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Romans Bible Study For Groups or Individuals
Romans Bible Study For Groups or Individuals
Romans Bible Study For Groups or Individuals
Ebook479 pages7 hours

Romans Bible Study For Groups or Individuals

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About this ebook

Learn what the gospel really is and how to express it accurately. Learn how to achieve victory over sin and how to take your place in the body of Christ in purposeful ways that result in real fruit. Ground yourself in Bible prophecy and learn how to detect false teachings. This book includes 28 lessons with corresponding supplements.

PublisherJames Steel
Release dateApr 12, 2016
Romans Bible Study For Groups or Individuals

James Steel

Jim carries on extensive web and Bible conference ministries. His books are the product of many years of pulpit ministry in thriving congregations where the focus was on simple, but accurate exposition of God's Word with practical, common sense applications to everyday life.  

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    Book preview

    Romans Bible Study For Groups or Individuals - James Steel

    1. Welcome to Romans


    Your study guide is designed to help you help your leader. When you take the time to read the scriptures, answer the questions, and read the extra reference materials which we provide you will be a blessing to your leader and fellow class members. And just as importantly, you will grow in your own knowledge of the Word of God.

    A Brief Note about this Study:

    The verses in this study are taken from the King James Version of the Bible. This author likes the KJV (sometimes referred to as the AV, or Authorized Version) because he personally favors the manuscripts it uses, and because it makes for fewer international licensing and distribution issues.

    Some questions in the Supplements have only one answer. Other questions leave room for our opinion. A few questions are private in nature and are for your own consideration only. We will never intentionally embarrass you in class. If you are not comfortable answering questions, try answering simple ones which require one word answers. That will prepare you to answer more difficult ones later.

    Notice this sample question:

    1.1 (Matthew 28:19,20) Please explain in your own words the command which our Lord gave to His disciples. Do you think it applies to us today?

    Please notice three things about this question. 1.)The above question is numbered 1.1 because it is the first question in the first lesson. 2.) When a scripture reference is placed ahead of the question we assume you will look up the reference before answering the question. 3.) Many times a question will require more than one answer. It is good to re-read your question to make sure you have answered every part.

    Notice that, where practical, many of the scripture references are typed out fully. This is to facilitate those using devices with Bible software on them.

    How You Can Help Yourself in This Study:

    Consider reading over Supplement 15 before beginning. Pay special attention to the section which describes how to use resources.

    May God bless you as you study God's Word with us!

    Today’s Lesson:

    1. Learn how the study works.

    Each session contains the following headings: Text, Lesson Goal, Highlights From the Last Lesson, Lesson Overview, Today’s Lesson.

    Each session works best when we have filled out the Session Supplement before arriving. Please do not be embarrassed if you have not been able to do so. Just understand that even partially filled out supplements greatly enhance our learning.

    2. Settle on meeting times and session length. Conflicts arise any time God’s people become serious about studying His Word. Please make every effort to be committed to the class times we agree upon, while being patient with those who struggle with difficult schedules.

    3. Please understand that we will be dealing with controversial subjects from time to time. Please respect those who disagree and try to avoid monopolizing the conversation when you are passionate about a theme!

    Now, let’s go to work on Supplement 1!

    2. Who is This Paul and Who is This Jesus?

    Lesson Text:

    Romans 1:1-5

    Lesson Goal:

    To lay the foundation for our study in Romans by gaining a clear understanding of who Jesus Christ really is and how we should respond to that knowledge.

    Lesson Overview:

    1. Who is this Paul? (the servant, the separated, the apostle)

    2. Who is this Jesus? (He is the Son of God, His name is Jesus, His title is Christ, He is Lord)

    Additional Materials or Resources Needed:

    A Corresponding Student Supplement can be found in the second half of this book. Ideally, students should read it before doing this study.


    Surfing on the Internet has become a pastime for thousands of home computer users who happily socialize with other computer users and groups of users around the world. Many times, these surfers use false identities so that they can act sinfully or deceive others. Other’s hide their identities simply to protect themselves and avoid being followed home. When it comes to our Christian faith, there should never be an effort to hide our true identities. Christians do not need to play games with masquerades. In these first seven verses of Romans we find straightforward answers about who Paul was and who Jesus Christ was. There is to be no mistaking - this is no false apostle - and no false Christ!

    1. The Writer Identified 1:1 - Who is this Paul?

    Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called [to be] an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God,

    a. Paul - the man. His name was Paul. [The Student Guide indicates who Paul was, and what his name meant - try not to spend more than a minute or two reviewing who Paul, the man was. What did Saul mean? What did Paul mean? When was Paul converted?]

    b. Paul - the servant.

    The term servant, as it is generally used in the New Testament, is in reference to the bondslave. The bondslave was a freed slave who chose to indenture himself to his master out of love. A true servant does the will of his master. He is characterized by humility. He loves his master, he is obedient to his master, he is proud of his master and loyal to him.

    The greatest servant who ever lived was the Lord Jesus Christ. He is our example of servanthood. Paul instructed the Philippians 2:1-8:

    Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:

    Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.

    True servanthood is exemplified in a spirit. It is the mind of Christ - it was the spirit He exemplified in His ministry. It is the spirit of humility - Vs. 7a. True servanthood expresses itself in action - Christ became obedient unto death. The servant of Christ does what others will not do. He places the needs of others above his own. He also knows, that servanthood is a select tool for evangelism. Paul said …I made myself servant unto all, that I might gain the more." (1 Corinthians 9:19b).

    When was the last time some other person exemplified the servanthood of Christ to you? When was the last time you served someone else? Why not take time out of today’s class to plan a conspiracy - a conspiracy to serve someone this week?

    c. Paul - the apostle. Paul saw himself as a servant of Jesus Christ. He also saw himself as an apostle. The word apostle means sent one. It can be used in a general sense (Acts 14:14), but in almost all biblical instances, it refers specifically to the disciples who were specially selected by Christ to be the first missionaries to the Jews and the Gentiles and the first leaders of the church. Apostles had special authority from the Lord and were given freedom to work special signs and wonders, (2 Cor. 12:12). Unfortunately, because Paul was called by Christ after the ascension of Christ, (or perhaps because Mathias should not have been selected to replace Judas) Paul’s apostleship was challenged - sometimes by the very ones he led to Christ. It became necessary for Paul to defend and assert his apostleship.

    Note: Paul was both a servant and an apostle. Sometimes folks get humility and authority confused. Although Paul was a humble servant of Christ, he spoke and taught with great authority - just as the Lord Jesus Christ exercised both humility and the authority which His Father had given Him. Christians are not apostles in the sense that Paul was an apostle, but we have been given authority to preach the gospel of Christ. (Matt. 28:18-20) and we should always do so with great boldness!

    d. Paul - the separated. Paul announced that he had been . . . separated unto the gospel of God. Why do you suppose Paul chose to announce that he had been separated unto the gospel?

    In the Jewish age of the Law, God instituted a system of worship which was administered, not by apostles, but by priests and Levites. These priests and Levites were separated out from the rest of the people to their holy task. (Lev. 22:2).

    Note: Separation, in the Bible, always speaks of separating from something to something. For example, we do not simply separate ourselves from sin. That would leave a vacuum, and soon we would be in worse condition than when we started. Instead, we separate ourselves from sin unto God. (1 Thessalonians 1:9). It is not enough to resolve that you are going to turn away from a sin in your life. You must replace it - with obedience to God.

    So, we have seen that the Old Testament priests and Levites (and Nazarites, Numbers 6:2) separated themselves unto God. The Pharisees (the sect in which Paul shared lifetime membership) were also proud of their separation. In fact, the word Pharisee means separated. Pharisees were separated unto the law. As a Pharisee, Paul had been separated unto the law of Moses.

    Ah, but now, Paul has been separated unto the gospel of God. By using this phrase, every Jew who read these words would know instinctively, what Paul meant.

    Of course the word gospel is most important. This word which means glad tidings or good news can indicate several things. [Refer to the Student Supplement and ask for four ways in which the word gospel is used in the New Testament.] In general, when Paul speaks of the gospel, the gospel of the grace of God, the gospel of God, the gospel of Christ, or my gospel, Paul is referring to the plan of salvation. The good news is that Jesus Christ came and was crucified and raised again from the dead according to the scriptures, so that all may have eternal life.(1 Corinthians 15:1-4) The terms, gospel of the kingdom, and the everlasting gospel carry different meanings.

    Note: Even though the gospel is called by many synonyms, it is simple enough for the youngest child to understand. If you have not made the decision to receive Jesus Christ as your Saviour, do not put it off. You do not need to have all of your problems settled and all of your questions answered. Simply come to Christ as a lost sinner who needs forgiveness. Place your hope in what Jesus Christ did for you - instead of what you are trying to do for Him.

    Please notice, in verse 2, that this gospel is a scriptural gospel. By that we mean that God promised it in Old Testament times. He described it. He told of the coming day when Messiah (Jesus Christ) would provide this gospel for us.

    2. The Subject Identified. 1:3 – Who is Jesus?

    When Paul wrote: Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, he spoke tomes. Four important facts concerning Jesus Christ are revealed:

    a. He is the Son of God

    Jesus Christ is called God’s Son in verse 3. In verse 4 we read that He was ...declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead.

    There is a general sense in which we can say that all of God’s created beings are His sons (even angels) - simply because He created them. (Job 1:6, Gen. 6:2). The Bible also uses the term sons of God to contrast believers with unbelievers - (Romans 8:14). In this sense, unbelievers are neither the children nor the sons of God. But there is another important sense in which the term son of God was used. If you will read passages such as Daniel 3:25, Matthew 4:6, 8:29, 14:33, 16:16; Mark 15:39, Luke 1:35, John 1:34, 3:16-18; and many other passages you will see that the Old Testament believers, the demons, the disciples, and the Lord Jesus all knew and taught that there was A son of God who was THE Son of God - a unique Person to whom this title alone belonged. This was, of course, the Lord Jesus Christ. The Jews knew that, to claim to be the Son of God was to claim to be equal (one and the same) with God Himself. That is why they hated Christ. That is why they crucified Christ. The Bible says:

    John 5:18 Therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him, because he not only had broken the sabbath, but said also that God was his Father, making himself equal with God.

    John 19: 7 The Jews answered him, We have a law, and by our law he ought to die, because he made himself the Son of God.

    The mistake which cultists make. Many cultists miss this point. They reject the deity of Christ (the fact that Jesus Christ is God) - saying that Jesus never claimed to be God. Not only did Jesus claim to be God, but He was crucified because of that claim. Every Jew knew that to claim to be the Son of God was to claim to be God. It is true that the Bible clearly states that Jesus Christ is God - both in the Old Testaments and the New Testament. (See Hebrews 1:8 for an example). It is true that Jesus exercised the privileges which could only belong to God (for example, He accepted worship.) But, it is also true - if you really want to understand the biblical arguments for Christ’s deity - you must understand that they are rooted in his title: Son of God!

    The mistake which some Christians make. Because some Christians do not understand the close link between the sonship of Christ and the deity of Christ they are prone to make other mistakes concerning Christ. For example, one well known Bible teacher mistakenly led thousands of Christians to believe that Jesus Christ was NOT the Son of God before He came to earth! As a result many still teach that this is an earthly title and that, whatever His name was in eternity - it was NOT the Son of God. One verse which they use to argue this point is found right here - verse 4 - You will want to read it carefully.

    And declared [to be] the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead:

    A careless reading of this verse could lead some to teach that:

    1. Jesus Christ was given the title Son of God at His resurrection.

    2. The Holy Spirit gave Him this title at the resurrection.

    Both statements are incorrect. We know that Christ already had this title. The angel said that He would be called the Son of God. The Father said, at his baptism, this is my beloved Son. (Matt 3:17.) Jesus called Himself the Son of God. (John 11:4). So we see that Jesus already had this title and that the Holy Spirit is nowhere seen giving it to Him.

    What is Paul saying in verse 4? Paul is explaining that the official proof the legal declaration that Jesus Christ is not an impostor, but truly the son of God can be found in His resurrection. Notice that the word spirit is NOT capitalized in your Bible! Paul is not referring here to the Holy Spirit. Paul is referring to Jesus’ own spirit. If Jesus had had ANY SIN - even one speck of sin - He could NOT have been raised from the dead! He had to be absolutely sinless! absolutely holy! (…the wages of sin is death - Rom 3:23). Absolute PROOF that Jesus is the Son of God - lies in His resurrection!

    Consider the cultist’s dilemma. He insists that Jesus Christ is not God. If He is not God - if He is just a man - He could not have been holy. He must have sinned. The Bible says that every child of Adam has sinned. Only God has not sinned. Jesus could have only been God.

    But, wasn’t Jesus Christ also a man?

    b. His name is Jesus.

    The name Jesus means Saviour. We say that Jesus was the human or the earthly name of Christ. We don’t sing of baby Christ in the manger, we sing of baby Jesus. The Bible not only says that Jesus was the Son of God, He was also Son of Man. Why was it necessary for God to become man? It was necessary for Christ to do this in order to bear our sins. It was also necessary for Christ to do this in order to encourage us. He was tested in all points, just as men are tested. He suffered, thirsted, wept, and rejoiced as man with men. He was Immanuel - God with us!

    Note: When we speak about the fact that Jesus Christ is completely man and completely God at the same time (the hypostatic union) we are approaching a truth which is impossible for us to fully understand and explain. The Bible says ..the Word became flesh and dwelt (tabernacled) among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the father. We do not need to understand this wonder - we only need to marvel at it!

    c. His title is Christ

    Christ was His Kingly or messianic title. By using it He laid claim to all of the Old Testament prophecies concerning the coming Messiah who would save Israel - from her sins and from her enemies. In order to be the Messiah, He had to meet some biblical requirements. One of these was that He must be …of the seed of David.

    d. He is Lord.

    If Jesus Christ is all that Paul has said He is in these verses - it stands to reason that He has the right to rule us. He has absolute authority.

    3. The Recipients Identified 1:6-7

    This will be covered in Supplement 3, so you will want to be sure to read it before beginning the next session.

    3. Paul’s Burning Prayer and Desire


    Romans 1:8-17

    Lesson Goal:

    To encourage the student to begin to understand the heart and passion of the apostle Paul as he begins to lead these Romans into the riches of Christ. To observe Paul’s ministry skills as he seeks to minister to a church he had never visited. To strengthen our own ability to meditate upon a passage.

    Lesson Overview:

    We have been studying Paul’s introductory remarks:

    1. Preliminary remarks 1-15

    a. The Writer Identified 1:1

    b. The Subject Identified 1:2-5

    c. The Recipients Identified 1:6-7

    (This was covered in Supplement 3.)

    Today’s lesson adds a fourth ingredient:

    d. Paul’s Intentions Clarified 8:1-15


    It is in simple outline form. One option is to follow the outline along with the students, asking the students to comment on the verses, based on the outline. Example: Why does the author use the entry healthy hearts, and why does he speak of Paul the participant and Paul the praiser? What can we learn and apply from this? This option is preferred.

    Another option is simply to lecture from the outline. It is very intuitive and needs little explanation, especially for leaders who have been meditating on the chapter.

    Additional Materials or Resources Needed:

    The Student Supplement included at the end of this lesson. Again, when possible, please distribute ahead of time in order to assist your students with some advanced preparation.

    Remember to keep a concordance handy because several of the questions in this Student Supplement are concordance dependent.

    Highlights From Our Last Study:

    In our last study we asked - Who is this Paul? And, Who is this Jesus? We explained the terms servant, separated, and apostle as they related to Paul, and we explained the terms, Son of God, Jesus, Christ, and Lord as they related to Jesus. We covered verses 1-5 only in class.

    NOTE 1: Verses 6 and 7 were covered in the Student Supplement only - where heavy emphasis was placed on the words, beloved, called, and saints. Please review the importance of understanding the difference of our position and our practice, (or, our standing and our state). Do not fail to do this. It is fundamental to understanding all of the letters of Paul.

    NOTE 2: Question 3.2 in the Student Supplement is designed to encourage thought and deliberation. While statements b. and c .are both correct, statement c. is the best answer because it best fits in with the terminology yet to come in Romans where Paul is contrasting obedience to the law with obedience to the gospel.

    Read verses 1:8-15; then discuss the sub-points. Sub-points in small print are optional as time permits.

    Today’s Outline For Discussion:

    d. Paul’s Intentions Clarified 1:8-15

    1. Healthy Hearts 1:8

    a.) Paul the Participant

    b.) Paul the Praise

    2. Wholesome Prayers 1:9

    a.) It is good to pray.

    b.) It is good to focus your prayers on others.

    c.) It is good to tell others that you are praying for them.

    d.) It is good to mean it when we say we pray for others.

    e.) It is good to pray fervently and without ceasing.

    f.) It is good, when praying, to ask for specific things.

    g.) It is good to seek the will of God in our prayers.

    3. Hindered Plans 1:11-13

    a.) Spiritual People Involve Plans - 1:10

    b.) Spiritual Plans Involve People - 1:11,12, 13b

    1.) The Plan Expressed - I long to see you

    2.) The Motives Impressed

    2a.He wanted to care - 1:11 (It was an unselfish ministry)

    - the goal…to impart a gift

    - the end… to establish the believer

    2b. He wanted to share - 1:12 (It was a reciprocal ministry)

    - the danger of receiving and not giving

    - the danger of giving and not receiving

    - He wanted to bear - 1:13 (It was Paul’s divine obsession)

    c.) Spiritual People and their Plans operate with God’s Permission 1:13

    1.) Present duties may hinder future plans.

    2.) Plans may be hindered by physical obstacles and illness.

    3.) Our plans may be hindered by Satan himself.

    4.) Our plans may be hindered by the Holy Spirit.

    4. Heavy Debts 1:14

    a.) I am debtor 1:14

    1.) What is owed?

    2.) Who owes the debt?

    3.) Why is the obligation placed upon us?

    - The Judgment Seat of Christ constrains us.

    - The plight of the lost constrains us.

    - The beauty of the gospel constrains us.

    - The love of Christ constrains us.

    4) To whom do we owe?

    5.) Are we ready to pay our debts?

    b. I am ready 1:15

    1.) Paul was ready

    - See his intensity - As much as is in me

    - See his spontaneity - I am ready

    - See his priority - To preach the gospel

    - See his consistency - To you…also

    2.) Are we ready?

    - There must be spiritual fire in our bones

    - Our Elders must lead us through open doors

    c.) I am not ashamed (1:16)

    e. The Big Statement of Romans 1:16-17

    1. Paul’s Pride Declared

    2. Paul’s Pride Defended

    a. He is proud because of what it is

    1. It is the gospel - glad tidings of good news.

    2. It is the gospel of God - not our gospel.

    b. He is proud because of what it does

    1. It produces salvation

    - Salvation from the guilt of sin

    - Salvation from the power of sin

    - Salvation from the pollution of sin

    - Salvation from the penalty of sin

    2. It is energized by God

    - It is the power of God with respect to its personality

    - It is the power of God with respect to its authority

    - It is the power of God with respect to its durability

    - It is the power of God with respect to its capability

    - It is the power of God with respect to its integrity

    c. He is proud because of who it reaches

    - This gospel is available to the Jews

    - This gospel is available to you.

    4. God’s Righteousness Versus Gentile Guilt

    Lesson Text:

    Romans 1:18-32

    Highlights from our Last Study:

    In our last lesson we focused on the ministry of Paul himself. We saw his love for those to whom he ministered, his own spiritual desires and plans, and a grand and glorious statement of the gospel. It is that big statement in verses 16 and 17 of Romans 1 which form the basis for the whole book. Paul is now beginning a process of describing just exactly what that gospel is and why it is needed.

    In chapters 1-3 the whole world is declared guilty before God.

    Lesson Goal:

    To shed light on the utter sinfulness of sin and to remind ourselves of God’s anger against sin.

    Lesson Overview:

    Gentile Guilt Expressed

    a. Knowledge Suppressed 1:18-20

    b. Knowledge Rejected 1:21-23

    c. Knowledge Perverted 1:24 - 32

    Additional Materials or Resources Needed:

    If possible, please distribute the Student Supplement in order to assist your students with some advanced preparation.


    Today’s lesson begins the first in a series of charges which will level the whole world before God. Paul’s first target - the pagan Gentiles. Later, Paul will bring in the self righteous Gentiles and the Jews.

    Introduction: The issue has always been the same. It has never changed. The issue has always been the issue of knowledge - knowledge in general, and the knowledge of God in particular. That was the issue in Eden - …hath God said? And that is the issue now. Truth and lie in continual combat. That is the issue of the verses in front of us.

    Before we study Romans 1:18- 32 we need to read it one more time. As you read the verses over, challenge your students to take a pen and jot down each reference and phrase which has to do with the words knowledge, truth, wise or understanding. Included in your list should be some of the following:

    18 - who hold the truth in unrighteousness..

    19 - because that which may be known of God is manifest..

    20 - being understood by the things that are made..

    21 - Because, when they knew God..

    22 - professing themselves to be wise..

    25 - who exchanged the truth of God

    28 - ..retain God in their knowledge

    31 - without understanding

    32 - who knowing the judgment of God

    a. Knowledge Suppressed 1:18-20

    We all know that sin is disobedience - lack of conformity to the holy character of God. But Romans enhances and expands our understanding of how sin works. We know that Adam’s race was infected, that we all sin and that our pride is at the root of it. But how did sin play out in the human race? How does it work in our lives on a day to day basis. The Bible says that it is in the contest between truth and lie. It is a contest over knowledge.

    The Charge Expressed:

    When Paul made his great propositional statement of Romans, he spoke of the righteousness of God being revealed. Someone may well ask - so what? Why do we need the righteousness of God anyway? The answer is found in the verse in front of us - because the wrath of God has been revealed against all unrighteousness and ungodliness.

    Note: The word wrath is from the Greek orge {or-gay’} [Strong’s 3709] and is used as follows in the KJV - wrath 31x, anger 3x, vengeance 1x, indignation 1x; for a total of 36 times.

    While we often associate the Old Testament with the wrath of God and the New Testament with the grace of God, nothing could be farther from the truth. In fact the actual term wrath of God occurs once in the O.T. and 10 more times in the N.T!

    God’s wrath.

    • God’s wrath is revealed against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men. God is not partial or selective. God does not let little sins pass.

    • His wrath is revealed against them because they hold the truth in unrighteousness. The idea behind the word hold - is suppression - holding back - retaining.

    • The charge is the charge of concealing evidence, holding back the facts. No one is more guilty of this than the modern scoffer.

    You may wish to have your class examine 2 Peter 3:3-10 in depth, listing some of the things about which the scoffers are willingly ignorant.

    The knowledge of God.

    1. What knowledge, in particular is being suppressed? The answer is in 1:19 and it is very important: ...that which may be known of God. It is the KNOWLEDGE OF GOD which is being suppressed. This is the ultimate issue.

    Make a note of this!

    a. God is truth.

    b. All wrong thinking is wrong thinking about God. No matter how small the error, you can be sure it can be traced back to a wrong conception of God.

    c. All wrong thinking results in wrong behavior. No exceptions! The issue is, and has always been - the knowledge of God!

    2. Where is the knowledge of God being suppressed?

    • 1:19 The knowledge which is in them is being suppressed. ..that which may be known of God is manifest in them..

    • 1:20 The knowledge which is around them is being suppressed. The invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, even his eternal power and godhead.

    The evidence for the existence of God is within us (it is innate) and it is around us (it is observable). It must be consciously denied. The question remains why is it in our natures to deny the knowledge of God?

    b. Knowledge Rejected 1:21-23

    Romans 1:21-23 places special attention on the heart and the mind - the mental rejection. The important thing to notice is that the path of regression is a path of retrogression (to retrogress means to fall backward, to slip to an inferior condition). It appears as though there are seven steps in this process:

    1.) They knew God. They knew him as creature to creator. They knew him in their heads, but not in their hearts.

    2.) They glorified Him not as God. They did not acknowledge or respond to the things they knew to be true of God.

    3.) Neither were thankful. Thanklessness is always an indicator of apostasy. (2 Timothy. 3:2, Romans 1:21). Thankfulness is always the sign of a healthy Christian walk. Consider these references in Romans - 6:17, 7:25, 14:6 and 16:4. Paul makes references to thanks between forty and fifty times in his epistles!

    4.) Became vain in their imaginations. Their reasoning and speculations became useless, empty, and foolish. Read Saturday’s religion page in any paper for a refresher course in vain imaginations! Consider the foolishness of men in their religion and mythology - from the stories of the ancient gods to the worship of beetles and birds - all the way to modern times with the use of crystals and other new age paraphernalia. Some folks even wear special underwear to protect themselves while others believe God will curse them if they hold their holy books in their right hand instead of their left hand!

    Note: the word vanity means empty - as in empty soap bubbles. There is no substance to their great and complicated systems - conjured up in foolishness.

    5.) Their foolish hearts were darkened. Foolish means senseless. Once the judgment of men becomes corrupted he is willing to entertain any nonsense. When the truth has been removed nothing remains to sort out the lies. Cicero once said: Nothing so absurd but has been maintained by a philosopher.

    6.) Professing wisdom, they became fools.

    In the old west it was a common practice to build small buildings with large facades on the front of them in order to convey a bigger than life image. Modern philosophers and educators are often guilty of the same thing. It is common for men to feign wisdom in the absence of it. There is an arrogance which often surrounds the academic community which is unequaled in any other discipline - especially in its rebellion against God.

    Note: A not too distant news story described a psychology professor at Sacramento State University whose sexual depravity in the classroom was so offensive that it motivated one student to charge her with harassment. Rest assured, the university and her student rushed to the instructor’s defense. Professing wisdom, such professors are fools.

    7.) They exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God into an image like corruptible man.

    Incorruption: that which cannot decay, change or perish. (Psalm 102:25-27). Prudential is not the rock - in fact the Rock of Gibralter (Prudential’s Logo) is badly decaying!

    Man will worship. If he does not worship God he will worship himself.

    Man cannot stand a vacuum. He will replace the truth of God with vanity and the glory of the incorruptible God with his own glory.

    c. Knowledge Perverted 1:24 - 32

    1:24 - "Wherefore, God also gave them up...

    1:26 - "For this cause God gave them up...

    1:28 - ...God gave them over ..

    Please notice what the Bible does NOT say. The Bible does not say that God gave up on them. Many believers, for example, have given up on winning homosexuals to Christ, based on Romans 1. God has not given up on homosexuals. Many have been won to Christ and purified.

    When God gives someone up in scripture - He gives them over to something. He gives them what they were lusting for. When Hezekiah called his people to repentance in 2 Chronicles 30:7 he said:

    And be not ye like your fathers, and like your brethren, which trespassed against the LORD God of their fathers, [who] therefore gave them up to desolation, as ye see.

    Stephen admonished the unbelieving Jews who were about to martyr him in Acts 7:42:

    Then God turned, and gave them up to worship the host of heaven; as it is written in the book of the prophets, O ye house of Israel, have ye offered to me slain beasts and sacrifices [by the space of] forty years in the wilderness?

    Note: While it is true that these first paragraphs in Romans concentrate on the pagan Gentile it is equally as true that any Jews who were reading this verse in Romans knew that God had also given many of their own people up - He have given them up to the desires of their heart. In fact, it is sad to note - that many of mankind’s greatest ills have been perpetrated upon us by the same people who have given us mankind’s greatest blessings - the Jewish people.

    To what did God give these truth rejectors up?

    1. ) Terrible filthiness. - 1:24

    2.) Unthinkable idolatry - 1:25

    3.) Unspeakable vices - 1:26-27

    4.) Absolute and Complete Depravity 1:27-32

    We are often very naive. We are shocked at the unbelievable moral bankruptcy of the Roman Emperors, and at the Hitlers and all the thousands who followed them. How could such atrocities be accepted by so many? How could man stoop so low? How could others stand by and not even reprove it? We forget that God graciously hinders the outworking of our natures sparing us from experiencing the full truth about ourselves. And, when God gives men up

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