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Finding your Way Home with Transcendental Progression
Finding your Way Home with Transcendental Progression
Finding your Way Home with Transcendental Progression
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Finding your Way Home with Transcendental Progression

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This book is a practical script for any reader keen to explore Self in greater depth, seeking to heal personal dysfunction, wanting to achieve improvements in the quality of living or wishing to increase insight, understanding and self-development. Additionally it is a guide for anyone questing on a spiritual path.
Release dateJul 25, 2014
Finding your Way Home with Transcendental Progression

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    Book preview

    Finding your Way Home with Transcendental Progression - A. I. Jordan


    Part 1

    Decoding Life Programmes


    Transcendental Progression™


    1 - Mapping the Self

    Pages 5 - 8

    2 - Identity and Anatomy of Whole-Self

    Illustration 1, 2; pages 14, 15

    Pages 9 - 16

    3 - The Lotus and Comparative Definitions

    Illustration 3; page 22

    Pages 17 - 26

    4 - Mandala meditation

    Page 27 - 29



    Mapping the Self

    Inspirational writings open you to the direction and the space of beauty and light. However, in order to travel and reach there, we need a map for guidance and equipment for the journey. Transcendental Progression seeks to give you both.

    Let me begin by pointing out that a map is not the territory, but it is an aid to orientation, to help understand the territory better and to facilitate moving with purpose and direction.

    A geographic map for example, would show us where the mountains are, and the forests, the lake, river and ocean. The roads shown give us ease to move from place to place.

    Most importantly, a map shows us that the territory is not just one jumbled overwhelming heap, but consists of distinct components with their respective functions, along with dynamics, which present an interconnected and interdependent Whole.

    As you know, there are many different maps of the same territory and also detailed maps of its parts:

    •  medical anatomical maps locating different organs and functions;

    •  acupuncture maps locating meridians;

    •  chakra maps showing energy centres;

    •  psychological mappings showing personality components, etc.

    In essence, Transcendental Progression seeks to show clearly the components of Whole-Self and to introduce an insight into its dynamics.

    So this book is intended to serve you as a map or a manual of your Whole-Self.

    Aside from Cognitive Empowerment, Transcendental Progression guides you through particular exercises which bring you into the field of direct personal experiencing of Self, which is the catalyst that enables you to bring about changes of healing and development and opens to you a transformational opportunity for embarking on a quest for positive living. And, if you choose, initiates you to finding a spiritual path.

    What follows is a brief summary of the components of the Whole-Self in a nutshell, different representations of Whole-Self, of Personal Identity.

    This is intended as an aide to orientation for you to refer back to as you work your way through the book. I have outlined the essence in different representations as we each have different ways of understanding information in words or images or charts.

    Don’t worry if it seems difficult at this point, as clarification follows as you progress through the chapters. Just allow it to be taken up by your subconscious mind and trust the process.

    The illustrations 1, 2 and 3 aim to clarify the natural flow from Origin in the Higher-Self to manifestation in lower-self.

    The flow from our Essence in the spiritual domain down to our worldly manifestations through the material, emotional, intellectual and psychic Faculties.




    In the beginning there is Sound.

    Then Sound shapes itself in Dust.

    So there is dance.

    The dance is Life!

    I am Dancing Dust.

    My origin is DIVINITY. My constant Being is SOUL. My CORE SELF is what I bring into this life. Through EGO and FACULTIES I manifest in life.

    I am - all of these - I am

    - OM -

    So many attributes describe the parts of me which have been developed or acquired through life. These parts are my four FACULTIES and my EGO-ROLES. They are WHAT I am but not WHO I am. My identity is WHOLE-SELF.

    In this book I am taking you on a journey to help you re-discover, recover, re-connect, re-integrate and harmonise the parts of your Whole-Self.

    Whole-Self Components


    The Source of All that is. Some use the word God.


    The Individual Soul is the Seed-Origin of each Individual Being.


    The Core-Self is the bearer of our Character and of our Individual Life Purpose.

    It is the location of the Heart Centre and it is the intermediary between lower-self and Higher-Self.


    The Ego-Roles Family profile our Personality and are the means by which we interact with the world and fulfil our Life Purpose.


    The Four Faculties; Matter, Emotion, Mind and Psyche. These are a team of equals, are the media through which we manifest in life.

    Consciousness Levels

    These components are grouped into two distinct consciousness levels. The first part of the book will explore the everyday and readily accessible lower consciousness, which is experienced through the four Faculties and the Ego-Roles.

    In the second half of the book I guide you into greater understanding of the more subtle workings of Higher Consciousness, which is the realm of Spirituality.

    The following illustrations will help you to form a clearer visual image of Whole- Self and the relativity of the Consciousness levels and helps you retain the content in your memory.

    Transcendental Progression™


    Components and Shifting Consciousness Levels

    Illustration 1

    Transcendental Progression™

    Anatomy of Whole-Self

    Illustration 2



    The Lotus

    Ponder on the beautiful lotus bloom! Find in it a representation of the Whole-Self.

    Looking at the flower head notice the colour, the texture, the fragrance and movement of the petals. These are the representation of our four Faculties.

    Without those components, there would be no petals.

    In turn the petals, encircling the central core of the flower, perform a most fundamental life function. It’s the petals that interact with the world around the flower, playing on the waves of life itself, dancing in nature’s elements and especially, attracting the insects. Without the petals no insects would come. Without insects there would be no pollination in the core-centre of the flower. Without the pollination the flower could not fulfil its life purpose of producing its seeds.

    Likewise, we can see our Ego as the collection of petals through which we participate in life. It is through the medium of these individual Ego-Roles that we can pursue our Core-Self destiny and fulfil our personal life purpose, through life itself.

    Continue with your observations and see how the whole plant started in a seed. This seed, in turn is essentially an integral part of Whole Nature.

    From this all-inclusive Origin and then from the individual Seed, the plant is born, the stem connecting up to the flower. This is how I describe Soul being an inclusive part of the One Original Essence, of the One Divinity.

    This is how I see the Original Essence giving birth to all of me; my individual Soul, my Core-Self, my Ego-Roles and my four Faculties.

    So I, you, all of us, all the animals, plants, all that is created, we all are manifestations in the universe, sharing in all that is born of the Origin.

    The Map:

    Now I will lay out the components of the Whole-Self in more detail.

    Let’s think of it as a diagram or an assembly instruction. I have especially selected the words I use to make things as clear as I can for you.

    However, some words you will find are used already elsewhere, but with a number of different meanings. As you continue, my definitions will become clear to you.

    Firstly there are the four Faculties:

    Matter; Emotion; Mind; Psyche

    Without our 4 Faculties we cannot exist as humans. These Faculties are a team of equals and form part of our lower-self.

    Matter is the physical level, our body, the material actions, interactions and possessions and physical sensations. Sensing.

    Emotion is exclusively our world of emotional experiences and exchanges. Feeling.

    Mind is the world of intellect and thought processes. Reasoning.

    Psyche is the world of extra sensory perceptions. Sixth sense.

    Faculties are Components of lower-self.

    Next is Ego.

    Ego, broadly speaking makes up your whole personality.

    Ego is composed of your inner Ego-Roles, which collectively make up your inner Ego-Family. Each Ego-Role has a distinct personality profile and differs from the other Ego-Roles in identity and function.

    It is through Ego that we are interactive in our everyday life with the world.

    This is also lower-self.

    Now we come to Core-Self.

    Core-Self could be thought of as our character.

    It is also the carrier of our life purpose.

    According to belief, we can think of Core-Self as that part of us, which is re-incarnated and which carries our karmic history.

    Core-Self is the first level of Higher Consciousness.

    Finally there is Soul and Divinity.

    Your Soul exists in the ‘timeless zone, in Higher-Self. It is unchanging. It is an individual Divinity particle, a part of the One, the Divine All. When we achieve highest Consciousness we are in a state of grace, of enlightenment. This is what many people seek actively to achieve through many different means and methods. But even for people, who do not believe in a timeless Divinity and Soul, the above mapping still holds true and is practical and useful within a temporal framework.

    Here is a chart I made for ordering and aligning the relativity of the components of the Whole-Self. It is an overview and is meant to serve as clarification of the principles as you move through the book and to prompt you to develop your own analogies. The arrows are guides to the sequence.

    Transcendental Progression™

    Comparative Definitions

    Illustration 3

    Consciousness Definitions

    Dwelling at any level of consciousness is an experiential event.

    Our interactions of human life are activated in lower-self through the medium of our Faculties and Ego Programmes, which accesses lower consciousness.

    When we reach the level of Higher Consciousness in our Core-Self, it helps us to realise and to fulfil our deeper personal life purpose. This enhanced Awareness allows for Higher Consciousness expressions such as Integrity, Values, Beauty, Kindness, Compassion Harmony and Quality.

    Life gives us the opportunity to manifest Divinity through our individual living when we attain levels of Highest Consciousness.

    Our living experience and self-expression at any moment is determined by which part of Whole-Self is dominant at that time.

    In the chapters that follow I will guide you in a practical way with exercises, to learn to achieve shifts of consciousness at will. Through the Dialogue Practices you become competent to bring about such experiential events easily and naturally. You can learn to shift your consciousness between your Faculties and Ego-Roles and Whole-Self initially. Later on you practise shifting to your Core-Self and Highest-Self.

    To recap:

    I distinguish a division of two levels of consciousness. However, I must emphasise, that consciousness is a fluid dynamic, which moves up from lowest to highest and in turn also moves back down.

    Our experiencing of life is altered by our Awareness and by the shifting of our Consciousness.

    This is Transcendence.

    The word transcendence meaning a movement in any direction, up, down, sideways, around, diagonally, inter-dimensionally etc.

    An elevator for example ascends and descends. A vehicle transports forwards and backwards and around. We move our bodies in many directions and our Whole-Self can move in many dimensions. A directional shift from lower-self to Higher-Self would be called ascendance. The reverse would be descendance, namely when we slide down from Higher Consciousness to lower consciousness.

    Whole-Self Definitions

    Faculties determine that we think, feel, sense etc.

    Ego determines what we think, feel etc.

    Core determines how we think, feel, etc.

    Faculties need sustaining

    Ego needs training

    Core-Self needs fulfilling

    Musical analogy:

    Faculties = beat

    Ego = melody

    Core-Self = harmony

    Soul = vibration

    Whole Self = composition

    Consciousness shifting = pitch

    What I am determines what I do.

    Who I am determines how I do.

    Faculties = Wheels

    Ego = Car

    Core-Self = Driver

    What is reality?

    The components of Whole-Self are an experiential fact. As such there is fundamental validity for everyday life ‘reality’ beyond philosophical and scientific principles. Ultimately however, values and meaning are determined by each person individually in accordance with their own programmes and definitions.

    So I can say God does exist or I can say there is no God. But either belief is based on a personal definition of the word and concept of God.

    Our programmes create our ‘perceived reality’.

    When we come to realise this, our life perspectives are altered about everything.

    The aim is to be life-affirming.

    Avoid enslavement by Faculties. Overcome being ruled by Ego.

    Learn to allow yourself to be managed by your Core-Self. Submit to the guidance of Divinity.



    Transcendental Progression™

    Whole-Self Mandala Meditation

    Enjoy the relaxation exercise of colouring in this mandala. You might also like to colour in the mandala sections on each divider page


    Transcendental Progression™


    1 - Opening to Matter, Emotion, Mind and Psyche

    Faculties Chart

    Illustration 4; Page 43

    Pages 35 - 44

    2 - Listening Exercise and Practice

    Heart Centre

    Pages 45 - 52

    3 - Faculties Needs and Sustaining

    Personal Faculties Needs Scan - Worksheet 1 page 59

    Pages 53 - 60

    4 - Faculties Transposition Dialogue

    First Faculties Dialogue - Worksheet 2 page 69

    Evaluation - Worksheet 3 page 70


    Pages 61 - 72

    5 - Personal Profile

    Elements of Faculties

    Personal Profile Charting - Worksheet 4 page 78

    1 Proportion/ Limits - Worksheet 5 page 88

    2 Boundaries - Worksheet 6 page 96

    3 Energies - Worksheet 7 page 104

    Second Faculties Dialogue - Worksheet 8 page 106

    Personal Profile Chart Evaluation - Worksheet 9 page 107

    Illustrations 5 to 8; pages 76, 87, 95, 103

    Pages 73 - 108

    6 - Function and Dysfunction

    Pages 109 - 114

    7 - Interactive Dynamics

    Profile Interactions

    Cross Faculty Interaction

    Boundary Interactions

    Illustrations 9 to 15; pages 118, 121, 124, 127, 129, 131, 134

    Pages 115 - 134

    8 - Assertiveness

    Pages 135 - 142



    Know yourself better

    In the following chapters of the book you will find explanations and guidance to assist you to familiarise yourself theoretically and practically with the whole of your Self.

    You can use the proposed practises and exercises to help deal with dysfunctions in your lower-self and enable you to re-connect with your Higher-Self to bring about transformation in your life.

    A most important exercise is, to practise observing your four Faculties and your Ego-Roles without judgement and without immediate analysing.

    Just witness the experiences and activities of these components of Whole-Self.

    This way you develop your ability to shift your awareness. You can learn to shift from self-identification with any of the components of lower-self and to become aware of the witnessing presence of your Core-Self.

    This way you can transfer your possible self-identification from lower-self to Whole-Self.

    You gain greater choice and ability to live by expressing the qualities of your Higher-Self.

    Awareness and Listening

    Isn’t it surprising how we can find ourselves quite unaware of something or other? Maybe in conversation with somebody, suddenly there is this flash of insight, when we discover something is right in front of our noses and we were totally unaware of it in the past!

    But from the moment we see, we are enabled to do something with the newly found insight. You can take benefits or make changes for the better. Now you have choice where before you did not.

    Getting to know your four Faculties better gives you this empowerment. So what you aim for

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