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Ebook123 pages58 minutes


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About this ebook

Five classmates come together for their thirtieth high-school reunion. Some see it as a welcome trip home, while others see it as an obligation, and a few never even left. But as the night wears on, the one-time classmates start to reconnect and reminisce. And the more alcohol that’s consumed the closer the friends come to confronting their darkest secrets.

Once again, Daniel MacIvor proves to us that just because we’re all grown up doesn’t mean we have everything figured out. His characters are sometimes naive, often crass, but always honest. As they try to reclaim their high-school glory days, these five friends charge headfirst into the secrets they all tried to run so far from.
Release dateNov 15, 2011

Daniel MacIvor

Born in Sydney, Cape Breton in 1962, Daniel MacIvor studied theatre at Dalhousie University in Halifax and George Brown College in Toronto. A prolific playwright, dynamic performer, producer, and artistic director, MacIvor has been creating original Canadian theatre since 1986 when he founded the highly acclaimed theatre company da da kamera, which has won a Chalmers Award for Innovation in Theatre (1998). MacIvor is also a successful filmmaker. His projects include the award winning short film The Fairy Who Didn’t Want to Be a Fairy Anymore. His first feature film, Past Perfect (produced by Camelia Frieberg), premiered at the 2002 Toronto International Film Festival and was released in theatres across Canada in March and April of 2003. He also adapted his Governor General’s Award-nominated stage play, Marion Bridge, for the screen (directed by Wiebke von Carolsfeld), for which he won the Best Screenplay Award at the 2002 Atlantic Film Festival. Talonbooks published his play Cul-de-sac in 2005.

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    Book preview

    Bingo! - Daniel MacIvor


    Daniel MacIvor

    Playwrights Canada Press


    Also by Daniel MacIvor

    One Voice: House and Here Lies Henry

    Never Swim Alone & This Is a Play

    See Bob Run & Wild Abandon

    I Still Love You: Five Plays

    The Soldier Dreams

    Marion Bridge

    His Greatness

    How It Works

    You Are Here



    In On It

    Bingo! © Copyright 2011 by Daniel MacIvor

    Playwrights Canada Press

    The Canadian Drama Publisher

    215 Spadina Ave., Suite 230, Toronto, ON, Canada M5T 2C7

    phone 416.703.0013, fax 416.408.3402 •

    No part of this book, covered by the copyright herein, may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means—graphic, electronic, or mechanical—without the prior written permission of the publisher, except for excerpts in a review or by a licence from:

    Access Copyright

    1 Yonge St., Suite 800, Toronto, ON M5E 1E5

    phone 416.868.1620

    For professional or amateur production rights, please contact:

    Thomas Pearson at ICM Talent,

    Cover photo © Copyright Janet MacLellan

    Cover design by Carolyn McNeillie

    Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication

    MacIvor, Daniel, 1962-

    Bingo! [electronic resource] / Daniel MacIvor.


    Electronic monograph.

    Issued also in print format.

    ISBN 978-1-77091-002-7

    I. Title.

    PS8575.I86B55 2011 C812'.54 C2011-906847-8


    Playwrights Canada Press acknowledges the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Book Fund and the Canada Council for the Arts, and of the Province of Ontario through the Ontario Arts Council and the Ontario Media Development Corporation for our publishing activities.

    For Norm

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Also by Daniel MacIvor

    Copyright Page



    Production Information


    Act One

    Scene One

    Scene Two

    Act Two

    Scene One

    Scene Two

    Scene Three

    Scene Four

    About the Author

    Bingo! was first produced by Mulgrave Road Theatre at Halifax’s Neptune Studio on July 26 and 27, 2011, and toured to Guysborough’s Chedabucto Place and Glace Bay’s Savoy Theatre from July 29–August 3. The cast and crew were:

    Heather Rankin: Kathy Bitsy Cameron

    John Beale: Paul Nurk Kenney

    Marty Burt: Dougie Dookie Duke

    Ryan Rogerson: Jeff Heffer MacInnis

    Emmy Alcorn: Laura Boots Boutlier

    Director: Daniel MacIvor

    Dramaturge: Iris Turcott

    Assistant director: Richie Wilcox

    Costume design: Janet MacLellan

    Set design: Andrew Murray

    Lighting design: Victoria Williams


    Paul Nurk Kenney

    Dougie Dookie Duke

    Jeff Heffer MacInnis

    Laura Boots Boutlier

    Kathy Bitsy Cameron

    Act One

    ¶ Scene One

    NURK, a man in his forties stands alone. He speaks to the audience.

    Nurk: We were friends. It was long ago. Pierre Trudeau was the prime minister. We drove Gremlins and Pacers and Volares. Gasoline was still sold by the gallon. We were going to the movies to watch Apocalypse Now and The Empire Strikes Back. M*A*S*H was keeping us home on Wednesday nights to watch television. Disco didn’t quite suck yet and everybody’s mother thought Rod Stewart was sexy. We had just survived the seventies and phrases like the Internet and crack cocaine and global warming hadn’t been invented. We drank a lot and smoked cigarettes and were always searching the house looking for some rumoured hallucinogen. Smoking tea bags rolled with nutmeg could get you high. It couldn’t. We drank a lot. We were teenagers, anything was possible, everything was ahead of us. We were friends. We waited by the phone, we ran to the phone, we made crank calls on the phone. Do you have pop in the cooler? Telephones used to hang in kitchens with cords on them and you had to stand beside them to talk. People smoked cigarettes on airplanes, in classrooms, in doctor’s offices. Reality television was the news. Rap was something we did to Christmas presents. We were friends. We were friends with people we now have nothing in common with. Some of us. We all had nicknames. Sometimes our nicknames were more complicated than our real names. I was Paul. Why did I need a nickname? Wasn’t Paul easy enough to remember? But we were friends. And we lived in a place that we would always and forever remember as a place called home. And that meant something. Thirty years ago. And it still does…

    DOOKIE and HEFFER, also in their late forties, enter and join NURK as he continues.

    Here. Now. Tonight.

    The three men do shooters then whoop. Lights up quickly. A hotel room.

    Dookie: Is that the one?

    Heffer: Is that the one?

    Nurk: Not for me.

    HEFFER hits DOOKIE in the stomach.

    Heffer: Dookie!


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