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JBoss AS 5 Development
JBoss AS 5 Development
JBoss AS 5 Development
Ebook861 pages4 hours

JBoss AS 5 Development

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In Detail

JBoss AS is the most used Java application server on the market meeting high standards of reliability, efficiency, and robustness and is used to build powerful and secure Java EE applications. It supports the most important areas of Java Enterprise programming including EJB 3.0, dependency injection, web services, the security framework, and more. Getting started with JBoss application server development can be challenging; however, with the right approach and guidance, you can easily master it and this book promises that.

Written in an easy-to-read style, this book will take you from the basics of JBoss AS-such as installing core components and plug-ins-to the skills that will make you a JBoss developer to be reckoned with, covering advanced topics such as developing applications with JBoss Messaging service, JBoss web services, clustered applications, and more.

You will learn the necessary steps to install a suitable environment for developing enterprise applications on JBoss AS. Then, your journey will continue through the heart of the application server, explaining how to customize each service for optimal usage. You will learn how to design Enterprise applications using Eclipse and JBoss plug-ins. You will then learn how to enable distributed communication using JMS. Storing and retrieving objects will be made easier using Hibernate. The core section of the book will take you into the programming arena with tested, real-world examples. The example programs have been carefully crafted to be easy to understand and useful as starting points for your applications.

This book will kick-start your productivity and help you to master JBoss AS development. The author's experience with JBoss enables him to share insights on JBoss AS development, in a clear and friendly way. By the end of the book, you will have the confidence to apply all the newest programming techniques to your JBoss applications.

This practical guide will show you how to gain hands-on experience rapidly on Java EE development using JBoss AS with easy-to-understand and practical programming examples


This book follows a tutorial-based approach starting with simple examples, which are enriched in the following chapters as new topics are introduced. Each chapter provides clear instructions and detailed screenshots, as the user approaches a new facet of the development environment. Most complex topics have been explained using practical examples, which will help you to master JBoss AS development.

Who this book is for

If you are a Java architect or developer who wants to get the most out of the latest release of the JBoss application server or a JBoss administrator who wants a clear and simple reference for JBoss services, this book is for you. You are not expected to have accumulated experience on the application server though you must know the basic concepts of Java EE.

Release dateDec 16, 2009
JBoss AS 5 Development

Francesco Marchioni

Francesco Marchioni is a Red Hat Certified JBoss Administrator (RHCJA) and a Sun Certified enterprise architect working as a freelancer in Rome, Italy. He started learning Java in 1997, and since then, he has followed the path to the newest application program interfaces released by Sun. In 2000, he joined the JBoss community, when the application server was running the release 2.X. He has spent many years as a software consultant, wherein he envisioned many successful software migrations from vendor platforms to open source products such as JBoss AS, fulfilling the tight budget requirements of current times. Over the past 5 years, he has been authoring technical articles for OReilly Media and running an IT portal focused on JBoss products ( In December 2009, he published JBoss AS 5 Development, which describes how to create and deploy Java Enterprise applications on JBoss AS ( In December 2010, he published his second title, JBoss AS 5 Performance Tuning, which describes how to deliver fast and efficient applications on JBoss AS ( In December 2011, he published yet another title, JBoss AS 7 Configuration, Deployment, and Administration, which covers all the aspects of the newest application server release ( In June 2013, he authored a new title, JBoss AS 7 Development, which focuses on developing Java EE 6 API applications on JBoss AS 7 (

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    Book preview

    JBoss AS 5 Development - Francesco Marchioni

    Table of Contents

    JBoss AS 5 Development


    About the Author

    About the Reviewers


    What this book covers

    Who this book is for


    Reader feedback

    Customer support




    1. Installing Core Components


    What you will get in this book

    JBoss big bang


    Installing the Java environment

    Installing JBoss AS 5

    Starting up JBoss AS

    Stopping JBoss

    Stopping JBoss on a remote machine

    Installing Eclipse

    Plugins: The heart of Eclipse

    Installing JBoss Tools plugins

    Installing JBoss Tools plugins manually

    Connecting Eclipse with JBoss


    2. What's New in JBoss AS 5?

    Application server features

    The core modules of JBoss AS 5

    Cutting edge EJB container

    The new messaging provider

    Rock solid transaction manager

    Enhanced web container

    JBoss Web Services 3.0

    Improved clustering support

    The application server structure

    The next generation application server

    From JMX to the Microcontainer

    The new library configuration

    JBoss AS 5 server configurations

    The standard configuration

    The web configuration

    The former server configurations

    Creating a custom server configuration

    The starting point: JBoss AS service map

    Custom configuration sample: Adding JMS to the web configuration

    JBoss virtual file system


    3. Customizing JBoss AS Services

    How to monitor JBoss AS services

    The JMX console

    An example: Using the JMX console to display the JNDI tree

    The admin console

    The twiddle utility

    JBoss AS thread pool

    Application server thread pool anatomy

    How many threads for your applications?

    Analyze what your threads are doing

    Configuring logging services


    Console file appender

    Changing the configuration at runtime

    File appenders

    Rolling the file by size

    Other appenders

    Layout of logs

    Logging categories

    Configuring your own logger

    Managing logs through JMX agents

    Configuring the connection to the database

    Configuring a datasource in JBoss AS

    Additional datasource properties

    Setting up a new datasource

    Gathering connection pool statistics

    Managing datasources from the admin console

    Using statistics to tune the connection pool

    Deploying datasources at application level

    High availability datasources

    Clustered RDBMS

    Connecting from a remote client

    Configuring the transaction service

    Preserving data integrity

    Global and local transactions

    Configuring JBoss transactions

    Monitoring transactions


    4. Developing EJB 3 Session Beans

    Java EE made easier

    Developing Enterprise JavaBeans

    Developing Session Beans

    Stateless Session Beans

    Life cycle of a Stateless Session Bean

    Setting up a simple example

    Deploying your application

    Creating a test client

    Adding interceptors to your Bean

    Stateful Session Beans

    Stateful Bean life cycle

    Developing a simple Stateful Session Bean

    Configuring the EJB container

    Configuring Stateless Session Bean pool size

    Specializing the configuration

    Configuring the Stateful Session Bean cache

    How to disable Stateful Bean passivation


    5. Developing JPA Entities

    Data persistence meets a standard

    Working with JPA

    Creating a sample application

    Setting up the database

    Rolling the EJB project

    Configuring the database connection

    Generating entities

    Reverse engineering aftermath

    Configuring persistence

    Creating a Session Bean client

    Creating a test client for our AppStore


    6. Creating a Web Application

    Developing web layout

    Installing JSF on JBoss AS

    Setting up navigation rules

    Adding a JSF managed bean

    Setting up the view

    Assembling and deploying the application

    Running the store

    Configuring JBoss Web Server

    Customizing connectors

    The new Apache Portable Runtime connector

    Installing the APR connector

    Configuring contexts

    Configuring virtual hosts

    Configuring HTTP logs

    Tuning advice

    Disable DNS lookup

    Choose the right HTTP connector

    Set the correct size for your thread pool

    Monitoring your thread pool


    7. Developing Applications with JBoss Messaging Service

    Short introduction to JMS

    The building blocks of JMS

    The new JBoss Messaging system

    Configuring connection factories

    Configuring JMS destinations

    Inspecting destination attributes

    Advanced message configuration

    Scheduled delivery

    Developing JMS applications

    Message-driven beans

    Configuring message-driven beans

    Creating a sample application

    Creating MDB singletons

    Message-driven POJOs

    Advanced JBoss Messaging

    JBoss Messaging bridge

    Adding a remote JMS provider

    Configuring the persistence service

    Securing destinations

    MDB access control


    8. Developing Applications with JBoss and Hibernate

    Introducing Hibernate

    Creating a Hibernate application

    Setting up the database schema

    A new Eclipse project

    Reversing your schema into Java classes

    Adding Hibernate configuration to your project

    Adding a web client to your project

    Packaging and deploying the application

    Using the wizard to generate EJB 3

    Hibernate and EJB: Friends or opponents?

    Using Hibernate with EJB

    Injecting key Hibernate objects


    9. Managing JBoss AS

    Introducing Java Management Extension

    Developing MBeans

    A simple MBean

    Testing your MBean from the JMX console

    Testing your application programmatically

    MBeans dependency

    Sending MBeans notifications

    Receiving heartbeat notifications

    Sending your own notifications

    Service POJOs

    Creating a web test client

    Exposing your service as an EJB

    Service POJO dependency

    JBoss AS Administration Console

    Managing applications

    Deploying/undeploying applications

    Updating an application

    Starting/stopping/restarting an application

    Administering resources

    Adding a new resource

    Managing resources



    10. Developing Applications with JBoss Web Services

    Web Service concepts

    Strategies for building up Web Services

    JBoss Web Services stack

    A brief look at the JAX WS architecture

    Coding Web Services with JBossWS

    Developing a POJO Web Service

    Inspecting the Web Service from the console

    Using JBossWS tools

    External Web Service clients

    Exposing EJB as Web Services

    Handling exceptions in Web Services

    Generating a test client

    Injecting Web Services

    Web Service Handler chains


    11. Clustering JBoss AS

    Cluster basics

    Introducing JBoss AS cluster

    JBoss AS clustering architecture

    Smart proxies

    External load balancer

    JBoss AS 5 cluster configuration

    Starting JBoss AS in cluster mode

    Running cluster nodes on separate machines

    Running cluster nodes on the same machine

    Running multiple clusters on the same network

    JBoss AS clustered services

    JBoss Cache (JBC)

    Cache modes

    Cache configuration

    Configuring HTTP cache management

    Configuring EJB 3.0 Stateful Session Bean cache

    Configuring entity caching

    JBoss cache and concurrency

    The HAPartition service

    Exploring HA singletons

    The HA-JNDI service

    Accessing HA-JNDI

    HA-JNDI configuration

    Clustering web applications

    Configuring HTTP replication

    HttpSession passivation/activation

    Configuring load balancing

    JMS clustering


    12. Developing a Clustered Application

    Clustering Stateless Session Beans

    Clustering Stateful Session Beans

    Deploying a clustered SFSB

    Testing the clustered SFSB

    Programmatic replication of the session

    Clustering entities

    Revisiting the AppStore example

    Inside the second-level cache

    Evicting entities from the cache

    General guidelines for a good cache

    Clustering web applications

    Testing HTTP session replication


    13. JBoss AS Security

    Approaching Java Security API

    The JAAS security model

    Introducing JBossSX

    Securing the JMX console

    Dynamic login configuration

    Stacked login configuration

    Logging and auditing

    Securing the transport layer

    Enabling the Secure Socket Layer on JBoss AS

    Certificate management tools

    Securing the HTTP communication with a self-signed certificate

    Securing the HTTP communication with a certificate signed by a CA

    Securing the RMI transport

    Adding a client truststore


    14. Securing JBoss AS Applications

    Securing the AppStore application

    HTTP role authentication

    Encrypting passwords

    EJB role authorization

    Java EE programmatic security

    Writing secure Java SE clients

    Securing applications at transport level

    Running the AppStore with HTTPS

    Securing the RMI-IIOP transport: SSL BlackJack

    Securing Web Services

    Web Services authorization

    Web Services encryption

    Client and server configuration files

    Encrypting the POJOWebService

    Securing the Web Service

    Securing the client

    Running the example

    Signing SOAP messages

    Debugging SOAP messages



    JBoss AS 5 Development

    Francesco Marchioni

    JBoss AS 5 Development

    Copyright © 2009 Packt Publishing

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.

    Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the author, Packt Publishing, nor its dealers or distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this book.

    Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.

    First published: December 2009

    Production Reference: 1091209

    Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

    32 Lincoln Road


    Birmingham, B27 6PA, UK.

    ISBN 978-1-847196-82-8

    Cover Image by Vinayak Chittar (<>)



    Francesco Marchioni


    Edem Morny

    Peter Johnson

    Acquisition Editor

    Sarah Cullington

    Development Editor

    Amey Kanse

    Technical Editors

    Gaurav Datar

    Smita Solanki


    Hemangini Bari

    Editorial Team Leader

    Abhijeet Deobhakta

    Project Team Leader

    Lata Basantani

    Project Coordinator

    Joel Goveya


    Chris Smith


    Nilesh R. Mohite

    Production Coordinator

    Aparna Bhagat

    Cover Work

    Aparna Bhagat

    About the Author

    Francesco Marchioni is a Sun Certified Enterprise architect employed by an Italian company based in Rome. He started learning Java in 1997 and since then he has followed the path to the newest application program interfaces released by Sun. He joined the JBoss community in 2000, when the application server was running release 2.X.

    He has spent many years as a software consultant, where he has envisioned many successful software migrations from vendor platforms to open source products such as JBoss AS, fulfilling the tight budget requirements of current times.

    In the past five years, he has authored technical articles for O'Reilly Media and is running an IT portal focused on JBoss products (

    I'd like to thank Packt Publishing for giving me this unique opportunity to write a book about a great product like JBoss. All the staff I have worked with has been very cooperative at giving their time in the arduous publishing process. I'd also like to thank the external reviewers Peter Johnson and Edem Morny who have offered their professional expertise for many parts of this book. And last but not the least, I want to pay my tribute to my family, my father in particular who has transmitted me the virus of programming when I was just a boy, my wife Linda who was so patient with my late nights and with my missing housework, and my 2 years old baby Alessandro who hasn't actually helped in writing this book but has been the inspiration of it.

    About the Reviewers

    Edem Morny has been involved in Enterprise Java technologies since he got introduced to Java in 2005, using tools and technologies encompassing both the standard Java EE stack and non-standard ones such as Hibernate and Spring. His experience with JBoss AS has also included porting clustered, fault-tolerant deployments of applications, from proprietary application servers to the open source alternative.

    He has been an active promoter of Java EE, speaking at workshops and seminars on a national scale in Ghana. He is the cofounder of Ghana's first Java User Group, JAccra (

    He is a senior developer at the application development center in Accra, Ghana, of an international biometric security solutions company, leading the development of Biocryptic Identity Management Systems for the global market.

    Edem was a technical reviewer of JBoss Tools 3 Developer Guide, published by Packt Publishing in the year 2009. You'll find him blogging at

    Peter Johnson started his computer career in August, 1980, working for Burroughs, programming mainframes in COBOL and ALGOL. He started working with Java in 1998, and was a lead designer on projects such as a JDBC driver for the DMSII database that runs on Unisys mainframes.

    For the past several years, he has been the chief architect of a team that does performance analysis of Java applications on large scale Intel-based machines (8 to 32 CPUs), and evaluates various open source software for Enterprise readiness.

    In addition, Peter is a JBoss committer and is the coauthor of the book JBoss In Action, published by Manning. Peter often speaks on Java performance and various open source topics at industry conferences such as JBoss World and the annual Computer Measurement Group International Conference.


    The JBoss Application Server is a Java EE-certified platform for developing and deploying Java Enterprise applications. JBoss Application Server provides the full range of J2EE 1.5 features as well as extended Enterprise services including clustering, caching, and persistence. This book will show Java EE developers how to develop their applications using the JBoss Application Server. It covers topics such as:

    Setting up a development environment


    Java EE programming modules



    All these features will be explored by developing sample and intuitive applications built using the friendly interface of Eclipse and JBoss Tools.

    What this book covers

    Chapter 1: Installing Core Components covers the installation of the key components that will be needed throughout the rest of the book. The installation process will be completed by using intuitive wizards that will lead even inexperienced users through it.

    Chapter 2: What's New in JBoss AS 5.0 introduces the reader to the most significant changes brought by release 5.0 of the application server. The new server directory tree is analyzed in detail and possible variants in the server configuration are discussed in the latter part of this chapter.

    Chapter 3: Customizing JBoss Services discusses the core configuration of the application server. The highlights of it include an introduction to JBoss AS monitoring services, the inner details about JBoss thread pool, how to configure logging services, and a detailed description of the transaction and Datasource service.

    Chapter 4: Developing EJB 3 Session Bean introduces the reader to some concrete Java EE programming examples developed on JBoss AS 5. The focus of this chapter is on EJB 3 session Beans, including a section about their configuration for optimal results.

    Chapter 5: Developing JPA Entities covers the development of an example based on the Java Persistence API (JPA). Here, we introduce an enterprise application named the Appstore, which will be a central theme of this book.

    Chapter 6: Creating a Web Application is about developing and configuring web applications on JBoss AS 5.0 using the JSF cutting-edge technology. In the first part of this chapter we will enhance the Appstore Enterpirse application by adding a web layer to it. In the latter part, we explain in detail how to properly configure JBoss Web Server.

    Chapter 7: Developing Applications with JBoss Messaging Service discusses JBoss Messaging provider by giving a short introduction to the new messaging system. The chapter then helps us set up some proof of concept programming examples.

    Chapter 8: Developing Applications with JBoss and Hibernate covers the de facto standard object relational mapping tool, Hibernate, showing how to quickly set up a Hibernate project using the facilities provided by the JBoss tools interface.

    Chapter 9: Managing JBoss AS covers the Java Management Extension (JMX), which still plays a vital role in the application server infrastructure. The chapter includes many examples that show how to write traditional MBeans services and the new POJO Services.

    Chapter 10: Developing Applications with JBoss Web Services focuses on the JBoss Web Service implementation, JBossWS, showing how to create, deploy, and test Web Services on JBoss AS along with some advanced concepts such as Handler chains and SOAP debugging.

    Chapter 11: Clustering JBoss AS covers the facts about JBoss AS clustering configuration, moving from cluster basics to detailed configuration of the individual services of the application server.

    Chapter 12: Developing a Clustered Application continues the journey in the clustering arena by adding some concrete examples based on the abstract concepts covered in the earlier chapter.

    Chapter 13: JBoss AS Security provides a systematic guide to JBoss security framework and the cryptographic interfaces available in the Java EE framework. This supplies the basis for concrete examples, which are delivered in the next chapter.

    Chapter 14: Securing JBoss AS Applications continues the in-depth exploration of the JBoss security framework, adding concrete programming examples applied on the EJB and Web Services technologies.

    Who this book is for

    If you are a Java architect or developer who wants to get the most out of the latest release of the JBoss application server or a JBoss administrator who wants a clear and simple reference for JBoss services, this book is for you. You are not expected to have accumulated experience on the application server though you must know the basic concepts of Java EE.


    In this book, you will find a number of styles of text that distinguish between different kinds of information. Here are some examples of these styles, and an explanation of their meaning.

    Code words in text are shown as follows: Since release 5.1.0 of the application server, the admin console is bundled as a web application in the deploy folder of JBoss AS.

    A block of code will be set as follows:



          Name>JBoss System Threads

          ThreadGroupName>System Threads



    When we wish to draw your attention to a particular part of a code block, the relevant lines or items will be shown in bold sometimes with numbers in square brackets referring to notes in the text:

    Log4jQuietMode>true       RefreshPeriod>60 [1]





    Any command-line input or output is written as follows:

    twiddle -s localhost invoke jboss.system:type=ServerInfo listThreadCpuUtilization > threadCpu.txt

    New terms and important words are shown in bold. Words that you see on the screen, in menus or dialog boxes for example, appear in our text like this: In the left frame expand the Resources | Datasources leaf and choose the suitable transaction option.


    Warnings or important notes appear in a box like this.


    Tips and tricks appear like this.

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    Chapter 1. Installing Core Components


    From: Acme Head Offices

    To: Francesco Marchioni

    Hi Francesco,

    Can you meet at 4 PM in the boardroom? We are going to interview a few guys for the new JBoss Enterprise project.


    Monty Burns

    JBoss Application Server has been around since the beginning of the new millennium and, in personal resumes, it is common to find people who have acquired some experience on it.

    Before every job interview, I have the expectation that high caliber Java/Java EE candidates surely know the core concepts of JBoss AS. Often, companies don't consider hiring just the best techie guy, but a well-rounded profile with a situation-action-result mind.

    One thing I personally like to ask to identify smart developers is: Why have you chosen to learn JBoss and not XYZ? How does it differentiate from the competitors? The most habitual answer is: JBoss is free, so I chose to learn Java EE on this platform. Although there is some truth in this answer, I think it's a partial truth and the concept needs to be elaborated.

    First, let's define what is free. Today there's a common misconception of open source products being like free lunch. They can be so for a student who's learning these technologies, but for the real world, open source means you don't pay a license fee to develop/roll in production certain software.

    This obviously doesn't mean that the software hasn't got a cost. Moreover, if you don't want to risk breaking your service level agreement, you usually sign a contract with the owner of the open source software so that it guarantees quick and decisive support.

    From the financial point of view, this is the first important difference with a commercial product. If you start a project, running a product such as JBoss AS, you don't have an immediate entrance fee. You can even dispense with commercial assistance if you are confident that your technicians will be able to solve any issue. Whatever you choose, this policy is much more flexible than a commercial contract, which requires an immediate financial commitment.

    That's better than simply saying: I like JBoss because it's free.

    The second and, in my opinion, the most important reason is the worldwide spread of the product. Today JBoss is the most used application server and it has been not only built with the collaborative efforts of many developers around the world, but also with simple contributions of users who request new features. This boils down to the actual nature of the success of JBoss. The real driving force of this product is its community of users, while vendor products are usually designed around commercial or marketing schemas.

    As an example of this, you can see that JBoss Application Server is a Java EE compatible server, but you can freely add or remove modules from the application server, thus creating a customized product for your specific needs. It is the flexibility and willingness to adapt that has brought JBoss AS this far, and it will be this trait that will drive the application server full speed into the future.

    What you will get in this book

    This book is an intense guide to creating professional Java EE applications with JBoss AS 5.0. Packed with example code and written in a friendly, earthy style, this book will act as a handy guide to take you from the basics to the skills that will make you a JBoss developer to be reckoned with.

    We think that studying good code samples is one of the best ways to learn, so we included as many as we could. We also wanted this book to be a quick reference to solve most common issues—a book you can have on your desk and turn to when you have a doubt.

    JBoss big bang

    JBoss AS is an open source Java EE-based application server. The project's first milestone dates back to early 1999, when Marc Fleury developed an open source product named JBoss that was a simple EJB 1.0 container. Since then, the project has been incorporated in a company named JBoss Group. In April 2006 the company was acquired by Red Hat Inc., which started providing professional services to the product. As a matter of fact, you now have two main references for JBoss products—, which is the community of developers where you can freely download products and join forums, and the commercial site, which is targeted at commercial support for the product.


    This is where our journey begins. In this chapter, we'll learn how to set up our environment for developing applications on JBoss AS correctly. Installation of the components is not particularly tricky, but it needs a few steps to be performed and quite a lot of Kbytes to be downloaded.

    This is our checklist:

    Install the appropriate Java Development Kit (JDK) for running JBoss AS

    Install JBoss AS 5.0

    Install the Eclipse development environment

    Install the JBoss Tools plugins needed for developing applications

    The products listed in this chapter are the latest versions at the time of writing and we diligently updated it at every new release. Don't worry if a new stable release of these products is released in the next months; all you have to do is adapt the chapter instructions to the newest file names.

    Installing the Java environment

    JBoss is a pure Java application server, so as you might imagine it needs a virtual machine for the Java Platform to run on.

    At the time of writing, JBoss AS 5 is distributed in two flavors, one that is suited for Java 1.5 and another version that has been specifically designed for Java 1.6.

    The choice of Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is yours otherwise, but we do recommend considering the Java 1.6, that has just undergone the 16th update at the time of writing. Most benchmarks available on the Internet exhibit a roughly 40 percent performance improvement by upgrading from Java 1.5 to Java 1.6. Additionally, Java SE 5.0 reached its End of Service Life (EOSL) on November 3, 2009, which is the date of the final publicly available update of version 5.0. So you are highly encouraged to design your applications with Java 1.6.


    Java 1.6 has enhanced performance in many areas of the platform. Improvements include synchronization, performance optimizations, compiler performance optimizations, the new Parallel Compaction Collector, better ergonomics for the Concurrent Low Pause Collector, and application startup performance.


    So let's move on to the Sun download page:

    Choose to download the latest JDK/JRE, which is for JDK 1.6 Update 16.


    Is JRE enough ?

    Yes! JBoss 5 ships with a set of libraries called Eclipse Java development tools (JDT) that allow dynamic compilation of classes at runtime. However, we still suggest you to download the full JDK installation, in case you need to compile your classes with plain javac anywhere else.

    Once the download is complete, run the executable file to start the installation.

    jdk-6-windows-i586.exe      # Windows sh jdk-6u12-linux-i586.bin  # Linux

    If you are installing on a Linux/Unix box, you can safely accept all the defaults given to you by the setup wizard. Windows users should stay away from the default C:\Program Files that leads to some issues when you are referencing the core libraries. An installation path such as C:\Software\Java or simply C:\Java is a better alternative.

    When the installation is complete, we need to update a couple of settings on the computer so that it can interact with Java.

    The most important setting is JAVA_HOME that is directly referenced by JBoss startup script.

    Windows XP/2000 users should right-click on My Computer and select Properties from the context menu. On the Advanced tab, click the Environment Variables button. Then, in the System variables box click New. Give the new variable a name of JAVA_HOME, and a value of the path to your JDK installation, probably something like C:\Java\jdk1.6.0_16.


    For Windows Vista users

    Because of increased security in Windows Vista, standard users must have User Account Control (UAC) turned on to change environment variables and the change must be completed through User Accounts. In the User Accounts window, under Tasks, select Change my environment variables. Use the New, Edit, or Delete buttons to add, change,

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