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Mastering Eclipse Plug-in Development
Mastering Eclipse Plug-in Development
Mastering Eclipse Plug-in Development
Ebook746 pages4 hours

Mastering Eclipse Plug-in Development

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If you are a Java developer who is familiar with the Eclipse plug-in environment, this book covers the advanced concepts that you need to know to achieve true expertise. Prior experience in creating Eclipse plug-ins is assumed for this book.
Release dateAug 26, 2014
Mastering Eclipse Plug-in Development

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    Mastering Eclipse Plug-in Development - Dr Alex Blewitt

    Table of Contents

    Mastering Eclipse Plug-in Development


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    1. Plugging in to JFace and the Common Navigator Framework

    JFace wizards

    Creating a feeds wizard

    Creating the classes

    Adding pages to the wizard

    Adding content to the page

    Testing the wizard

    Adding titles and images

    Adding help

    Finishing the wizard

    Adding the FeedWizard to the newWizards extension point

    Adding a progress monitor

    Showing a preview

    Common navigator

    Creating a content and label provider

    Integrating into Common Navigator

    Binding content navigators to views

    Adding commands to the common navigator

    Reacting to updates

    Optimizing the viewer updates

    Linking selection changes

    Opening an editor

    Finding the line

    Setting the selection


    2. Creating Custom Extension Points

    Extensions and extension points

    Creating an extension point

    Creating an IFeedParser interface

    Creating a MockFeedParser class

    Creating the extension point schema

    Using the extension point

    Caching extension points

    Integrating the extension with the content and label providers

    Showing a feed in the browser

    Implementing a real feed parser

    Adding support for Atom

    Making the parser namespace aware

    Priority and ordering

    Executable extensions and data

    Executable extension factories

    Using the extension registry outside of OSGi

    Using the extension registry cache

    Loading all extensions from the classpath


    3. Using OSGi Services to Dynamically Wire Applications

    Overview of services

    Registering a service programmatically

    Creating an activator

    Registering the service

    Priority of services

    Using the services

    Lazy activation of bundles

    Comparison of services and extension points

    Registering a service declaratively

    Declarative Services

    Properties and Declarative Services

    Service references in Declarative Services

    Multiple components and debugging Declarative Services

    Dynamic service annotations

    Processing annotations at Maven build time


    Installing Gemini Blueprint

    Installing Aries Blueprint

    Using the Blueprint service

    Passing properties in Blueprint

    Bean references and properties

    Comparison of Blueprint and DS

    Dynamic services

    Resolving services each time

    Using a ServiceTracker

    Sorting services

    Filtering services

    Obtaining a BundleContext without using an activator

    A note on ServiceReference

    Dependent services

    Dynamic Service Configuration

    Installing Felix FileInstall

    Installing Config Admin

    Configuring Declarative Services

    Config Admin outside of DS

    Services and ManagedService

    Creating an EmptyFeedParser class

    Configuring the EmptyFeedParser

    Service factories

    Creating the EchoServer class

    Creating an EchoServiceFactory class

    Configuring EchoService


    4. Using the Gogo Shell and Commands

    Consoles in Equinox

    Host OSGi Console

    Running commands

    Variables and pipes

    Functions and scripts

    Literals and objects

    Calling and chaining methods

    Control flow

    Running Equinox from the command line

    Understanding osgi.bundles and config.ini

    Connecting remotely

    Securing the connection

    Creating a JAAS configuration

    Understanding the configuration options

    Launching the SSH daemon

    Extending the shell

    Adding commands from existing methods

    Getting a class from an existing instance

    Loading a class via a ClassLoader

    Writing commands in Java

    Creating the project

    Using Declarative Services to register the command

    Test the command

    Processing objects with console commands

    Adding the print bundles command

    Returning a list of bundles

    Processing a list with each

    Calling functions from commands

    Looping and iteration


    5. Native Code and Fragment Bundles

    Native code and Eclipse

    Creating a simple native library

    Mac OS X



    Loading the native library

    Library dependencies

    Native code patterns

    Native libraries in OSGi bundles

    Optional resolution of native code

    Multiple libraries for the same platform

    Multiple libraries with the same name

    Additional filters and constraints

    Reloading native libraries

    OSGi fragment bundles

    Adding native code with fragments

    Adding classes to a bundle

    Patching bundles with fragments

    Adding imports and exports with fragments

    Extension bundles


    6. Understanding ClassLoaders

    Overview of ClassLoaders

    ClassLoaders and inheritance

    ClassLoaders in web application servers

    ClassLoaders and garbage collection

    OSGi and ClassLoaders

    OSGi services and ClassLoaders


    Java ServiceLoader

    Problems with ServiceLoader, OSGi, and Eclipse

    Creating a service producer

    Downloading the required bundles

    Running the producer

    Creating a service consumer

    Running the consumer

    OSGi upgrade strategies

    Embedding the library directly

    Wrapping the library with bnd

    Upgrading the library to use services

    Dealing with class resolution issues


    7. Designing Modular Applications

    Semantic versioning

    Public APIs and version ranges

    Baselining and automatic versioning

    Eclipse API baselines

    Bnd baseline


    Maven baselining

    Design patterns

    The whiteboard pattern

    The extender pattern

    Best practices

    Separate API and implementation

    Decouple packages

    Decouple services

    Prefer Import-Package to Require-Bundle

    Version packages and bundles

    Avoid split packages

    Import and export packages

    Avoid start ordering requirements

    Avoid long Activator start methods

    Use configuration admin for configuration

    Share services, not implementation

    Loosely coupled and highly cohesive

    Compile with the lowest level execution environment

    Avoid Class.forName

    Avoid DynamicImport-Package

    Avoid BundleActivator

    Consider thread safety

    Test in different frameworks


    8. Event-driven Applications with EventAdmin

    Understanding the OSGi EventAdmin service

    Sending e-mails

    Creating an event

    Posting an event

    Receiving an event

    Filtering events

    Threading and ordering of event delivery

    Comparison between EventAdmin and services

    Framework events

    Events and E4

    Sending events with E4

    Receiving events with E4

    Subscribing E4 EventHandlers directly

    Comparison between EventAdmin and IEventBroker

    Designing an event-based application

    Componentizing the application

    Identifying the channels

    Identifying the properties

    Mapping the channels to topics

    Simulating events

    Versioning and loose typing

    Event object contents

    Comparison with JMS


    9. Deploying and Updating with P2

    Eclipse P2

    Provisioning with the P2 director

    Installing content into existing applications

    Running P2 applications

    Launching the JVM

    Starting Equinox

    P2 repositories

    P2 artifacts and contents files

    Binary and packed files

    Creating P2 mirrors

    Generating P2 metadata

    Categorizing update sites

    Composite update sites

    The classic update manager


    Categorizing features with P2

    Adding update sites automatically

    Registering touchpoint actions

    Adding JVM or program arguments

    Custom touchpoints


    10. User Assistance in Eclipse

    Help pages in Eclipse

    Adding help pages

    Nested table of contents

    Anchors and links

    Linking to anchors in other plug-ins

    Conditional enablement

    Context-sensitive help

    Active help

    DocBook and Eclipse help

    Mylyn WikiText and Eclipse help

    Help Server and RCP

    Help and Eclipse 3.x

    Help and Eclipse 4.x

    Running an InfoCenter standalone

    Cheat sheets

    Creating a cheat sheet

    Adding commands

    Optional steps

    Responding to choice

    Composite cheat sheets



    Mastering Eclipse Plug-in Development

    Mastering Eclipse Plug-in Development

    Copyright © 2014 Packt Publishing

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.

    Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the author, nor Packt Publishing, and its dealers and distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this book.

    Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.

    First published: August 2014

    Production reference: 1210814

    Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

    Livery Place

    35 Livery Street

    Birmingham B3 2PB, UK.

    ISBN 978-1-78328-779-6

    Cover image by Asher Wishkerman (<>)



    Dr Alex Blewitt


    Carla Guillen

    Jeff MAURY

    Peter Rice

    Commissioning Editor

    Kartikey Pandey

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    Sam Wood

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    Production Coordinator

    Komal Ramchandani

    Cover Work

    Komal Ramchandani

    About the Author

    Dr Alex Blewitt has been developing Java applications since version 1.0 was released in 1996, and has been using the Eclipse platform since its first release as part of the IBM WebSphere Studio product suite. He even migrated some plug-ins from VisualAge for Java to WebSphere Studio / Eclipse as part of his PhD in Automated Verification of Design Patterns. He got involved in the open source community as a tester when Eclipse 2.1 was being released for Mac OS X, and then subsequently as an editor for EclipseZone, including being a finalist for Eclipse Ambassador in 2007.

    More recently, Alex has been writing for InfoQ, covering generic Java, specifically Eclipse and OSGi subjects. He was the keynote speaker at the OSGi Community Event 2011 on the past, present, and future of OSGi. The coverage of both new releases of the Eclipse platform as well as its projects and video interviews with some of the Eclipse project leads can be found on the InfoQ home page; for this, he won the Eclipse Top Contributor award in 2012.

    Alex currently works for an investment bank in London. He also has a number of apps on the App Store through Bandlem Limited.

    Alex blogs at and tweets via Twitter as @alblue regularly and is the author of Eclipse 4 Plug-in Development by Example Beginner's Guide, Packt Publishing.


    I'd like to thank my wife, Amy, who has been behind me for over 15 years, supporting me during the development of this and other books. Behind every man is a great woman, and I wouldn't be where I am today if it were not for her.

    I'd also like to thank my parents, Derek and Ann, for introducing me to technology at an early age with a ZX81 and setting me on a path and career that would take me across the globe, even though the name of my first company could have been better chosen.

    Special thanks are due to Ann Ford, Carla Guillen, Jeff MAURY, and Peter Rice, who provided detailed feedback about every chapter and the exercises therein. Without their diligence and attention, this book would contain many more errors than I would like. Thanks are also due to the Packt Publishing editing team, especially Dennis John, who was very patient with my rewrites. I'd also like to thank Sam Wood for keeping the book on the straight and narrow as well as Susmita Panda and Binny Babu, who were involved through the production process.

    During the later stages of the book, I was also fortunate enough to receive some good feedback and advice from Lars Vogel and Ian Bull, both of whom are heavily involved in the Eclipse platform. I am especially grateful for Lars Vogel's website,, which has been an invaluable resource over the years.

    To Sam, Holly, and all the Akeley Wood Code Clubbers, this is just the start of your journey through life. Aim high, work hard, and do what you love.

    Finally, I'd like to thank OD, DJ, and JC for their support in making this book possible.

    About the Reviewers

    Carla Guillen has a Master's degree in Computational Science and Engineering and is working at the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities. She is currently pursuing a PhD in monitoring performance of supercomputers in the field of Computer Architecture Organization. As part of the annual courses offered at the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre, she has been teaching a course on the use of the Eclipse IDE with the CDT and Photran plug-in for the past 4 years.

    Jeff MAURY is currently working as the technical lead for the Java team at SYSPERTEC, a French ISV offering mainframe integration tools. He is also a PMC member for the Apache MINA project.

    Prior to SYSPERTEC, he co-founded a French ISV called SCORT in 1996, which was the precursor of the application server concept and offered J2EE-based integration tools.

    He started his career in 1988 at MARBEN, a French integration company specializing in telecommunication protocols. At MARBEN, he started as a software developer and finished as an X.400 team technical lead and Internet division strategist.

    I would like to dedicate my work to Jean-Pierre Ansart, my mentor, and would also like to thank my wife, Julia, for her patience and my three sons, Robinson, Paul, and Ugo.

    Peter Rice is a retired professor of Mathematics and has been active in IT consulting for the past 20 years. He is a certified trainer for IBM and Microsoft, and has worked through independent training vendors offering courses in programming languages (Java, C, C++, Perl, and so on), advanced systems (Eclipse, Eclipse Plug-in Development, Rich Client Platform, and Java EE), and various other technologies. He has also been consulted with on many projects and is currently working with Trail Management Systems on the development of a new generation of business management software.

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    The Eclipse platform provides an extensible system for building plug-ins and applications in a modular fashion. While other books discuss the general mechanism to create plug-ins, this book dives deeper into the underlying mechanisms, including how to create plug-ins that have their own extension points and how to use OSGi services within an Eclipse application. It is expected that you are familiar with Eclipse plug-in development already and you understand the content covered in Eclipse 4 Plug-in Development by Example Beginner's Guide, Packt Publishing. By the end of this book, you will know how to write extensible plug-ins for both Eclipse extensions as well as standalone OSGi frameworks and provide end-to-end delivery of Eclipse applications with help and update sites.

    What this book covers

    Chapter 1, Plugging in to JFace and the Common Navigator Framework, demonstrates how to create JFace wizards and how to integrate content into the Common Navigator Framework, which is then used by Package Explorer to provide a tree view of the project's contents.

    Chapter 2, Creating Custom Extension Points, shows how the Eclipse extension registry can be used to create an extensible plug-in that allows other plug-ins to contribute functionalities and how it can be used outside of an OSGi or Eclipse runtime.

    Chapter 3, Using OSGi Services to Dynamically Wire Applications, introduces OSGi services as a means to extend an application's functionality. This chapter shows how these services can be configured declaratively with Declarative Services or Blueprint and how they can be configured using Config Admin along with the new changes in OSGi R6.

    Chapter 4, Using the Gogo Shell and Commands, discusses how to use the Gogo shell embedded in Eclipse 4 and how to extend it by creating custom commands in Gogo script and Java.

    Chapter 5, Native Code and Fragment Bundles, demonstrates how to load native code into an OSGi or Eclipse application and how fragment bundles can be used to extend the capabilities of the framework or existing OSGi bundles.

    Chapter 6, Understanding ClassLoaders, goes into detail as to how the key concepts of a Java ClassLoader work and how they are used in an OSGi runtime. It also explains how non-OSGi workarounds, such as the Thread Context ClassLoader and ServiceLoader, can be used in an OSGi framework, along with presenting upgrade strategies for non-OSGi JARs.

    Chapter 7, Designing Modular Applications, discusses modular design patterns such as the whiteboard pattern and extender pattern along with 18 best practices, including how to use semantic versioning and tools that can automate version number management.

    Chapter 8, Event-driven Applications with EventAdmin, introduces the OSGi EventAdmin service and how E4 uses events under the covers to provide an interactive workspace, along with 7 steps for designing event-driven applications.

    Chapter 9, Deploying and Updating with P2, shows how to create and manage P2 repositories (update sites) along with creating custom touchpoints and categories.

    Chapter 10, User Assistance in Eclipse, demonstrates how to write help documentation for an Eclipse- or RCP-based product along with cheat sheets and running a public facing help server.

    What you need for this book

    To run the exercises in this book, you will need a computer with an up-to-date operating system (running Windows, Linux, or Mac OS X). Java also needs to be installed; the book's exercises were tested against JDK 1.7, but newer versions of Java should also work. The exercises were written and tested against both Eclipse Standard 4.4 (Luna) as well as 4.3 (Kepler). The principles should work for future versions of Eclipse as well, but note that each release of Eclipse has a migration guide in the Platform Plug-in Developer Guide help topic that will list any incompatibilities. This help information is also available online at for the current release.

    The exercises are available on the Packt website as well as on GitHub at Using the GitHub code will require a Git installation such as EGit for Eclipse (available from the Eclipse Marketplace) or a standalone Git client from

    Who this book is for

    This book is aimed at existing Eclipse plug-in developers who know the basics of plug-in development but want to learn some of the techniques in greater detail.

    Developers wishing to write extensible plug-ins will find the advice in chapters 1 and 2 useful to integrate with some parts of the Eclipse framework that they may not have previously used.

    Those that are unfamiliar with OSGi services or don't know how to integrate into Eclipse will find chapter 3 a good introduction, which is usually not covered in other Eclipse plug-in development books. Those wishing to extend the Gogo shell will find the information in chapter 4 beneficial, and chapter 5 will benefit those who need help in including native code dependencies. Developers who need to include non-OSGi JARs will find the techniques discussed in chapter 6 to be useful.

    For those who are looking for advice on how to structure modular applications, the practices in chapters 7 and 8 will be beneficial.

    Finally, for developers responsible for providing products, chapters 9 and 10 show how to customize and publish P2 repositories as well as provide user assistance (help) for applications.


    In this book, you will find a number of styles of text that distinguish between different kinds of information. Here are some examples of these styles, and an explanation of their meaning.

    Code words in text, database table names, folder names, filenames, file extensions, pathnames, dummy URLs, user input, and Twitter handles are shown as follows: A cursor need to be closed to free the resource the object holds by calling the close() method.

    A block of code is set as follows:

    public void deleted(String pid) {

      System.out.println(Removing echo server with pid + pid);

      EchoServer removed = echoServers.remove(pid);

      if (removed != null) {




    When we wish to draw your attention to a particular part of a code block, the relevant lines or items are set in bold:



            baseline       package               baseline        


    Any command-line input or output is written as follows:

    $ mvn install $ mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=1.0.1 ... make changes to Java files ... $ mvn package

    New terms and important words are shown in bold. Words that you see on the screen, in menus or dialog boxes for example, appear in the text like this: Clicking on Reset (to scan the directory) followed by Finish will set up the baseline.


    Warnings or important notes appear in a box like this.


    Tips and tricks appear like this.

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    Feedback from our readers is always welcome. Let us know what you think about this book—what you liked or may have disliked. Reader feedback is important for us to develop titles that you really get the most out of.

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    Although we have taken every care to ensure the accuracy of our content, mistakes do happen. If you find a mistake in one of our books—maybe a mistake in the text or the code—we would be grateful if you would report this to us. By doing so, you can save other readers from frustration and help us improve subsequent versions of this book. If you find any errata, please report them by visiting, selecting your book, clicking on the errata submission form link, and entering the details of your errata. Once your errata are verified, your submission will be accepted and the errata will be uploaded on our website, or added to any list of existing errata, under the Errata section of that title. Any existing errata can be viewed by selecting your title from


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    Chapter 1. Plugging in to JFace and the Common Navigator Framework

    JFace is the set of widgets that comprise the Eclipse user interface, and it builds on top of the Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT). JFace also provides a number of standard higher-level tools that can provide interaction with users, such as wizards and standard navigator plug-ins.

    In this chapter, we will create a news feed reader using a JFace wizard, and then we will contribute it to the common navigator so that it shows up in views such as the Package Explorer view.

    JFace wizards

    Whenever a new project or file is created in Eclipse, the standard JFace wizard is used. For example, the following screenshots show the wizards to create a new Plug-in Project or Java Class:

    A JFace wizard has a common section at the top and bottom of the dialog, which provides the title/icon and transition buttons along with an optional help link. Each wizard consists of one or more linked pages that define the visible content area and the button bar. The window title is shared across all pages; the page title and page message allow information to be shown at the top. The page adds per-page content into the content area by exposing a page control. The wizard can be displayed with a wizard dialog or by integrating with the workbench functionality, such as the newWizards extension point. The following diagram illustrates this:

    Creating a feeds wizard

    A wizard is created as a subclass of Wizard or another class that implements the IWizard interface. Create a new plug-in project called com.packtpub.e4.advanced.feeds.ui and ensure that the Generate an activator and This plug-in will make contributions to the UI options are selected. Click on Finish to accept the defaults.

    Creating the classes

    Create a new class called com.packtpub.e4.advanced.feeds.ui.NewFeedWizard that extends org.eclipse.jface.wizard.Wizard. This creates a skeleton file with a performFinish method.

    To add content, one or more pages must be created. A page is a subclass of WizardPage or another class that implements the IWizardPage interface. Pages are typically added within the constructor or addPages methods of the owning wizard.

    Create a new class called com.packtpub.e4.advanced.feeds.ui.NewFeedPage that extends org.eclipse.jface.wizard.WizardPage. The default implementation will be missing a constructor; create a default constructor that passes the string NewFeedPage to the superclass' constructor.

    The code should now look like the following code snippet:

    package com.packtpub.e4.advanced.feeds.ui;

    import org.eclipse.jface.wizard.Wizard;

    public class NewFeedWizard extends Wizard {

      public boolean performFinish()

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