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Lynxar Series - Dangerous Destinies: Book 17-19 (3-Book Bundle)
Lynxar Series - Dangerous Destinies: Book 17-19 (3-Book Bundle)
Lynxar Series - Dangerous Destinies: Book 17-19 (3-Book Bundle)
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Lynxar Series - Dangerous Destinies: Book 17-19 (3-Book Bundle)

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About this ebook

The Storm to Come - Volume 17
World at War - Volume 18
A Heart that Beats Only for You - Volume 19

Release dateAug 10, 2014
Lynxar Series - Dangerous Destinies: Book 17-19 (3-Book Bundle)

Melissa F. Hart

I started writing romance fiction since I was 16 years old. I'm now a published writer thanks to the wonderful world of ebooks. I live in Canada and I love the winter months. As you can see, I wrote several books related to the winter holidays. I'm not represented by an agent and I'm a proud indie. I have learned how to create websites and edit images, design book covers, etc. All my books and what you see on this website I have created myself. I'm currently a certified accountant but my dream is to be a full-time independent writer of hot erotic romance books.

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    Book preview

    Lynxar Series - Dangerous Destinies - Melissa F. Hart

    Lynxar Series - Dangerous Destinies: Book 17-19 (3-Book Bundle)

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © 2014 by Melissa F. Hart. All rights reserved worldwide.

    No part of this book may be replicated, redistributed, or given away in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, without the prior written consent of the author/publisher.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

    Books in the series

    Lynxar - Volume 1

    Lynxar's Choices - Volume 2

    Lynxar's Legacy - Volume 3

    Lynxar's Ghost - Volume 4

    The Ghost Rises - Volume 5

    Triumph of the Ghost - Volume 6

    Lynxar's searching Heart - Volume 7

    Dreams of the Heart - Volume 8

    Heartfelt Farewells - Volume 9

    Strength of the Heart - Volume 10

    The Heart of Danger - Volume 11

    Deceptions of the Heart - Volume 12

    A Heart for Family - Volume 13

    Eye of the Beholder - Volume 14

    Scars of my Past - Volume 15

    Glory in Victory - Volume 16

    The Storm to Come - Volume 17

    World at War - Volume 18

    A Heart that Beats Only for You - Volume 19


    Table of Contents

    The Storm to Come

    17 - Synopsis

    17 - Chapter One

    17 - Chapter Two

    17 - Chapter Three

    17 - Chapter Four

    17 - Chapter Five

    17 - Chapter Six

    17 - Chapter Seven

    World at War

    18 - Synopsis

    18 - Chapter One

    18- Chapter Two

    18 - Chapter Three

    18 - Chapter Four

    18 - Chapter Five

    A Heart that Beats Only for You

    19 - Synopsis

    19 - Chapter One

    19 - Chapter Two

    19 - Chapter Three

    19 - Chapter Four

    19 - Chapter Five

    19 - Chapter Six

    19 - Chapter Seven


    The Storm to Come



    Apple and Bellaron have settled into a quiet existence, though with a baby on the way and super villains to fight, there's always plenty going on. In the blink of an eye, however, a peaceful day turns into the beginning of a terrible battle, one that will endanger the entire city. Bellaron must face an ancestral foe, and Apple does what she can to save the people around her.


    Chapter One

    Apple's studio was organized, with all of her tools and all of the scrap metal she used to make her sculptures kept in their own spaces, but there was a certain amount of grunge, soot and dirt that was simply inescapable when you welded enormous sculptures for a living. Apple herself certainly didn't mind, as she was dressed for a day of work, but as things got more and more heated between her and her husband, she found herself more worried about his outfit.

    Bellaron, you're going to get filthy, she protested, as he pulled her against him. She was in jeans and a rather ancient protective shirt, and he was dressed in a nice pair of slacks and the expensive button-downs he preferred.

    Do you think I care even a little? he asked, amused. Do you think I'm really thinking about how clean my damned clothing is going to stay when you look like that right in front of me?

    I look like a chimney sweep, she retorted, trying to pull away while not getting her sooty hands on his clothing.

    You smell like heaven, he said, putting his face to her neck and inhaling deeply. You smell like a woman who makes art that enlightens the world, like a woman who works hard for her living. You smell like a woman carrying my child.

    From another man, it would have been sheer flattery, but Apple knew that from Bellaron, it was nothing but the truth. The people of his home planet of Naith were not werewolves, but they were something similar. In the heat of battle, he could transform into something like an enormous wolf, and Apple, the inheritor of the light of Naith, his destroyed planet, could use a sacred book known as the Psalms of Istarte to transform him into other fighting beasts as well.

    It came as no surprise to her that with his alien senses, he could detect things like her work, her sweat, even the child inside her. For a moment, she lovingly cupped her hands over her stomach, where her child was just beginning to show. She had never thought of becoming a mother, and in fact, when she had realized she was going to be, her first thought was panic. Over the past three months, though, she had come around, and now she couldn't wait to meet her baby.

    Her head was full of tender thoughts, and that was when Bellaron took advantage of her distraction to lift her away from the metal and tools that she had been working with.


    I don't care about these clothes, he said, enunciating carefully. I don't give a damn about them, and if I need to prove it, I will strip them from my body and use your torch to set them alight. Do you need me to do that?

    Apple's mouth watered at the thought of him completely naked, and she abruptly decided that if he didn't care, neither did she.

    All right then, she said, stepping back from him and putting her hands on her hips. Show me what you like, my prince.

    The bright gleam in his eyes was all the warning she got, and then he was on her, kissing her mouth with an almost fevered insistence.

    I don't care if I never wear clothes again, he promised in her ear. Though I would much prefer it if you didn't

    She giggled as he stripped her shirt over her head and removed her bra soon after. She stood still, allowing him to worship every inch of her, from the nipples of her large breasts to the generous curve of her belly. She was not a small woman, and he loved every curve of her, from the soft flesh of her flanks and her back to the swell of her hips, and he took his time, biting and squeezing until her sighs turned hot and fevered.

    Only then did he reach

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