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Geometric Algebra
Geometric Algebra
Geometric Algebra
Ebook300 pages5 hours

Geometric Algebra

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This concise classic presents advanced undergraduates and graduate students in mathematics with an overview of geometric algebra. The text originated with lecture notes from a New York University course taught by Emil Artin, one of the preeminent mathematicians of the twentieth century. The Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society praised Geometric Algebra upon its initial publication, noting that "mathematicians will find on many pages ample evidence of the author's ability to penetrate a subject and to present material in a particularly elegant manner."
Chapter 1 serves as reference, consisting of the proofs of certain isolated algebraic theorems. Subsequent chapters explore affine and projective geometry, symplectic and orthogonal geometry, the general linear group, and the structure of symplectic and orthogonal groups. The author offers suggestions for the use of this book, which concludes with a bibliography and index.
Release dateJan 20, 2016
Geometric Algebra

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    Geometric Algebra - Emil Artin



    Preliminary Notions

    1. Notions of set theory

    We begin with a list of the customary symbols:

    i Si and ∪i Si stand for intersection and union of a family of indexed sets. Should Si and Si be disjoint for i j we call ∪i Si a disjoint union of sets. Sets are sometimes defined by a symbol {···} where the elements are enumerated between the parenthesis or by a symbol {x|A} where A is a property required of x; this symbol is read: "the set of all x with the property A". Thus, for example:

    If f is a map of a non-empty set S into a set T, i.e., a function f(s) defined for all elements s ε S with values in T, then we write either

    . If s ε S then we can form g(f(s)) ε U and thus obtain a map from S to U . Notice that the associative law holds trivially for these products of maps. The order of the two factors gf comes from the notation f(s) for the image of the elements. Had we written (s)f instead of f(s), it would have been natural to write fg instead of gf. Although we will stick (with rare exceptions) to the notation f(s) the reader should be able to do everything in the reversed notation. Sometimes it is even convenient to write sf instead of f(s) and we should notice that in this notation (sf)g = sgf.

    and S0 ⊂ S then the set of all images of elements of S0 is denoted by f(S0); it is called the image of S0. This can be done particularly for S itself. Then f(S) ⊂ T; should f(S) = T we call the map onto and say that f maps S onto T.

    Let T0 be a subset of T. The set of all s ε S for which f(s) ε T0 is called the inverse image of T0 and is denoted by f−1(T0). Notice that f−1(T0) may very well be empty, even if T0 is not empty. Remember also that f−1 is not a map. By f−1(t) for a certain t ε T we mean the inverse image of the set {t} with the one element t. It may happen that f−1(t) never contains more than one element. Then we say that f is a one-to-one into map. If f is onto and one-to-one into, then we say that f is one-to-one onto, or a "one-to-one correspondence." In this case only can fand is also one-to-one onto. Notice that f−1f : S S and ff−1 : T T and that both maps are identity maps on S respectively T.

    If t1 ≠ t2 are elements of T, then the sets f−1(t1) and f−1(t2) are disjoint. If s is a given element of S and f(s) = t, then s will be in f−1(t), which shows that S is the disjoint union of all the sets f−1(t):

    Some of the sets f−1(t) may be empty. Keep only the non-empty ones and call Sf the set whose elements are these non-empty sets f−1(t). Notice that the elements of Sf are sets and not elements of S. Sf is called a quotient set and its elements are also called equivalence classes. Thus, s1 and s2 are in the same equivalence class if and only if f(s1) = f(s2). Any given element s lies in precisely one equivalence class; if f(s) = t, then the equivalence class of s is f−1(t).

    We construct now a map f1 : S Sf by mapping each s ε S onto its equivalence class. Thus, if f(s) = t, then f1(s) = f−1(t). This map is an onto map.

    Next we construct a map f2: Sf f(S) by mapping the nonempty equivalence class f−1(t) onto the element t ε f(S). If t ε f(S), hence t = f(s), then t is the image of the equivalence class f−1(t) and of no other. This map f2 is therefore one-to-one and onto. If s ε S and f(s) = t, then f1(s) = f−1(t) and the image of f−1(t) under the map f2 is t. Therefore, f2f1(s) = t.

    Finally we construct a very trivial map f3 : f(S) → T by setting f3(t) = t for t ε f(S). This map should not be called identity since it is a map of a subset into a possibly bigger set T. A map of this kind is called an injection and is of course one-to-one into. For f(s) = t we had f2f1(s) = t and thus f3f2f1(s) = t , so that f3f2f1 : S T. We see that our original map f is factored into three maps

    To repeat: f1 is onto, f2 is a one-to-one correspondence and f3 is one-to-one into. We will call this the canonical factoring of the map f. The word "canonical or also natural" is applied in a rather loose sense to any mathematical construction which is unique in as much as no free choices of objects are used in it.

    As an example, let G and H be groups, and f : G H a homomorphism of G into H, i.e., a map for which f(xy) = f(x)f(y) holds for all x, y ε G. Setting x = y = 1 (unit of G) we obtain f(1) = 1 (unit in H). Putting y = x−1, we obtain next f(x−1) = (f(x))−1. We will now describe the canonical factoring of f and must to this effect first find the quotient set Gf. The elements x and y are in the same equivalence class if and only if f(x) = f(y) or f(xy−1) = 1 or also f(y−1x) = 1; denoting by K the inverse image of 1 this means that both xy−1 ε K and y−1x ε K (or x ε Ky and x ε yK). The two cosets yK and Ky are therefore the same and the elements x which are equivalent to y form the coset yK. If we take y already in K, hence y in the equivalence class of 1 we obtain yK = K, so that K is a group. The equality of left and right cosets implies that K is an invariant subgroup and our quotient set merely the factor group G/K. The map f1 associates with each x ε G the coset xK as image: f1(x) = xK. The point now is that f1 is a homomorphism (onto). Indeed f1(xy) = xyK = xyK · K = xK · yK= f1(x)f1(y).

    This map is called the canonical homomorphism of a group onto its factor group.

    The map f2 maps xK onto f(x) : f2(xK) = f(x). Since f2(xK · yK) = f2(xy · K) = f(xy) = f(x)f(y) = f2(xK)f2(yK) it is a homomorphism. Since it is a one-to-one correspondence it is an isomorphism and yields the statement that the factor group G/K is isomorphic to the image group f(G). The invariant subgroup K of G is called the kernel of the map f.

    The map f3 is just an injection and therefore an isomorphism into H.

    2. Theorems on vector spaces

    We shall assume that the reader is familiar with the notion and the most elementary properties of a vector space but shall repeat its definition and discuss some aspects with which he may not have come into contact.

    DEFINITION 1.1. A right vector space V over a field k (k need not be a commutative field) is an additive group together with a composition Aa of an element A ε V and an element a ε k such that Aa ε V and such that the following rules hold:

    where A, B ε V, a, b ε k and where 1 is the unit element of k.

    In case of a left vector space the composition is written aA and similar laws are supposed to hold.

    Let V be a right vector space over k and S an arbitrary subset of V. By a linear combination of elements of S one means a finite sum A1a1 + A2a2 + ⋯ + Arar of elements Ai of S. It is easy to see that the set 〈S〉 of all linear combinations of elements of S forms a subspace of V and that 〈S〉 is the smallest subspace of V which contains S. If S is the empty set we mean by 〈S〉 the smallest subspace of V which contains S and, since 0 is in any subspace, the space 〈S〉 consists of the zero vector alone. This subspace is also denoted by 0.

    We call 〈S〉 the space generated (or spanned) by S and say that S is a system of generators of 〈S〉.

    A subset S is called independent if a linear combination Α1a1 + A2a2 + ⋯ + Arar of distinct elements of S is the zero vector only in the case when all ai = 0. The empty set is therefore independent.

    If S is independent and 〈S〉 = V then S is called a basis of V. This means that every vector of V is a linear combination of distinct elements of S and that such an expression is unique up to trivial terms A · 0.

    If T is independent and L is any system of generators of V then T can be completed to a basis of V by elements of L. This means that there exists a subset L0 of L which is disjoint from T such that the set T L0 is a basis of V. The reader certainly knows this statement, at least when V is finite dimensional. The proof for the infinite dimensional case necessitates a transfinite axiom such as Zorn’s lemma but a reader who is not familiar with it may restrict all the following considerations to the finite dimensional case.

    If V has as basis a finite set S, then the number n of elements of S(n = 0 if S is empty) depends only on V and is called the dimension of V. We write n = dim V. This number n is then the maximal number of independent elements of V and any independent set T with n elements is a basis of V. If U is a subspace of V, then dim U ≤ dim V and the equal sign holds only for U = V.

    The fact that V does not have such a finite basis is denoted by writing dim V = ∞. A proper subspace U of V may then still have the dimension ∞. (One could introduce a more refined definition of dim V, namely the cardinality of a basis. We shall not use it, however, and warn the reader that certain statements we are going to make would not be true with this refined definition of dimension.)

    The simplest example of an n-dimensional space is the set of all n-tuples of elements of k with the following definitions for sum and product:

    If U and W are subspaces of V (an arbitrary space), then the space spanned by U W is denoted by U + W. Since a linear combination of elements of U is again an element of U we see that U + W consists of all vectors of the form A + B where A ε U and B ε W. The two spaces U and W may be of such a nature that an element U + W is uniquely expressed in the form A + B with A ε U, B ε W. One sees that this is the case if and only if U W = 0. We say then that the sum U + W is direct and use the symbol U W. Thus one can write U W for U + W if and only if U W = 0.

    If U1, U2, U3 are subspaces and if we can write (U1 ⊕ U2) ⊕ U3, then an expression A1 + A2 + A3 with Ai ε Ui is unique and thus one can also write U1 ⊕ (U2 ⊕ U3) We may therefore leave out the parenthesis: U1 ⊕ U2 ⊕ U3. An intersection of subspaces is always a subspace.

    Let U now be a subspace of V. We remember that V was an additive group. This allows us to consider the additive factor group V/U whose elements are the cosets A + U. (A + U for an arbitrary but fixed A ε V means the set of all vectors of the form A + B, B ε U.) Equality Α1 + U = A2 + U of two cosets means A1 − A2 ε U, addition is explained by (A1 + U) + (A2 + U) = (A1 + A2) + U. We also have the canonical map

    which maps A ε V onto tue coset A + U containing A. The map φ is an additive homomorphism of V onto V/U. We make V/U into a vector space by defining the composition of an element A + U of V/U and an element a ε k by:

    One has first to show that this composition is well defined, i.e., does not depend on the particular element A of the coset A + U. But if A + U = B + U, then A B ε U, hence (A B)a ε U which shows Aa + U = Ba + U. That the formal laws of Definition 1.1 are satisfied is pretty obvious. For the canonical map φ we have

    in addition to the fact that φ is an additive homomorphism. This suggests

    DEFINITION 1.2. Let V and W be two right vector spaces (W not necessarily a subspace of V) over k. A map f : V W is called a homomorphism of V into W if

    Should f be a one-to-one correspondence, we call f an isomorphism of V onto W and we denote the mere existence of such an isomorphism by V W (read: "V isomorphic to W").

    Notice that such a homomorphism is certainly a homomorphism of the additive group. The notion of kernel U of f is therefore already defined, U = f−1(0), the set of all A ε V for which f(A) = 0. If A ε U then f(Aa) = f(A) · a = 0 so that Aa ε U. This shows that U is not only a subgroup but even a subspace of V.

    Let U be an arbitrary subspace of V and φ : V V/U the canonical map. Then it is clear that φ is a homomorphism of V onto V/U. The zero element of V/U is the image of 0, hence U itself. The kernel consists of all A ε V for which

    It is therefore the given subspace U. One should mention the special case U = 0. Each coset A + U is now the set with the single element A and may be identified with A. Strictly speaking we have only a canonical isomorphism VV but we shall write V/0 = V.

    Let us return to any homomorphism f : V W and let U be the kernel of V. Since f is a homomorphism of the additive groups we have already the canonical splitting

    where f1(A) = A + U is the canonical map V V/U, where f2(A + U) = f(A) and, therefore,

    and where f3 is the injection. All three maps are consequently homomorphisms between the vector spaces, and f2 is an isomorphism onto. We have, therefore,

    THEOREM 1.1. To a given homomorphism f :V W with kernel U we can construct a canonical isomorphism f2 mapping V/U onto the image space f(V).

    Suppose now that U and W are given subspaces of V. Let φ . The restriction ψ of φ to the given subspace W . What is ψ(W)? It consists of all cosets A + U with A ε W. The union of these cosets forms the space W + U, the cosets A + U are, therefore, the stratification of W + U by cosets of the subspace U of W + U. This shows ψ(W) = (U + W)/U. What is the kernel of ψ? For all elements A ε W we have ψ(Α) = φ(A) But φ has, in V, the kernel U so that ψ has U W as kernel. To ψ we can construct the canonical map ψ2 which exhibits the isomorphism of W/(U W) with the image (U + W)/U. Since everything was canonical we have

    THEOREM 1.2. If U and W are subspaces of V then (U + W)/U and W/(U W) are canonically isomorphic.

    In the special case V = U W we find that V/U and W/(U W) = W/0 = W are canonically isomorphic. Suppose now that only the subspace U of V is given. Does there exist a subspace W such that V = U W? Such a subspace shall be called supplementary to U. Let S be a basis of U and complete S to a basis S T of V where S and T are disjoint. Put W = 〈T〉, then U + W = V and obviously V = U W. This construction involves choices and is far from being canonical.

    THEOREM 1.3. To every subspace U of V one can find (in a non-canonical way) supplementary spaces W for which V = U W. Each of these supplementary subspaces W is, however, canonically isomorphic to the space V/U. If V = U W1 = U W2 then W1 is canonically isomorphic to W2.

    If f : V W is an isomorphism into then the image f(S) of a basis of V will at least be independent. One concludes the inequality dim V ≤ dim W. Should f be also onto then equality holds.

    In our construction of W we also saw that dim V = dim U + dim W and since W V/U one obtains

    hence also, whenever V = U W, that

    Let now U1 ⊂ U2 ⊂ U3 be subspaces of V. Find subspaces W2 and W3 such that

    and, therefore,

    We have dim U2/U1 = dim W2, dim U3/U2 = dim W3 and dim U3/U1 = dim(W2 ⊕ W3) = dim W2 + dim W3. Thus we have proved: if U1 ⊂ U2 ⊂ U3, then

    Let now U and W be two given subspaces of V. Use (1.1) for U1 = 0, U2 = U, U3 = U + W. We obtain

    If we add on both sides dim(U W) and use dim W/(U W) + dim(U W) = dim W we get

    Next we use (1.1) for U1 = U W, U2 = W, U3 = V:

    If we add dim V/(U + W) and use

    we obtain

    If the dimension of V is finite all subspaces of V have finite dimension. If, however, dim V = ∞, then our interest will be concentrated on two types of subspaces U. Those whose dimension is finite and, on the other hand, those which are extremely large, namely those which have a finite dimensional supplement. For spaces of the second type dim U = ∞ but dim V/U is finite; dim U tells us very little about U, but dim V/U gives us the amount by which U differs from the whole space V. We give, therefore, to dim V/U a formal status by

    DEFINITION 1.3. The dimension of the space V/U is called the codimension of U:

    The various results we have obtained are expressed in

    THEOREM 1.4. The following rules hold between dimensions and codimensions of subspaces:

    These rules are of little value unless the terms on one side are finite (then those on the other side are also) since an œ could not be transposed to the other side by subtraction.

    Spaces of dimension one are called lines, of dimension two planes and spaces of codimension one are called hyperplanes.

    3. More detailed structure of homomorphisms

    Let V and V′ be right vector spaces over a field k and denote by Hom(V, V′) the set of all homomorphisms of V into V′. We shall make Hom(V, V′) into an abelian additive group by defining an addition:

    If f and g are ε Hom(V, V′), let f + g be the map which sends the vector X ε V onto the vector f (X) + g(X) of V′; in other words,

    That f + g is a homomorphism and that the addition is associative and commutative is easily checked. The map which sends every vector X ε V onto the 0 vector of V′ is obviously the 0 element of Hom(V, V′) and shall also be denoted by 0. If f ε Hom(V, V′), then the map −f which sends X onto −(f(X)) is a homomorphism and indeed f + (−f) = 0. The group property is established.

    In special situations it is possible to give more structure to Hom(V, V′) and we are going to investigate some of the possibilities.

    a) V′ = V.

    An element of Hom(V, V) maps V into V; one also calls it an endomorphism of V. If f, g ε Horn(V, Vas we did in §1 : gf(X) = g(f(X)). One sees immediately that gf is also a homomorphism of V V.



    we see that both distributive laws hold; Hom(V, V) now becomes a ring. This ring bas a unit element, namely the identity map.

    The maps f which are a one-to-one correspondence lead to an inverse map f−1 which is also in Hom(V, V). These maps f form therefore a group under multiplication. All of Chapter IV is devoted to the study of this group if dim V is finite.

    Let us now investigate some elementary properties of Hom(V, V) if dim V = n is finite. Let f ε Hom(V, V) and let U be the kernel of f. Then V/U f(V) so that the

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