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Alien Child
Alien Child
Alien Child
Ebook326 pages4 hours

Alien Child

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Years after her mother cajoled the secret to reversing the effects of alien induced global infertility from the libidinous alien, Deshler, the birth rate begins to rebound when another alien craft arrives on a follow-up visit. Terrie Deshler desperately tries to be a normal teenager while threatened by jihadists, hounded by the government, pursued by Russians and menaced by fertility probing aliens. Being only one of a handful who can communicate with the no nonsense alien, Mischa, she and her mother apply their wiles to convince the suspicious invaders that their plan for human extinction is on track. The fact that her aunt is secretly dispensing the fertility restoration cure to an elite few brings the wrath of the masses down on them all while the space raiders circle the planet searching for evidence of reproduction.

PublisherScott Skipper
Release dateFeb 2, 2016
Alien Child

Scott Skipper

Scott Skipper is a California fiction writer with a broad range of interests, including history, genealogy, travel, science and current events. His wry outlook on life infects his novels with biting sarcasm. Prisoners are never taken. Political correctness is taboo. His work includes historical fiction, alternative history, novelized biography, science fiction and political satire. He is a voracious reader and habitual and highly opinionated reviewer.

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    Book preview

    Alien Child - Scott Skipper

    Chapter 1

    It started before my mom was even born. In 1947, at a place called Roswell, a flying saucer crashed near an Army base. An Army guy pulled a reading device from the hands of a live alien, who they killed the next day, which I thought was pretty mean. All the other aliens died in the crash. A few years later, the first director of the CIA, a guy named Allen Dulles, assigned Mom’s Uncle Miles to figure out how to translate the stuff on the reader. When he told people why the aliens were here, it got everybody shook up and they decided to keep it a secret so people wouldn’t panic. Mom said she was about six when her Uncle Miles started teaching her to speak alien. He told her it was the language of the Dogon people of Mali. She didn’t find out the truth until she was ready to start college, and her uncle was dying. The truth was the aliens from Tau Ceti 4 made the human race as a sort of biology experiment, and they thought they had better put an end to us before we got into outer space with our nasty attitude. They said they had a cosmic responsibility, but they didn’t want to just blowup the Earth because they felt sorry for the other species, so they released a virus that made everyone sterile.

    Mom went to work for the CIA as a linguist. Nobody but her knew that the aliens were going to come back to try again, and nobody but her knew that she could talk to them. Back then NASA was worried about asteroids wiping us out like the dinosaurs, so they watched for things that were headed for Earth. When they spotted three big round things coming toward us, Mom went to see her boss and told him they were spaceships. She said he wanted to have her locked up, but she convinced him to let her see the director. At that time the director was a lady named Georgia Turnbull. When I came along she became my Godmother, but I call her Aunt Georgia.

    So Aunt Georgia put Mom in charge of the Department of Alien Affairs, which was a top-secret division of the CIA, or the Company as we insiders call it. When Mom took over there were three other people in the department, Uncle Paul, Aunt Jan and Uncle Eddy. They’re not really my aunt and uncles. Mom was an only child, which may explain a few things about her. Anyway, when Uncle Eddy found out Mom could speak their language he got the big idea to get her in contact with them. They got engineering to draw the plans for a cell phone site and Mom recorded a message daring them to build it, then she gave them her phone number.

    Mom got pretty close to one alien, but she wasn’t able to talk him out of releasing the virus. I guess she got close because he’s my dad. Yeah, I know that’s really weird, but if you grow up knowing something like that, you pretty much take it for granted. Mom didn’t sit down to have the ‘part of you isn’t human’ talk with me until I was six. It started because I complained about her meatloaf. She’d been thinking about making it all day, and I was dreading having to choke it down with tons of milk.

    Terrie, how did you know I was thinking of making meatloaf? she asked me.

    You’ve been thinking about it all day.

    I didn’t say anything, did I?

    No, you were just thinking.

    And you knew what I was thinking?

    I always know what you’re thinking.

    Do you know what other people are thinking?

    Sure. Don’t you?

    No, sweetheart, I don’t know what you’re thinking. What am I thinking now?

    You’re thinking I’ve got ESP. I answered right away but I didn’t know what it meant.

    Oh, my God. How long have you been able to do this?

    Always, Mom. What’s the matter?

    Well, dear, this is something nobody else can do. Do you know what I’m thinking when we’re not together?

    No, we have to be close. Think how confused I’d be if I knew what everybody was thinking at the same time.

    I suppose. Do you know why you’re special?

    I recall her looking uncomfortable, but later she told me the idea of having to tell me this had her scared shitless. She always did have a colorful vocabulary.

    She said, You realize that your father doesn’t look much like anyone else?


    Do you know why?

    ’Cause he’s an alien.

    That’s right and that’s why your beautiful eyes are the way they are. So this—uh, gift—is something else that you got from your father’s side of the family.

    Now I know she must have been thinking, What else did she get from him?

    Dad’s name was Deshler—well, it still is unless he’s been vaporized by a comet or something—so my last name is Deshler even though Mom’s name is Player. I didn’t think it strange at the time that other people were named Deshler, especially in Germany, but later Mom said that he told her it was an artifact left in our society from earlier contact with his species. What is strange is to think that he’s heading home in suspended animation, and I’ll be dead before he gets there.

    Naturally Mom didn’t describe how I came to be conceived, but I was able to find out about it by spying inside her head. Aliens are hermaphrodites, which is pretty creepy to think about, and Mom couldn’t have gone through with it if she hadn’t been drugged. Uncle Eddy says she was date raped. One of her arguments when trying to convince them not to make everybody sterile was that she wanted to be a grandmother. To Dad’s thinking, getting her pregnant was the closest he could come to fulfilling her wish, so he made her fertile again and consummated the deal.

    Part of the plan to wipe out humanity was to release a second dose of the virus after the aliens were gone with some aerosols that were set to go off automatically. Dad and his pals hid them, but after the Russians shot down two of the flying saucers, he had a change of heart and his parting gift to Mom was his personal reading device with the locations of the aerosol canisters stored on it. Aunt Georgia sent Mom and her team out to find them, and later SpaceX blasted them into the sun.

    The day I bitched about her meatloaf was the first time she showed me the reader. I want to show you something, she said, and took a small metal square thing out of her purse. This is the reading device your father gave me when he left.

    I held it and instantly heard it reading to me in my head—in Dad’s language, of course. Cool, I said, it knows our secret language.

    That’s right, dear. Only you and me, your uncles, Eddy and Paul and Aunt Jan can read it. You can read it now too, but you have to let me pick the stories for you.

    I was reading something that was the alien equivalent of Dr. Seuss. Why, I asked innocently.

    Because many of the stories are too complicated for your age

    It didn’t take me long to learn that ‘too complicated’ was a euphemism for ‘too filthy.’ Dad had a thing for porn.

    "So what do you want for dinner instead of my dry old meatloaf?’


    She rolled her eyes. She always rolled her eyes. Okay, I guess I’ll go make tacos.

    While she was browning the ground beef my half-sister, Sherrie, arrived with my niece and nephew, Bobbi and Cary. Being a little more than a year younger than I am, Cary was still quite the brat. He snatched the reader from me and we got into a shouting match. Our pediatric angst drew a predictable response from Mom and Sherrie who made peace and returned the reader to me. I had finished Dr. Seuss and moved on to a short essay on alien aphrodisiacs, then a lengthy treatise on anti-particle propulsion.

    We finished our tacos and had ice cream. Sherrie stayed long enough to help put dishes in the dishwasher. She had gathered her brood and was saying goodbye when Aunt Georgia, who was still Mom’s boss, arrived. Even then I was in awe at how Aunt Georgia looked. Mom naturally seemed old to me, and I knew Aunt Georgia was about twenty years older, but aside from her silver hair, you’d think she and Mom were the same age. Where Mom looked sweet and kindly, Aunt Georgia looked like a movie star. I ran to hug her, and get fawned over, and to show off Dad’s reading device. Of course she knew all about it from her days as director of the CIA. Now she ran Turnbull Academy where she secretly dispensed doses of the anti-virus that restores fertility.

    So, what have you been reading? she asked.

    When I told her she took it better than Mom.

    After Mom took the reader from me, and fixed Aunt Georgia a Martini, she broke the news about me being able to read minds. She looked skeptical and asked me to tell her what she was thinking.

    You’re wondering when Mom is going to get her head screwed on straight about Turnbull Academy.

    I’ll be darned. It’s true.

    Mom said, Now we have to watch what we think, and for the record, I may never get my head screwed on straight.

    Mom and Aunt Georgia were always arguing about the anti-virus. Aunt Georgia had control of it and only gave it to the graduates of her extremely conservative university. Mom wanted to give it to the government and let them decide what to do. I sided with Aunt Georgia.

    Aunt Georgia said, Carrie, we are reshaping the human race. Culling the herd. Improving mankind.

    But the birth rate is way too slow.

    It will pick up. The kids are busy building careers.

    They should be building families. Mom got herself some more wine and offered me a Coke. I accepted.

    Aunt Georgia continued. The U.S. population is decreasing by three million a year and world population by fifty-six million. That in itself is solving a lot of problems. Anyway, the reason I came here tonight is to tell you that I’m opening academies in Europe, and I want you to train the boards of admissions.

    Where in Europe? Mom asked.

    England, France, Spain, Switzerland and Italy.

    What about Germany?

    Carrie, don’t you think the Germans have caused enough trouble?

    She rolled her eyes again. What about Terrie?

    Well, take her of course. It’ll be a great experience and school doesn’t start for two months. That should be plenty of time.

    I thought it was a great idea. Mom said, I suppose. Five more academies will be a boost for the population recovery.

    Then Aunt Georgia turned to me. Okay, smarty, what am I thinking now?

    That you’re going to start Turnbull Industries.

    Mom said, Now what?

    Aunt Georgia gave her a dirty look. Turnbull Industries will employ our engineering grads in the development of alien technology.

    I thought that was another great idea and was looking forward to getting ray guns and anti-gravity shoes for Christmas. I hadn’t had any time to study alien stuff except anti-particles and aphrodisiacs, but I wanted to be part of the conversation so I said, You mean like anti-particle propulsion?

    That’s right, sweetheart. What can you tell me about it?

    First you need two plasma fields to keep the anti-particles from the particles, but you have to go into space to collect anti-particles and we’re stuck on Earth.

    Not quite stuck. SpaceX’s Falcon can reach geosynchronous orbit.

    That should be far enough, I said as if I knew.

    Mom said, What have I created? She was always a little melodramatic.

    Chapter 2

    The places we went to in Europe were great. I especially liked the Hadron Supercollider in Switzerland, and I got to see a session of Parliament in London. Mom took me to Disneyland in Paris. It was okay. On the downside, there were lots of ghettos with graffiti, mostly in Arabic script, and there were places that they told us to avoid. It suited me, and I was glad that Mom was there to teach the Turnbull employees to exclude Muslims, socialists and people from families on the dole. She has a great job, if she only knew it.

    At home it was time to go back to school. Mom drove me to Turnbull Elementary, which was on the same block as Turnbull Academy in Washington, Northwest. Aunt Georgia was acquiring the whole block so she could increase security. Mom parked the car and started to get out of it.

    Mother, don’t embarrass me by walking me to class.

    I wouldn’t dream of it. I want to talk to your Auntie for a few minutes. I’ll just walk you as far as the gate.

    At the gate we ran into Sherrie’s husband, Alex, who ran Turnbull Security International. Hi, Carrie, he said and smiled at me, how was Europe?

    She said, It doesn’t even look the same. The refugees have overwhelmed the place. It’s dirty and covered with graffiti.

    That’s a shame but at least it’s a problem with an end.

    As long as our leader is in charge. I’m on my way to see her now.

    Alex said, Give her my best. He was thinking how much he liked Aunt Georgia.

    Mom said, Ha, I think you already gave her your best before you got involved with Sherrie.

    She was thinking something I wasn’t supposed to know about. Suddenly Alex was thinking of Aunt Georgia without any clothes. I figured it was best to keep my mouth shut.

    I went to class and was having a good time until some little brat started teasing me about my eyes. It forced me to share with the class that he had wet the bed the night before. When he started crying and ran out of the classroom, we all had a good laugh until the teacher got pissed.

    After class I was surprised to find Alex waiting for me. He said, I’m going to take you home. Your mom’s in the middle of something and can’t make it.

    What’s the matter?

    I don’t know. She’ll have to explain.

    I didn’t like the sound of that. At home Uncle Eddy was helping Mom with her computer.

    Thanks, Alex, Mom said.

    No problem. What’s up?

    The FBI is going to raid the house, and Georgia told me to copy my hard drive and all the things I need to do my job after they confiscate my computer and files. I have to take a bunch of stuff to the attorneys’ office.

    At the time I had only a vague idea what a raid was, but I knew the FBI was the government and that could only be bad.

    Alex asked, What’s this all about?

    Mom said, Georgia got a tip from one of her old colleagues at the bureau that they’re going to raid Turnbull Academy. Some genius at the Department of Justice figured out that nobody is having babies except Turnbull graduates. They want to know why. Georgia thinks they will raid all the board members too.

    Alex said, Shit. Then he looked at me and covered his mouth. Do you want me to take Terrie for the night?

    No, there’s no way to tell when they’re going to do it. We’ll be all right.

    Uncle Eddy gave Mom an external hard drive. Here’s the clone of your hard drive. When you get a new computer I’ll help you install it. Be sure to get one with a subatomic ‘C’ drive and the Sentient 2.0 operating system. She really needed a new computer. She was still running Windows.

    Thanks, Eddy. You’re a pal.

    Hey, I’ll do anything for the Queen of the Universe. I always enjoyed when he would try to get her riled.

    Eddy, one of these days...

    Then Uncle Eddy said to me, Hi, beautiful. How was the first day of school?

    I told about the kid who made fun of my eyes and how I got even with him.

    Mom had to explain to Uncle Eddy, Little Miss Deshler inherited the ability to read minds. We just found out.

    How cool is that?

    Just be careful what you think.

    I’d better get out of here before I think something inappropriate for a seven-year-old. He patted me on the head and in alien said, Going. Which is what you say instead of goodbye.

    I had to ride with Mom to take the stuff to the attorneys. It was really boring so I read about alien abnormal psychology. When they go crazy they get convinced they are either male or female. You’d think being both would make them crazy.

    It wasn’t even light out the next morning when the FBI started banging on the door. I thought they would break it down, but Mom ran down the stairs tying her robe to get it open before they did.

    Don’t you know how to ring the damn bell? she said as they pushed her aside and started pouring in wearing dark blue windbreakers with ‘FBI’ in big yellow letters on the back. They had their guns in that two handed grip and waved them around the room.

    I followed Mom down the stairs and was standing behind her. I didn’t think she knew I was there until she said, Put the damned guns away. You’re scaring my daughter.

    I was a little scared. They looked crazy.

    One said, Standard procedure, ma’am. We never know what we’re going to find. I’m Special Agent Adams, and I have a warrant to search this property for information relating to Turnbull Academy.

    Yeah, I’ve been expecting you. Knock yourself out.

    The dark blue jackets kept pouring through the door. They spread throughout the house and began dumping the contents of drawers into boxes or simply onto the floor. They upended furniture and slashed the gauzy bottom coverings. They cut slits in the cushions and felt around in the stuffing. One ran out carrying Mom’s computer and another had my tablet.

    Do you have to take a child’s toy, Mom sounded pissed.

    We have to see what’s on it. We’re specifically looking for the thing the alien is supposed to have given you. Where is it?

    I don’t know what you’re talking about.

    Don’t play games, lady. The whole world knows about you and your alien reader. Now, where is it?

    And if you had it, what would you do with it? You can’t read it.

    We need to know what’s on it. Give it to me, or I’ll have to arrest you for obstruction.

    If you want to know what’s on it, go look at the one the Company has.

    They may not be identical.

    Nobody will ever know if they’re identical. The amount of data on them is infinite.

    That isn’t for me to worry about. Now, where is it?

    It isn’t here.

    Where is it?

    I don’t know.

    I said, I lost it.

    Agent Adams seemed to notice me for the first time. He stared rudely at my eyes. You lost it?

    I took it to school for Show and Tell and lost it.

    He said, Well, go get dressed. You’re going to show me where you last saw it.

    I fixed him with my eyes, which seemed to make him squirm, and said, Agent Adams, what’s a hooker?


    All you can think about is the hooker you were with last night. I knew damned well what a hooker was.

    Mom said smiling, Shh, honey, I’m sure Agent Adams would like to keep that a secret.

    Lady, your kid is scary.

    Wait ‘til you see what else she can do. Are you sure you want to take her to school?

    He never answered. He took his phone from his pocket and went outside. The rest of the navy blue hoard finished tossing the house and hauled their evidence boxes out to the vans. Adams never reappeared, and as abruptly as they came, they were gone.

    A news crew was on the lawn, but Mom refused to talk. She told me to get ready for school. I’ll get Sherrie to drive you so I can get this cleaned up, and don’t worry, I’ll get you a new tablet.

    When Sherrie arrived, she said, Oh, my God, are you okay?

    Well, I wanted new furniture anyway.

    They acted like savages. I thought the FBI was professional.

    They are, dear. They go to school for this.

    When Mom picked me up from school, we went to Aunt Georgia’s house out by Alexandria. Later I learned that Aunt Georgia gave Mom a check for fifty-thousand dollars, and when I next saw our house, everything was brand new. We got her reader back from the attorneys and waited to see what would happen next.

    That first night at Aunt Georgia’s, Mom asked why the FBI hadn’t raided her house.

    Oh, they did, but because of my connections, they refrained from tossing it.

    Mom said, I’ve seen your connections. Did you have a video of the lead agent with a Chinese translator? Aunt Georgia just smiled. Actually, Terrie must have learned a lesson from her Godmother. She asked the lead agent about the hooker he screwed last night.

    That made Aunt Georgia laugh. She said, That’s my girl.

    Mom asked, Did they trash the academy?

    Not much. They were finished before class time, so there wasn’t much disruption. The worst part is they’ve got all the students’ personal records. I see a huge invasion of their privacy coming.

    Somebody is sure to figure it out after they interview all the graduates.

    None of the grads know how their fertility was restored. What are they going to learn by interviewing them?

    Well, they were sterile going in and fertile coming out. It won’t take a rocket scientist to understand that something happened to them while attending Turnbull Academy.

    Aunt Georgia smiled her inscrutable smile. Yes, but so what? Do you still have the scanner I gave you to check for bugs?


    Use it often.

    I was reading some of Dad’s smut and zoned out on the rest their conversation.

    The new computer was pretty

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