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Essential NEUROLOGY for Medicine Finals
Essential NEUROLOGY for Medicine Finals
Essential NEUROLOGY for Medicine Finals
Ebook208 pages1 hour

Essential NEUROLOGY for Medicine Finals

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About this ebook

Do you find neurology difficult and scary? Exams are approaching fast and you do not know where to start? All the books seem too long and too complicated?
Here is your solution! This book will transform the anxiety and fear of neurology stations into your strength and help you will ace the neurology stations in finals!

This is a short, concise summary of common neurology topics with a focus on the knowledge required for medicine finals. It contains chapters of history taking, examination, clinical anatomy and common pathologies. Through the combination of easy to follow relevant clinical neuroanatomy with frameworks for clinical examination and diagnosis of common pathologies, the book combines theory with practical skills thereby facilitating the understanding of difficult neurology topics.

The book also contains numerous tips for exams and real life examination of patients as well as memory aids to boost students' performance. It is suitable for medical students at any stage preparing for exams in neurology, including final year exams.

The book contains:

- Guides on neurology history taking, including common presenting complaints

- Frameworks for clinical examination including motor and sensory exam, parkinsonism exam, cerebellar exam, cranial nerve assessment, peripheral nerve exam and others

- Easy to understand and remember clinical neuroanatomy with relevance to clinical examination

- Concise summary of common and important pathologies, including signs and symptoms, investigations and treatment

- Mnemonics that will help you remember difficult topics for longer

- Numerous pictures to help your learning

- Example marking schemes for self-assessment.

Release dateNov 25, 2014
Essential NEUROLOGY for Medicine Finals

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    Book preview

    Essential NEUROLOGY for Medicine Finals - Magdalena Niestrata-Ortiz

    Essential NEUROLOGY for Medicine Finals

    Magdalena Niestrata-Ortiz

    2014, First Edition

    Essential NEUROLOGY for Medicine Finals

    Essential NEUROLOGY for Medicine Finals


    General overview

    Tips for neurological history taking

    Common presenting complaints


    History components

    Common diagnoses, relevant investigations and management


    Cluster headache

    Tension headache



    Subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH)

    Raised intracranial pressure

    Epidural haemorrhage

    Subdural haemorrhage

    Temporal arteritis

    Medication overuse headache

    Venous sinus thrombosis

    Funny turn (seizure, fit, loss of consciousness)

    History components


    Differential diagnosis

    Common causes of seizures

    Causes of epilepsy

    Seizure Classification

    Epilepsy treatment


    General remarks

    Neurological motor examination of the limbs

    Motor system applied basic anatomy

    General remarks about the neurological motor examination

    Motor examination of the lower limbs

    Motor examination of the upper limbs

    Neurological sensory examination of the limbs

    Sensory system basic applied anatomy

    General remarks about the sensory neurological examination of the limbs

    Neurological sensory examination of the lower limbs

    Neurological sensory examination of the upper limbs

    Summary of the Full Neurological Examination of Lower Limbs (Motor and Sensory)

    Summary of the Full Neurological Examination of Upper Limbs (Motor and Sensory)

    Cerebellar examination


    The introduction

    Cerebellar examination


    Causes of cerebellar dysfunction

    Parkinsonism examination



    Causes of parkinsonism

    Treatment for Parkinson's disease

    Cranial nerve examination


    Common pathologies of cranial nerves

    Eye pathology

    Horner's syndrome

    Causes of nystagmus

    Pupil abnormalities

    Visual field defects

    Ocular palsies

    Internuclear ophthalmoplegia

    Facial nerve palsy

    Cerebellopontine angle syndrome (nerve V, VII, VIII)

    IX, X, XI and XII nerve palsies

    Neurological examination of the hand


    Where is the lesion? - Upper vs. lower motor neuron lesion

    Causes of weakness


    Common upper motor neuron pathology


    Multiple sclerosis

    Common lower motor neuron pathology




    Median nerve lesion

    Ulnar nerve palsy

    Radial nerve palsy

    Long thoracic nerve palsy

    Lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh (L2, L3)

    Femoral nerve (L2-L4)

    Common peroneal nerve (L4-S2)

    Sciatic nerve (L4-S3)

    Mononeuritis multiplex

    Neuromuscular junction disease

    Myasthenia gravis (MG)

    Muscle disease (myopathy)

    Myotonia dystrophica (Myotonic dystrophy)

    Mixed upper and lower motor neuron pathology

    Motor neurone disease


    Neurological examination of lower limbs (motor and sensory)

    Neurological examination of the upper limbs (motor and sensory)

    Cerebellar examination

    Cranial nerve exam

    Parkinsonism examination

    About the Author

    Essential NEUROLOGY for Medicine Finals

    Dr. Magdalena Niestrata-Ortiz BSc (Hons) MBChB (Hons)

    Do you find neurology difficult and scary? Exams are approaching fast and you do not know where to start? All the books seem too long and too complicated? Here is your solution! This book will transform the anxiety and fear of neurology stations into your strength and help you will ace the neurology stations in finals!

    This is a short, concise summary of common neurology topics with a focus on the knowledge required for medicine finals. It contains chapters of history taking, examination, clinical anatomy and common pathologies. Through the combination of easy to follow relevant clinical neuroanatomy with frameworks for clinical examination and diagnosis of common pathologies, the book combines theory with practical skills thereby facilitating the understanding of difficult neurology topics.

    The book also contains numerous tips for exams and real life examination of patients as well as memory aids to boost students’ performance. It is suitable for medical students at any stage preparing for exams in neurology, including final year exams.

    The book contains:

    Guides on neurology history taking, including common presenting complaints

    Frameworks for clinical examination including motor and sensory exam, parkinsonism exam, cerebellar exam, cranial nerve assessment, peripheral nerve exam and others

    Easy to understand and remember clinical neuroanatomy with relevance to clinical examination

    Concise summary of common and important pathologies, including signs and symptoms, investigations and treatment

    Mnemonics that will help you remember difficult topics for longer

    Numerous pictures to help your learning

    Example marking schemes for self-assessment

    Tags: Medicine, Neurology, Students, Finals, Medicine Finals, Neurology Finals, Exams, Medicine Exams, Neurology Exams, Neurology History Taking, Neurology Examination, Neurological Examination, Neuroanatomy, Common Pathologies, Neurology Diagnosis

    License and Copyright Notes

    This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please go to your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. This will help support the author and encourage the creation of more content.

    No part of the content provided in this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. For any information, inquiries or requests refer to the author's website for contact information.

    2014 - First Edition

    Design, drawings, illustrations, editing and writing is work of the author.

    Copyright Dr. Magdalena Niestrata-Ortiz



    Knowledge and best practices in the field of neurology are constantly changing. Changes in research methods, professional practices or medical treatment may become necessary.

    To the fullest extent of the law, the author assumes no liability for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein.


    General overview

    As with any history, start with a polite and concise introduction involving:

    Introducing yourself (first name, surname and who you are)

    Confirming patient's identity

    Explaining what you would like to do and asking for patient's permission.

    In some medical exams you may be expected to inform the patient about the confidentiality and it may be a part of the marking scheme. In practice, doctor-patient confidentiality is implied and assumed and, therefore, not routinely mentioned before history taking. However, for exam purposes, find out if it is required in you medical school and include it accordingly.

    In neurology, the clinical history has the same outline as in most systems, including the presenting complaint, history of presenting complaint, past medical and surgical history, drug history, family history and social history.

    Tips for neurological history taking

    1) Use as many open questions as possible

    In neurology, the history is often key to the correct diagnosis. It is important to let the patient tell you their story in their own words. When they describe what happened/happens themselves, unaided, you are more likely to note important details, which are easily missed

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