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Swim Fit Swimming - Swimming For Fitness And Health!
Swim Fit Swimming - Swimming For Fitness And Health!
Swim Fit Swimming - Swimming For Fitness And Health!
Ebook49 pages39 minutes

Swim Fit Swimming - Swimming For Fitness And Health!

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About this ebook

Anyone who wants to improve their health and fitness simply by swimming needs this book!  Swimming is nothing new, but learning how to do it properly can help you to lose weight, reduce the effects of illnesses and generally improve your overall level of health.

Swimming is the perfect low impact exercise for many illnesses and physical problems. It benefits your heart and helps you lose weight. However, it needs to be done in the right way to experience the most benefits possible. 

This book shows you how to begin swimming for fitness and health the right way, in easy to understand steps, so that whether you want to lose weight, tone up or simply improve your fitness levels, this book is for you! 

Release dateNov 14, 2015
Swim Fit Swimming - Swimming For Fitness And Health!

Jo Mayfore

Jo Mayfore is passionate about all aspects of fitness, health and living a fun filled life. After losing over 50lbs of weight using her own methods, Jo found herself consumed with how to become healthier in every way. She studied nutrition and worked to become a personal fitness trainer. From running to yoga, from weight loss to building muscle, Jo has real world experience in everything she writes about and her growing body of written works are sure to help you feel great, each and every day!

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    Book preview

    Swim Fit Swimming - Swimming For Fitness And Health! - Jo Mayfore


    Water: It fuels the body, allows life to exist, and is a useful tool for health and fitness. Most people are aware of the health benefits of drinking water. Drinking water prior, during, and after exercise makes it a useful tool for fitness. However, swimming gives humans a new way to use water to improve their lives.

    Swimming is nothing new. Cave paintings found in Egypt are believed to depict ancient people swimming, and these paintings are more than 10,000 years old. However, the realization of swimming as a way to improve health and fitness may not have been discovered until the 1600’s, when it finally took the spotlight in the scientific community.

    Over the course of the centuries, swimming has evolved quite a bit, primarily as a competitive sport. Swimmers are constantly discovering or inventing new techniques for swimming faster, more effectively, or while wasting less energy. That’s the beauty of swimming: it’s incredibly versatile and suitable for many different situations, including health and fitness. More on the history of swimming will be covered in depth in the next chapter.

    Today, people all over the world swim to get fit, reduce symptoms from serious illnesses and to improve mental health. You don’t need to be a professional swimmer or an Olympic athlete to get into the water and enjoy the many benefits of swimming. All of the benefits of swimming will be covered in later chapters.

    A Brief History of Swimming

    The Internet is full of miracle drugs, overnight programs, and fitness regimes that claim to work magic on the body. Once a person has spent enough time having their hopes crushed time and time again with these false claims, being skeptical becomes second nature. It becomes easier to dismiss swimming as another fitness miracle, than to recognize the many merits it possesses.

    However, swimming has something that none of these other fitness programs has: a long history. Swimming has been around for thousands of years. It isn’t something a couple of young guys thought up during a brainstorming session. It isn’t something that’s going to be sold on the web. As a matter of fact, it doesn’t even cost a dime if you can find a free place to swim.

    Swimming has a history, and understanding that history makes it easier to believe that swimming can be used to do many great things, such as improve mental health, and even build muscle mass.

    The history of swimming is really a history of the entire world. Its first days, however, are unknown. Several prehistoric paintings found on cave walls and pottery suggests that even ancient people understood the basic principles of swimming. This place became known as The Cave of Swimmers.

    Whether these ancient paintings truly depict variations of the front crawl or breaststroke - different swimming techniques - or are just paintings of ritual acts, is a subject of much debate. The world may never know if the caveman in these particular paintings were actually swimming, but there is much more certainty in later depictions.

    The written history of swimming came some time later.

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