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Desserts for your Paleo Lifestyle: Goodness without the Guilt
Desserts for your Paleo Lifestyle: Goodness without the Guilt
Desserts for your Paleo Lifestyle: Goodness without the Guilt
Ebook48 pages17 minutes

Desserts for your Paleo Lifestyle: Goodness without the Guilt

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About this ebook

Many people are taking advantage of the health benefits that result from following the Paleolithic diet guidelines. This is for the Paleo eaters with a sweet tooth! There are healthy, natural ingredients available to make delicious desserts without veering from your diet. You will find recipes in this book beginning with dessert bars, chocolate and coconut recipes. Following those sections you will find recipes built around fruits and nuts. Lastly, there are muffin recipes that are deliciously indulgent. Enjoy flavors from sweet real foods like bananas, coconut, cherries, chocolate, walnuts, pumpkin and even caramel! Goodness without the guilt.

PublisherJudy A Smith
Release dateDec 21, 2015
Desserts for your Paleo Lifestyle: Goodness without the Guilt

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    Book preview

    Desserts for your Paleo Lifestyle - Judy A Smith

    About the Book

    Many people are taking advantage of the health benefits that result from following the Paleolithic diet guidelines. This is for the Paleo eaters with a sweet tooth! There are healthy, natural ingredients available to make delicious desserts without veering from your diet. You will find recipes in this book beginning with dessert bars, chocolate and coconut recipes. Following those sections you will find recipes built around fruits and nuts. Lastly, there are muffin recipes that are deliciously indulgent. Enjoy flavors from sweet real foods like bananas, coconut, cherries, chocolate, walnuts, pumpkin and even caramel! Goodness without the guilt.


    Welcome to the recipe book for Paleo eaters with a sweet tooth. For those readers new to the Paleo diet, the diet is based around the theory that our bodies are better adapted to what humans consumed during the Paleolithic era over 10,000 years ago. We ate foods found in our natural environment including natural grazing animals, fruits, vegetables and nuts. If the food is in its natural form, you can eat it. Easy, right? That means no processed foods, meats with hormones, dairy or wheat products.

    Eating this way has shown to lower cholesterol, reduce heart problems and help maintain a healthy weight. Natural foods provide a plethora of vitamins and minerals that give human bodies the energy we need, especially when the foods are in their raw form. You will find adaptations of

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