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Pilgrims, Mayflower and Plymouth Bay History and Timeline
Pilgrims, Mayflower and Plymouth Bay History and Timeline
Pilgrims, Mayflower and Plymouth Bay History and Timeline
Ebook84 pages1 hour

Pilgrims, Mayflower and Plymouth Bay History and Timeline

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The horrid circumstances of the Mayflower pilgrims are shown in TIME LINE fashion making it easy to understand what they endured. This is not a biography for each passenger but people are noted if an event pertained directly to a person. You will find web links to follow to excellent sites that go into great detail concerning varied items. This book could be considered a guide as events unfold and summaries are shown, some in great detail. The facts and the myths are brought out to the front while the commonly unknown is shown. This is an easy read of the factual, historic, true adventures showing the losses and gains for the pilgrims in an easy TIME LINE for events that can be an aid to avoid confusion. The facts and events are eye-opening.

PublisherD. Kalten
Release dateDec 1, 2015
Pilgrims, Mayflower and Plymouth Bay History and Timeline

D. M. Kalten

Having raised a dyslexic son, I did a lot of searching for things that he enjoyed listening to as he would try to follow along as I read to him. Most were historic items that helped teach him history with stories about dogs being his favorite. The historic words did make him think along with helping him retain the spellings and meanings of many words, plus I would explain situations with the stories. Those collections, that took years to build, are now going into book forms.

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    Pilgrims, Mayflower and Plymouth Bay History and Timeline - D. M. Kalten

    Pilgrims, Mayflower and Plymouth Bay

    History and Timeline


    Pilgrims, Mayflower and Plymouth Bay History and Timeline

    Copyright © 2015 D. M. Kalten

    All rights reserved.


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    The Calendar

    Names of the Mayflower Passengers

    May Floure

    A Summary of the Pilgrims

    The TIMELINE of the Pilgrims

    About William Bradford and his Journal

    Burial Grounds

    1920 Planned Memorial Construction

    Further Sources

    A note from the author



    The facts and the myths are brought out to the front.  The commonly unknown is shown.  This is an easy read of the factual, historic adventures, losses and gains with the pilgrims shown in a time line fashion to avoid confusion.

    Chances are if you have had any lineage in your family in the USA for a while, you are in some way related to one or more of the Mayflower Pilgrims. 

    This is an excellent, easy read showing the horrible conditions people deliberately put themselves through for their quest to live with FREEDOM, especially the FREEDOM of religion with NO government interference in ANY way, unlike today.  With what is now NOT taught in schools, here is your chance to share the past with your descendants.  The facts and events are eye-opening.



    This book was put together with hopes that citizens that do not understand what generations prior went through for free choices and freedom of religion will now begin to see ‘the light’.

    There are currently multi-thousands, some say millions, of US citizens that have descended from and do descend from the Pilgrims who arrived in the new world during 1620 on the Mayflower. 

    Few people know the full story of the Pilgrims, what led them to go the new world, what they went through to get there, what happened to them after arrival, where they were buried at or what happened to those burials.  The quest of the pilgrims to fulfill their dream of freedom, specifically religious freedom, was a lot more than just stepping on to and off of a now ancient boat.

    I did not want to write a lengthy book where the eyes blur.  Items of importance within each date are listed and you will see their events unfold, often with facts you did not know.

    When you think of the time frame with what the people had and did not have, considering the ordeals they experienced and their determination, it is easy to surmise that these people were very strong stock and very determined to have the freedom they wanted and finally found.

    At times things may seem to repeat but it is different versions of what happened per early sources.  Those varied versions are shown as some contain more or different information.

    Please use the links shown in the footnotes for in depth details, various artistic views and maps. Information does cross over thru the links shown and each link is shown only once.  More sources are shown at the end of this publication.

    Many words, spellings and punctuation are shown as they were used in the early time period.

    The term ‘Shallop’ refers to the small boat that the Mayflower carried.


    A thought for you if you descend from one of the pilgrims: See if you can figure out if you are descended from a Separatist or a Planter as the history is a little different.


    The Calendar

    When you hear or see dates with the Pilgrims and the Mayflower, you must remember that at that time, the calendar was different.  The date you may see in print somewhere, may not be the date in the current calendar range of thought.  For instance, December 25 in 1620 is not December 25 as thought of today.  It is 4 Jan 1621.

    In 1752 calendar dates were changed from the Old Style ‘OS’ (the Julian calendar) to the New Style ‘NS’ (the Gregorian calendar), our current calendar used.  In depth explanations of OS and NS calendar dates can be found on the web.[1][2]  A calculator to do the math for you is available on the web.[3]

    Both styles of dates are listed in this timeline to avoid confusions.  The earlier date is always the date of the pilgrims time frame.  The later date would be the date if using the Gregorian calendar, the calendar of today.


    Names of the Mayflower Passengers

    May Floure

    Names of the Mayflower passengers are known.  They are divided into categories. 

    (1) Leiden, Holland passengers who originally came from England and were known as the Separatists.

    (2) Planters recruited by Thomas Weston of London merchant adventurers.

    (3) Men hired to stay one year being the ‘shipmen’.

    (4) Servants, often being children.

    (5) One ship carpenter.

    The list of names can be found all over the web in a variety of formats.[4]


    In days of old the ship was called the May Floure.


    A Summary of the Pilgrims

    Modern history easily confuses the Mayflower Pilgrims with the Puritans who followed to the new world later in the 17th Century.  The Pilgrims went to the new world in 1620.  The Puritans were associated with the Massachusetts Bay Colony, not Plymouth Colony, and they went to the new world in 1630, at ten years after the Pilgrims.  The Puritans were the ones prosecuted for witchcraft.[5][6]

    The Separatist group considered part of ‘the Pilgrims’ who went to the new world in 1620 were in England and came from the then village of Scrooby in northwest Nottinghamshire, England at the time of their departure on the Mayflower.[7]

    These ‘Separatists’ and

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