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Amazing Grace: God’s Power To Be
Amazing Grace: God’s Power To Be
Amazing Grace: God’s Power To Be
Ebook106 pages1 hour

Amazing Grace: God’s Power To Be

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The author does not pretend to ‘know it all’ in this fundamental, in-depth study of God’s grace, but seeks to ‘open the door’ for further study into the many ways God’s grace is intended to be applied. Grace operates not only in salvation, but also throughout the Christian’s life in general, bringing confidence and joy to the Christian. Grace allows room for differences in opinions, change, and growth over time. As the author says, “The secret of grace is in its growth.”

“Balance” has long been the missing dimension, in this and other Bible subjects. The author asks, “Why do we always seem to go to the extreme?” Why are preachers fired because they preach on grace? Why must sermons on this subject have five minutes on grace and 25 minutes on obedience? Why are so many Christians in doubt as to their own salvation and hope of heaven?

The author tells of the time, when after he presented a lesson on “Amazing Grace,” an elderly member of the congregation came to him and said, “I just cannot agree with you on what you said about God’s grace.” He asked, “What is it you don’t agree with?” She then said, “I just can’t agree! Brother Jack, every day when I get up till the time I go to bed in the evening, I repeat in my mind, “Forgive me Lord,” “Forgive me Lord,” “Forgive me Lord.” This is not a life of confidence in God’s grace, and it reveals a fundamental misunderstanding of this marvelous subject. The “tight-rope,” “Yo-Yo,” (you’re in, you’re out) concept of Christianity is disheartening at best, and absolutely wrong in the end. What is needed is Biblical BALANCE.

As Dad said, “This is a simple, yet profound study of God, His love and mercy toward man, seen in redemption, and how grace is God’s power in the Christian to enable GROWTH!”

PublisherJack Exum
Release dateDec 17, 2014
Amazing Grace: God’s Power To Be

Jack Exum

Redeemed and added to the body of Christ, May 31, 1959 at Southside Church of Christ, Beaumont, Texas. Graduated from Preston Road School of Preaching, Dallas, Texas, 1971. I ministered to congregations in Georgia, Saskatchewan, Canada, Indiana, Ukraine, and Florida. After the passing of my brother Robert Exum January 25,2016, my wife and I moved to begin work with the West Keene Church of CHrist in Keene, New Hampshire. I am a committed Christian, happily married to my wife Lauw Liang (Wiwik), from Indonesia. Together, we seek only to grow, and serve together in His grace, so freely given in Jesus. (Mailing address: 69 Blossom Street, Keene, NH., 03431.) Purpose and Philosophy statements: * To reach out to and encourage the body of Christ. Not only by publishing books by dad (Jack Exum), and eventually my own, but also dad's and my own studies on I strive for BALANCE, avoiding EXTREMES, LEGALISM and LABELS which have contributed to division and sectarianism in the church. Growing in faith, hope, and love, unity of the Spirit in the bonds of peace, and being true to the Gospel of Christ, is 'where we stand.' My prayer is that we grow in grace, and learn to accept each other, being patient with those who question, or differ, while being 'Heaven bound' together. * To reach the lost. This is the mission of Jesus. Everyone deserves the privilege to hear about Jesus at least once. There is ONE God, and he loves you INCREDIBLY, There is ONE Savior, who gave His all that we might belong to Him forever, and ONE faith given to be shared in the power of His Spirit. There is ONE body to which all believers are added (Acts 2:38-47). That body has no official name in the New Testament but has several designations which describe relationship, with God, Christ, and each other. * To hold to restoration principles: 1. "No Creed but Christ." (Written creeds, and traditions are not authoritative). 2. "Where the Scriptures speak, we speak; where the Scriptures are silent, we are silent." 3. "In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, love." 4. "We are not the only Christians, but we are Christians only." Allow the Lord to deal with the 'weeds.' * We understand what the Bible teaches about being saved. One "must be born of water and the Spirit" (John 3:3-5). For more on this read Acts 2. However, now everyone who obeys the gospel of grace will be found in a congregation with the 'acceptable name.' God kn...

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    Book preview

    Amazing Grace - Jack Exum

    Amazing Grace – God’s Power To Be

    Copyright 2014 Jack Exum

    Smashwords Edition

    All Rights Reserved

    Scripture quotations taken from The Holy Bible, New International VersionR NIVR Copyright C 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.T Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

    The NIV and New International Version are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.T

    Note: Occasionally, quotations are from the King James Version (KJV) of The Holy Bible.

    License: This book is for your personal growth and enjoyment only. You may not resell this book or give it away. This book or any portion thereof may not be copied without permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations of fifty words or less. If you would like to share this book with others, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Cover Photo: Orion Nebula, M42, NGC 1976: Credit: NASA, ESA, M. Robberto (Space Telescope Science Institute/ESA) and the Hubble Space Telescope Orion Treasury Project Team

    Originally a ‘beginner’s workbook’ on grace… Amazing Grace – God’s Power To Be was written with 40 questions after each lesson to check the student’s understanding of the lessons. At the end of the book, was a ‘Final Exam’ followed by an ‘Answer Section’.

    This edition of Amazing Grace – God’s Power To Be which contains all of the lessons in the workbook, is written with the purpose of providing an easy-reading study book for use in Bible class, group studies or just reading while relaxing on the Metro or Subway.

    Don’t be fooled into thinking that because this is an ‘easy-read’ book, that this material is shallow and unchallenging. Far from it, God’s Grace is the single most important study of our time.

    While a few changes have been made by using the NIV, including some thought questions, as well as changes for clarification, Dad’s material is here in total.

    My prayer is simply that you will Grow in Grace.

    Heaven bound,

    — Jack Exum Jr.

    Dedicated to Jack and Ann Exum, who were marvelous examples of God’s grace.


    The author first began preaching in Largo, Florida where brethren called him a red-headed fire-ball. His enthusiasm for winning souls and his preaching reflected his deep conviction and ‘fire’ in his soul.

    Over time, through prayer, study and life experience, he of course and his preaching changed, but he never lost the ‘fire,’ and joy of preaching the Gospel of Christ. This book is a reflection of his study, growth in Christ and willingness to ‘change.’ He didn’t go from one extreme to another, because he sought ‘balance.’ This book is an effort to help Christians find the same ‘balance’ he found in God’s amazing grace, as well as the power to become.

    Christians cannot ‘grow’ in the ‘hard dry soil’ of law and works. What is needed is the ‘moist fertile soil’ of God’s grace. In God’s grace, the Christian finds the encouragement and potential for unlimited, joyful growth in Christ. Unfortunately, some Christians fear grace, many misunderstand grace, others ignore grace, while some ministers get fired and ‘black-balled’ for preaching grace! What a shame!

    Seeing the great imbalance which existed in the church on this subject (as well as others), and the great need in Christians lives, the author courageously began his Three Unusual Days ministry. He began each meeting with Amazing Grace – God’s Power To Be

    It’s one thing to know Bible facts and definitions, and be able to quote verses, but quite another to apply them to life. There are brethren who say, We need more hell-fire and damnation, guilt bringing sermons, while others say, We need more grace, grace, grace preachers! The author says plainly, We need preachers who know how both ‘sin’ and ‘grace’ fit together. He continues, What good is preaching about the ‘badness’ of sin without the ‘greatness’ of God’s grace, which brings forgiveness and hope? What good is it to present grace without also presenting the great need for it because of sin? BALANCE IS THE CLARION CRY AND GOAL OF THIS BOOK!

    It is my pleasure to present this study book with the prayer that God will richly bless your study of this marvelous and much needed subject, Amazing Grace – God’s Power To Be(come). Grow in Grace!


    A study book should be written to study. A reading book (The ABC’s of Grace) was written to read. A reading book is designed for reading and a study book for a student.

    The original soft back version of Amazing Grace – God’s Power To Be was written in, as Dad called it, a rather old-fashioned study book. Each chapter had 40 questions, designed to test your memory. However, due to difficulties of converting it to an eBook, we have changed it to what Dad dubbed, as a cross-over style in writing. He said, In this modern age, writers are crossovers. They write reading books with thought questions at the close of each chapter, thus making the book for both reading and study. This is the style you will find here.

    This eBook is simplistic – almost to an extreme. To the well taught, it will be easy and thought provoking. Yet consider how little the average student knows about GRACE. Of course, a teacher may easily strengthen or toughen the material, but it is difficult for deep material to be made simple.

    USE YOUR (FAVORITE) BIBLE! Read the context of the references given. Think, and jot down your thoughts or questions. Do more than what the book requires. The Bible is the only book you need.

    THINK AND PONDER! Grace is abstract and conceptual. Answering questions may be easy. Thinking is not. Take time to ponder, reflect, and absorb the concept of grace. Grace is paradoxical. It is not reasonable, nor logical, not just. Grace is foundational, and without a clear understanding of it, the entire structure of Christianity will be shaky.

    Therefore, since we have been justified (meaning ‘to make right’) through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, and through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of God (Romans 5:1-2). Justified, Peace, Rejoice, Hope, Glory — all products of grace. Faith is the door — grace is the storehouse.

    This study will be exciting. Love it!

    — Jack Exum Jr.


    Behold two men went forth to grow tomatoes. The first had little time for preparation. Taking a tender plant in a rough and careless hand, he threw it in the makeshift hole. He kicked the dirt about it, thrusting it back and forth, packing the dirt with the heel of his boot. His movements were harsh and unfeeling and he hardly finished the job of planting when he stood back and commanded the plant to grow! Marching around the little plant, he would shout his instructions, Produce, I command you… produce!

    Day by day, he would appear with stick in hand, moving about in a threatening way. Your quota is a total of 32 tomatoes this year and you’re already behind in your growth pattern!

    The second gardener took an entirely different approach. With tender hands, he softened the ground, turning the rich soil repeatedly. Gently he placed the little plant in the best position to catch the morning sun. He noted the shade of larger trees, how they would provide a cover during the heat of the day. He mixed his fertilizer with the soil and made a soft texture around the plant.

    Day by day, he would come with spade in hand to ‘till the soil’ about

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