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Chicago's 50 Years of Powwows
Chicago's 50 Years of Powwows
Chicago's 50 Years of Powwows
Ebook190 pages33 minutes

Chicago's 50 Years of Powwows

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Since 1953, the American Indian Center of Chicago has hosted an annual powwow. The powwow is the centerpiece of contemporary Indian culture. It is how Native Americans celebrate traditional values and share their culture with a wider audience. The powwow is a place to make and rekindle friendships. It offers an opportunity to reaffirm traditional values and a chance to reconnect with family, friends, and the greater community. It is a celebration of artistic and cultural traditions, and a way of transmitting those traditions to a younger generation. Through an extensive collection of representative images, Chicago s 50 Years of Powwows chronicles the exciting history and traditions of the powwow.
Release dateAug 25, 2004
Chicago's 50 Years of Powwows

American Indian Center of Chicago

The American Indian Center of Chicago was founded in 1953 and has remained the principal cultural resource for American Indians in Chicago. This book is a visual celebration of their community and culture.

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    Chicago's 50 Years of Powwows - American Indian Center of Chicago




    The powwow is at once a celebration and extension of Indian traditions through the arts (visual and performance) and a critical vehicle for transmitting those traditions to our younger generation. Although traditional aspects of Native American culture have evolved and are still practiced in urban centers, it is conveyed that respective Indian Nations who reside in Chicago culturally exchange among themselves through powwow culture. Powwows are places and times to rekindle old friendships, reaffirm traditional values, share, and introduce the vivid and vital spectacle of contemporary Indian culture to the larger Chicago community.

    The Annual American Indian Center of Chicago Powwow, held each November, is the largest form of American Indian artistic and cultural education activity, providing a platform for self-representation through traditional and contemporary Native art forms. It has become an indispensable and defining cultural endeavor in Indian Chicago.

    Historically, powwows evolved from ceremonials of the Grass Dance Societies that formed during the early 1800s. Over a period of time, Indian relations with the government translated to ceasing a myriad of tribal customs and religious practices. However, the Grass Dance was one of the few celebrations allowed into this new era. As other communities and tribes were invited to these celebrations, rights of ownership of sacred items of the Grass Dance were transferred from one tribe to another. Intertribalism commenced with the sharing of these songs and dances.

    In the 1920s, some powwows became intertribal meaning that they were open for all tribes to attend, and these events happened sporadically. World War II brought a revival to the powwow world, and since then powwows have been growing, changing, and adapting to modern ways, while retaining their cultural roots. Brighter colors, modern conveniences to short cut regalia making, more athletic and trained motions, and even a new style of dance has emerged with the passage of

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