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Abundance (Review and Analysis of Diamandis and Kotler's Book)
Abundance (Review and Analysis of Diamandis and Kotler's Book)
Abundance (Review and Analysis of Diamandis and Kotler's Book)
Ebook42 pages36 minutes

Abundance (Review and Analysis of Diamandis and Kotler's Book)

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The must-read summary of Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler’s book: "Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think".

This complete summary of the ideas from Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler’s book “Abundance” shows how advances in technology will make the world capable of meeting and exceeding the basic needs of every human on the planet. According to the authors, these technologies also have the potential to address several of society’s most unsolvable problems. By learning about their research, you can understand the potential of modern technology and the part you can play in preparing for a future of abundance.

Added-value of this summary:
• Save time
• Understand the key concepts
• Expand your knowledge

To learn more, read “Abundance” and find out about the abilities of technology to improve our world for the better.
Release dateOct 14, 2014
Abundance (Review and Analysis of Diamandis and Kotler's Book)

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    Book preview

    Abundance (Review and Analysis of Diamandis and Kotler's Book) - BusinessNews Publishing

    Book Presentation: Abundance by Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler

    Book Abstract

    About the Author

    Summary of Abundance (Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler)

    1. How do you define abundance?

    2. Exponential technologies now coming into play

    3. Building the base of the pyramid

    4. The peak of the pyramid

    5. Steering towards a faster course of action

    Book Abstract

    Main idea

    When you examine all the hard facts, the science and engineering which are now in the pipeline, the only feasible conclusion one can reach is the world is on the cusp of major marketplace changes. Exponential increases in technology mean within the next two decades, the world (both developed and developing nations) will have the capacity to meet and exceed the basic needs of every man, woman and child on the planet. Abundance for all is literally within our grasp and a rising global living standard will result.

    While this may run contrary to the gloom and doom which fills the daily news cycle, the undeniable fact is exponential gains are now being made in a wide and growing number of fields – artificial intelligence, robotics, computing, broadband networks, digital manufacturing, nanomaterials and synthetic biology to name just a few. As these and other technologies mature and get applied, it is inevitable society’s most unsolvable problems will be addressed, especially when all of these advances amplify and build on each other.

    For the first time in history, our capabilities have begun to catch up to our ambitions. Humanity is now entering a period of radical transformation in which technology has the potential to significantly raise the basic standards of living for every man, woman, and child on the planet. Within a generation, we will be able to provide goods and services, once reserved for the wealthy few, to any and all who need them. Or desire them. Abundance for all is actually within our grasp.

    – Peter Diamandis and Steven Kotler

    About the Author

    PETER DIAMANDIS is chairman and CEO

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