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Auroral Dynamics and Space Weather
Auroral Dynamics and Space Weather
Auroral Dynamics and Space Weather
Ebook994 pages10 hours

Auroral Dynamics and Space Weather

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About this ebook

The aurora is the most visible manifestation of the connection of the Earth to the space environment and has inspired awe, curiosity, and scientific inquiry for centuries.  Recent advances in observing techniques and modeling and theoretical work have revealed new auroral phenomena, provided a better understanding of auroral dynamics, and have led to an enhanced capability for auroral forecasts.

This monograph features discussions of:                                       

  • New auroral phenomena due to the ring current ion and polar rain electron precipitation
  • Various auroral forms and hemispheric asymmetry
  • Auroral model development and MHD simulations
  • Application of the auroral observations for radio absorption and scintillation
  • Aurora nowcast and forecast for space weather operations 

Auroral Dynamics and Space Weather is a valuable contribution for scientists, researchers, space weather operators, and students of Earth's space environment.

Release dateNov 13, 2015
Auroral Dynamics and Space Weather

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    Book preview

    Auroral Dynamics and Space Weather - Yongliang Zhang


    Auroral activity is one of the fundamental processes in the interactions between the solar wind, magnetosphere, ionosphere, and thermosphere. Auroral studies are not passé as new auroral phenomena and better understanding of known auroral phenomena continue to emerge because of improved observations and modeling capabilities. Auroral activity is also part of the space weather problem. Improving the specification and prediction of auroral particle flux is one of the key challenges to the further advancement of our ability to provide near-Earth space weather forecasts.

    The book is divided into five sections. Each contribution captures the state of our knowledge and provides, we hope, the context to more fully understand the questions posed by our colleagues. Section I considers the auroral types and dynamics using a variety of observational techniques. Section II addresses the fundamental question of hemispheric conjugacy in the aurora. Section III covers the substorm aurora with theory and simulation. Section IV, on the radio aurora, reviews the impact of auroral particle precipitation on radio waves. Section V presents material on models of the auroral region with an emphasis on community-accessible resources.

    This book provides an overview of key areas of auroral variability. In the chapters contained herein some of the major developments and new challenge areas are addressed. We hope that the reader will be inspired to see new connections between various areas of auroral science and gain a fuller appreciation of the depth and state of current auroral research, including unsolved science questions. We intend this book to also provide useful introduction to the state of the art of auroral science. We also expect that, by bringing together observations and modeling, the reader will be inspired to create new experiments and new lines of inquiry.

    Yongliang Zhang and Larry J. Paxton, Applied Physics Laboratory, The Johns Hopkins University, Laurel, Maryland, United States of America


    We gratefully acknowledge support and guidance from Rituparna Bose and Mary Grace Hammond of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. through the book proposal process, the external peer review of the chapters, and the book production process. We also thank all of the authors for their contributions.

    Part I

    Aurora Types and Dynamics


    Investigations of the Many Distinct Types of Auroras

    Christopher A. Colpitts

    School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA


    In this chapter, the many distinct types of auroras are introduced and briefly explained. Background is given on auroral studies throughout history, and the broad categories of diffuse and discrete aurora are explained. The field-aligned current system, auroral acceleration regions, and auroral oval are introduced. The diffuse aurora, and the pitch angle diffusion resulting from wave−particle interactions that generate the diffuse aurora are then covered more extensively, including more recent investigations. The two primary acceleration mechanisms that generate the discrete aurora, inverted-V acceleration and Alfvénic acceleration, are examined in detail. Temporal changes in the aurora, particularly over the course of an auroral substorm, are the subject of the next section, followed by small-scale deformations of auroral arcs such as curls, folds, spirals, omega bands, and streamers. Finally, investigations of localized aurora that deviate from the classic auroral oval are presented, such as cusp aurora, detached dayside aurora, and evening corotating patches.

    1.1. OVERVIEW

    Study of the Aurora Borealis, also known as northern lights (and Aurora Australis, also known as southern lights), the extraordinarily dynamic light displays seen in the high latitudes near 70o geomagnetic latitude, dates back before recorded history. Early recorded attempts to explain the phenomenon included Hippocrates in the 5th century B.C., who was among the first to offer the theory of reflected sunlight, an incorrect theory that would persist into the modern era, as well as Roman and Chinese writings from the same era [Eather, 1980]. The advent of ground-based all-sky auroral imagers, and the space age that followed with its satellite-borne imagers and particle detectors, has allowed us to understand the aurora at both macroscopic and microscopic levels in terms of basic plasma physics theory. The visible auroras are actually emissions occurring in the layer of Earth’s upper atmosphere called the ionosphere, a region at altitudes of ~ 85−600 km (depending on a variety of factors ranging from time of day to phase of solar cycle, and further divided into distinct ionospheric layers at different altitudes), where the density of charged particles rises sharply. The emissions are caused when energetic charged particles from Earth’s magnetosphere penetrate into the ionosphere and transfer some of their energy to the (ionospheric) ions through collisions. Bound electrons of these ions thereby move to higher energy states, and it is the transition from the excited state back down to a more stable energy state that releases the photons that we see as visible aurora. There are different ways through which magnetospheric particles can enter the ionosphere, and as one would expect, these different processes result in distinct types of visible aurora.

    The two primary processes by which magnetospheric electrons enter the ionosphere are through pitch angle diffusion, which generates the diffuse aurora, and through acceleration along magnetic field lines, which generates the discrete aurora. There are multiple acceleration mechanisms; the primary two are (1) quasistatic acceleration by a parallel potential drop, which accelerates electrons in an inverted-V distribution at a roughly constant energy, generating aurora that is typically observed as a narrow, static east-west aligned arc; and (2) Alfvénic (named after the Swedish electrical engineer and plasma physicist Hans Alfven, 1908–1995) acceleration by the electric field of Alfvén waves, which accelerates electrons in a broadband distribution at a wide range of energies, generating more dynamic shorter-lived auroral forms. These processes, and the types of aurora generated by them, vary in a number of ways that allow us to identify and study them. For example, pitch angle diffusion can also cause magnetospheric protons to precipitate into the ionosphere. These protons then excite neutral hydrogen atoms through charge exchange collisions, thus generating the diffuse proton aurora, as well as producing secondary electrons that precipitate and add to the electron aurora [Donovan et al., 2012]. There are also a number of other auroral generation mechanisms, which in turn generate their own distinct types of aurorae [Frey, 2007].

    The observation of the aurora from the ground, and more recently from satellite-borne detectors and auroral sounding rockets, has allowed scientists to categorize different types of auroras. Auroral configurations vary in many ways, including longitudinally, latitudinally, and temporally. Longitudinally, auroras vary in local time; premidnight auroras tend to be observed in discrete arcs, while postmidnight auroras are more irregular and can include pulsating auroras, discrete arcs, and diffuse auroras [Akasofu, 1964; Elphinstone et al., 1996].

    The latitudinal variation of the aurora is typically determined by the distinct accelerating mechanisms in different regions. These mechanisms arise from different particle distributions and current structures in the acceleration regions. Earth’s polar large-scale field-aligned current system was first identified by Birkeland [1908], and the full spatial distribution and characteristics were classified by Iijima and Potemra [1976], with region 1 current flowing down into the ionosphere at high latitudes on the duskside (low latitudes on dawnside) and region 2 current flowing up from the ionosphere at lower latitudes on the duskside (higher on the dawnside). This current system and the characteristics of the regions were confirmed in situ by the NASA small explorer satellite FAST (the Fast Auroral SnapshoT mission) [Carlson et al., 1998].

    There are three general auroral acceleration regions, as shown in Figure 1.1, which vary latitudinally: the upward current region (region 2 on the dawnside as in this figure) with converging electric field structures, large-scale density cavities, downgoing inverted-V electrons, upgoing ion beams, and ion conics; the downward (region 1) current region with diverging electric field structures, small-scale density cavities, upgoing field-aligned electrons and ion heating transverse to the magnetic field; and the polar cap boundary acceleration region (Alfvén wave acceleration mechanism) with variable currents, Alfvénic electric field, no density cavities, counterstreaming electrons, ion heating transverse to the magnetic field, and intense ion outflow [Carlson et al., 1998; Paschmann et al., 2003].

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    Figure 1.1 The three primary auroral acceleration regions, modified from Paschmann et al. [2003], which was modified from Carlson et al. [1998].

    Finally, the aurora varies temporally as plasma conditions evolve, specifically at different stages within a substorm. Akasofu [1964] first described the temporal evolution of the aurora and introduced the concept of the substorm, and Elphinstone et al. [1996] expanded on this picture in a substorm review paper. Observation of these various types of auroras from the ground has led to a generally accepted picture of the auroral oval, including the latitude, longitude, and time dependence. Further investigation using satellite particle data has given us a deeper understanding of the specific mechanisms for the generation of the different types of auroras [e.g., Chaston et al., 2002; Sadeghi et al., 2011]. Only very recently have we been able to combine ground-based observations with simultaneous in situ data on the same field lines to verify these generation mechanisms, including differentiating between Alfvénic and quasistatic aurora using both satellite particle data in the acceleration region and ground-based auroral images [e.g., Chaston et al., 2010, 2011; Colpitts et al., 2013].


    When people think of the aurora, they tend to think of the dynamic visual display associated with the breakup of auroral substorms, and the distinct discrete forms generated by particle acceleration. However, the primary mechanism for generating the large-scale aurora that gives the auroral oval its characteristic shape (as seen in Figure 1.2), as well as the far more energetically important auroral generation mechanism, has long been known to be electron (and to a far lesser extent ion) pitch angle diffusion [e.g., Jorjio 1959; Lui et al., 1977]. The location of the auroral oval is well established as being the region where the magnetic field lines map to the plasmasheet [Evans and Moore, 1979] and Meng [1979] even found the electron distributions of diffuse precipitating auroral electrons to be roughly identical to those of the trapped plasmasheet electrons.

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    Figure 1.2 Artist’s rendering of the Northern Hemisphere Auroral Oval. (Credit: NASA.)

    The primary means for pitch angle diffusion of magnetospheric particles is thought to be wave−particle interaction through the cyclotron resonance [Kennel and Petschek, 1966]. However, the exact nature and location of this interaction, and how it changes with time, remains an open question and the diffuse aurora remains a very active area of study. The current NASA dual-satellite mission Van Allen Probes (VAP) could provide new information on these important processes [e.g., Fennell et al., 2014]. Recent investigations include the role of upper band chorus in addition to the electron cyclotron harmonic waves [Meredith et al., 2009; Thorne et al., 2010], variation of the pitch angle scattering rate to better explain the structure of the aurora during a storm [Chen and Schultz, 2001], correlation of dayside whistler mode waves with the diffuse aurora [Nishimura et al., 2013a] and the role that whistler waves themselves may play in the pitch angle diffusion and scattering of the magnetospheric electrons [Horne et al., 2003].


    Our understanding of auroral acceleration mechanisms has improved significantly in recent years. Both Alfvén waves and inverted-V acceleration have been shown to be prevalent mechanisms for accelerating precipitating electrons into Earth’s ionosphere. The quasistatic inverted-V type acceleration associated with auroral arcs was first established in the early years of satellite research [Evans, 1968, 1974; Mozer and Fahleson, 1970; Frank and Ackerson, 1971; Gurnett and Frank, 1973] and has continued to be refined in the years since [Whipple, 1977; Mozer et al., 1977, 1980, 1998; Ergun et al., 1998, 2000, 2001; McFadden et al., 1998, Dombeck et al., 2013].

    It was later found that in addition to quasistatic acceleration, the process of Alfvénic acceleration must also be invoked in order to explain all of the characteristics of auroral observations. [Johnstone and Winningham, 1982; McFadden et al., 1986, Clemmons et al., 1994; Lynch et al., 1994, 1999; Knudsen et al., 1998; Wygant et al., 2000, 2002; Chaston et al., 1999, 2000, 2002; Dombeck et al., 2005].

    1.3.1. Quasistatic Acceleration and Auroral Arcs

    Auroral arcs are the most recognizable and common type of discrete aurora, and a great deal of research has gone into their study. The so-called inverted-V electron precipitation that generates them was first identified by Frank and Ackerson [1971]. The inverted-V structures are always found in regions of upward field-aligned currents (see Figure 1.1), and it is the potential drop associated with this region that accelerates the electrons down the magnetic field lines into Earth’s ionosphere [e.g,, Evans, 1974; Mozer et al., 1980, Cattell et al., 1979, 1982]. When a current density is required on a flux tube that is beyond the carrying capacity of the plasma due to thermal drift, the particles must be accelerated to support the current, and a quasistatic potential structure with a parallel electric field develops [Knight, 1973; Mozer and Hull, 2001].

    This parallel electric field in the upward current region allows hot magnetospheric electrons to be accelerated into the ionosphere, and gives them their characteristic inverted-V configuration (when viewed as an energy−time spectrogram) or horseshoe/shell (when viewed as particle distributions in energy space) shape [Evans, 1974; Chiu et al., 1983; McFadden et al., 1999]. The precise generation mechanism of these inverted-V structures has been thoroughly examined over the last several decades [e.g., Lin and Hoffman, 1979; Lyons, 1981; Marklund et al., 2011], but remains an open question in the field, although it is widely believed that the field-aligned current system shown in Figure 1.1 and the Alfvén waves that arise from these currents are crucial to their development [Borovsky, 1993; Luizar et al., 2000; Newell et al., 2012; Dombeck et al., 2013].

    Figure 1.3 (reprinted from Colpitts et al. [2013], Figure 2) shows a typical example of inverted-V electron acceleration in the upward current region generating auroral arcs. The top panels in Figure 1.3 show images from the KIANA all-sky imager, part of the THEMIS (Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms) ground-based observatory suite, with the superimposed track of the FAST auroral satellite and its mapped location (using Tsyganenko-96 plus IRGF model) at a few specific times while it is passing over the auroral arcs. The lower panels show FAST particle and magnetic field perturbation data with the vertical black lines indicating the times of the THEMIS images.

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    Figure 1.3 Example of inverted-V acceleration and the resulting aurora, reprinted from Colpitts et al. [2013]. Top panels: KIAN images for 08:46:24, 08:46:39, and 08:46:48 UT with mapped FAST trajectory (red line) and location (red star) overplotted. Lower panels: FAST data from 08:46−08:48 UT, with black vertical lines representing the times of the KI−south (red line), AN images; magnetometer panel (second from bottom) shows perturbations in the north east−west (green) and vertical (blue) directions.

    Several discrete auroral arcs are visible in the THEMIS images as white light bands stretching roughly east−west. These arcs are also evident as peaks in the electron energy spectrogram and electron energy flux (panels 1 and 6, respectively) in the FAST data. These are the inverted-V electrons, with peak energy ~5−10 keV (corresponding to a 5000−10,000-V parallel potential drop in the acceleration region), which are accelerated downward in the upward current region and are known to produce discrete auroral arcs. This is confirmed by the THEMIS images. The first inverted-V peak corresponds to the bright arc shown in the 8:46:24 UT KIAN image, and the second peak corresponds to the second arc structure, seen in the KIAN images at 8:46:39 and 8:46:48 UT. There are four more inverted-V peaks in the FAST electron spectrogram data, which probably correspond to the next few fainter auroral arcs.

    The magnetic field perturbation shown in panel 5 is referred to as a paired sheet-like current structure, which is typical of premidnight auroral arcs. The north−south component of the magnetic field perturbation is nearly constant (aside from small variations that do not play a role in the large-scale current structure), while there is a large perturbation in the east−west component (green line), consistent with a field-aligned current sheet extensive in longitude. As FAST goes from low latitude to high latitude in the nightside region, the perturbation first increases as the satellite passes through the downward current sheet (region 2 on the duskside as in this figure) and then decreases as FAST passes through the upward current sheet (region 1). Throughout the downward current region, FAST maps to a dark area in the all-sky images, consistent with expected lack of visible aurora in the downward current region.

    The FAST electron distributions for the times of the three KIAN images from Figure 1.3 are shown in Figure 1.4, with parallel and perpendicular energy in log scale on the x and y axes and the log of the energy flux in color scale. At all 3 times the distribution shows the characteristic horseshoe shape associated with quasistatic inverted-V acceleration, with a single loss cone in the upgoing component and a narrow band of electrons in the other directions at the energy of the parallel potential drop.

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    Figure 1.4 FAST electron energy distributions for 08:46:24, 08:46:39, and 08:46:48 UT with parallel energy in log scale on the x axis, log perpendicular energy on the y axis, and log energy flux in color scale, reprinted from Colpitts et al. [2013].

    1.3.2. Alfvénic Aurora

    Alfvénic acceleration occurs when the scale size of Alfvén waves perpendicular to the background magnetic field is small enough for kinetic effects to be important. When this occurs, the wave electric field has a component parallel to the magnetic field, which can accelerate electrons [Chen and Hasagawa, 1974; Goertz and Boswell, 1979; Lysak and Lotko, 1996; Lysak, 1998]. Refinement of the understanding of this process has also continued in the subsequent years through observation [Dombeck et al, 2005; Chaston et al., 2007; Nakajima et al., 2007], theory [Lysak and Lotko, 1996; Lysak and Song, 2003] and simulation [Kleitzing and Hu, 2001; Chaston et al., 2002; Ergun et al., 2002; Chen et al., 2005].

    Figure 1.5 shows a typical example of Alfvénic aurora, observed intermittently and perhaps simultaneously with inverted-V aurora, with images from the Inuviak all-sky imager along with data from FAST, in the same format as Figure 1.3. In this case the INUV images show distorted aurora, with bright spots and some arcs, including a brightening discrete east−west-aligned arc in the northern portion of the field of view. The FAST data show periods of both inverted-V acceleration (14:52:05−14:52:35, 14:53:20−14:53:30 – marked by blue shaded regions in the figure which show times of upward currents, positive slope to the green line in the panel below showing dB) and broadband electron precipitation associated with Alfvénic acceleration (14:52:40−14:53:12, 14:53:32−14:53:36 – pink shaded region during times of downward or mixed currents).

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    Figure 1.5 Example of Alfvéenic acceleration and the resulting aurora, reprinted from Colpitts et al. [2013]. Top panels: INUV images for 14:53:00, 14:53:27, 14:53:33, and 14:53:45 UT with mapped FAST trajectory (red line) and location (red star) overplotted. Lower panels: FAST data from 14:52−14:54 UT with black vertical lines representing the times of the INUV images; magnetometer panel (second from bottom) shows perturbations in the north−south (red line), east−west (green) and vertical (blue) directions.

    The inverted-V‘s in this case have peak energy ~1−3 keV (corresponding to a 1000−3000-V parallel potential drop in the acceleration region). In this event there is a N-S (red line) perturbation comparable to the E-W (green) component, consistent with a more complex current system including current sheets, twisted currents, and possibly line currents. Note that even these smaller scale inverted-V electrons are always accelerated downward in an upward current region, as can be seen in the pitch angle spectrogram and the magnetic field perturbation (in this case the satellite is moving equatorward in the dawnside, so an increasing east−west perturbation corresponds to the upward current region).

    In the THEMIS images the single faint discrete arc in the northern portion of the field of view, extensive in longitude but with narrow spatial scale in latitude, and temporally remaining stable before brightening, is consistent with auroral forms associated with inverted-V acceleration, while the dynamic, amorphous nature of the remaining aurora in the images is typical of the spatial and temporal evolution of aurora associated with Alfvénic acceleration [Chaston et al., 2010, 2011]. The altitudinal extent of the auroral forms cannot be determined from these 2D images, but this has also been studied extensively and in particular auroral rays that extend in altitude are associated with Alfvénic acceleration [Ivchenko et al., 2005]. There is an inverted-V peak around the time of the 14:53:27 UT INUV image, when the FAST satellite maps close to the faint discrete arc, while the other images correspond to times of Alfvénic aurora. The many other inverted-V peaks in the FAST electron spectrogram data could correspond to other arcs and bright spots visible in the INUV image, but the aurora at this time was more dynamic than shown in Figure 1.3, so the peak that FAST went through at those times may not be visible in the INUV images from this time.

    The electron distributions for the four times during the INUV observations from Figure 1.5 are shown in Figure 1.6. The top left panel, from the time of the first INUV image, shows low-energy downgoing electrons typical of Alfvénic acceleration, consistent with FAST mapping to the somewhat bright but amorphous aurora in the INUV image. The top right panel is from the second INUV image when fast mapped to the faint narrow discrete arc and shows the horseshoe distribution typical of inverted-V acceleration; the extreme difference in these top two panels for times when FAST passes through what could appear to be similar features in the all-sky images show the benefit of combining in situ particle measurements with ground based imagers. The third and fourth panels show very intense fluxes of downgoing broadband electrons associated with Alfvénic acceleration at the times of the third and fourth INUV images. There is little evidence of inverted-V acceleration at these times; while there are some higher-energy electrons at all pitch angles aside from the upgoing component, they are not narrowbanded as would be expected for acceleration from a quasistatic potential drop, and as is seen in the other horseshoe distributions.

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    Figure 1.6 FAST electron energy distributions for 14:53:00, 14:53:27, 14:53:33, and 14:53:45 UT, with parallel energy in log scale on the x axis, log perpendicular energy on the y axis, and log energy flux in color scale, reprinted from Colpitts et al. [2013].


    1.4.1. Modification of the Large-Scale Auroral Oval

    The general structure of the auroral oval has been known for decades, first established by ground-based observations [Akasofu, 1964] and later confirmed through satellite observation [e.g., Anger et al., 1973; Akasofu, 1974]. The oval itself, however, is quite dynamic. The boundaries of the auroral oval change seasonally [Meng, 1979], and with geomagnetic conditions such as the interplanetary magnetic field [Jayachandran et al., 2008] and ring current intensity [Milan et al., 2009]. The most extensively studied variation of the auroral oval is that associated with auroral substorms, which also produce many of the common discrete auroral forms.

    Figure 1.7 shows an illustration from Akasofu [1964] that shows the evolution of the auroral oval during a substorm. The first panel represents the quiet phase, characterized by faint arcs extending east-west. The second, third, and fourth panels are the expansive phase, which involves a brightening of one or more arcs, followed by a poleward motion and sometimes a bulge in the midnight sector. The bottom two panels represent the recovery phase, characterized by diffuse aurora moving equatorward and eastward and the reestablishment of faint discrete arcs. This has remained the canonical model of the auroral substorm in the decades since, but there have been many additions and improvements, and we know now that every substorm is different.

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    Figure 1.7 Illustration from Akasofu [1964] showing the stages of a typical auroral substorm: (a) Quiet phase; (b,c) and (d) expansive phase; (e,f) recovery phase.

    Early improvements to the substorm model included the addition of dayside aurora [Feldstein and Starkov, 1967], the distinction between proton and electron aurora [Fukunishi, 1975], and the development of the growth phase concept [McPherron, 1970, 1972]. Inconsistencies in the literature regarding substorms led to the 1978 Victoria conference, the results of which were presented in Rostoker et al. [1980], providing a consistent definition for substorms that would persist over the decades to come. Elphinstone et al. [1996] summarized the advances in substorm understanding up to that point, catalogued different types of substorms, and showed how satellite-borne instruments confirmed the substorm model and tied the different types of aurora to changes elsewhere in the magnetosphere. Mende et al. [2002, 2003] used IMAGE (Imager for Magnetopause-to-Aurora Global Exploration) and FAST observations to differentiate between main phase and recovery phase aurora, and between quasistatic and Alfvénic aurora. Nishimura et al. [2010, 2011] and Mende et al. [2011] identified the sequence of events leading to substorm onset using THEMIS all-sky imagers, showing first a poleward boundary intensification followed by an equatorward-moving north−south arc.

    More recent studies have been able to combine ground-based observations with simultaneous in situ data on the same field lines to further expand on the substorm picture, allowing one to see smaller-scale structures with faster time resolution than the (earlier) comparisons with satellite imaging (Polar, IMAGE). Zou et al. [2010] and Frey et al. [2010] used THEMIS ground-based imagers (GBO) and Reimei satellite data to look for precursors to auroral substorms. Using FAST and THEMIS data, Jiang et al. [2012] established a preexisting auroral arc present before substorm onset. Recent discoveries using THEMIS GBO and another ground-based all-sky imager at Resolute Bay [Nishimura et al., 2013b], and THEMIS GBO with radar data [Lyons et al., 2011] indicate that polar cap flows and auroral streamers may play an important role in substorm onset. Yue et al. [2013] looked at interplanetary shocks using THEMIS spacecraft and GBO data, concluding that fast flows are the magnetotail’s response to the shock front that correspond to the poleward boundary intensifications (PBIs) and auroral streamers that develop in the ionosphere. Colpitts et al. [2013] examined several conjunctions of THEMIS GBO and FAST to identify distinct types of aurora in both the imagers and the satellite particle and field data, and confirmed the current theory of auroral acceleration and substorm models; for example, the particle distributions observed in situ on field lines above ground-based imagers matched those expected for the type (Alfvenic, quasistatic, substorm) of aurora visible from the ground.

    1.4.2. Small-Scale Deformations of Discrete Auroral Arcs

    In addition to the large-scale discrete arcs and Alfvénic auroras, a great number of small-scale auroral forms have been identified and studied. Hallinan and Davis [1970] first identified curls, folds, and spirals, and Wagner et al. [1983] investigated the generation mechanisms for these three small-scale (km and 10s of km) structures, invoking shear-driven plasma instabilities such as the Kelvin−Helmholtz instability (KHI). Figure 1.8 shows some examples of auroral folds from Wagner et al. [1983]. The folds [Kataoka et al., 2011], spirals [Lysak and Song, 1996; Marklund et al., 1998; Partamies et al., 2001; Hu et al., 2013], and curls [Vogt et al., 1999] continue to be active areas of study, with other generation mechanisms in addition to KHI often invoked such as the tearing instability [Dahlgren et al., 2010], particularly for folds [Chaston and Seki, 2010] and the ion acoustic and ion cyclotron instability arising from interactions of the electron beam with an Alfvén wave [Seyler and Liu, 2007].

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    Figure 1.8 Examples of auroral folds (from Wagner et al. [1983]). The distinct types of anomalous localized aurora labeled in the figure are named and described in the text.

    On a slightly larger (100s of km) scale, auroral omega bands, which tend to develop during the recovery phase of substorms and are so named because of their resemblance of the Greek symbol Ω (omega) and were first identified by Akasofu and Kimball [1964], have also been extensively studied [e.g., Opgenoorth et al., 1983; Luhr and Schlegel, 1994]. These bands have been attributed to the shear instability of neutral winds [Lyons and Walterscheild, 1985] and the interchange instability between paired current sheets [Yamamoto et al., 1997], and continue to be investigated as well [Wild, 2011]. The dark areas between auroral arcs, or black aurora, have also been the subject of extensive research [Marklund et al., 1994, 1997; Trondsen and Cogger, 1997]. Stenbaek-Nielsen et al. [1998] and Peticolas et al. [2002] investigated fine scale auroral arc structure and black aurora with the FAST satellite and aircraft-borne cameras and imagers. The two competing mechanisms for the origin of black aurora, downward field-aligned currents causing Kelvin−Helmholtz instability [e.g., Marklund et al. 1997] and a magnetospheric blocking mechanism involving energy-dependent wave−particle interactions [Peticolas et al., 2002] were investigated recently by Archer et al. [2011], who concluded that the magnetospheric blocking mechanism was most consistent with their observations.

    Auroral streamers are small (~100s of km) short-lived north−south arcs that can occur in the auroral bulge during the expansion phase of substorms, as well as on the poleward edge of the aurora during nonsubstorm times. Study of these nonsubstorm streamers has recently gained a great deal of momentum, as they have been associated with the onset of auroral substorms, which is an extremely active research area. First identified by Nakamura et al. [1993] as small-scale structures within the canonical auroral bulge associated with substorm breakup (see Figure 1.7), they have since been associated with Earthward flow bursts [Nakamura et al., 2001; Liu et al., 2008; Gallardo-Lacourt et al., 2014], poleward boundary intensifications [Lyons et al., 1999; Nishimura et al., 2011] and Pi2 pulsations [Nishimura et al., 2012], all of which are considered indicators of substorm onset.

    1.4.3. Anomalous Localized Auroral Forms

    In addition to the modifications of the diffuse auroral oval and common deformations of discrete auroral arcs discussed above, numerous auroral forms deviate from the simplified model of the auroral oval. Many of these anomalous forms are catalogued in a review by Frey [2007] and shown in Figure 1.9, reprinted from that review. Ten different types of localized aurora are identified and labeled 1−10 in Figure 1.9. The detached dayside aurora (labeled as 1 in Figure 1.9, also called midday subauroral patches or subauroral proton flashes) was first identified by Elphinstone et al. [1993] and continues to be investigated [Zhang et al., 2002; Hubert et al. 2004]. Dayside cusp aurora (2 in Figure 1.9) is associated with equatorial magnetopause reconnection, while the cusp auroral spot (3; Figure 1.9) is assumed to be the result of antiparallel reconnection at the high-latitude magnetopause [Milan et al., 2000; Sandholt et al., 1998; Frey et al., 2002; Fuselier et al.,

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