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Mathematical Theory Of Rocket Flight
Mathematical Theory Of Rocket Flight
Mathematical Theory Of Rocket Flight
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Mathematical Theory Of Rocket Flight

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This is the official final report to the Office of Scientific Research and Development concerning the work done on the exterior ballistics of fin-stabilized rocket projectiles under the supervision of Section H of Division 3 of the National Defense Research Committee at the Allegany Ballistics Laboratory during 1944 and 1945, when the laboratory was operated by The George Washington University under contract OEMsr-273 with the Office of Scientific Research and Development. As such, its official title is “Final Report No. B2.2 of the Allegany Ballistics Laboratory, OSRD 5878.”
After the removal of secrecy restrictions on this report, a considerable amount of expository material was added. It is our hope that thereby the report has been made readable for anyone interested in the flight of rockets. Two slightly different types of readers are anticipated. One is the trained scientist who has had no previous experience with rockets. The other is the person with little scientific training who is interested in what makes a rocket go. The first type of reader should be able to comprehend the report in its entirety. For the benefit of the second type of reader, who will wish to skip the more mathematical portions, we have attempted to supply simple explanations at the beginnings of most sections telling what is to be accomplished in those sections. It is our hope that a reader can, if so minded, skip most of the mathematics and still be able to form a general idea of rocket flight.
Release dateApr 18, 2013
Mathematical Theory Of Rocket Flight

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    Mathematical Theory Of Rocket Flight - Barkley Rosser



    It is often stated that the motion of a rocket can be derived from Newton’s laws of motion. In the strict sense, to do so would require considering the motions of all the molecules of gas within the rocket blast, as well as the motions of those air molecules with which the rocket comes into contact. This would involve intolerable complexity.

    Accordingly, some simplified theory is necessary, both for the gas flow inside the rocket and for the air flow outside the rocket. The simplified theories presented herein have been developed by a combination of theory and experience. We have tried to explain these simplifications fairly fully and have tried to indicate their background and shortcomings as well as explain their usefulness.

    1. The Jet Forces on a Rocket

    Preliminary Ideas.—In Fig. I.1.1, we picture the essential features of a rocket. The gas generated in the chamber at high pressure expands rapidly and so rushes out of the nozzle at a great velocity, forming the jet. The burning of the rocket propellant fuel continually furnishes more gas to the chamber, maintaining the gas supply and the high chamber pressure.

    In small rockets, such as the bazooka rocket, current practice is to use solid fuel. The chamber is filled in advance with solid pieces of powder of composition similar to that used in large guns. When the powder is ignited, it burns rapidly, furnishing a continuous supply of gas at high pressure. A typical chamber pressure Pe might be 2,000 lb/in.² With such a high chamber pressure, the pressure at the exit Pe is fairly high, for instance, 220 lb/in.² A typical value for the velocity at the exit ve might be 6,200 ft/sec.

    In large rockets, it is more common to use liquid fuel. For instance, in the German V-2, which was used against London in the fall of 1944, alcohol and liquid oxygen are continuously pumped into the chamber, where they combine chemically to produce an ample supply of gas at high pressure. A typical chamber pressure for a liquid-fuel rocket might be 300 lb/in.² With this smaller chamber pressure, we have a smaller exit pressure, say perhaps approximately sea-level atmospheric pressure, or 15 lb/in.² For liquid fuels, a typical value of ve might be 6,000 ft/sec.

    We shall not be concerned further with the mechanism by which gas is supplied to the chamber at the proper pressure and in the proper amounts. This is part of the interior ballistics of rockets. We merely state that rockets are commonly designed so that the chamber pressure is constant. However, this is not always desirable or feasible; instead, some rockets burn progressively, that is, the pressure increases as the rocket burns, while other rockets burn regressively, that is, the pressure decreases. Nevertheless, for a first approximation, it is usual to assume a constant chamber pressure.

    FIG. I.1.1.—The essential features of a rocket.

    We shall need certain information about the behavior of the gas in the jet. To supply this information we have given in Appendix 1 a simplified theory of the motion of the gas through the nozzle. We here present a few high points of this theory. At the throat, the velocity of the gas is the so-called local velocity of sound. This is the velocity with which a normal disturbance in the gas, in particular a sound wave, would be propagated through the gas. The adjective local is adjoined because the velocity of sound depends on the condition of the gas (mainly the temperature), and this is changing as we proceed along the nozzle. Incidentally, the condition of the gas at the throat is such that the local velocity of sound there may run as high as two or three times the velocity of sound in normal air (see Appendix 1).

    Before the gas gets to the throat, its velocity is below the local velocity of sound; after the gas passes the throat its velocity is above the local velocity of sound. This fact is of the utmost importance, since, as a result, conditions outside the rocket usually do not affect conditions in the nozzle or interior of the rocket. The explanation is very simple. If a variation of conditions or other disturbance in the gas outside the rocket is to be felt inside the rocket, this disturbance must be propagated through the gas in the nozzle to the gas inside the chamber. That is, the disturbance must move upstream against the blast of the rocket jet. As the jet at the exit of the nozzle has a velocity well above the local velocity of sound, whereas the disturbance is propagated at the local velocity of sound, the disturbance will be swept downstream and so cannot affect conditions inside the nozzle or chamber.

    Accordingly, in computing jet forces, we need not consider external circumstances at all.

    The above comforting generality, like all generalities, is untrue in extreme cases. If the chamber pressure is less than twice the external pressure or if the exit pressure is less than the external pressure, the flow pattern presented in Appendix 1 breaks down, and then external conditions can affect conditions inside the rocket. This would have an adverse effect upon the behavior of the rocket, so that rocket designers take pains to avoid such extreme conditions. Accordingly, we shall proceed with full confidence that external conditions do not affect the thrust of the jet.

    The Classical Treatment.—In the classical derivation of jet forces, the principle of conservation of momentum is used. One assumes that the gas is issuing out the rear of the rocket with a velocity of vE relative to the rocket. Thus in time dt, a mass dm of fuel is burnt and the gaseous products are hurled out the rear at a relative velocity of vE. At the beginning of the time dt, our rocket and unburnt fuel have a total momentum of Mv, where v is the velocity of the rocket and M is the mass of the rocket and unburnt fuel. We let m denote the amount of fuel already burnt. At the end of time dt, the momentum of this same system now consists of two parts, the momentum

    (M – dm)(v + dv)

    of the rocket and remaining unburnt fuel plus the momentum

    (v – vE) dm

    of the mass of fuel that was burnt in time dt and hurled out the rear. Equating total momenta before and after burning gives

    Mv = (M – dm)(v + dv) + (v – vE) dm

    This reduces to

    vE dm = M dv – dm dv

    Dividing by dt and taking limits, we get

    where a dot represents a derivative with respect to time. This is the classic equation for the acceleration of a rocket.

    Other Considerations.—This formula is qualitatively right and can be used for rough predictions as to the behavior of rockets in general. However, many refinements are necessary before one has a complete picture of the jet forces acting on a rocket.

    We have spoken of vE as the velocity of the gas in the jet relative to the nozzle, which would make vE the same as ve. However, if (I.1.1) is to be correct, vE cannot be the same as ve, as we shall see in detail below. Nevertheless, if we define vE as the velocity that makes (I.1.1) a true equation, then vE becomes a very useful concept in rocket theory. In the usual terminology, ve is called the exit velocity, whereas vE is called the effective gas velocity. Typical values for a rocket might be

    (see Appendix 1).

    The physical reason for the discrepancy between ve and vE is that, at the exit of the nozzle, the gas is still under considerable pressure. This pressure is responsible for an appreciable amount of the thrust on a rocket, which is why one cannot take vE equal to ve in (I.1.1). Because of this pressure at the exit of the nozzle, the gas will continue to expand and accelerate (relative to the rocket) after it leaves the exit. Thus, in a vacuum the gas will finally attain the velocity vE, but in the atmosphere it cannot attain the velocity vE because of collision with stationary air molecules.

    One can compute the ultimate velocity that the gas could attain upon complete expansion in a vacuum (see Appendix 1). One must not suppose that this ultimate velocity can be used as a value for vE even in a vacuum. When the gas is freed of the restraint of the nozzle, it will expand sidewise as well as to the rear, so that when it has expanded completely and accelerated to its ultimate velocity, much of the gas will be moving at a considerable angle to the axis of the rocket rather than straight to the rear. Thus vE is probably the average rearward component of the ultimate velocity of the various particles of gas. However, to find vE by solving the gas-flow equations of the expanding gas and then averaging the rearward components of the ultimate velocity will involve great complication, so much so that it appears that we shall have to abandon the simple momentum argument used in the classical derivation of jet forces. However, before we do so, it will be instructive to obtain certain further qualitative information.

    We saw above that vE falls short of the ultimate gas velocity because after the gas leaves the nozzle it can expand sidewise as well as straight back. If the nozzle were not cut off but were extended on back indefinitely, the sidewise expansion would be restrained (except for a small amount permitted by the divergence of the nozzle). Thus a larger value of vE would result. However, with an actual metal nozzle, one cannot extend the nozzle indefinitely. In fact, considerations of weight of nozzle and the like will compel one to use a much shorter nozzle than would otherwise be desirable.

    The ratio of the cross-section area at the exit to that at the throat is called the expansion ratio. Current expansion ratios do not run much over 4 and are sometimes as small as 2. Let us go back to the question of how long a nozzle should be. We recall that a basic desideratum is to curtail sidewise expansion of the gas in the jet. For a nozzle that diverges slowly, this can be done by lengthening the nozzle, which results in an increase of the expansion ratio. Therefore, it has become customary to say that increasing its expansion ratio will make a nozzle more efficient. In the sense just explained, this is true. Unfortunately it has become a pat saying, and one hears it stated uncategorically that a large expansion ratio will automatically give an efficient nozzle. Certain unthinking designers, accepting this as gospel, have proposed making extremely divergent nozzles, so as to get a large expansion ratio. However, a very divergent nozzle will permit much sidewise expansion of the gas, and as we saw above, this is not desirable. It may be true that in some cases a widely divergent nozzle is a useful compromise among the various desiderata of light metal parts, large value of vE, etc. Nevertheless, the proper choice of nozzle shapes is difficult and cannot be solved merely by the unthinking application of rules of thumb in situations where they do not apply.

    Such considerations as the above illustrate the value of the type of reasoning used in the derivation of (I.1.1), while at the same time they point out the difficulties of trying to estimate vE from simple gas-flow considerations. We might note further difficulties that arise when the rocket is fired in air, namely, that the blast from the jet will entrain a considerable amount of the surrounding air and also will pass through a very complex set of shock waves. These effects further complicate any attempt to make a simple momentum argument more exact.

    A General Principle of Mechanics.—When one abandons the simple momentum argument, it seems that one can proceed most expeditiously by first deriving a special principle of mechanics particularly suitable for use with rockets. We have not been able to find this principle stated elsewhere, but we hesitate to call it new because no great originality was involved in its discovery. In fact, it is very closely related to the momentum theorem of hydrodynamics (see Reference 11, Chap. XIV). This special principle is a generalization of the following well-known principle, which we quote from Reference 9, page 58:

    PRINCIPLE I. The time rate of change of the total momentum of the system is equal to the vector sum of all the exterior forces that are acting on the system.

    If one checks through the proof of this principle, one finds that it refers only to a system that always consists of the same set of particles. However, a burning rocket is not such a system, since it achieves its propulsion by throwing particles out the rear.

    We enunciate our special principle in the following form:

    PRINCIPLE II. If one has a system S of particles, then the vector sum of all the exterior forces acting on S is equal to the time rate of change of the total momentum of S plus the rate at which momentum is being transferred out of S by the particles that are leaving S.

    This follows rather easily from Principle I. Consider a particular time τ at which we wish to establish the principle. Define an auxiliary system S* as always consisting of exactly those particles which are in S at time τ. For the remainder of this proof, it will be convenient to denote the vector sum of the exterior forces acting on S at time t by ΣFe(t), the total momentum of S at time t by M(t), and the total momentum of S* at time t by M*(t). Now since S* always consists of the same set of particles, we can apply Principle I to it, and we choose to do so at time τ. At this time, S and S* coincide and so are acted on by the same set of exterior forces, namely, ΣFe(τ). So, by Principle I,

    Using differentials, we write this in the form

    ΣFe(τ) dt = M*(τ + dt) – M*(τ)

    Since S and S* coincide at time τ,

    M*(τ) = M(τ)

    Now let us consider M*(τ + dt). At time τ + dt, S* consists of those particles which are in S and in addition those particles which have left S in the interval from τ to τ + dt. Therefore, the momentum of S*, M*(τ + dt), consists of the momentum of S, M(τ + dt), plus the momentum ΔM removed from S by those particles which left S in the interval from τ to τ + dt. Thus we have

    ΣFe(τ) dt = M(τ + dt) + ΔM M(τ)


    If now we let dt → 0, we shall have established Principle II as holding at time τ. However, we have not introduced any restrictions on the time τ, and so Principle II holds in general.

    Principle II holds for systems that gain particles as well as systems that lose particles, provided we affect the momentum of the incoming particles with a minus sign.

    Another Equation for the Acceleration of a Rocket.—We now use Principle II to derive an equation for the acceleration of a rocket. Let us consider a rocket motor such as that illustrated schematically in Fig. I.1.1. The dotted line across the exit of the nozzle in Fig. I.1.1 represents a geometric surface fixed relative to the metal parts. For the application of Principle II, we define our system to consist of the metal parts of the rocket, the unburnt fuel of the rocket, and the gas inside our geometric surface. The momentum of the system is equal to the mass of the system times its velocity, that is, Mv. The rate at which the departing particles remove momentum from the system is just the rate at which momentum crosses the exit surface. If the velocity of the gas relative to the rocket at the exit of the nozzle is ve, then the gas crossing the exit surface has a velocity of v – ve. So if is the rate at which gas is streaming through the exit surface, then the jet is taking momentum from our system at the rate of , and, by Principle II,

    Now since is the rate at which fuel is being burnt, we have



    It remains to analyze ΣFe(t). Among the exterior forces acting on our system are the gas pressures over the surface of the system and gravity acting through the center of gravity. The gas pressures consist of atmospheric pressure over the outside of the rocket and the jet pressure over the exit surface. If Ae is the area of the exit plane and Pe is the jet pressure at the exit surface, then the force due to jet pressure is PeAe.

    The atmospheric pressure is composed of the static atmospheric pressure plus the aerodynamic forces due to motion through the air. The static atmospheric pressure is not considered as part of the aerodynamic forces. For rockets this creates rather an anomalous situation, so that it is worth while to explain why this is done. For shells and airplanes and such nonrockets, the net force due to the air is zero when there is no relative air motion. Only in cases of relative motion do the aerodynamic forces need to be considered. So, as a matter of historical precedent, it came to be considered that aerodynamic forces are zero on a body at rest. However, for a rocket at rest the force due to the static atmospheric pressure is not zero. Therefore, to preserve the fiction that at rest the aerodynamic forces are zero, the force due to the static atmospheric pressure must be segregated from the aerodynamic forces. Strangely enough, it is counted as part of the jet forces.

    The argument given to justify this runs so: Let us put a rocket in a test stand, lying horizontal on rollers that counteract the gravitational forces, with the nose against a thrust gauge, and fire the rocket. Since the rocket is held stationary, the thrust registered by the thrust gauge must be due to jet forces alone. The reader will observe how this argument appeals to the notion that aerodynamic forces must be zero on any stationary body and so forces us to include static atmospheric pressure in the jet forces. It is hardly good logic, but it is tradition. We abide by it and proceed with the derivation.

    If static atmospheric pressure should act on the entire surface of a body, there is clearly no net force. Hence the force due to static atmospheric pressure over part of the surface is just the negative of the force that would be produced by static atmospheric pressure over the rest of the surface. Applying this result to our rocket, we see that the force due to static atmospheric pressure over the outside of the rocket is just the negative of the force that would be produced by static atmospheric pressure over the exit surface, that is, –PaAe, where Pa is the static atmospheric pressure.

    The remaining forces due to atmospheric pressure are due to motion through the air and so are considered as aerodynamic forces. We denote them by Fa and consider them in detail in Sec. 2.

    We now collect together the above and other forces and write

    ΣFe(t) = PeAe – PaAe Fa – Mgx – F

    The terms appearing in this equation are appropriate components of the forces. We have attached a minus sign to Fa to accord with the usual conventions as to the direction of application of the aerodynamic forces. By gx we understand the component of gravity in the appropriate direction. The term F includes all other exterior forces, for instance, if our rocket is towing out a line, or the like. Rather commonly F will be zero. So we have finally

    We proceed to make a useful deduction from (I.1.2). Let us consider a rocket fastened in a test stand. Since the rocket is held motionless by the test stand, . Also, there are no aerodynamic forces on a stationary rocket, so that Fa = 0. We further assume that the rocket is held in a horizontal position, so that gx = 0. Naturally, F is just the thrust T of the rocket, as measured by the thrust gauge. So (I.1.2) reduces to

    This tells us that is the thrust due to the rocket jet. So by means of the theory of Appendix 1, one can compute the jet thrust from theoretical considerations alone. The computed value agrees reasonably well with the experimental value as determined on a test stand, thus validating the theory of Appendix 1. (I.1.3) also refutes the opinion, which is common among

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