Church in Action by J. B. Phillips, published by The Macmillan Company. Quoted by permission.
1. What Does This Mean?
2. Speaking in Tongues as ‘‘Sign’’
3. Speaking in Tongues as ‘‘Gift’’
4. Speaking in Tongues as ‘‘Ministry’’
5. Is Speaking in Tongues for Me?
Appendix: How to Have a
Daily Quiet Time With God
What Does This Mean?
The Significance for the Church of the
Widespread Occurrence of SPEAKING IN
TONGUES in Historic Denominations
As a young teenager I accepted Christ’s forgiveness, received salvation, and was baptized. This experience did not give me the ability to completely rely on God. I sought security elsewhere, but there remained an empty incompleteness, finally a despair. I turned to God in helplessness. He met me by increasing my faith and hope slowly.
I attended a prayer group obediently for a year and a half, longing for a closer walk that would enable me to experience the things the Bible says a Christian should experience. Again God answered my prayers: Through the testimonies of others and searching God’s Word, His Spirit convicted me to humble myself to ask for prayer to be baptized with His Spirit and take that step of faith necessary to receive Him. I did, with the Lord’s help, and He granted me a tongue with which I could praise Him continually.
I have experienced a superabundance of joy and peace and comfort that no one can take away from me. . . . He also makes me painfully aware of ‘‘myself’’ that offends and hinders His growth in me. How blessed to confess these things, be cleansed, and granted more strength to stand. The enemy is more real, too, but through God’s Word, which has come alive, Christ sets me free from Satan’s power. . . .
He is my Comforter, as His language of prayer and praise flow through my mind silently at any time, anywhere, in any situation; or aloud, through my lips and voice, when alone. . . . God speaks to me everywhere: in the liturgy, hymns, sermons, Scripture. His Spirit witnesses to the truth I feel in my heart. I long that all may share this blessed oneness in Christ Jesus, who sustains us in His power.
The details will differ. One testifies to a new joy in his Christian faith; another witnesses to a deeper and more constant awareness of the Spirit’s indwelling presence; some have found a new freedom to witness to others of what Jesus means to them; another says that he has a far keener sense of the Spirit’s guidance than he did before; many testify to an awakened interest, indeed a deep hunger, to study the Bible; a keener awareness of one’s own sins and shortcomings is frequently mentioned. The common denominator in all of these testimonies seems to be this: The experience of ‘‘speaking in tongues’’ has intensified the sense of the presence of God; the Word of God has become more contemporary, believable; Christ the Lord has become more real—in a word, faith has been strengthened.
A teacher of a high school Bible class came into this experience, and several months later one of his students remarked, ‘‘He’s changed: he believes it more now than he used to.’’ This is not the kind of change one learns out of a book. It springs from deep personal experience. This teacher does not make any extravagant claims in regard to his own experience. ‘‘I realize,’’ he says, ‘‘that many people have come into blessings similar to mine without speaking in tongues. But this is the way God chose to lead me into a deeper walk with Him, and I thank Him for it.’’
What is ‘‘speaking in tongues’’? Why has it appeared in many historic Christian denominations? Why haven’t we heard about it before? What kind of an experience is it? Is it something any Christian can experience? Should one seek after it? Is it some kind of gimmick that could detour the Church from her main task of proclaiming the Gospel? What, exactly, is its value to the individual and to the Church?
These are thoughtful and earnest questions that people in many Christian congregations are asking. Until about 1960 the average church member associated present-day speaking in tongues with Pentecostal groups, often dismissing it as a purely emotional phenomenon. But in more recent years an increasing number of people in historic Christian denominations—clergy and laity alike—have come into this New Testament experience.
However we may analyze