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Chaos Magick: Its Salient Features
Chaos Magick: Its Salient Features
Chaos Magick: Its Salient Features
Ebook38 pages40 minutes

Chaos Magick: Its Salient Features

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

A collection of 6 short introductory essays on Chaos magick:

Chaos magick as eclecticism
Chaos magick as sigilization
Chaos magick and belief
Individualism and the alphabet of desire
Altered states of consciousness - inhibitory and excitatory gnosis
Chaos magick as freedom - deconditioning

Release dateAug 17, 2015
Chaos Magick: Its Salient Features

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Reviews for Chaos Magick

Rating: 4.68 out of 5 stars

25 ratings5 reviews

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Readers find this title to be a good purchase and a nice and simple text on a complex topic. It has an interesting view of chaos magick and is thought-provoking. Some readers found it a bit difficult to understand at times, but overall it is recommended.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    a nice and simple text on a complex topic, I think the same way as the book
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Very short and direct explanation of chaos magick. It mostly deals with sigils but also goes into things like paradigm shifting and belief systems. If you've already read a book or two on the basics of chaos magick, this will be good for a review.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Very thought provoking read. Especially the final chapter. Thank you.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book has a very interesting view of choas magick and other witchy things for example sigils and it was really well done. At moment tho I felt a little bit to dumb for this book bc sometime I didn't understand a single thing it was saying. I will definitely be picking up some of this other works.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I bought this book through amazon kindle and, I'm very satisfied with it, the author knows he is talking about, this is a good purchase that I made and I recommend it.

    3 people found this helpful

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Chaos Magick - Anousen Leonte

Chaos Magick: 

It's Salient Features

by Anousen Leonte

Copyright 2014

other works by the author:

Gnostic Magick

Sigil Magick: the Basics

Sigil Meditation

Olympick Magick

Evocation Through Sigil Magick

Scrying Without Tears

Note: Though this is a basic introduction to some of the ideas and unique features of Chaos magick, it is not a book of techniques. Instead, I wanted to do was write something which would give my take on some of the major aspects of Chaos magick as a practice, and how its approach differs from other forms of magick, as well as how it harmonizes with them. I address techniques more concretely in my other books.



It seems that as time goes on, the practice of magick undergoes various changes. The magick of ancient Egypt, for instance, is not the same as the magick of today, though they may both be rooted in the same basic principles. With the proliferation of modern media and the internet, these changes are even more rapid. In the 1700 and early 1800s you would find European magick consisting primarily of Christian or Jewish Kabbalah alongside the planetary and infernal magick of certain Latin, English, French and German Grimoires—although an undercurrent of folk magick and native witchcraft was also present. Yet as the middle 1800s moved into the 1900s, new forms of magick emerged, revising and reinterpreting the old. Here we see the emergence of the Golden Dawn, Theosophy, Thelema, Gardnerian Witchcraft and various types of resurgent European forms of Paganism. And it is at this time, also, that the ideas of Chaos Magick emerged—first through the writings of Austin Osman Spare in the early 1900s, and then more prominently through later Chaos magicians beginning in the 1970s such as Peter Carroll and Ray Sherwin. I would argue also that Robert Anton Wilson was very influential in furthering the development of Chaos magick, even though he appears to have worked primarily with Thelemic and Timothy Leary inspired rituals. Kenneth Grant, also a Thelemite and founder of the Typhonian Ordo Templi Orientis, was a friend of Spare's and many of his ideas and aesthetics filtered their way into the Chaos magick current. From there, as the internet became prominent in the 90s, many learned more about Chaos magick through message boards and websites than actual books, and Chaos magick became one of the more visible styles of magick of the internet era.

However, what is Chaos magick, truly? There are many books and websites which describe it in terms of its techniques, history and principles, and even go into various theories behind it, but is that what it truly is? All systems of magick have their techniques, histories, principles and

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