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Conflict of the Ages Teacher Edition 1-3
Conflict of the Ages Teacher Edition 1-3
Conflict of the Ages Teacher Edition 1-3
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Conflict of the Ages Teacher Edition 1-3

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Science, History, Literature reunited. Eyewitness testimony and the real scientific method. Read ancient manuscripts, search the world, and discover truth instead of buying into preconceptions. When did time begin? Who are the Sons of God? Did ancient Establishments of Religion construct cultural controls and make man a god? Rediscover the Worldwide Flood and the truth about the Ice Age. 

It's tough, but you need this exhaustive worldwide study of evidence, investigation, and exalting the Scriptures as the ultimate authority. There was one eyewitness to the beginning of the universe. It might surprise you to know how much of His truth has been preserved, and how many struggle today to put that truth in the hands of teachers and students.

Release dateMay 24, 2015
Conflict of the Ages Teacher Edition 1-3

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    Conflict of the Ages Teacher Edition 1-3 - Michael J. Findley


    The Conflict of the Ages

    Parts One-Three, Teacher Edition

    1. The Scientific History of Origins,

    2. The Origin of Evil in the World that Was,

    3. They Deliberately Forgot:

    The Flood And The Ice Age


    Michael J. and Mary C. Findley

    copyright by Michael J. and Mary C. Findley 2012

    Findley Family Video Publications

    The Conflict of the Ages Parts One-Three, Teacher Edition

    1. The Scientific History of Origins, 2. The Origin of Evil in the World that Was, 3. They Deliberately Forgot: The Flood And The Ice Age

    by Michael J. and Mary C. Findley

    copyright 2013 Findley Family Video Publications

    Any images not sourced in the text are from Public Domain sources or the authors’ personal collection.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part, or stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without permission of the publisher. Exception is made for short excerpts used in reviews.

    Speaking the truth in love.

    Scripture references are as follows: The Bible: The King James Version, public domain. The New International Version, from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION Registered. NIV Registered. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved. The New American Standard Version: Scripture quotations taken from the New American Standard Bible Registered, Copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation Used by permission. The Orthodox Jewish Bible fourth edition, OJB. Copyright 2002,2003,2008,2010, 2011 by Artists for Israel International. All rights reserved used by permission. Holy Bible: International Standard Version® Release 2.0. Copyright © 1996-2013 by ISV Foundation. Used by permission of Davidson Press, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED INTERNATIONALLY.


    Note to the Reader; Types of Material

    A. Our Own Statements

    B. The Scriptures

    C. Other Sources

    I. Introduction

    Preface to the Teacher

    A. What Is the History of Civilization?

    B. The Tools of the Historian

    1. Education

    2. Sources

    3. Accuracy

    C. The Conflict of the Ages Series

    1. Antidisestablishmentarianism

    a. What Is an Establishment of Religion?

    b. What Is Secular Humanism?

    c. What Is Science?

    d. What Are the Results of the Establishment of Secular Humanism?

    2. Conflict of the Ages Part One: The Scientific History of Origins

    3. Conflict of the Ages Part Two: The Origin of Evil in the World that Was

    4. Conflict of the Ages Part Three: They Deliberately Forgot: The Flood and the Ice Age

    5. Guidelines For All Books in the Series

    a. Partial Fulfillment of Academic Requirements

    b. Standard Writing Style, Average Reading Ease 50%, maximum reading level 10th grade

    c. Amount and Type of Main Text Limited to the Above Standards

    d. Hyperlinks to Articles and Books Outside of the Main Text

    e. The Scriptures Are the Absolute Authority

    f. Essential Defense Against Secular Humanism

    D. It Escapes Their Notice

    II. Foundational Assumptions

    A. A System of Assumptions Is a Religion:

    1. Tools Used to Disguise Their Assumptions

    a. Mathematical Formulas

    b. Archaeological Evidence

    c. Physics

    2. An Example of How Assumptions are Used:

    An Assumed Population Problem

    a. Existing Rates Apply to the Past

    b. 27 Million Population Assumed

    1) Evolutionary Time Scale (1st Assumption)

    2) Existing Growth Rate (2nd Assumption)

    3) World Population in 2000 BC (3rd Assumption)

    c. Harsh Living Conditions

    3. Facts Compared With the Population Assumption

    a. The Slowly Falling Sea Level

    b. With High Humidity

    c. Warm Temperatures, Neither Too Hot Nor Too Cold

    d. Abundant Rainfall

    e. Lack of Creatures to Eat the Vegetation (At First)

    f. Optimal Conditions for Plant Growth

    g. Population Bloom

    4. Contradictions in the Bible Is a False Assumption

    B. The Bible Is Historically Accurate.

    1. Historical-Grammatical Interpretation

    2 The Bible Should be Read Like Other Literature

    3. Religion Has a Unity With All Other Academic fields

    4. The Bible Was Written to be Understood

    C. Secular Humanism Is Founded on the Assumption (Belief, Choice) of Deep Time.

    1. Deep Time Is Founded on Two Basic Beliefs

    a. The Earth Is Billions of Years Old

    b. Direct Creation by God Is Not Possible

    2. Astronomy

    3. The Geologic Column

    a. Primary Strata

    b. Secondary Strata

    c. Tertiary Strata

    4. Radiometric Dating

    a. No Daughter Material in Original

    b. No Contamination

    c. No Change in Decay Rate

    5. Dendrochronology

    a. Assume a Tree Ring is Only One Year

    b. Assume Past Conditions Similar to Present

    c. Assume 9000 Years of Continuous, Uniform History

    d. Assume No Flood

    e. Ice Ages Alter Tree Ring Patterns

    f. Trees Living Through an Ice Age Most Reasonable Explanation

    6. Ice Ages.

    a. Fluctuating Solar Radiation

    b. Milankovitch Cycles

    c. Combination of Many Factors

    d. Scientists Are Not Sure

    e. Causes Not Understood

    f. Rapid Catastrophic Canyon Formation

    1) At or Near the End of the Flood

    2) Near the End of Peleg’s Life, approx 340 Years Later

    3) In Stages for Hundreds of Years After the Flood


    The Conflict of the Ages: Part One:

    The Scientific History of Origins

    I. Our Assumptions On Origins

    A. No Difference Between Religious and Scientific Truth

    B. Primitive to Civilized Does Not Fit the Evidence

    (Secular explanations for ancient advanced technology)

    1. No Existing Explanation Is Valid

    2. Extraterrestrials Gave Humans Advanced Technology

    3. Simply Ignore the Advanced Ancient Technology

    4. The Physical Information in the Bible Is Correct

    II. How Did the Universe Begin?

    A. The Origin Is Unknowable and Unimportant

    B. The Origin Is Entirely Material

    C. God Created the Universe Outside of the Material

    III. How Can We Know About Origins?

    A. The Bible Is Authoritative.

    B. Other Written Records Outside of the Bible

    C. Physical Evidence Is Easily and Often Manipulated.

    IV. Before Time: Eternity Past

    A. Time Was Created With the Universe.

    B. The Creator Is Jesus the Messiah.

    V. The First Day of Creation

    A. The Heavens

    1. Secular Misconceptions

    2. Created by the Power of God Ex nihilo

    B. The First Act of Creation Was Formless Water

    1. Everything Material Formed From Water

    2. Similarities to the Biblical Record in Other Sources.

    a. The Cave of Treasures

    b. The Book of Jubilees

    c. Polynesian Creation Myths

    d. Samoan Creation Myths

    e. Babylonian Myth Recorded by Berosus

    f. Popol Vuh Mayan

    g. Metamorphosis Ovid (Latin)

    h. Antiquities of the Jews Josephus

    i. Popol Vuh

    j. Theogony Hesiod (Greek)

    k. Babylon Myth Recorded by Berosus

    l. Narration 28  Bundahis Persian

    m. Enuma Elish, Babylonian Creation Myth

    n. The History of Creation A, Egyptian

    o. Phoenician Creation Myth

    p. Polynesian

    q. Starlight and Time, Dr. Russell Humphreys

    r. Whai-tua Maori of New Zealand

    s. Plato’s Timaeus in Augustine’s City of God

    t. Phoenician Creation Myth

    3. Everything Is from Earth’s Point of View.

    VI. The Second Day of Creation

    A. The Expanse Separating the Water Is Created.

    B. Similarities to the Biblical Record in Other Sources

    1. Antiquities of the Jews Josephus

    2. The Book of Chilam Balam of Chumayel Mayan

    3. Popol Vuh Mayan

    4. Hurúing Wuhti and the Sun Hopi

    5. Origin de los Indias Mixtec

    C. Three Heavens

    VII. The Third Day of Creation

    A. Dry Land Appears

    B. Similarities to the Biblical Record in Other Sources.

    1. Metamorphosis Ovid (Latin)

    2. The Seven Tablets of Creation (Babylonian)

    3. Antiquities of the Jews Josephus

    4. Annals of the World Ussher

    C. God Creates Plants

    VIII. The Fourth Day of Creation

    A. The Celestial Objects Coalesced and Put in Place.

    B. Similarities to the Biblical Record in Other Sources.

    1. Metamorphosis Ovid (Latin)

    2. Antiquities of the Jews Josephus

    3. Annals of the World Ussher

    4. The Poetic Edda (Norse)

    5. Pahlavi Texts Zoroastrian (Persian)

    6 The Prose Edda of Snorri Sturlson (Norse)

    7. The Babylonian Legends of Creation Berosus

    C. The Purpose of Celestial Objects

    D. Possible Methods God Might Have Used

    IX. The Fifth Day of Creation

    A. God Creates Swarms of Life in the Oceans and Air

    B. Similarities to the Biblical Record in Other Sources

    1. From Keil and Delitzsch OT Commentary

    2. Annals of the World Ussher

    3. Antiquities of the Jews Josephus

    4. Metamorphosis Ovid (Latin)

    5. From Keil and Delitzsch OT Commentary

    C. God’s Purpose for Creating Swarms of Animals

    X. The Sixth Day of Creation

    A. God Creates Land Animals and Man.

    B. Similarities to the Biblical Record in Other Sources.

    1. Dreamtime Australian Aborigine

    2. Antiquities of the Jews Josephus

    3. Metamorphosis Ovid (Latin)

    4. Antiquities of the Jews Josephus

    5. Antiquities of the Jews Josephus

    6. Metamorphosis Ovid (Latin)

    7. Antiquities of the Jews Josephus

    8. Antiquities of the Jews Josephus

    C. Man Created in the Image of God

    D. What Is Death?

    E. The Toldot of the Heavens and of the Earth

    XI. Condition of the Earth on the Seventh Day

    A. The Ground Was Prepared for Man.

    B. The Entire Universe Was Created for Man.

    C. The Hedged Place in Eden Was Created for Man.

    D. Woman Was Created for Man.

    XII. Summary of The Scientific History of Origins

    A. Summary of Creation

    B. Summary of Suggested Teaching Methods

    1. Teaching the Test

    2. Level of the Material Is Not Student Appropriate.

    Conflict of the Ages: Part Two

    The Origin of Evil in the World that Was

    I. Unclean Spirits: The Oldest Recorded Evil

    A. Lucifer, The Leader of Unclean Spirits

    1. The Anointed Cherub

    2. Star of the Morning; Son of the Dawn

    3. His Power and Authority

    B. The Origin of Unclean Spirits

    1. Rebellious or Fallen Angels

    a. Scriptural Teaching

    b. Similarities to the Biblical Record in Other Sources

    2. Nephilim

    C. The Agenda of Unclean Spirits

    1. I Will Make Myself Like the Most High

    a. Authority of Scripture

    b. Similarities to the Biblical Record in Other Sources

    2. Satan; the Accuser of the Brothers, the Busy One

    II. God’s Purpose in Allowing Evil

    A God’s Plan for Defeating Satan

    Satan’s Attack: God’s Provision

    1. The Fall: the Protoevangelium

    2. The Flood: the Covenant with Noah

    3. The Tower of Babel: the Division of Mankind

    4. National Idolatry: Call of Abraham, Isaac and Israel

    5. Slavery In Egypt: Moses, the Exodus and the Law

    6. Every Man did the Right In His Own Eyes: the Judges

    7. Foreign Invaders: God anoints a king

    8. Satan Corrupts the Kingdom: God Sends Prophets

    9. Israel/Judah Reject the Prophets: God Sends Captivity

    10. Satan Builds World Empires: God Sends His Son

    11. The Church Corrupted: Rapture and Tribulation

    12. Satan Attacks Israel: Messiah Returns/Satan Bound

    13. Satan Released: Eternal Judgment

    B. Satan’s Future

    1. Satan Will Be Thrown Out of Heaven

    a. Satan Made Accountable for Bringing Sin Into the Universe

    b. Satan and His Angels Will Live on the Material Earth

    2. Satan Will Be in the Abyss for One Thousand Years

    3. Satan Will Be in the Dark Lake of Fire for Eternity

    C. The Origin of Evil

    1. God Did Not Create Evil

    2. God Created a Being Who Chose to Rebel.

    3. That Being, Satan Introduced Sin into the Universe.

    4. We Do Not Know Why God Created Satan.

    D. Love Conquers Evil and Glorifies God

    1. Marriage: the Divine Relationship

    2. Marriage: One Flesh

    3. Corrupting the Human Race by Corrupting Marriage

    E. Why Was the Tree in the Garden?

    III. Sin Enters the Universe.

    A. The Fall

    1. The Temptation

    a. How Could the Serpent Decide to Do Evil?

    b. Was it a Snake or a Dinosaur?

    c. Was the Ability of an Animal to Talk Unusual?

    d. Was the Serpent Used or Possessed by Satan?

    2. What Is Sin?

    a. Sin Begins with Desire.

    b. Sin Is a Choice.

    c. Sin Is Disobedience and Rebellion.

    d. Sin Has Consequences.

    e. Sin Causes Shame.

    3. The Lie

    4. The Results of the Fall

    a. Shame

    b. Fear

    c. Accountability

    d. Responsibility

    e. Death

    f. The Curse

    B. The Knowledge of Good and Evil

    1. Their Understanding Was Sharpened.

    2. Their Eyes Were Opened.

    a. Elisha

    b. Balaam

    c. Divination Condemned in the Law

    d. Saul

    e. Daniel

    f. Joseph

    g. Ezekiel

    h. John

    i. Enoch

    IV. The Need for Atonement

    A. God Is Not Responsible for Sin.

    B. God Is Good.

    C. God Provided Atonement

    V. The Curse

    A. The Serpent

    B. Eve

    C. Everything Material

    1. Adam Was Responsible

    2. Adam Chose His Wife Over Obedience to God.

    3. Physical Death

    VI. Cain and Abel

    A. The Purpose of Their Sacrifices

    B. Judgment of Cain

    VII. Antediluvian Civilization

    VIII. God Calls Enoch and Noah

    IX. Myths Deliberately Falsify History

    X. False Religions Designed to Absolve Humans.

    A. Confucianism

    B. Hinduism

    C. Buddhism

    D. The Roman Catholic Church

    E. The Quran

    XI. God’s Judgment on the Antediluvian World

    A. Who Are the Sons of God?

    1. The Sons of Princes

    2. Corruption of the Godly Line of Seth

    3. Fallen Angels

    B. Similarities to the Biblical Record in Other Sources

    1. Assyrian

    2. Zoroastrian

    3. Book of Jubilees

    4. The Zadokite or Damascus Document

    5. Mesoamerican

    6. Gurarani

    7. Hindu

    8. Norse

    9. Plato

    10. Ovid

    11. Book of Enoch

    12. Entheogen

    13. Aztec

    C. Judgment on Wicked Spirits

    1. Book of Enoch

    2. Greco-Roman Mythology

    D. The Reason for Judgment

    XII. Summary and Chronology

    Conflict of the Ages: Part Three

    They Deliberately Forgot:

    The Flood and the Ice Age

    I. The Record

    A .The Accuracy of the Record

    B. An Overview from the Beginning

    C. Judgment on the World that Was

    D. The Flood Was Universal

    II. The Ark

    A. The Construction of the Ark

    B. The Inhabitants of the Ark

    III. The Flood

    A. Timeline of the Flood, or the Sequence of Events

    B. The Geology of the Flood

    1. What Is Geology?

    2. A Biblical Model For Geology

    3. Transformation from Antediluvian Geology: An Overview

    IV. Material Results of the Flood

    A. The Geologic Column

    B. Types of Strata

    1. Sedimentary

    2. Igneous

    3. Metamorphic

    C. Scientific Results of the Flood

    1. Gemstones

    2. Petroleum

    3. Petrified Wood

    4. Coal

    5. Stone

    6. Fossils

    D. Radiohalos

    1. What Are They?

    2. Why Are They Important?

    3. The Uniformitarian Answer?

    4. What Triggered the Flood?

    E. Radiometric Dating

    1. Foundational Assumptions

    a. Original Had No Daughter Material

    b. Samples Never Contaminated

    c. The Rate of Decay Is Inviolate

    2. Problems & Failures of Radiometric Dating

    3. Compared to Helium Diffusion Rates

    a. Physics Involved Not Understood

    b. Samples Tested Are Anomalies

    c. Test Results Contaminated

    d. Zircons Less than 6000 Years Old

    4. Types of Radiometric Dating

    F. Fossils In Geologic Strata

    1. Rate of Fossil Deposits

    a. Belief in a Constant Rate

    b. The Rate Much Greater in the Past

    c. Multiple Strata Laid Down Rapidly.

    d. Simultaneous Fossilization

    e. Different Fossils in the Same Strata

    2. Progression of Fossil Deposits

    a. Uniformitarian Fossil Progression

    b. Living Organisms in Fossil Record

    1) Trapped in Amber

    2) Plants

    3) Fish, Marine Creatures

    4) Insects (also See Amber)

    5) Reptiles, Amphibians

    6) Mammals

    7) Summary

    c. Do Fossils Progress?

    1) Walker/Klevberg Model

    2) Total Number of Species

    3) Coal Formation

    4) Residual (Post Flood)

    5) Modern Strata

    3. Summary of the Fossil Record

    a. The record of the Word of God is Authoritative.

    b. Antediluvian Geology

    c. The Flood Begins

    d. Geologic Strata Formed by the Flood

    G. The Ice Age

    1. Lower Sea Levels

    2. Ice Advanced and Retreated Continuously.

    3. Arctic Ocean Free of Ice

    4. Antarctica Was Tropical at One Time.

    5. Ice in Higher Elevations

    6. Remains of Millions of Ice Age Animals

    7. Humans Highly Developed from the First.

    8. Human Artifacts Found in Glaciers

    9. Different Groups of Ice Age Organisms

    10. Summary

    H. How Much is Enough?

    1. Geology

    2. The Ark

    3. Apologetics

    4. Astronomy

    5. Geology: Additional

    6 .Ice Age

    7. Radiohalos

    8. Radiometric Dating

    9. Ancient Documents Outside of the Bible

    V. Conclusion


    I. Review Questions by Book

    A. COA1

    B. COA2

    C. COA3

    II. Vocabulary by Book

    A. COA1

    B. COA2

    C. COA3

    III. References, Footnotes, Expanded Study and Appendix Materials

    A. References to Outside Sources

    1. Notes to the Reader

    2. Introduction

    3. COA1

    4. COA2

    5. COA3

    6. Material Common to All 3 Modules


    B. Articles From Elk Jerky For The Soul

    1. The Problem with Dates in History: Hammurabi’s Law Code

    2. A Very Simple Overview Of Relativity

    3. A Not So Simple Look At Relativity

    4. The Training Place of Mankind: Book Review

    5. A Pocket Guide To The Global Flood: Book Review

    6. What Did the Ark of Noah Look Like?

    C. Excerpts from Antidisestablishmentarianism

    1. Preface

    2. Introduction

    3. What Is Secular Humanism?

    4. Comments on Segraves vs. State of California, 1981

    5. Evidences of a Young Earth (Chapter Fourteen)

    Other Books and Products from Findley Family Video


    Note to the Reader

    Note to the Reader: Each underlined item in the text hyperlinks to references at the end of this work. If a quotation is included in a graphic, that graphic will contain a hyperlink. There are also hyperlinks from the reference back to the main text.

    (Note: When clicking on a hyperlink, touch or place the mouse on or in a character, not in a space between letters or words, to ensure the hyperlink works correctly.)

    This work includes three types of material:

    A. Our Own Statements, Thoughts, and Opinions

    B. Quotations from the Holy Scriptures

    These will appear in Italic font. If no version is listed it is the King James Translation.

    C. Quotes from Other Sources.


    Public Domain image

    Quotes from other sources vary wildly in accuracy and reliability. An example of highly reliable material outside of the Bible is the Book of Jubilees. The Coptic Church regards the Book of Jubilees as inspired Scripture. There are twenty-one copies of the Book of Jubilees among the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Book of Jubilees is not inspired. It contains errors. Note the testimony from Epiphaneus, a bishop of Salamis (A.D. 310-403?), referenced below.

    "Epiphaneus does not introduce the material from Jubilees as scripture, and Jubilees is not among the biblical books he names in his treatise Measures and Weights; but the information in the Book of Jubilees was reliable enough for him to use in refuting a sect that attributed a different origin and nature to Seth."

    "He also reproduces Jubilees’ connection between the twenty-two works of creation until the Sabbath and the twenty-two generations until Jacob."

    With Byzantine historians, "Josephus and Jubilees were regularly cited together, since, in the scope and the material treated, the two works were parallel."

    Source for Jubilees Authoritya

    An example at the other extreme is the Epic of Gilgamesh. We refer to it because at the time of this writing it is considered to be the world’s oldest written document. Its only true purpose was to deify man and support the local tyrant. It is mostly erroneous, sometimes dangerous, and is difficult to read and understand. Still, the Epic of Gilgamesh contains some useful information. There are multiple extant versions of the Epic of Gilgamesh with considerable variations. While there are fragments of the Epic of Gilgamesh dating back to the beginning of the second millennia, maybe even the third millennia, BC, the most complete extant copy is a Babylonian version found in 7th century BC library of the Assyrian king Ashurbanipal. This is the version we use. It is also the most common version, since it is the oldest complete version.

    When Noah’s family left the Ark they passed on the true history of mankind to their descendants. Every culture, therefore, was originally founded on accurate information. The various historical accounts included in this work still contain some accurate information. We begin each point with the information taught by the appropriate Scripture passages. That is followed by additional evidence to support the Scriptural teachings. This additional evidence includes various records as well as archeological and geological evidence.


    The Book of Jasher needs special explanation. One reviewer critiquing this work for publication stated that the "Book of Jasher is not authentic. What is being cited is an 18th century forgery". This reviewer’s error concerning the Book of Jasher, is, sadly, widespread and accepted by many otherwise very well-educated believers. If you are concerned about this error, then please examine the article in the References, Footnotes, Expanded Study and Appendix Materials (near the end of the book) on the Book of Jasher.b

    Many ancient Jewish sources are quoted, including Philo, Josephus, the Sedar Olam, the Book of Jubilees, the Book of the Bee, the Cave of Treasures, the first Book of Enoch, various Talmuds and Midrashes, in addition to the Book of Jasher. Many non-Jewish sources are also quoted. The Jewish books are from the Second Century AD or older. None of them are inspired by God and all contain errors. Sources quoted in these modules support positions in the Word of God. There is little value in extensive study of any of these works, but they are documented in case you wish to examine them. They are all based on older works and accurately record older Jewish traditions.


    I. Introduction


    Preface to the Teacher

    1. The Conflict of the Ages series is to aid in the partial fulfillment of academic requirements for history, philosophy, science, and literature, including vocabulary. It follows the chronology of World History.

    2. The target audience is homeschool Middle/High School. The target reading level is 9th grade. Because it is a combination of vocabulary, literature, history, and science you, as the teacher, have opportunities as well as responsibilities. You are especially responsible for determining what is appropriate for your students. You may limit this material by either slowing the pace for your particular student or you may skip or eliminate material. You should not feel pressured to spend the same amount of time and energy on each section or even each student.

    All students are not on the same level. As a teacher, you must be familiar enough with the material to know how much your students can handle. Homeschool, unlike a traditional classroom, can tailor both the methods and the amount of material to an individual student’s needs.

    3. The primary purpose is to equip students to face the established Secular Humanist culture. It is impossible to answer every possible invention of Secular Humanists. However, there is sufficient depth and scope to allow students and teachers to understand that answers do exist. Enough references are included that anyone who is interested can successfully research any problem they might encounter.

    4) This is a reasonably comprehensive presentation of information encompassing the Creation through the Ice Age, including the Flood. Sometimes this need to be comprehensive requires presenting the same material from different perspectives.

    5) This is essential information for a defense against indoctrination by the religion of Secular Humanism. This indoctrination process in western societies is done through the educational system, the workplace, entertainment, and through the legal system. The Secular Humanist indoctrination process has become so pervasive that it is likely found in the entire western culture as well as many cultures outside of the West.

    6) The Conflict of the Ages is designed to be as inexpensive as possible. The ebook format meets this need very well. Some download sites set pricing according to file size and we keep within the minimum allowed. The books are available for devices using the Mobi format. They can also be obtained in epub format. These ebook formats limit the formatting. Options such as sidebars, multicolored text or backgrounds, parallel columns, and many other common magazine and textbook features are not available for the most basic ebook readers, so are not included in our textbook. Every effort has been made to make the books attractive and easy to follow, with plenty of graphics and illustrations.

    The print books have minimal formatting changes necessary to convert from an ebook to a print format. Color graphics in the ebook versions will be black and white in print, again, to keep costs down.

    The introductory material included in this Teacher’s Edition is not included in the Student Editions. However, some of the necessary introductory material is included in the References, Footnotes, Expanded Study and Appendix Materials (near the end of the book). You, the teacher, need knowledge of the material, of the student, and the direction and guidance of the Holy Spirit.

    Please note that some items in the Table of Contents/Outline are linked to the text and some are not. All main points are linked.


    A. What Is the History of Civilization?

    The history of civilization is the record of man either yielding to God’s will for His glory or struggling to rebel against God. Nonreligious history does not exist. All history is religious, especially secular history. We only choose which religion to follow. We either choose to follow the revealed religion of Jesus Christ or we rebel against the Creator. The forms of this rebellion vary greatly. At this time, the majority of Western cultures choose to rebel against God by practicing the religion of Secular Humanism.


    Secular Humanism is America’s Established Religion. All textbooks must conform to the Established Religion to get published by what are known as mainstream publishing houses. We who oppose this Establishment of Religion are Disestablishmentarians. Those in positions of political power, especially in academic positions of power, are fighting to keep their power and privilege. These are Antidisestablishmentarians; hence the title of our book.


    Antidisestablishmentarianism began as the introduction to the Conflict of the Ages series, but grew to be a book in its own right.

    The Preface and Introduction to Antidisestablishmentarianism are included in this book’s References, Footnotes, Expanded Study and Appendix Materials. They are also on our blog, Elk Jerky For The Soul, available at no charge. Traditionally, a preface explains why a book is written. It lays out the foundations for the Conflict of the Ages series as well. We strongly recommend that you read this preface, even if you do not read the rest of Antidisestablishmentarianism or other parts of the Conflict of the Ages series.

    The Magna Carta opens with the words, In the first place we grant to God and confirm by this our present charter for ourselves and our heirs in perpetuity that the English Church is to be free and to have all its rights fully and its liberties entirely. The concept that the English Church is to be free became the basis for the first amendment to the US Constitution: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...

    This amendment is today openly violated because Secular Humanism has become our established religion.

    The United States Supreme Court has held that secular humanism is a religion. Belief in evolution is a central tenet of that religion. (Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia in Edwards v Aguillard, US Supreme Court, 1987) Justice Scalia included this statement in his dissent. It is a simple statement of what should be a well-recognized fact of history.


    B. The Tools of the Historian

    Our responsibility is to limit the infinite. Buildings are better evidence than individual bricks. Cities are better evidence than individual buildings, and entire civilizations are better evidence than cities.

    1. Education (The following quote is footnoted c in the introductory section of the endnotes.)


    The foundation of Scientific History is education. Education means that you do not have to personally experience something for it to be true. You can rely on the observation and experiences of others to learn things. You cannot personally experience everything that has ever taken place or been done. You do not need to personally experience poison, a fall from a cliff, or an explosion, to understand that each of these can be deadly.

    For example, George Washington’s inauguration took place on April 30, 1789. No one alive today was there, but no truly educated person questions that this event took place. It is documented and verified. We learned about George Washington’s inauguration through education.

    Yet for some inexplicable reason this understanding of the concept of education and how education works is ignored by the true believers in the new religion of Science. Of course, Secular Humanism includes many more people than the true believers in Scientism. This new religion of science is simply one denomination of Secular Humanism.

    Secular Humanism in general and Scientism specifically put faith and trust in education. Yet the very same process described by the word education describes the activities of a good eyewitness. The same Secular Humanists who put their faith and trust in education, vehemently deny the exact same process when it describes an eyewitness.

    Here is just one example of this denial. Every year millions of scientific papers are written. We have to trust that these papers are honest, follow scientific methods, and prove what they intend to prove. We are not present at the experiments. These people are scientific eyewitnesses. No one who reads scientific papers has the resources, time or money to replicate every experiment described in every paper. We must trust the honesty of these papers for science to be true. These scientific eyewitnesses are providing us with an education.

    Every educated person understands that scientific papers, teachers in a classroom, textbooks, encyclopedias, dictionaries, or any other sources can be deliberately forged or innocently contain errors. Yet they are still excellent eyewitnesses. They are even better when the reader has the skill and training to recognize and understand mistakes, errors, and forgeries.

    It is also true that eyewitnesses at the scene of a crime are usually very poor witnesses. The problem is not the concept of an eyewitness, or education, but the quality or the education of the eyewitness. Just because the education and eyewitness processes are valid does not mean that all education is valid or all eyewitnesses are trustworthy.

    2. Sources

    It is critically important that scientific history knows the quality of the sources relied on. Yes, there are oral sources, but historically, oral sources have been as respected as reliable eyewitnesses or written documents. While there are some exceptions, in US courts, oral testimony is preferred over written testimony. Written documents can be read in at the time of the trial, but only under very limited circumstances. Eyewitnesses can be cross-examined, while written documents must be either accepted or rejected without the ability to further examine the written testimony.

    Charlton Heston presents the Bible as part of the oral tradition in storytelling in his narration of the picturesque Bible video series Charlton Heston Presents the Bible, as if teachings passed on orally were understood to be less accurate or reliable and therefore merely legends and myths. In contrast to Charlton Heston’s oral tradition in storytelling, the Exodus of the children of Israel from Egypt is told in the Bible as a straightforward, factual, historical event.

    Socrates, in Plato’s Dialogue Phaedrus, addresses the subject of oral versus written history.

    Theuth [Thoth] … was the inventor of many arts, … but his great discovery was the use of letters. … Thammus [the god Ammon] was the king of … Egypt; …To him came Theuth … desiring that the other Egyptians might be allowed to have the benefit of [his inventions]; … when they came to letters, This, said Theuth, will make the Egyptians wiser and give them better memories; … Thammus replied: … you … attribute to them a quality which they cannot have; for this … will create forgetfulness in the learners’ souls, … they will trust to the external written characters … This is an aid not to memory, but to reminiscence, … not truth, but only the semblance of truth; they will be hearers of many things and will have learned nothing; they will appear to be omniscient and will generally know nothing; they will be tiresome company, having the show of wisdom without the reality.

    Plutarch, in his discourse on the life of Lycurgus and his rule over Sparta (the Lacedaemonians) in ancient Greece, expresses the belief that oral tradition is a way of making the law more firmly fixed in the mind.

    None of his laws were put into writing by Lycurgus, indeed, one of the so-called rhetras forbids it. For he thought that if the most important and binding principles which conduce to the prosperity and virtue of a city were implanted in the habits and training of its citizens, they would remain unchanged and secure, having a stronger bond than compulsion in the fixed purposes imparted to the young by education, which performs the office of a law-giver for every one of them.

    There is considerable disagreement about whether the Scriptures were in some part orally communicated before being written down. The point is that even if they were it does not make them less authoritative or reliable. Socrates may not be entirely justified in discounting the value of written records but he reinforces the point that oral communication of history does not make it unreliable or inaccurate. Memorizing and passing on history demands great discipline and does not result in a form of the child’s game gossip.

    3. Accuracy

    The issue is the accuracy, truth, honesty, and importance or significance of the information. If the information is correct, the method of transmission is not important. So how can we know if the information is both accurate and significant? Historians usually begin by establishing a chronology. The mantra of many historians is chronology is the backbone of history.


    Is this true? Is chronology is the backbone of history? A simple look at the difficulties of dating the well-known stele of Hammurabi’s Law Code teaches us dating is not as certain as secularists would have us believe. If chronology is fabricated then such a chronology is not the standard of accuracy on which to base everything else.

    In A.D. 1901-1902 a French team excavating in Susa, one of the ancient capitals of Elam, then Persia, now modern Iran, discovered pieces of a basalt stele. It was completely reconstructed and now sits in the Louvre in Paris, France. The head of the French team, M. de Morgan, used the surroundings where it was found to date the stele, the now famous Law Code of Hammurabi, to around 1100-1200 BC.

    Excavating in Nippur at the same time was an American/German team headed by the German-born American Hermann Hilprecht. Nippur is in ancient Mesopotamia, an area ruled over by the Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, and Ottoman Turks, and is now modern Iraq. They found a kings list with the name Hammurabi on it. This list made Hammurabi a ruler in the 24th century BC. Hermann Hilprecht immediately (January 1903) proclaimed in a lecture at the University of Pennsylvania that the Hammurabi stele was the oldest law code ever found.

    A book entitled The Oldest Code of Laws in the World by Hammurabi, King of Babylon, was immediately published in early 1903 and is available as an ebook through Project Gutenberg. It proclaims that Hammurabi ruled from 2285-2242 B.C. The forward is by C.H.W. Johns, M.A., of Cambridge. The book was printed in Edinburgh.

    Since 1903, several other Sumerian kings lists were discovered. A rather brief but thorough article in the Roman Catholic online encyclopedia New Advent describes the major positions mainstream archaeologists take on the time Hammurabi actually ruled. Most 21st Century archaeologists hold to some type of a middle position, that Hammurabi ruled around 1700 B.C.

    This very questionable date is the best archaeology can do. They honestly examine the evidence to the best of their abilities. But the evidence is always incomplete and human abilities are limited. The exact date Hammurabi ruled is far less important than the manner in which archaeologists arrive at their conclusions.

    The true scientific approach is that One Who created the Universe was the only flawless observer. He has communicated accurately to us. God has left us with physical evidence to examine. That material evidence will lead us to honestly conclude that the earth is much less than one million years old. There never was a Jurassic or a Cambrian period.

    While we will reference many articles and books which refute many false assumptions, this work will emphasize accurate historical records.

    One well known source which needs special mention is Wikipedia. One reviewer wrote "Wikipedia is not a scholarly source, and it is always in a state of flux. That same reviewer also said, Students who rely on your work for school projects will be penalized if they cite Wiki."

    He is absolutely correct about the attitude of many (most?) professors grading papers at the university or college level. You should warn your students about this attitude and that they should be careful with their citations.

    We cite one example of the kind of problems with Wikipedia in COA3, Point VI. Material Results of the Flood, D. Radiohalos, 3. The Uniformitarian Answer? This is a Wikipedia article which calls Creation Science a pseudoscience. We document how their false charge cannot stand.

    It is also true that all scholarly sources are always in a state of flux. The Wikipedia article we use as an example in the above link accurately quotes an incorrect peer-reviewed article. In the example we cite, Wikipedia chose to accurately quote an incorrect article because it stated what that author believed.

    You are responsible to understand what is and what is not true. When you are educated well enough to understand the methods used to determine what is and what is not accurate, then Wikipedia will be a very valuable resource. It is filled with very simple, basic information and definitions which are accurate enough for most general use. Even though Wikipedia contains errors and changes, so do all sources. All major respected sources contain errors.

    Wikipedia is a very good starting point with its citations. Even when you realize that the information and conclusions in the main article are inaccurate, you can read the source articles and begin a search using those sources. If you do not learn what you need to know from those sources, they should cite their sources and you can continue your search through those sources.


    Our touchstone of truth is the Word of God. Correlation of the literature, geology, physics, biology, archaeology, and art of all countries will be reduced to those elements which we understand to give the greatest possible glory to God or to point out the most significant rebellion against Him.


    C. The Conflict of the Ages Series.

    1. The book Antidisestablishmentarianism is the introduction to this series.

    The main body of the work is divided into four sections:

    a. What Is an Establishment of Religion?

    b. What Is Secular Humanism?

    c. What Is Science?

    d. What Are the Results of the Establishment of Secular Humanism?

    (The fourth section includes suggestions on what we should do about Secular Humanism.)

    The four sections of Antidisestablishmentarianism are each available as a separate book. The section titles from the main book are the titles of the serial versions. It is simply the introduction to the Conflict of the Ages (COA) series. Each of the following work in the series is available as an individual book in the student edition.

    2. COA part 1 covers origins. (Conflict of the Ages Part One: The Scientific History of Origins)

    3. COA part 2 covers the origin of evil and the antediluvian world. (Conflict of the Ages Part Two: The Origin of Evil in the World that Was)

    4. COA part 3 covers the Flood and the Ice Age. (Conflict of the Ages Part Three: They Deliberately Forgot: The Flood and the Ice Age)

    5. Guidelines for all of the books in the Conflict of the Ages series.

    a. Included sources are recognized by academic authorities as valuable and necessary for a complete study of World History. Many sources are compared with the Scriptures. This can build discernment about what to accept and reject.

    Mythology (like the Epic of Gilgamesh) may not contain religious truth but gives insights into culture and lifestyles of the people of that time and even what the physical world was like.

    Religion helped a ruler, as the representative or descendant of a god, unify authority. This is the earliest church-state union. In some cases grains of the original truth of the Scriptures (such as the flood epic) remained a part of the religion but in corrupted form.

    Historical accounts (like Hesiod) seek to preserve a people’s history and culture in the face of internal divisions or external corruptions or attacks. They may contain errors but sometimes include ancient sources no longer in existence today. They can add to the knowledge of the ancient world when compared with other sources. Other ancient documents, especially those of Jewish origin, combine religious teaching with history and other knowledge.

    b. The writing style is what Microsoft Word calls standard. The Flesch reading ease target is approximately 50%. The Flesch-Kincaid reading level is no more than 10th grade for the overall average of any individual module. For COA1, the Flesch reading ease is 54.6%, and the reading level is 9.7. For COA2, the Flesch reading ease is 56.2%, and the reading level is 9.8. For COA3, the Flesch reading ease is 48.4%, and the reading level is 10.8.

    c. The amount of material has to be suitable for students to absorb. While we do not pretend that the material is easy, it is written on a level which, with due diligence, can be grasped by the average high school student.

    d. Hyperlinks connect to more difficult books and articles outside of the main text.

    There is a main text with hyperlinks to articles and books found in the References, Footnotes, Expanded Study and Appendix Materials and to reference works outside the main text. There is no attempt keep these expansion articles to the Flesch-Kincaid standards of the main text.

    e. The Scriptures are the absolute authority. These other sources can contain valuable knowledge and studying them makes for a well-rounded education as well as fulfilling academic requirements. The key is not to allow secularist beliefs to confuse students into thinking that there are different kinds of truth. Segregating subjects encourages compartmentalizing information that should be taken and evaluated by one standard, God’s Word.

    f. This is essential information for defending yourself against those who attempt to indoctrinate you into their religion, the religion of Secular Humanism. This indoctrination process in Western Societies is done through the educational system, the workplace, entertainment, and through the legal system. This indoctrination process has become so pervasive that it is likely found in the entire western culture as well as many cultures outside of the West.

    Our goal is not to answer every possible problem in detail, but to reveal to you and your students the correct questions and how to think the problem through to the correct conclusion.


    D. It Escapes Their Notice

    The Conflict of the Ages Series is designed for believers. But the world is controlled by unbelievers who are experts at forcing their religion on others. Their religion appeals to human pride. They proudly classify anyone who refuses to accept their religion as ignorant. Point out that their belief system is a religion and usually they are outraged. They falsely claim that you do not know what they believe or what the word religion means.

    Our culture indoctrinates into this religion from preschool. This established religion is founded on vast periods of time, often called deep time. People are indoctrinated to accept this as science. Deep time is not science. It is, rather, the foundation for the religious system of Secular Humanism. Though complete and detailed information can expose this religious belief system, we must understand that the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving (2 Corinthians 4:4 NASB). Evidence and information will not persuade these people. They are blinded so that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ (2 Corinthians 4:4 NASB). Only God the Spirit can remove this blindness.


    Mockers require acceptance of their religious mockery to obtain a PhD, to be offered a job, to hold any position of authority, and in many cases, to even earn enough money to make a living. Like the first century Jew facing the Pharisees of his day, people today fear to challenge this establishment of religion because they love the glory of men more than the glory of God.

    Mockers dishonestly proclaim that refusal to believe in their religion is opposition to science. But Creation and the Flood are not issues of science. The scientific evidence supports the Word of God. To give an oversimplified explanation, science is how things work, while religion is why things work. Modern science has completely rejected this basic definition of science and elevated Science to an all-encompassing religion. Classical science is based on the orderly collection and observation of knowledge. Einstein’s quote God does not play dice with the universe defends the foundations of classical science, Intelligent Design, and an orderly universe. Stephen Hawking used to attack this with the religious phrase, "Not only does God definitely play dice, but He sometimes confuses us by throwing them where they can't be seen."c1

    The order of classical science is based on the order found in the Word of God. Isaac Newton’s laws of physics (Note that Newton wrote more defending his beliefs in Christianity than he did about physics) and the genetics laws of the monk Gregor Mendel are examples of people professing faith in God who laid the foundation for entire branches of science (physics and genetics).

    Yes, God created the earth for His glory is a religious statement. Just as religious is the statement that the earth came into existence millions of years ago by random chance. It is a religious belief with no verifiable material evidence for support.

    What we see in the world around us today is the material evidence for the Flood. This general revelation can be compared to the historical record. When compared to any other ancient religious document, the Word of God is the only historical document having a complete record in chronological order beginning with the creation of the universe. Other ancient documents, such as the Mesopotamian epics and the Qur’an, describe their versions of Creation and Flood in pieces interspersed throughout these writings. It is also likely that many of the events in these other documents happened near the end of the Ice Age, hundreds of years after the worldwide Flood. We are simply not capable of distinguishing, in many writings outside the Bible, the difference between a global Flood and massive local floods.

    The physical evidence that remains of these floods is rocks. Rocks are often presented as evidence that the Earth is a certain age. However, rocks do not come with labels saying they formed gradually over millions of years. Neither do they have labels saying they were formed cataclysmically less than five thousand years ago.


    As Abraham told the rich man in Hades, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead (Luke 16:31). Jesus meant that rejection of the Old Testament Scriptures as historically and scientifically accurate and true leads to rejection of Him. For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for he wrote of me. But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe my words? (John 5:46, 47) If you don’t accept the literal accounts of Creation, the Fall, and the Flood, how can you accept the literal account of the death, burial, resurrection, and atonement of Jesus Christ?

    This is not just an interpretation of the Bible in opposition to material evidence. See the appendix for What Does the Scientific Evidence Prove?, which includes evidences for a young earth. This is Chapter Fourteen from Antidisestablishmentarianism. Secular Humanists usually just ignore this evidence. Though most of these are what they dismiss as the usual young Earth arguments, our works include them because they are factually correct. Getting a Secular Humanist to carefully examine even one of these points is, sadly, very difficult.

    They almost always justify their positions with highly complex circular reasoning. They rely on their own authority (Citing education such as a PhD and years of experience in this field as authoritative). But they condemn Christians for relying on the authority of a two-thousand-plus-year-old book.

    Dr. Larry Vardiman,d PhD in Atmospheric Sciences, spoke of meeting Carl Sagan. He immediately began asking me a series of leading questions about how a well-trained scientist such as myself could have confidence in a book written by a bunch of ignorant sheep herders thousands of years before any real science had been discovered.


    II. Foundational Assumptions

    Why do you get up in the morning?

    Do you go to work?

    Do you go to school?

    Do you fix your our own food?

    Do you eat, bathe, study, work out, talk to friends, pray, sing?

    Whatever decisions you make, you make because of assumptions. You stay in bed because you assume that it does not make any difference. You go to work or school because you assume that sometime in the future you will need money. Or perhaps you simply believe that you are doing what is right. These assumptions, or whatever assumptions guide our lives, are really what we believe. They are why we do what we do.


    A. A System of Assumptions Is A Religion

    Textbooks seldom inform the reader of their system of assumptions. Perhaps the authors are so thoroughly indoctrinated that they do not understand their own system of assumptions. One assumption leads to another assumption. You may choose to use the phrase system of assumptions or belief system but the most well-known term is a religion. Whatever term you use, they all have the same meaning.

    1. Tools Used to Disguise Their Assumptions

    When reading a textbook or discussing serious issues with Secular Humanists, always remember that the real issues are the religious assumptions the formulas are based on. Do not be misled by the use of:

    a. Mathematical formulas,

    b. Archaeological evidence, or

    c. Physics to prove a point.

    The mathematics, physics, or archaeology might be important and necessary points. But they also might cloud the real issue. The issue is not the language of mathematics, the use of formulas, or the kind of physical evidence. The correct use of a formula does not justify an incorrect underlying assumption. Always carefully examine their assumptions. These assumptions are why they believe what they believe.

    2. An Example of How Assumptions are Used: An Assumed Population Problem

    This is easier to understand with an example. One possible example is the so-called repopulation problem. Secular Humanists have invented a repopulation problem where no problem exists. They falsely claim that there was not enough time or the proper conditions did not exist for repopulating the earth after the flood. A look at the facts will expose the faulty foundational assumptions.

    Noah lived for three hundred and fifty years after the Flood. His son Shem lived for six hundred years after the Flood. Though men likely died from accidents or murders during this time period, the natural death rate from old age for three hundred and forty years after the Flood was, statistically, zero. The first death the Bible records after the Flood was Peleg, three hundred forty years after the Flood. So when anyone claims repopulation after the Flood is a problem, they are using population formulas based on current population growth rates. They are using incorrect assumptions. The following is a list of incorrect assumptions for the assumed repopulation problem.

    a. They assume that existing known birth and death rates should be applied to the past.

    The historical written record shows a statistically zero death rate combined with a much higher birth rate. Examples are:


    b. They assume a population of 27 million for the year 2000 BC.

    They claim archaeological evidence for this number, but even a simple examination of the evidence shows an assumption of continuous growth over an assumed period of time.

    1) One assumption (evolutionary time scale)

    2) Is used with a second assumption (that population growth rate in the third century BC was the same as it is now)

    3) As proof for a third assumption (world’s population in 2000 BC).

    c. They assume the harsh living conditions immediately after the Flood continued for hundreds of years.

    They believe that these harsh conditions resulted in very low childbirth rates and high mortality rates. This assumption has no supporting evidence, is impossible to verify even if it were true, which it is not, and contradicts every written record of the time period. The written record of Scripture tells us that Noah did not open the door of the Ark and release the occupants until he had evidence of growing vegetation (the olive leaf the dove brought back). Noah also planted a vineyard after the Flood. The scientific evidence shows abundant vegetation at the end of the Ice Age. This evidence of abundant flora and fauna is preserved in much of the permafrost of Siberia and the Yukon. How long it took to develop the abundant vegetation is a completely unknown assumption. But secularists desperately need this third assumption to artificially suppress the population numbers in order create an artificial problem where no problem exists.

    3. Facts compared with the population assumption

    The real conditions for several decades after the Flood are in fact ideal for population blooms, especially with sea and plant life.

    a. The slowly falling sea level

    b. with high humidity,

    c. warm temperatures, neither too hot nor too cold

    d. abundant rainfall

    e. lack of creatures to eat the vegetation (at first)

    f. are optimal conditions for plant growth.

    g. A far more reasonable assumption is that within a very few decades the available land would be covered in thick vegetation and animal populations would be exploding.

    The hunter/gatherer culture, popularly depicted as a primitive, bare subsistence struggle for life, would more likely be a lifestyle based on extreme abundance and laziness. Food would be readily available with minimal effort.

    4. Contradictions in the Bible is a false assumption

    Always examine the assumptions of those doubting the Word of God. Those assumptions are their religious beliefs, even when they refuse to admit that they are religious. If these artificially-contrived contradictions in the Bible concern you, Answers In Genesis has two very good books answering these mythical contradictions, Demolishing Supposed Bible Contradictions Volumes 1 & 2 by Ken Ham, Bodie Hodge, and Tim Chaffey.e If you just want articles proving the supposed contradictions in the Bible to be false, Creation Ministries International has a nice collection at

    Like every text ever written, this text, the Conflict of the Ages 1-3, is founded on assumptions. It is a simplified examination of the scientific records. The question-and-answer format is designed for homeschool use. Because we assume the Bible to be accurate and scientific, this material aligns with the scientific testimonies of the eyewitnesses to the historical records contained in the Word of God.


    B. The Bible Is Historically Accurate.

    Everyone builds his life on assumptions. Scientists assume that instruments are accurate. In this COA series, the word assumption is a synonym for belief. We assume, that is, believe, that the Word of God is True. If you would like to know more about the scientific basis for the assumption that the Word of God is true, Josh McDowell wrote a book explaining these assumptions, New Evidence That Demands a Verdict. Francis Schaffer’s book, The God Who Is There, also does a good job of explaining why we believe that the Word of God is true. His series on civilization, How Should We Then Live? The Rise and Decline of Western Thought and Culture integrates art, literature, and languages, as we intend to do.

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