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The Outcast and the Survivor: Chapter Ten
The Outcast and the Survivor: Chapter Ten
The Outcast and the Survivor: Chapter Ten
Ebook25 pages20 minutes

The Outcast and the Survivor: Chapter Ten

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Kaela and Astor are tossed into the unknown as the Necromancer uses the world stone to send them across the stars in hopes of saving Eliana before it is too late.

The Outcast and the Survivor is a chapter-series that follows Kaela, a princess of the mythical kingdom of Kalepo. After her father's sudden death, Kaela is exiled from the kingdom by her older sister Mariam, who claims their father's throne within moments of his passing. By being made an outcast, Kaela is forced not only to say goodbye to her homeland, but also to all of civilization. Kalepo is known only to itself, meaning that Kaela should expect to find a world devoid of humanity beyond the kingdom's borders, but because of something her father whispered to her on his deathbed, she knows that there is more out there, a world of dark secrets for her to discover.

The Outcast and the Survivor is released one chapter at a time at the start of each month. There were times in the past when writers would release stories as a series, often for newspapers or magazines. It's not much different from TV series in that each chapter often has its own sort of conclusion, though the larger story is not completed until the end. The series is being written with the intent of ending it at chapter 36, which is scheduled for December of 2017, though this could change as the story develops.

Release dateOct 19, 2015
The Outcast and the Survivor: Chapter Ten

Trevor A. A. Evans

Trevor wrote a story for himself when he was young divided into three parts: go to college, become a lawyer, and be happy. But when the first part was done, he stood at the edge of a cliff, staring down into the despairing depths of part two, and thought, "Nahhh." Instead, he skipped right on over to part 3, which he discovered creating stories and worlds while marrying the girl of his dreams. At the ripe old age of 29 with plans to write new series in fantasy and science fiction, Trevor's just getting started.

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    The Outcast and the Survivor - Trevor A. A. Evans

    The Outcast and the Survivor

    Written by Trevor A. A. Evans

    Text Copyright © 2015 by Trevor A. A. Evans

    Published by Thirteen Crossroads Publishing

    All rights reserved

    No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotation in articles and reviews.


    The story that follows is part of a chapter-series, The Outcast and the Survivor. It has been made available on Kindle and Nook as a convenience, since it is available free of charge directly on the Thirteen Crossroads Publishing website. The story will continue with a new chapter being released each month until the last chapter is published in December 2017.

    Chapter Ten

    My eyes are heavy and struggle to stay open despite the foggy glow of morning light.

    The night was long, my dreams filled with terrors beyond anything I’ve ever seen. I normally sleep peacefully when I am able, my resting mind filling with places and people from home, reliving a time when life was serene. What I experienced last night was entirely different. The places my mind took me were filled with darkness, landscapes without sun roamed by disfigured beasts. Sinister beings also lurked there, their faces masked and their bodies silhouetted in mists of blue. It was like my dreams were being dictated by another. Perhaps by our cryptic host in this gloomy palace.

    He summoned me shortly after Astor fell asleep. I was surprised that Astor drifted away so quickly. One moment he was full

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