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Health Now: The Alkaline Lifestyle
Health Now: The Alkaline Lifestyle
Health Now: The Alkaline Lifestyle
Ebook72 pages28 minutes

Health Now: The Alkaline Lifestyle

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About this ebook

Health Now is an easy, enjoyable way to better health and well-being. The book is a compilation of the many different approaches to health that I have considered and applied in my life over the past few years all available in one place. It is supported by scientific results from across the world and based on the chemistry and biology of the human body. Integrate what you find useful into your life, and understand how to live well. The book is short, concise and to the point. It is written to empower the reader with information and motivate you to research more of what you find useful. In the i-world of today information is available everywhere, Health Now is the map you can follow for the best natural health information. If you use the techniques and follow just some of the suggestions you will see very positive results. By following some simple steps like drinking the optimum amount of water, cosuming natural vitamins, minerals, herbs and oils; and understanding what substances to avoid and minimise you can dramatically enhance your health and well-being in a very short period of time. You choose how far you want to take it, you set the intensity... the sky is the limit.

Release dateJul 21, 2015
Health Now: The Alkaline Lifestyle

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    Book preview

    Health Now - Jonathan Crawford




    Jonathan Crawford

    All Rights Reserved

    This book may not be reproduced or sold in whole or in part by any means, including graphic, electronic, or mechanical without the express written consent of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    First Edition 2015


    These days I am rarely sick, and if I catch something it doesn’t last more than a day or two with only minor symptoms. I haven’t had an antibiotic in years and if I feel any sickness like a cold or flu coming I immediately use what nature provides to stop it before it starts.

    I have called this approach to my health - The Alkaline Lifestyle. I live this way because it allows me to enjoy my everyday life and gives me the confidence, ability, strength and energy to take care of my family, my career and my friends. It helps me to be the best I can be and to completely avoid the stress and strain of being sick. This is a book about how you can live an Alkaline Lifestyle. I wrote it as a kind of motivational guide that is full of options; options that can work easily within your existing lifestyle. The book is a path to bring you to the person that you know you already are. If you want to go and find out more, you also have the further reading in the glossary to help you do so. I’m not saying I have all the answers, but I am giving you the chance to go and find them. With a little information and a small commitment of time and focus, you and your family may never be sick again and will forever be able to pass on the knowledge of how to keep a healthy body and healthy mind. If I can do it, so can you.

    My name is Jonathan, (that’s me in the picture if you haven’t guessed already) I live what most people would call a ‘normal life’. I am a 33 year-old, happily married man with three children. I work a ‘nine to five’ job in sales with a software multinational company in Ireland. I went to university; I have a degree and a masters in business. I ran my own company for a while. I spend weekends driving my kids to activities and their friends’ houses. I like sport, watching it and playing it. I eat fast food, I love cappuccinos, cakes are delicious, chocolate is amazing, and I have been known to enjoy a cigarette with a drink!

    Normal life

    I am fast-realising that everyday life is a challenge

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