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Short Story Mixture
Short Story Mixture
Short Story Mixture
Ebook53 pages41 minutes

Short Story Mixture

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About this ebook

Short stories and some poems. Stories up to 2500 words in length. Some are a bit tense; some are amusing, some border on nonsense. The poems are whatever the reader sees in them.

PublisherDon Fern
Release dateSep 5, 2014
Short Story Mixture

Don Fern

Writer of short stories.

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    Book preview

    Short Story Mixture - Don Fern

    Short Story Mixture

    Published by Don Fern at Smashwords

    Copyright 2014 Don Fern

    Table of Contents

    The Haunted Bridge in Town

    Time Trip to Missouri

    Cow Kidnapping


    Escape to Party

    Playing the Game


    Positive Thinking for Christmas

    Santa Monthly

    Chinese Christmas Decorations


    The Haunted Bridge in Town

    I had a horse. He was much bigger than me. His name was Goldie. One Halloween we went tricking or treating. I lived at the first house, about a quarter of a mile west of town, on the north side of the road. A curved lane led up to my house. There were about 30 houses in town. Mostly old grouches lived in these houses. They would not give you any candy.

    Mom fixed it up for me to go to the Winters, where they were having a party with costumes and candy. I went as a ghost and Goldie went as a horse. I had made a jack-o-lantern, with a candle inside, and took that with me. Right around sundown, Goldie and I rode out of the barnyard. Mom closed the gate behind us. I rode down our lane to the road and turned left into town. It took only a short time to ride down the main street, which consisted of two blocks of homes. Then we crossed the bridge in town and passed the last house.

    After another quarter mile, Goldie and I were at the Elis house lane. The house had always looked rundown before. But tonight it looked kept up. I could see a light in the windows downstairs. The house looked lit up and inviting, so I decided I might get some candy there. The house looked so inviting, I turned Goldie and we rode down the lane.

    A storm had passed through two days before and all the leaves were blown from the trees. That night there were clouds but not enough to cover the light from the full moon. The trees bare branches stood out in the moonlight. The large leaves from the oak trees covered the lane. I rode Goldie down the center of the lane toward the house. Upon arriving at the gate to the front yard, I saw the light from inside the open doors of the barn. A man was feeding the cows in the barn.

    I dismounted Goldie and tied him to the fence beside the gate. The house lights lit up the front porch. I felt I was going to get candy here for sure. I walked down the path and stepped onto the front porch. Then I could see the living room through the windows. The living room looked relaxing and inviting. I saw the screen door was open. And the inside door was standing open, about a half foot. It appeared so inviting to go in. While thinking of the candy, I was going to get, I walked across the porch to the front door.

    From just outside of the door, I could clearly see the living room. I saw a lady looking at the cornucopia center piece on the table. I saw a young child sitting on the couch. I placed my hand on the outside door knob to hold the door, so I could knock on it. I softly knocked on the door and said, Trick or treat.

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