About this ebook
This book provides an alternative to the usual course in statistical mechanics, in which the major emphasis is on applications to gases, liquids, and electronic and magnetic phenomena. Graduate students of physics and chemistry will appreciate the treatment of the basic principles of classical statistical mechanics and quantum statistical mechanics, while polymer physicists will find the discussion of curvilinear coordinates, geometric constraints, and the distinction between rigid and flexible polymer models of particular interest.
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Reviews for Statistical Mechanics of Elasticity
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Statistical Mechanics of Elasticity - J.H. Weiner
of Elasticity
of Elasticity
J. H. Weiner
Brown University
2nd Edition
Mineola, New York
Copyright © 1983, 2002 by J. H. Weiner
All rights reserved under Pan American and International Copyright Conventions.
Published in the United Kingdom by David & Charles, Brunel House, Forde Close, Newton Abbot, Devon TQ12 4PU.
Bibliographical Note
This Dover edition, first published in 2002, is an expanded and corrected republication of the work originally published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, in 1983. The author has provided a Preface to the Dover Edition as well as substantial new material on the Atomic View of Stress in Polymer Systems,
included in this edition as an Addendum to Chapter Six, following page 256.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Weiner, Jerome Harris, 1923-
Statistical mechanics of elasticity / J.H. Weiner.
p. cm.
Originally published: New York : Wiley, c1983. With new addendum.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
eISBN 13: 978-0-486-16123-5
1. Elasticity. 2. Statistical mechanics. I. Title.
QC191 .W39 2002
Manufactured in the United States of America
Dover Publications, Inc., 31 East 2nd Street, Mineola, NY 11501
To Ponnie
In the writing of this book, I have had particularly in mind the research worker or advanced graduate student in solid mechanics who, with a thorough background in the mechanical behavior of solids from a continuum viewpoint, would like to gain some insight into the atomistic aspects of the subject. I have tried to make the treatment reasonably self-contained for this kind of reader and have included, for example, a chapter on the basic concepts of quantum mechanics which assumes no previous exposure to the subject. At the same time, the book is written on a fairly advanced and detailed level since it is my belief that, for readers accustomed to the mathematical literature of continuum solid mechanics, this will prove more congenial than an elementary account. Although the overall structure of the book is shaped with this particular audience in mind, it is my hope that portions of it will prove of interest to others as well: To those physicists, chemists, and research workers in materials science who are concerned with the mechanical behavior of either crystalline or polymeric solids and to graduate students who are taking a general course in statistical mechanics.
Part One of the book is based solely on classical mechanics. After an introductory chapter, which provides a summary of thermoelasticity from the continuum viewpoint, it develops the principles of classical statistical mechanics and then applies these principles to the study of the thermoelastic behavior of both crystalline and polymeric solids. Although the main emphasis of the book is on elastic behavior, Part One concludes with a chapter on the theory of thermally activated rate processes in solids; a subject that finds important application in the study of some aspects of the inelastic behavior of solids.
Part Two is based on quantum mechanics. It provides a discussion of the role of this subject in the development of interatomic force laws, the manner in which quantum statistical effects modify the low-temperature mechanical behavior of solids, and the nature of quantum effects on the rates of thermally activated processes.
This book is an outgrowth of a course that I have taught a number of times both at Columbia University and at Brown University for graduate students in solid mechanics and for those in materials science primarily concerned with the mechanical behavior of solids. The course was intended to provide an alternative to the usual course in statistical mechanics in which the major emphasis of application is to gases and liquids and to electronic and magnetic phenomena.
The primary purpose of this book is didactic and it does not pretend by any means to present a complete treatment of all aspects of this very large subject and the current research activity in it. Although much of the material is standard, some recent research results have been included to illustrate the general principles. Also, some of the methods of presentation and derivations (for example, the treatment of the stress ensemble in Sections 3.7 and 4.7) are new and have not been previously published.
I am indebted to J. L. Ericksen, H. J. Mans, and W. T. Sanders for reading portions of the manuscript and for helpful comments. My research dealing with the mechanical behavior of crystalline and polymeric solids from the atomistic viewpoint, some of which is discussed in this book, has been supported for a number of years both by the National Science Foundation through the Materials Research Laboratory at Brown University and by the Gas Research Institute. Most of the drawings were prepared by Mrs. Muriel Anderson and Miss Elisabeth Marx. The manuscript went through several drafts and Mrs. Debra Firth typed them all, cheerfully and rapidly.
Providence, Rhode Island
January 1983
Preface to the Dover Edition
With one exception, this is a reprint of the 1983 edition with only misprints corrected. The exception is an Addendum to Chapter Six, following p. 256, presenting a view of stress in polymer systems based on atomic interactions rather than the usual view based on polymer chains regarded as entropic springs. In performing the research underlying this addendum, I was fortunate for many years to have as close collaborator, Jianping Gao, now at the School of Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology; his contributions have been extensive and invaluable. More recently, I have enjoyed the valuable collaboration of George Loriot at Brown and Catalin Picu, now in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
Providence, Rhode Island
January 2002
Chapter One Thermoelasticity from the Continuum Viewpoint
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Kinematics of Continua
1.3 Mechanics
1.4 Thermodynamics
1.5 Various Thermodynamic Potentials
1.6 Thermoelastic Stress-Strain Relations
1.7 Thermoelastic Relations for Small Changes from Reference State
1.8 Related Thermodynamic Functions
1.9 Elastic Constants in Terms of Displacement Gradients
1.10 Isotropic Solids
Appendix : Notation of Thurston (1964)
Chapter Two Concepts of Classical Statistical Mechanics
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Hamiltonian Mechanics
2.3 Use of Statistics in Statistical Mechanics
2.4 Phase Functions and Time Averages
2.5 Phase Space Dynamics of Isolated Systems
2.6 Systems in Weak Interaction
2.7 Canonical Distribution
2.8 Time Averages versus Ensemble Averages
Chapter Three Corresponding Concepts in Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Empirical Temperature
3.3 Quasi-Static Process
3.4 Phase Functions for Generalized Forces
3.5 First Law of Thermodynamics
3.6 Second Law of Thermodynamics
3.7 Use of Mechanical Variables as Controllable Parameters
3.8 Fluctuations
3.9 Partition Function Relations
3.10 Continuum Formulations of Nonuniform Processes
3.11 Equipartition Theorem
3.12 Entropy from the Information Theory Viewpoint
Chapter Four Crystal Elasticity
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Bravais Lattices
4.3 The Atomistic Concept of Stress in a Perfect Crystal
4.4 Harmonic and Quasi-Harmonic Approximations
4.5 Thermoelastic Stress-Strain Relations Based on the Harmonic Approximation
4.6 Cauchy Relations
4.7 Stress Ensemble
4.8 Linear Chain with Nearest Neighbor Interactions
4.9 Lattice Dynamics and Crystal Elasticity
Chapter Five Rubber Elasticity, I
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Relative Roles of Internal Energy and Entropy
5.3 Atomic Structure of Long-Chain Molecules and Networks
5.4 One-Dimensional Polymer Model
5.5 Three-Dimensional Polymer Models
5.6 Network Theory of Rubber Elasticity
Chapter Six Rubber Elasticity, II
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Curvilinear Coordinates
6.3 Geometric Constraints
6.4 An Example
6.5 Curvilinear Coordinates for Stressed Polymer Chains
6.6 Rigid and Flexible Polymer Models
6.7 Use of S = k log p for Stretched Polymers
6.8 Strain Ensemble for Short Freely Jointed Chains
6.9 Stress Ensemble for Chain Molecules
6.10 Statistical Mechanics of Phantom Networks
Addendum Atomic View of Stress in Polymer Systems
Chapter Seven Rate Theory in Solids
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Impurity Atom Diffusion
7.3 A Simple One-Dimensional Rate Theory
7.4 Exact Normalization
7.5 Many Degrees of Freedom
7.6 Transition-State Assumption
7.7 Brownian Motion
7.8 Kramers Rate Formula
Chapter Eight Basic Concepts of Quantum Mechanics
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Structure of Classical Mechanics
8.3 Structure of Quantum Mechanics
8.4 Consequences of the Fourier Transform Relation between ψx(x)and ψp(p)
8.5 Extension to Three-Dimensional Motion and to N Particles
8.6 Hydrodynamic Analogy to Quantum Mechanics
8.7 Initial-Value Problems
8.8 Aspects of the Measurement Process
8.9 Some Examples of Stationary States
8.10 Tensor Product of Two Spaces
8.11 Electron Spin
8.12 Identical Particles and the Pauli Principle
Chapter Nine Interatomic Interactions
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Hydrogen Molecule
9.3 Adiabatic Approximation
9.4 Hellmann-Feynman Theorem
9.5 Harmonic Elastic Moduli Based on Hellmann-Feynman Theorem
9.6 Categories of Interatomic Force Laws
Chapter Ten Quantum Statistical Effects
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Quantum Statistical Mechanics
10.3 Quantum Statistical Effects in Crystals
10.4 Quantum Statistics for Polymer Models
10.5 Gaussian Wave Packet Dynamics
10.6 Canonical Ensemble in Terms of Coherent States
10.7 Quantum Effects on Rate Processes
of Elasticity
Classical Theory
Thermoelasticity from the Continuum Viewpoint
The subject of this book is the mechanical behavior of solids, both crystalline and polymeric, studied from the atomistic viewpoint. We will be particularly concerned with the role of temperature and with understanding its effect in terms of the thermal motion of the atoms of the solids.
To clarify the area of concern, consider two solids under tension, one crystalline, for example, nickel, and the other polymeric, for example, rubber. The first difference one would notice in the behavior of the materials would be the much greater elastic extensibility of the rubber, of the order of 10³–10⁴ times that of a crystalline solid. Even more striking would be the effect of a rise in temperature while the tensile force is maintained constant. Under these conditions, the crystalline solid expands slightly while the polymeric solid undergoes a substantial contraction. The type of question that concerns us is: What goes on at the atomic level that explains this contrasting behavior?
The discipline that has as its primary goal the explication of the macroscopic behavior of matter in terms of its atomic structure is statistical mechanics. A substantial portion of this book, therefore, will be devoted to the presentation of the basic principles of statistical mechanics and in most of the remaining portions these principles will be applied to the understanding of the elasticity of solids. Also, in Chapter 7, an application of the principles of statistical mechanics to the theory of rate processes in solids will be considered.
Our discussion of statistical mechanics will begin in Chapter 2. In this introductory chapter, we first present a brief summary¹ of the relevant concepts of continuum mechanics, those dealing with the kinematics, mechanics, and thermodynamics of continua, which are needed for the discussion of the thermoelastic behavior of solids on the continuum level. The material of this chapter, therefore, serves to provide a summary, from the continuum viewpoint, of the phenomena that we will be studying from the atomistic viewpoint in the remainder of the book. For example, we will introduce in this chapter such continuum concepts as the stress and strain tensors, temperature, internal energy, entropy, and the macroscopic thermodynamic basis of the thermoelastic stress-strain relations. In succeeding chapters, we will consider the same concepts from the atomistic viewpoint. Therefore, in our presentation of the continuum concepts, particularly those of macroscopic or continuum thermodynamics, we are particularly concerned to do so in a manner that lends itself most naturally to an atomistic reinterpretation; this sometimes leads to a certain artificial appearance to the sequence and manner in which concepts are introduced.
From the continuum viewpoint, a given portion of matter is treated as a collection of elements, called material particles, which at any given instant can be placed in a one-to-one correspondence with the points of a closed region² of three-dimensional Euclidean space.
It is important to emphasize that the concept of a material particle in continuum mechanics does not at all correspond to a single atom or molecule but rather to a set of a large number of atoms. To emphasize the distinction, we will sometimes use the term continuum particle.
The one-to-one correspondence between material particles and points of space varies with time as the body moves and deforms, and we speak of that particle that occupies a given point or place in space at time t0 and occupies some other place at time t; that is, the continuum particle retains its identity as it moves. We denote the position of a given particle at a reference time t0 by its coordinates XL, L = 1,2,3, with respect to a rectangular Cartesian coordinate system (Figure 1.1). The position of the same particle at a later instant t is denoted by xi, i = 1,2,3, its coordinates with respect to the same coordinate system. The coordinates XL are called material or Lagrangian while the coordinates xL are called spatial or Eulerian. The equations
where XL ranges over the region D0 occupied by the body at the reference time t0 (Figure 1.1) describe its motion completely. The inverse of Eq. (1.2.1) is also needed.
Figure 1.1 Deformation of a body.
Particle Velocity
The velocity of a particle is obtained from Eq. (1.2.1) as
and is the velocity of the particle which was at XL at the reference time t0. Here, the superposed dot denotes the material derivative, that is, the derivative of a quantity with respect to time for a given particle (or with XL fixed).³ The particle velocity may be expressed as a function of xi, the particle’s position at the current time t, by means of Eq. (1.2.2); in this case the notation
is used.
Deformation Measures
Consider a pair of neighboring particles whose material coordinates differ by dXL. The square of the distance between these particles at t0 is given by
with the summation convention on repeated indices applying as usual.⁴ The difference in coordinates between the same pair of particles at time t is
where the partial derivatives
are computed from Eq. (1.2.1). Therefore the square of the distance between the same pair of particles at t is given by
where δLM is the Kronecker delta (δLM = 1 if L = M, δLM = 0 if L ′″ M) and
is the material strain tensor. As seen from Eq. (1.2.9), it provides a measure of the change in distance between a pair of neighboring particles in terms of their material coordinates. Alternatively, by use of Eq. (1.2.2),
is the spatial strain tensor. It provides a measure of the change in distance between a pair of neighboring particles in terms of their spatial coordinates.
Change in Area Elements
Consider two noncolinear infinitesimal fibers⁵ with one point in common, corresponding at t0
where eLMN is the alternating tensor⁷ and dAL is a vector normal to the area element with magnitude equal to its area. At time t, the corresponding area is
Consider next
From the definition of a determinant⁸
where |xi, K| is the 3 × 3 determinant whose elements are xi,K, i, K = 1,..., 3. Therefore, Eq. (1.2.16) takes the form
Figure 1.2 Deformation of area elements.
by use of Eq. (1.2.14). By use of the relation
we obtain finally
where we have introduced the notation
The kinematic significance of J is considered next.
Change in Volume Elements
Consider three noncoplanar infinitesimal fibers with one point in common, corresponding at t0 to the vectors dX(1), dX(2), dX(3) They span a parallelepiped of volume d ,
where we assume the orientation of the three vectors is such that the triple product is positive. At t, the same material fibers span a volume dυ,
Homogeneous Deformation
For the purpose of the comparison of the concepts of statistical and continuum mechanics, we will be concerned only with homogeneous deformations¹⁰ defined by
A homogeneous deformation is also referred to sometimes as an affine transformation. Clearly, in this case, straight lines of finite length remain straight under the deformation and the results previously derived for the change in distance between neighboring points, and in infinitesimal elements of area and volume, will apply for the corresponding finite quantities. For this case
and the preceding formulas will be transcribed in terms of the deformation matrix aiL and its inverse ALi when needed. Thus, for example, the material strain tensor ELM takes the form
for a homogeneous deformation.
Laws of Motion
Newton’s laws of the conservation of linear and angular momentum, originally formulated for a system of discrete particles, are extended by postulate to apply as well to any portion of matter regarded as a continuum. For a body occupying at time t the region D with boundary S, subjected to surface forces t per unit area (referred to as surface tractions) and body forces b per unit mass (as, for example, those due to gravity), these laws take the form
is the material derivative of the particle velocity, that is, its acceleration, and r, the variable of integration, is the position of a generic particle in the body with respect to a fixed origin (Figure 1.3).
Figure 1.3 Forces acting on body.
Stress Principle
Consider any subregion of D, say D′ with boundary S′ (Figure 1.3). It is postulated that surface tractions t act on this interior boundary as well as on S, the exterior boundary of the body. Physically, these interior tractions are regarded as exerted by the material of the body exterior to D′ on the material in D′. Furthermore, it is postulated that the laws of motion, Eqs. (1.3.1) and (1.3.2), originally stated for the entire body, apply as well to the material in any subregion D′ when the effect of these interior surface tractions are included.
Let t(n) be the traction at a point of S′ where the exterior unit normal is n. By taking D′ in the shape of a pillbox with faces normal to n and height h, using Eq. (1.3.1) and letting h → 0, it may be shown¹¹ that at any interior point of the body in a region in which body and inertia forces are bounded
By taking D′ in the shape of a tetrahedron in a region of bounded body and inertia forces it may be shown further that a stress tensor,tij (referred to as the Cauchy stress tensor), is defined at each point in such a region so that at that point
In the absence of body moments or couple stresses¹¹, it follows, by application of the law of conservation of angular momentum, that the stress tensor is symmetric,
Thus far, surface tractions, whether on exterior or interior surfaces, have been defined per unit of present area. If daj is an element of area of present magnitude da and present unit normal nj then the total force, fi acting on that element is
The material, which presently forms the area element daj, occupied at t0 the area element dAL, and we introduce next the (first) Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor TiL which permits the computation of the force fi. in terms of dAL,
By use of Eq. (1.2.20) relating daj and dAL, we find that
Note that the Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor TiL (sometimes referred to as a double vector) is not symmetric in its indices. The physical significance of its components is of importance: TiL is the Ah component of force presently acting on an area element which, in its reference state, was one unit of area in magnitude and had its normal in the direction of the coordinate axis XL (Figure 1.4).¹² It represents the stated component of force exerted by the material on the positive side of the normal on the material on the negative side of the normal. Alternatively, it also represents, by Eq. (1.3.3), the negative of the force exerted by the material on the negative side of the normal on the material on the positive side of the normal. It is the latter interpretation that carries over most naturally to the microscopic interpretation of stress in a crystal (Section 4.3) or in a polymeric solid (Section 6.10).
In addition to the Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor, we will also have need of the material stress tensor,¹³ TLM, defined as
It is seen that the symmetry of TLM follows from that of tij.
Figure 1.4 Significance of Piola-Kirchhoff stress components.
Work and Power
Consider a body occupying a region D with bounding surface S (Figure 1.3) subjected to prescribed time-dependent surface tractions t(t) at all points of S and free of body forces. Then, if the particle velocity v(x, t) is known for all points on S
, the rate¹⁴ at which the external agency imposing the traction does work on the body is
and, ΔW, the total work done on the body in this time interval is obtained by integration,
These considerations apply as well to a portion of a body, such as that occupying D′ in Figure 1.3; in this case the external agency is the material surrounding D′.
We next specialize the above discussion to the case¹⁵ in which during the time interval t1 < t < t2 , the body is undergoing a homogeneous, time-dependent deformation, as defined by Eq. (1.2.25). We assume further that during this process there exists a homogeneous time-dependent state of stress tij(t) throughout the body corresponding to imposed surface tractions ti(t) obtained from tij(t) by means of Eq. (1.3.4). Then,
where υ is the volume of D and we have used the divergence theorem and the fact that the state of stress is homogeneous. By use of Eqs. (1.3.9), (1.2.4), (1.2.24), and (1.2.26), Eq. (1.3.13) may be written in the form
may also be written in terms of the material stress tensor by use of the inverse of Eq. (1.3.10), namely, TiL = xi, MTML, and the material derivative of the material strain tensor which, from Eq. (1.2.10), is
Substitution in Eq. (1.3.14) then yields
where we have used the symmetry of TLM.
A special case of importance is that in which
as occurs, for example, in an inviscid fluid; p is called the pressure. In this case Eq. (1.3.13) becomes
where we have used the familiar propertyAnother example of interest is a one-dimensional linear string of length ℓ subject to a tensile force f. In this case
, the rate of doing work during a quasi-static process can be written
α as representing ELM
TLM, as seen from Eq. (1.3.16). In this case v = 6, if we take into account the symmetry of ELM and TLM. The correspondence between the single index and the symmetric pair of indices (LM) is generally made in accordance with the convention known as Voigt notation.
α and ELM,
of Eq. (1.3.16) includes terms of the form
Therefore, a suitable correspondence is
We may also use the quantities aiL α
α [Eq. (1.3.14)]. In this case v = 9, a larger number because the variables aiL include the description of the rigid rotation superimposed on the deformation of the body, whereas the variables ELM describe only the latter. Finally, for an inviscid fluid or a linear string, v
1 = v,
1 = −p
1 = ℓ
1 = f for the string. In a general context we will refer to the quantities Fα and Aα
α simply as stresses and strains.
Although the scope of equilibrium macroscopic thermodynamics is very broad, in this brief review of its principles we will be concerned primarily with those thermodynamic systems that consist of a fixed collection of matter of constant chemical composition regarded as a continuum, that is, with bodies on which mechanical processes, such as described in Sections 1.2 and 1.3, are performed. Nevertheless, we will use the term thermodynamic system
or simply system
in this discussion in order to conform with common usage as well as to emphasize the generality of the subject.
Uniform State of Thermodynamic Equilibrium
The subjects of kinematics and mechanics, which we have just reviewed, serve to introduce various properties of this class of systems. From the subject of kinematics come properties such as volume υ, and material strain tensor ELM, whereas properties such as pressure p or stress tensor TLM come from the concepts of mechanics. Some of these quantities, such as strain and pressure, are intensive (their values do not change if two identical systems are joined to form a new one), whereas others, such as volume and mass, are extensive (their values are doubled). A system is said to be in a state of uniform thermodynamic equilibrium if all of its properties are independent of time and, in addition, all of its intensive properties are independent of position.
State Variables
The basis for continuum thermodynamics is described as a summary of empirical observations. These generally refer to idealized experiments, which it is believed could be approached arbitrarily closely by real experiments. In some cases, however, it is not clear how the idealized experiments could, in fact, be performed in reality. For this reason, the reference to experimental results in this section should not be taken literally. Nevertheless, the consequences of the theory developed in this way are subject to experimental verification.
As our first summary of empirical data, we note that it is not possible to specify arbitrarily the values of all of the properties of a system in a state of uniform thermodynamic equilibrium. Rather, under these conditions, only a certain number (which is characteristic of the given system) of properties may be specified independently while the remaining properties are determined as functions of these. The two classes are referred to as independent and dependent state variables, and there is considerable flexibility as to which properties are put in each class. As an example, an elastic solid with a specified reference configuration has seven independent state variables. We may choose as independent variables the six components of the material stress tensor, TLMSuch functional relations are referred to as state functions; they are applicable only when the system is in a state of uniform thermodynamic equilibrium. Alternatively, we may take the independent state variables for an elastic solid as the six components of the material strain tensor, ELM
are the deviatoric material stress components. Still other combinations are possible. In terms of the corresponding physical situation, we may think of the independent state variables as imposed on the system by a suitable apparatus, with the state functions predicting the result of measurement of the other variables.
Thermal Equilibrium
Two systems, each in a state of uniform thermodynamic equilibrium, are said to be in thermal equilibrium if they each remain in thermodynamic equilibrium after being placed in contact while maintaining, by suitable experimental design, all but one¹⁷ of the independent state variables of each system constant.
This definition of thermal equilibrium is an attempt to introduce the concept of equality of temperature while using purely kinematical and mechanical terminology, and the thrust of the definition—together with the difficulties in making it precise—will be clearer if this is kept in mind.¹⁸ For example, consider two cylinders containing gas which are in states of thermodynamic equilibrium characterized by state variables p1, υ1 and p2, υ2, respectively (Figure 1.5 a). If these two cylinders are brought into contact while maintaining the imposed pressures p1 and p2 constant (Figure 1.5b) the systems will each remain in thermodynamic equilibrium if and only if the quantities p1, υ1 and p2, υ 2 satisfy a certain functional relation. (If the gases obey the ideal or perfect gas law, the relation is p1υ1/n1 = p2υ2/n2, where n1,n2 are the number of moles of gas in each cylinder.)
It is seen that one of the difficulties of the definition of thermal equilibrium as given above lies in making the concept of brought into contact
precise while maintaining the discussion completely within the context of macroscopic equilibrium thermodynamics.¹⁹ More extended treatments of this question will be found in the works of Falk (1959) and of Landsberg (1961).
Figure 1.5 Test of thermal equilibrium.
Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics
The zeroth²⁰ law of thermodynamics states that if two systems A and B are each in thermal equilibrium with a third system C, then A is in thermal equilibrium with B. By the phrase "system A" 1
SA of independent state variables²¹ of system A. In what follows in this section, we use the term " system A
SA} referred to simply as a state, interchangeably. We also use the symbol
to describe the relation of thermal equilibrium between two systems. From the nature of the concept of thermal equilibrium and the zeroth law of thermodynamics, it is clear that this relation satisfies the properties
Therefore, the relation of thermal equilibrium between systems is, in set-theoretic terms, an equivalence relation.²² As an equivalence relation it divides the set of all thermodynamic systems existing in all possible states²³ into equivalence classes so that two systems are in the same class if and only if they are in thermal equilibrium with each other (Figure 1.6).
Figure 1.6 Equivalence classes of systems in thermal equilibrium with each other.
Among the various types of thermodynamic systems there are some which are adequately characterized by a single state variable, for example, a sealed glass thermometer with state defined by the length of the mercury column. Select one such system, which we will call system E, and denote its single state variable by θ. Then given a particular value of θ there is determined the values of all setc., of systems in thermal equilibrium with system E in the state θ
there is determined the value of θ for which system E is in thermal equilibrium with system A. Therefore, there is a functional relationship for each type of thermodynamic system, for example,
such that two systems A and B are in thermal equilibrium with each other if and only if
In this way, the zeroth law of thermodynamics has led to the introduction of a new state variable, θ, which is appropriate to all thermodynamic systems. It is an intensive variable, by the nature of its definition, and is called an empirical temperature, with many different empirical temperature scales possible depending on the particular type of system chosen and the detailed method of definition of θ.²⁴
The empirical temperature θ has been introduced as a dependent state variable. We will now find it convenient to use θ as an independent state variable and regard one of the kinematical or mechanical state variables as a dependent state variable in its place. For example, for system A we can solve SAin terms of θ and the other variables to obtain the state function
First Law of Thermodynamics
The zeroth law of thermodynamics has served to introduce the concept of empirical temperature. The first law will provide the concepts of internal energy and heat. In order to do so, we first need the idea of an adiabatic wall, which is defined as follows:
Bring two systems, each in thermodynamic equilibrium but not in thermal equilibrium with each other (i.e., not at the same empirical temperature), into contact through an intermediate layer or wall while maintaining the imposed kinematical and mechanical independent state variables constant;²⁵ the wall is said to be adiabatic if the systems remain in thermodynamic equilibrium.²⁶ Consider a system surrounded by a flexible (so work can be done through it) adiabatic envelope which is brought from one uniform state of thermodynamic equilibrium, state 1, to a second uniform state of thermodynamic equilibrium, state 2. (The system need not be uniform or in thermodynamic equilibrium during the process.) Then, from experimental observation, the amount of work ΔW [computed by means of Eq. (1.3.12)] required to go from state 1 to 2 in this manner—briefly, the adiabatic work—depends only on the two equilibrium terminal states but is independent of any other aspects of the process. Furthermore, it is found experimentally that an adiabatic process exists which connects any two states of a given system, at least in one direction. The internal energy U of a system in any state is then defined as the adiabatic work done on the system in taking it from an arbitrary fixed reference state to the state in question (or the work done by the system in going from the state in question to the reference state). It follows that U is a state function whose value is determined by the values of the independent state variables.
A further experimental observation is that the internal energy is an extensive quantity. These two empirical observations, the lack of dependence of the adiabatic work on the nature of the process, and its extensive character, embody what is known as the first law of thermodynamics. However, it is customary and more useful to state this law with the aid of the concept of heat; this is introduced next.
We have stated that for an adiabatic process Unking two states,
Both quantities in this equation are defined as well for a nonadiabatic process connecting two equilibrium states: ΔW by the laws of mechanics [(Eq. (1.3.12)] and ΔU by use of its state function. However, for an arbitrary process they need not be equal and their difference is defined as ΔQ That is,
for any process and we speak of ΔQ as the heat supplied to the system during the process. (Note that ΔQ is zero for an adiabatic process.)
If the two states are neighboring, that is, if the independent state variables characterizing them are arbitrarily close in value, Eq. (1.4.5) is written
with no implication intended that dW or dQ is used to emphasize this fact.)
We wish to show next that ΔQ has the familiar characterization of energy transferred from one system to another by virtue of a temperature difference between them. For this purpose, consider the idealized experiment on a system of gas in two cylinders separated by a flexible nonadiabatic wall, with the composite system surrounded by adiabatic walls (Figure 1.7). The composite system A + B is brought from one equilibrium state to a second one by an adiabatic process during which, however, system A and system B separately undergo nonadiabatic processes. Therefore, for each system we may write
Figure 1.7 Idealized experiment illustrating concept of heat transferred between systems.
where ΔWA is the work done across the flexible, nonadiabatic wall, ΔQA is the heat supplied to system A as required by Eq. (1.4.5), and similarly for system B. By the laws of mechanics
Therefore, addition of Eqs. (1.4.7) leads to
Since the composite system A + B undergoes an adiabatic process,
But, by the extensive nature of U,
and we may speak of heat as energy transferred from one system to the other. Also, if systems A and B had been at the same empirical temperature throughout the process, then the wall between them could have been replaced by an adiabatic wall without any change in the systems’ behavior. In that case ΔQA = −ΔQB = 0. In other words, ΔQ is energy transferred from one system to another by virtue of the temperature difference between them.
Second Law of Thermodynamics
The second law serves to introduce the concepts of an absolute thermodynamic temperature scale and of entropy. The form of its statement which is most readily translated into statistical mechanical terms is that due to Carathéodory. We refer to the extensive literature²⁷ for detailed discussions of this approach and outline only the results we will need later.
The discussion of the first law dealt with two states linked by an arbitrary process during which the system was not necessarily in uniform thermodynamic equilibrium. We now wish to discuss linking states by means of a quasi-static process. As independent state variables we use the v 1
v introduced at the end of Section 1.3, together with the empirical temperature θ
is defined in macroscopic thermodynamics as follows:
1 1(t
v(t), θ(t)
2 by means of the appropriate state functions. In particular,
α, and the internal energy
As we discussed in Section 1.3, where only mechanical variables were involved, a quasi-static process is an idealization that can be approached in reality as closely as one likes by varying imposed conditions arbitrarily slowly. For a quasi-static process, we may rewrite the first law, using Eq. (1.4.6), for a pair of neighboring²⁸ states corresponding respectively to t and t + dt and
α =
v,θ) from Eq. (1.4.13) and similarly the partial derivatives ∂U/∂
α, ∂U/∂θ are computed from Eq. (1.4.14) as functions of the independent state variables. For a quasi-static process, therefore, the quantity dQ as defined by Eq. (1.4.15), is a linear differential form in the independent state variables; that is, it is a linear combination of the differentials d
Having completed this discussion of the nature of quasi-static processes, we may now state Carathéodory’s form of the second law as follows:
Given an arbitrary state of a thermodynamic system, there exist neighboring states which cannot be linked to this state, in either direction, by means of a quasi-static adiabatic process.
Note the relationship to the first law, which stated that any two states could be linked by an adiabatic process at least in one direction. The second law states that some pairs of states can be linked by an adiabatic process only if it is not quasi-static.
For a quasi-static adiabatic process between neighboring states, dQ = 0, and Eq. (1.4.15) becomes the total differential equation
Carathéodory’s statement of the second law implies, therefore, the mathematical statement that there are neighboring states inaccessible along solutions of Eq. (1.4.16). Carathéodory has shown that this in turn implies that the differential form dQ defined by Eq. (1.4.15) is integrable, that is, that there exist functions F( α, θ), G(
α, θ) such that
or, written out in greater detail, such that
The function F( 1,...,
v,θ) = F(
/, θ) is referred to as an integrating factor for the differential form and G(
, θ) is termed its associated function.
It is clear that if one integrating factor exists, then an infinite number of integrating factors may be found. For example, consider the function H = G². Then, by use of Eq. (1.4.17),
from which we deduce that F/(2G) is also an integrating factor of dQ, with H as its associated function.
By consideration of a composite system consisting of two sub-systems which remain in thermal equilibrium with each other during a quasi-static process, it is shown²⁹ that among all possible integrating factors F( ,θ) there is one, unique up to a constant multiplicative factor, which depends only on θ. This integrating factor is designated by Τ(θ) and is called an absolute thermodynamic temperature scale. It