About this ebook
The purpose of this book is to inspire and to help the reader connect with the Spirit of Guidance. The Spirit of Guidance will guide the reader in all aspects of their life, spiritual, relational, and financial. The book offers practical ways to deepen the readers connection to the most powerful guidance available on the planet, the ever-flowing grace of the Avatars and Prophets of God. My book offers the reader a personal account of my 60 year journey of spiritual awakening.
Robert March
Dr Robert March, BS, ND has been working with students and clients for over 40 years assisting them to discover and manifest the gifts they desire to share with others in the world of vibrational healing and sound healing. As a teacher, mentor, and practitioner, Dr March has helped in the training of massage therapists, polarity practitioners, sound healers, reflexologists, naturopaths, and other practitioners in the world of complementary and integrative therapies. Using principals and practices from various healing modalities and spiritual traditions, and especially now, using two most powerful gifts of the Oneness Blessing, and the Magdalena Yeshua initiation, Robert has helped thousands of students and clients learn how to access and utilize their own inner healer and their own innate wisdom and divine Presence within. This has helped his clients and students to lead happier, healthier, more balanced lives themselves and has helped them to gain new skills and the confidence required to reach out and work with their own families, friends and clients on their personal journeys of healing and spiritual growth. A life of service to the reality of Oneness... the realization that we all come from One Source Consciousness... has been the motivating factor throughout all Robert's adult life. This realization began flowering in this life when he became a student of the Heart Chakra Master, Sri Chinmoy in 1970. Sri Chinmoy was an avid athlete and a believer in eating food high in life force or prana or subtle organizing energy fields. While his student for 8 years Robert began his study of complementary and integrative healing and he met the Nutrition Master, Dr. Christopher Gian-Cursio, whose diet he has followed for 40 years. Robert shares that, "My Higher Sacred Self guided me to Santa Fe, New Mexico where I studied with the great pioneer of spiritual and natural healing, Dr Jay Victor Scherer and was initiated in Santa Fe into the Chisti Sufi Path of Love, Harmony and Beauty. This eventually led me to the Lotus Feet of the husband and wife team of Oneness Avatars where I became a practitioner of the Oneness Blessing and discovered that the greatest healing power available to humanity is the inner discovery of the power of consciousness to balance, heal, and lift the vibratory level of humanity into the reality of Oneness. This power and reality of Oneness... that we are all interconnected in the web of unconditional Love and divine intelligence (Light)... has been confirmed over and over again when Robert has worked with clients at a distance, outside the borders of time and space. Distance healing and distance Oneness Blessings work because we are ONE! I am eternally grateful for the help and guidance that has been gifted to me and to all those who would seek, knock, and ask at the ever flowering door of Grace."
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Magdalena Yeshua - Robert March
Magdalena Yeshua / In the Lineage of the Avatars
Copyright © 2015 Robert Chamberlain March
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.
The information, views, opinions and visuals expressed in this publication are solely those of the author(s) and do not reflect those of the publisher. The publisher disclaims any liabilities or responsibilities whatsoever for any damages, libel or liabilities arising directly or indirectly from the contents of this publication.
A copy of this publication can be found in the National Library of Australia.
ISBN: 978-1-742845-42-5 (pbk.)
Published by Book Pal
Table of Contents
Note to the reader: This Ebook has links (written in blue and underlined in blue) that will help you to navigate where you want to go. There are also links that will bring you to different websites to read suggested articles, particularly in the Bonus pdf section. The image below is from David Woods book Genisis. There is a strong Egyptian/Magdalene connection in the Languedoc region of France. If you ordered my Magdalena Yeshua CD you can explore this connection any time by going to Chapter Twelve
. Cover photo from sculpture of Mary Magdalene with child in the church at Montségur France.
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Preface - About the book’s subtitle
Chapter One
- Introduction to His Story
Chapter Two
- The Soul’s Journey Begins
Chapter Three
- Forgetfulness
Chapter Four
- Existing Not Living
Chapter Five
- The Light Gets Stronger
Chapter Six
– Encountering Our Shadow Self
Chapter Seven
- The Aboriginal Dream Land of OZ
Chapter Eight
- The Greatest Love Story Never Told
Chapter Nine
- Gratitude to my Forerunners
Chapter Ten
- The Divine Mother, Christ Sophia
Chapter Eleven
- Yeshua Magdalene DNA
Chapter Twelve
- Ebook PDF Bonuses on the CD
About The Author
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This book is dedicated to the highest truth and to love. It is dedicated to my teachers and loved ones, and to all souls who have dedicated their own lives to manifesting oneness on the planet in whatever way their heart has guided them. Truth has compassion for ego. Truth shines like the sun on all beings despite their beliefs and conditionings, and despite their actions. Truth stands firm and it is beyond our perception of the facts. Truth falls like the rain on both saint and sinner alike and quenches every one’s thirst without asking whether they deserve this blessing or not. As Mother India has proclaimed in her sacred Vedas: ‘Truth alone triumphs and not Untruth’.
On mother earth presently truth is not in the fact but it is only in the perception of the fact. It is like the story of the elephant and four blind men. These men were put in front of an elephant and were asked to describe the elephant. One blind man grabbed the elephant’s trunk and described the elephant like a big hose. Another blind man got hold of a leg and described the elephant like a tree trunk. A third blind man grabbed the tail and described the elephant like a snake. The forth blind man grabbed the elephant’s ear and described the elephant like a huge triangular plant frond.
We are all blind to the highest truth until Grace presents it to us or more accurately makes us into itself. For us truth is not in the fact but only exists in our perception of the fact. So depending on our cultural bias, depending on our upbringing, depending on our beliefs, depending on our education, we all perceive reality in a different way.
If you are a keen student of history (His-story) you will know that more people have been killed in the name of religion and so-called religious truth, than have died in any of the world wars, gulf wars, or any other military battles on this planet. One little-known example is the million-plus people who died: Cathars, Templars, and worshippers of the Gnostic MagdalenaYeshua during the 47 year-long Albigensian crusade in southern France. How can this be? Most if not all religions teach that God is Love. If God is Love how is it possible for a man of one religion to kill another man of a different religion in the name of the God of love?
This can only happen based on belief, on a perception of the fact and not based on the fact. This can only happen if we live our life based on our staunchly held beliefs, such as a belief that our religion is the only true religion and our teacher is the only true teacher. It can only happen when we hold fast to our mental concepts, rather that living and acting from an awakened heart, a heart that feels for other human beings, a heart that feels suffering, a heart that has flowered with compassion, tolerance, mercy, magnanimity, peace, joy and love, a heart in which God is alive.
I realize that my Magdalena Yeshua book may push some people’s buttons. It will probably challenge certain peoples long held beliefs and conditionings. It is not my desire or intention to annoy people or to make them angry. My only desire is to awaken people’s hearts to a deeper perception of truth and love. I welcome you to join me on this ever graceful heart expanding journey.
Robert Chamberlain March
Pondicherry South India
Christ Mass, December 25, 2009
In The Lineage of the Avatars
"Wherever and whenever there is a decline in spiritual
consciousness, an extreme violation of the laws of Nature, and
widespread harm to innocent beings, at that time I descend in
one of My many Transcendental Forms."
- Sri Krishna in Chapter 4, verse 7 of the Bhagavad Gita
Life is a process and not a destination. The journey travelled by this one for the last sixty years shows one example of this life-long process. Our mind and our ego may want instant results but this is largely due to the programming we receive, especially those of us who have been raised in modern Western culture in a technological age overstimulated by TV, movies, the internet, and cell (mobile) phones as the main dispensers promoting our desire for instant gratification and instant new and ever changing stimuli.
I share with you the reader some of my personal story in this book, not to puff up my ego and show you how special I am, rather my desire is to show you how life is a process and how guidance is always available once we have made an effort and committed ourselves to our own personal transformation through grace.
It is important to try and understand the idea that real transformation happens through grace and not merely by our understanding of the concept or theory of transformation. Just as man cannot save him/herself from drowning by lifting themselves out of the water by pulling up from their own hair, nor can man lift her/himself off the ground by pulling on their own bootstraps, so it is not possible to transform or transcend the mind using the mind. It is similar to what Einstein understood about solving the massive problems facing humanity, we can′t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.
Freedom from the mind comes through the actions of divine grace. Those actions seem miraculous because they can’t really be thoroughly and completely understood by the mind. They occur through divine intervention using a power that is way beyond the mind’s machinations revealed through thought, belief or calculated actions.
Because this principle of divine grace is a powerful aspect of our essential nature and has been implanted within our spiritual heart²
, we are all able to perceive and receive the action of divine grace in our own lives. It is our expression of gratitude for the gifts we have been given on all levels that can fertilize the soil of our spiritual heart and open our being for receiving greater and greater, deeper and deeper manifestations of divine grace.
We all know on a soul level the teachings I am about to share in this book. After all I am sharing my understanding of what is called the perennial philosophy (our eternal love of wisdom and holistic knowledge) and as the wise Priest-King Solomon said about three thousand years ago, there is nothing new under the sun.
The Sufi mystics³
have shared that there is only One Being and we are it. This Being incarnates through all of us but there have been Incarnations that have been more powerful than others. In this book, and more so in my companion CD⁴
that you may acquire, I share the teachings and the guidance of several of the most powerful incarnations of the only Being who humanity has come to know as Avatars and Prophets, our elder
sisters and brothers.
There appear to be three stages that we all go through on our eternal journey of the soul. As we go through these stages if we are graced at the outset with the attitude that life is a lila
or divine play (also spelled leela) and we are the players, we can learn our lessons with greater ease, comfort, and joy as we learn to marry the sinner
and the saint and integrate the shadow
with the light-filled aspects of our being.
These three stages involve the surrender of our ego self on deeper and deeper levels. Our ego is that part of us that feels and experiences separation from God and from all aspects of creation… human, animal, mineral, plant, fish, bird, etc..
The Sufi mystics call this annihilation of the false ego (nafs) in the Real. The first stage is annihilation in the Sheikh (spiritual teacher). The second stage is annihilation in the Rasul (Avatar or Prophet). And the last stage is annihilation in God/Goddess.
These three stages may be seen in the life of Jesus (Yeshua). We have Jesus the man, with his human doubts and fears, then Jesus the Christ in whom the Christ Consciousness was awakened, and finally Jesus Christ who was one with the Father in Heaven. I believe we all go through a similar process. Yeshua summarized this process beautifully when he shared in the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas:
"When you make the two one, and
when you make the inside like the outside,
and the outside like the inside, and
the above like the below, and
when you make the male and the female one and the same…
then you will enter the Kingdom of God."
- Sri Isha, Lord of Love, from the Gospel of Thomas
I am writing this preface because I feel that it will help the reader to realize the Oneness of the Avatars and Prophets who have descended to the earth from the transcendental realms in order to save mankind from endless suffering. The self-same Person has incarnated voluntarily through His/Her inscrutable Will in the form of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine to fulfil the promise of Lord Krishna given above.
Often this Divine Person has descended in both feminine and masculine forms together. A list not intended to be exhaustive; among the numerous divine couples we see that:
Sita has come with Rama, Radha has come with Krishna, Magdalena has come with Yeshua, Yashodhara has come with Buddha, Kadija has come with Mohammed, Sarah has come with Abraham, The Mother has come with Aurobindo, Alo Devi has come with Chinmoy, Sarada has come with Ramakrishna, Sheba has come with Solomon, Zipporah has come with Moses, Hvovi has come with Zarathustra, Amina Begum has come with Hazrat Inayat, and Amma Padmavati has come with Bhagavan Kalki.
At other times the Incarnation has come without their consort (spiritual partner). We see this with the Incarnations of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Babaji, Bhagavan Nityananda, Ramana Maharshi, Neem Keroli Baba, Tara, Gayatri, Murshid Samuel Lewis, Anandamayi Ma, Mata Amritanandamayi, Shirdi Sai Baba, and others.
Depending on the place they were born, in the East or in the West, we call them Avatars or Prophets. The Sufi mystic Hazrat Inayat Khan has recognized the various degrees of Divine Power they manifested in the grades or stations called Messenger, Christ, Nabi and the Rasoul of God.
A spiritual Avatar is