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Since it first became known to European scientists and naturalists in 1798, the platypus has been the subject of controversy, interest and absolute wonder. Found only in Australia, the platypus is a mammal that lays eggs but, like other mammals, it has fur and suckles its young on milk. Many early biologists who visited the British colonies in Australia, including Charles Darwin, went out of their way to observe this remarkable animal. In Australia today the species is considered to be an icon, but one that many Australians have never seen in the wild.

This book presents established factual information about the platypus and examines the most recent research findings, along with some of the colourful history of the investigation of its biology. This completely updated edition covers its anatomy, distribution and abundance, breeding, production of venom, unique senses, ecology, ancestry and conservation. It includes a 'Frequently Asked Questions' section for the general reader and, for those wishing to find out more detailed information, a comprehensive reference list.

Release dateOct 2, 2007

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    Platypus - Tom Grant


    When I left the University of Canterbury in New Zealand at the end of the 1960s, my knowledge of the platypus was confined to its brief mention in vertebrate biology lectures and several diagrams, with associated text, in JZ Young’s 1962 edition of The Life of Vertebrates. Little did I know then that, within two years of graduating in Zoology, I would begin to study this unique Australian animal and continue to do so for the next 35 years. The first UNSW Press edition of The Platypus was published in 1984. This hard-cover volume featured Dominic Fanning’s excellent line drawings reproduced on art-quality paper. Revised editions of the book, entitled The platypus: A unique mammal, were published in 1989 and 1995 as part of the UNSW Press Natural History Series. In the previous volumes, there was an introductory chapter, followed by four additional chapters dealing with the biology of the platypus in response to seasonal changes. The current edition takes a more traditional approach, based on major subject areas. The final chapter is a series of frequently asked questions (FAQ), divided into subject areas/chapters, which give the reader quick access to particular areas of interest. Like the previous editions and many of the other books in the Natural History Series, the current edition is aimed predominantly at the layperson and references are not cited in the text. However, for readers who wish to find out more detail, a chapter-by-chapter bibliography is supplied at the end of the book. Using this bibliography, a reader should be able to locate detailed reference material, either by consulting the references themselves or by going to their bibliographies, a certain number of which are review articles or books.

    There are numerous people without whom neither this nor the previous editions of The Platypus could have been written. The first to mention are, of course, the relatively small group of researchers and many volunteers whose dedicated work produced the subject material upon which the book is based. Several individuals deserve special mention. My wife, Gina, whose life and aspirations over the years have been frequently affected by the whims of Ornithorhynchus anatinus, deserves special thanks. She has supported me throughout the research, the field work and the writing. My very patient brother, Donald Grant, has read, commented on and improved all four volumes of the book. Peter and Meredith Temple-Smith also read and reviewed this and the previous editions. Peter has been a valued friend and colleague, who has had an ongoing interest in the platypus since the early 1970s. I also thank the following people for generously finding time to read and comment on various drafts of particular chapters or parts of chapters – Mike Archer, Philip Bethge, Sue Hand, Margaret Hawkins, Philip Kuchel, Sarah Munks, Keith Payne, Uwe Proske and Melody Serena.

    In this and previous volumes, it is the illustrative and photographic material that greatly highlights the writing. Other than three specified items, Dominic Fanning produced all of the illustrative material, a good deal of which is new, but some of which includes the excellent line drawings that so beautifully embellished the original volume of the book. Where unspecified in the legend, the photographs are my own, but the following people or organisations are also thanked for generously donating the use of their photographs and/or other illustrative material: Australian Geographic/Peter Aitchison, Faye Bedford, Ros Bohringer, Joanne Connolly, Foster’s Group Limited, Bob McBlain, John Matthews, NSW Department of Lands, Russell Millard, Uwe Proske, Matt Ryan, Ederic Slater, Jenny Taylor/Riversleigh Project, Peter Temple-Smith, Peter Tonelli and Richard Whittington. John Matthews also kindly provided great help in the copying and preparation of photographic material. Ian Montgomery – a dedicated ornithologist, professional bird photographer and long-time friend – only with great reluctance agreed to take photographs of a mammal. Several of his photographs have been used in the book but the stunning image of the platypus on the front cover eerily captures the special character of this animal in the wild.

    My late friend and colleague, Merv Griffiths, to whom this edition of the book is dedicated, encouraged and inspired numerous platypus researchers during the many years he was involved in the study of monotreme biology. His musing on the banks of the upper Shoalhaven River one evening around 1989, ‘perhaps this was the animal of all time’, has become a phrase frequently used by those privileged enough to have worked with the platypus.

    Tom Grant



    ‘…. the animal of all time’.

    MERV GRIFFITHS (ca 1989)

    When first discovered by Europeans, the platypus was thought to be a fake. Various dried or pickled specimens, reaching Britain and Europe at the end of the 18th century, were closely examined by naturalists and scientists determined to find the places where the different bits had been stitched together by a wily antipodean taxidermist. None were found and gradually, but with considerable consternation, acrimony and argument among eminent biologists of the time, the species was finally recognised as a unique mammal indeed, perhaps the ‘animal of all time’.

    The Monotremes: the egg-laying mammals

    The Class Mammalia consists of two distinct sub-classes, those that give birth to live young (Sub-class Theria – the eutherian or placental and the marsupial mammals) and those that lay eggs (Sub-class Prototheria – the monotremes). There are two living families of monotremes: the echidnas or spiny ant-eaters (Family Tachyglossidae) and the platypus (Family Ornithorhynchidae). Although the long-beaked and short-beaked echidnas and the platypus are the only three commonly known monotremes (Figure 1.1), additional rare species of echidna have been recently recognised to occur in New Guinea. But even including these less common species, the modern monotremes belong to a very small and unique group.

    Figure 1.1 The three most common species of monotremes have similarities but the platypus is very different from the two species of echidna.

    The long-beaked echidnas occur only in New Guinea, where they inhabit alpine meadows and humid montane forests. Their distribution and abundance are poorly understood and even the most well-known species, Zaglossus bruijnii, is considered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) to be endangered, due to the clearing of its forest habitat for agriculture and as a result of hunting using dogs and modern firearms. Long-beaked echidnas, in fact, are neither ant-eaters nor particularly spiny. They eat mainly worms, centipedes, beetles and other terrestrial insects, and have only a few spines. The short-beaked echidna (Tachyglossus aculeatus), on the other hand, is very spiny and feeds predominantly on ants and termites, a ubiquitous food source that occurs throughout its distribution in Australia and parts of New Guinea.

    Externally, the short-beaked and long-beaked echidnas appear quite different from each other, and both appear very different from the single living platypus species, Ornithorhynchus anatinus. However, they all share their egg-laying habit and have a good number of internal similarities, particularly their skeletons, which place them in the Order Monotremata. These unique species, previously thought to be a first evolutionary ‘experiment’ of the mammalian condition, are in fact highly adapted remnants of a once much more diverse radiation of egg-laying mammals.

    Despite their unusual egg-laying reproduction, more often associated with birds or reptiles, the monotremes are definitely considered to be mammals; they suckle their young on milk and have fur- or hair-covered bodies (including spines in the echidnas which are modified hairs). The bones of the pectoral and pelvic girdles are quite similar to those of certain reptiles, but the rest of their skeletons are definitely mammalian. The lower jaw consists of a single pair of bones, the dentaries, which form a hinge with the squamosal bone in the skull, as occurs in all mammals. The inner ear is also mammalian, having three sound-conducting ossicles: the malleus, incus and stapes.

    The platypus

    Several other species of small vertebrates that occupy various waterways of eastern Australia can be mistaken for the platypus. Figure 1.2 shows that, when resting on the surface of the water between foraging dives, the platypus presents a very low profile, often making it very difficult to see. During the dive, the back is arched as the animal thrusts downwards and forwards. This dive creates a spreading ring, similar to, but subtly different from, the one left by a fish jumping. When the animal surfaces again to breathe, there is also a ring in the water, which frequently catches the light in the rising or setting sun in the morning or late afternoon. When this ring appears, however, the three small humps of head, back and tail remain visible, confirming the presence of a platypus. Occasionally the platypus will swim on the surface and create a low bow wave (see Colour Plate (top), page 33). The native water rat (Hydromys chrysogaster) also creates a bow wave when swimming, but this wave is more pronounced than that of the platypus. The water rat’s body moves in a sinuous manner and it does not arch its back when diving. It also has a long tail, often with a visible white tip, and the external ears can normally be seen when the animal is swimming on the surface. The eastern water dragon (Physignathus leseuerii) overlaps much of the distribution of the platypus in eastern Queensland, New South Wales and into the north-east of Victoria. However, this species is more easily distinguished from the platypus in the water. The water dragon holds its head quite high in the water. There is no diving action, the animal simply seems to slip below the surface. Its swimming is noticeably much more sinuous in nature than either that of the water rat or the platypus. People sometimes report hearing a platypus ‘plop’ into the water. A platypus seldom ‘plops’ – it slides into the water. Those who hear such a noise are more likely to be reporting a freshwater turtle dropping into the water from a log or rock, where they often bask in the sun. Introduced carp (Cyprinus carpio) rolling at the surface, cormorants fishing and some other water birds diving are sometimes mistaken for a platypus. Most often these misidentifications are made by people who have not seen a platypus in the wild. Once seen, the profile and distinctive diving action of Ornithorhynchus anatinus are seldom forgotten.

    Figure 1.2 The profile of the platypus in the water often makes it difficult to be seen from the stream bank. Photo: © Ian Montgomery,

    Physical features

    No other animal on Earth looks quite like the platypus. Figure 1.3 shows the most notable of its external features and Figure 1.4 highlights the unique nature of its internal skeleton.

    Figure 1.3 The main external features of the platypus.

    Of course, the most distinctive feature is the bill, which is not hard like the bill of a duck, but soft and pliable. It is well supplied with nerves and is used by the animal to locate food and to find its way around under water. Behind the bill on either side of the head are two grooves that close when the platypus dives. These house the ear openings and the eyes (see Colour Plate (bottom), page 33). The lower bill is smaller than the upper and is supported by the single pair of elongated dentary bones (Figure 1.4). The nostrils are on the top of the bill, not far back from the tip. They are raised slightly and the bill can be extended upwards so the animal is able to breathe at the surface when the rest of its body is almost completely submerged.

    Platypuses are not as large as most people expect, with an adult female being much smaller than the average household cat (Figure 1.5). A very large male can be 60 cm from tip of bill to tip of tail but most are 40–50 cm long. There is distinct sexual dimorphism in the species, with male platypuses being larger than females. However, there is considerable size variation within a population and among animals from different localities. In general, platypuses from north Queensland are the smallest, with an increase in size going south to Tasmania, where the largest animals are found. A Tasmanian male platypus, weighing in at 3 kg, is three times as heavy as an average male from north Queensland. The species also exhibits size variations that do not appear to be related to its latitudinal distribution. For example, individuals from the west-flowing rivers in New South Wales are larger than those found in the state’s east-flowing streams. Table 1.1 shows the weights of samples of platypuses caught at a number of locations by research workers in Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania.

    Figure 1.4 The internal skeleton of the platypus shows mammalian, reptilian and uniquely platypus features.

    Table 1.1. Weights (in grams) of samples of platypuses from study sites in north Queensland, south-eastern and south-western New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania (data collected from various research workers).

    Figure 1.5 The silhouettes of the platypus, the Australian water rat and a household cat show that the platypus is much smaller than many people expect.

    The platypus is covered with a dense waterproof fur, except on its feet and bill. It has a streamlined shape, short limbs and propels itself through the water using alternate kicks of its webbed front limbs. Most other aquatic mammals, including the native Australian water rat (Hydromys chrysogaster), use their back feet for propulsion.

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