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Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion
Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion
Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion
Ebook132 pages4 hours

Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion

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The famous work ‘Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion’ by eminent Scottish philosopher David Hume. In it Hume debates the issues of the existence of God and humankind’s knowledge of such a deity if it exists. He uses the dialogue of three fictional characters named Demea, Philo, and Cleanthes to examine the various viewpoints on the issues.
PublisherAUK Classics
Release dateJun 15, 2012

David Hume

David Hume wird 1711 in Edinburgh geboren. Im Alter von 12 Jahren beginnt er das Studium der antiken Philosophie, Literatur und Jura an der dortigen Universität. 1735 geht Hume für zwei Jahre nach Frankreich, wo Ein Traktat über die menschliche Natur entsteht. Es stellt den ehrgeizigen Versuch dar, die Grundlegung einer umfassenden empirischen Wissenschaft von der Natur des Menschen zu konzipieren. Das Werk findet zeitgenössisch nur wenig Beachtung, was ihn dazu zwingt, als Brotberuf auf Erzieher- und Sekretärsstellen zurückzugreifen. Erst als 1748 die Untersuchung über den menschlichen Verstand erscheint, wird Hume schlagartig zu einem der bekanntesten europäischen Philosophen und mit Locke und Berkeley zu einem Hauptvertreter des klassischen englischem Empirismus. Wieder nach Schottland zurückgekehrt, ermöglicht ihm eine Stelle als Bibliothekar an der Universität von Edinburgh intensive historisch-politische Studien, aus welchen die Geschichte Großbritanniens hervorgeht. 1769 zieht sich Hume aus der Öffentlichkeit zurück, um seine Schriften zu überarbeiten. Er stirbt nach langer Krankheit 1776 in Edinburgh.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    Feb 7, 2018

    Many of the arguments will be familiar to those who follow this topic. The arguments of Cleanthes and Demea form the base of what is currently referred to as "sophisticated theology", only more erudite and less hackneyed at that time (well, maybe not, since many of them had already been in use for a good chunk of the Christian Era). Many of the arguments Hume roundly defeats here are the same or similar arguments that are frequently presented today as "arguments no atheist has ever defeated". This is only true if you have never paid any attention to the answers the atheist gives, and Hume did a very good job, even without the benefit of some of the scientific knowledge, such as evolution and the age of the earth. The limits of the science of the time did lead to some stumbles, but it was hardly the fault of Hume if he was not up on 21st century science in the 18th century. A bit difficult for the beginning reader in philosophy, but worth the work.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    Feb 21, 2017

    Many of the arguments will be familiar to those who follow this topic. The arguments of Cleanthes and Demea form the base of what is currently referred to as "sophisticated theology", only more erudite and less hackneyed at that time (well, maybe not, since many of them had already been in use for a good chunk of the Christian Era). Many of the arguments Hume roundly defeats here are the same or similar arguments that are frequently presented today as "arguments no atheist has ever defeated". This is only true if you have never paid any attention to the answers the atheist gives, and Hume did a very good job, even without the benefit of some of the scientific knowledge, such as evolution and the age of the earth. The limits of the science of the time did lead to some stumbles, but it was hardly the fault of Hume if he was not up on 21st century science in the 18th century. A bit difficult for the beginning reader in philosophy, but worth the work.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

    Feb 21, 2017

    It was good to read this in it's (more or less original) prose, as Hume wrote it. A lot of very perceptive arguments; and the dialogue format serves well to couch Hume's views, forcing you to think for yourself a bit more, rather than just accept what you're reading as wisdom from an authority.

    But... commas. The punctuation and write-style are dated and very difficult to read at times. A truly modern rendition of the text risks changing some meaning, but at the benefit of making the ideas so much more clear.

    4 stars for the work, but 3 stars for the lack of clarity of reading in the (nearly) original.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars

    Oct 29, 2024

    A friend of mine gave me a warning before Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion that David Hume puts all his mental capabilities to bring into the question the existence of a wise and loving creator, that his can be quite compelling and that I needed to be prepared to have my faith severely tested. After reading this essay, my friend could have saved his time warning me because Hume just wrote stuff down like some people just talk to hear themselves talk, in the words of William Shakespeare this was all “sound and fury, signifying nothing”. This book also contained the unpublished essays “Of the Immortality of the Soul” and “Of Suicide” that were impressive, also included was “Of Miracles” that I read in Hume’s Enquires and I decided not to read a second time for the author circular argument. In all honesty, I have found David Hume to be overrated and wish he had taken the hint when his first book had bombed and never written again.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    Jul 27, 2022

    Hume provides a review of the main sources of religious thought in its politheistic and theistic modes and engages with a criticism of superstition which for him is largely related to a strong belief in religious dogma. His analysis is largely indebted with Lucretius in many ideas related to the origin of religion and the nature of its beliefs.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    Sep 2, 2020

    Absolutely a seminal work on the march from theology to science as the study of the ultimate nature of reality. I do not believe that Hume went so far to deny the existence of God. He did question the relevance of a beneficial omnipotent God, which ultimately lead to the New York Times exultation 'GOD IS DEAD!'
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    Jul 24, 2018

    David Hume (1711-1776) was one of the most influential writers of the Enlightenment.  In his An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding (1748), he argued that there was insufficient evidence to believe in miracles or in providence.  Always interested in a rational approach to God and religion, he began the Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion in about 1750, but did not complete it until the last years of his life.  It was not published until 1779 (posthumously), and not under either the author’s or the publisher’s real name.

    Apparently, religious issues were very touchy subjects at the time, and so his disquisition takes the form of a dialogue in which the characters express opinions (some of which are very antithetical to established religion) without revealing the author’s personal beliefs.  

    One of the characters, Philo, a skeptic, pretty articulately demolishes the argument for God’s existence based on the apparent design of the universe.  He shows how the design of a complicated device like an ocean-going ship arises not from the acts of the individual workmen who build the ship, but rather from years of tinkering with previous designs.  From that analogy, he argues that it is just as plausible to infer that the universe was designed by many designers (gods, if you will) as it is to infer that there was a single all powerful designer, the Christian god.  In explaining that many causes could have contributed to the state of the universe, he anticipates, but does not quite articulate, the modern concept of emergence of complex order from simple phenomena.  

    Implicit in Philo’s argument is that our belief that there must be a cause for every effect or condition in the universe is an empirical observation, not a requirement of logic.  Although he does not explicitly state so in this book, Hume its known to have believed that the existence of the universe may not require or be subject to the same kind of cause we observe in changes in the various states of the universe.

    Philo also argues that the persistence of evil in the world militates against the existence of a God who is all-good and omnipotent. 

    The other two characters, Cleanthes and Demea, raise various arguments for belief, but are not as cogent as Philo. 

    Nonetheless, in the end, Philo seems to reverse course and asserts, “To be a philosophical skeptic is, in a man of letters, the first and most essential step towards being a sound, believing Christian.”  Holy Cow!!  I suppose one might guess that Hume was merely trying to avoid censure from religious authorities.  On the other hand, at least one commentator, Richard Popkin, a well known academic philosopher, opines that Hume may have been trying to be ironic, showing the reader how silly religious belief was.  Based on my other readings by and about Hume, I tend to think Popkin got it right.

    This book is an excellent and important element of the Western Canon of philosophy.  It is sometimes heavy going because 18th century diction tends to be ponderous to the modern reader.  Nonetheless, I think it is worth the struggle for anyone interested in the development of religious skepticism.


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Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion - David Hume



It has been remarked, my HERMIPPUS, that though the ancient philosophers conveyed most of their instruction in the form of dialogue, this method of composition has been little practised in later ages, and has seldom succeeded in the hands of those who have attempted it. Accurate and regular argument, indeed, such as is now expected of philosophical inquirers, naturally throws a man into the methodical and didactic manner; where he can immediately, without preparation, explain the point at which he aims; and thence proceed, without interruption, to deduce the proofs on which it is established. To deliver a SYSTEM in conversation, scarcely appears natural; and while the dialogue-writer desires, by departing from the direct style of composition, to give a freer air to his performance, and avoid the appearance of Author and Reader, he is apt to run into a worse inconvenience, and convey the image of Pedagogue and Pupil. Or, if he carries on the dispute in the natural spirit of good company, by throwing in a variety of topics, and preserving a proper balance among the speakers, he often loses so much time in preparations and transitions, that the reader will scarcely think himself compensated, by all the graces of dialogue, for the order, brevity, and precision, which are sacrificed to them.

There are some subjects, however, to which dialogue-writing is peculiarly adapted, and where it is still preferable to the direct and simple method of composition.

Any point of doctrine, which is so obvious that it scarcely admits of dispute, but at the same time so important that it cannot be too often inculcated, seems to require some such method of handling it; where the novelty of the manner may compensate the triteness of the subject; where the vivacity of conversation may enforce the precept; and where the variety of lights, presented by various personages and characters, may appear neither tedious nor redundant.

Any question of philosophy, on the other hand, which is so OBSCURE and UNCERTAIN, that human reason can reach no fixed determination with regard to it; if it should be treated at all, seems to lead us naturally into the style of dialogue and conversation. Reasonable men may be allowed to differ, where no one can reasonably be positive. Opposite sentiments, even without any decision, afford an agreeable amusement; and if the subject be curious and interesting, the book carries us, in a manner, into company; and unites the two greatest and purest pleasures of human life, study and society.

Happily, these circumstances are all to be found in the subject of NATURAL RELIGION. What truth so obvious, so certain, as the being of a God, which the most ignorant ages have acknowledged, for which the most refined geniuses have ambitiously striven to produce new proofs and arguments? What truth so important as this, which is the ground of all our hopes, the surest foundation of morality, the firmest support of society, and the only principle which ought never to be a moment absent from our thoughts and meditations? But, in treating of this obvious and important truth, what obscure questions occur concerning the nature of that Divine Being, his attributes, his decrees, his plan of providence? These have been always subjected to the disputations of men; concerning these human reason has not reached any certain determination. But these are topics so interesting, that we cannot restrain our restless inquiry with regard to them; though nothing but doubt, uncertainty, and contradiction, have as yet been the result of our most accurate researches.

This I had lately occasion to observe, while I passed, as usual, part of the summer season with CLEANTHES, and was present at those conversations of his with PHILO and DEMEA, of which I gave you lately some imperfect account. Your curiosity, you then told me, was so excited, that I must, of necessity, enter into a more exact detail of their reasonings, and display those various systems which they advanced with regard to so delicate a subject as that of natural religion. The remarkable contrast in their characters still further raised your expectations; while you opposed the accurate philosophical turn of CLEANTHES to the careless scepticism of PHILO, or compared either of their dispositions with the rigid inflexible orthodoxy of DEMEA. My youth rendered me a mere auditor of their disputes; and that curiosity, natural to the early season of life, has so deeply imprinted in my memory the whole chain and connection of their arguments, that, I hope, I shall not omit or confound any considerable part of them in the recital.


After I joined the company, whom I found sitting in CLEANTHES's library, DEMEA paid CLEANTHES some compliments on the great care which he took of my education, and on his unwearied perseverance and constancy in all his friendships. The father of PAMPHILUS, said he, was your intimate friend: The son is your pupil; and may indeed be regarded as your adopted son, were we to judge by the pains which you bestow in conveying to him every useful branch of literature and science. You are no more wanting, I am persuaded, in prudence, than in industry. I shall, therefore, communicate to you a maxim, which I have observed with regard to my own children, that I may learn how far it agrees with your practice. The method I follow in their education is founded on the saying of an ancient, That students of philosophy ought first to learn logics, then ethics, next physics, last of all the nature of the gods. [Chrysippus apud Plut: de repug: Stoicorum] This science of natural theology, according to him, being the most profound and abstruse of any, required the maturest judgement in its students; and none but a mind enriched with all the other sciences, can safely be entrusted with it.

Are you so late, says PHILO, in teaching your children the principles of religion? Is there no danger of their neglecting, or rejecting altogether those opinions of which they have heard so little during the whole course of their education? It is only as a science, replied DEMEA, subjected to human reasoning and disputation, that I postpone the study of Natural Theology. To season their minds with early piety, is my chief care; and by continual precept and instruction, and I hope too by example, I imprint deeply on their tender minds an habitual reverence for all the principles of religion. While they pass through every other science, I still remark the uncertainty of each part; the eternal disputations of men; the obscurity of all philosophy; and the strange, ridiculous conclusions, which some of the greatest geniuses have derived from the principles of mere human reason. Having thus tamed their mind to a proper submission and self-diffidence, I have no longer any scruple of opening to them the greatest mysteries of religion; nor apprehend any danger from that assuming arrogance of philosophy, which may lead them to reject the most established doctrines and opinions.

Your precaution, says PHILO, of seasoning your children's minds early with piety, is certainly very reasonable; and no more than is requisite in this profane and irreligious age. But what I chiefly admire in your plan of education, is your method of drawing advantage from the very principles of philosophy and learning, which, by inspiring pride and self-sufficiency, have commonly, in all ages, been found so destructive to the principles of religion. The vulgar, indeed, we may remark, who are unacquainted with science and profound inquiry, observing the endless disputes of the learned, have commonly a thorough contempt for philosophy; and rivet themselves the faster, by that means, in the great points of theology which have been taught them. Those who enter a little into study and study and inquiry, finding many appearances of evidence in doctrines the newest and most extraordinary, think nothing too difficult for human reason; and, presumptuously breaking through all fences, profane the inmost sanctuaries of the temple. But CLEANTHES will, I hope, agree with me, that, after we have abandoned ignorance, the surest remedy, there is still one expedient left to prevent this profane liberty. Let DEMEA's principles be improved and cultivated: Let us become thoroughly sensible of the weakness, blindness, and narrow limits of human reason: Let us duly consider its uncertainty and endless contrarieties, even in subjects of common life and practice: Let the errors and deceits of our very senses be set before us; the insuperable difficulties which attend first principles in all systems; the contradictions which adhere to the very ideas of matter, cause and effect, extension, space, time, motion; and in a word, quantity of all kinds, the object of the only science that can fairly pretend to any certainty or evidence. When these topics are displayed in their full light, as they are by some philosophers and almost all divines; who can retain such confidence in this frail faculty of reason as to pay any regard to its determinations in points so sublime, so abstruse, so remote from common life and experience? When the coherence of the parts of a stone, or even that composition of parts which renders it extended; when these familiar objects, I say, are so inexplicable, and contain circumstances so repugnant and contradictory; with what assurance can we decide concerning the origin of worlds, or trace their history from eternity to eternity?

While PHILO pronounced these words, I could observe a smile in the countenance both of DEMEA and CLEANTHES. That of DEMEA seemed to imply an unreserved satisfaction in the doctrines delivered: But, in CLEANTHES's features, I could distinguish an air of finesse; as if he perceived some raillery or artificial malice in the reasonings of PHILO.

You propose then, PHILO, said CLEANTHES, to erect religious faith on philosophical scepticism; and you think, that if certainty or evidence be expelled from every other subject of inquiry, it will all retire to these theological doctrines, and there acquire a superior force and authority. Whether your scepticism be as absolute and sincere as you pretend, we shall learn by and by, when the company breaks up: We shall then see, whether you go out at the door or the window; and whether you really doubt if your body has gravity, or can be injured by its fall; according to popular opinion, derived from our fallacious senses, and more fallacious experience. And this consideration, DEMEA, may, I think, fairly serve to abate our ill-will to this humorous sect of the sceptics. If they be thoroughly in earnest, they will not long trouble the world with their doubts, cavils, and disputes: If they be only in jest, they are, perhaps, bad raillers; but can never be very dangerous, either to the state, to philosophy, or to religion.

In reality, PHILO, continued

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