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Ascended Masters Newsletters, Vol. V
Ascended Masters Newsletters, Vol. V
Ascended Masters Newsletters, Vol. V
Ebook98 pages1 hour

Ascended Masters Newsletters, Vol. V

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About this ebook

This compilation of newsletters is a treasure trove of profound information and wisdom, channeled from the Beings of Light. The information and guidance offered is uplifting, valuable, and useful, especially at this time of accelerated and all-encompassing change.




# 97: An Affirmation of Surrender
# 98: "Interesting Times"
# 100: Health and Well-being are the Reality
# 101: Death is the Primary Illusion
# 103: The Solution to Any Problem: Focus on the Light!
# 104: A Message from Krishna
# 105: Compassion in the Face of Suffering
# 106: Multi-dimensional Experiences
# 107: Co-Creating with Every Breath, in Every Moment
# 108: The Gift of Manifestation
# 109: Instead of Worry, Focus on Your Light
# 110: Let Go of the Need for "Karmic Experiences"
# 111: What is Going to Happen in the Future?
# 112: Weather & Middle East: The Universe is Your Creation
# 113: Awakening into Sovereignty: The Next Step
# 118: Messages from St. Germain and Arcturus
# 119: Miracles are Possible
# 120: The Root Cause of Misery


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Release dateApr 26, 2016
Ascended Masters Newsletters, Vol. V

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    Ascended Masters Newsletters, Vol. V - Linda Stein-Luthke



    Dear Reader,

    The Ascended Masters, a group of Beings of Light who have once walked the Earth and are currently not embodied, have been collaborating with humanity for many eons. They share their timeless wisdom in many ways, one of which is through a process called channeling. A channel is a person who has developed the skills to tune into information that is broadcast from the higher planes. Linda Stein-Luthke is such a channel who has made much written information available over the years, either in the form of books or through the Ascended Masters Newsletter.

    Many of our readers have asked for past issues or an archive of our newsletters. In response, Martin Luthke has edited and compiled all previously published newsletters – which number over 120 at this time – into volumes to make them instantly available to all. Rereading the material has convinced us that the newsletters are a treasure trove of profound information that is crucial at this time of accelerated and all-encompassing change.

    We hope that you will enjoy these readings and benefit from them, regardless whether they are completely new to you or not; we believe that the information and guidance provided by the loving Beings of Light is timeless, valuable, and useful.

    One last note: When the Masters speak to us they refer to us by our spirit names Leia (Linda) and Manalus (Martin). Just so that you don’t stumble when you read those names in the following texts…

    Peace and Blessings,

    Linda and Martin


    Ascended Masters Newsletter # 97

    An Affirmation of Surrender

    A Message from Ascended Masters St. Germain and El Morya Khan

    Once again we are grateful for the opportunity to be in direct communication with you as you go through this momentous time of change and transformation upon your plane.

    We know you have received many pieces of information from various sources regarding this time. We ask of you that you allow yourself the opportunity to go within and listen to your own heart and accept only that which resonates as a truth within you.

    It would be easy to assume that everything you hear and read is either good or bad information. And we would say, as we do regarding all that transpires upon your plane, that it is neither good nor bad. It simply is.

    What is more important than what you hear or see outside yourself is what you find occurring within yourself. There, you will notice that you are changing.

    It is impossible for you to stand still and hide away in one space and simply assume that this is who you will always be from this moment on. You will notice that you cannot stand still. You must continue to move into opening and awakening.

    And you will find that you will do this one way or another. For some, you will choose to simply transition to the higher planes and allow yourself to open to the Light once you have disembodied. Others will choose to embrace the Light completely while in human form.

    The choice is yours. We do not say one way is better than another. We cannot, because each choice is predicated on your agreement with your own Totality.

    This is why some of you are noticing the increased incidences of physical suffering that you may see in those around you. It is because at this time, the choice that has been made by those who are choosing suffering is to ultimately let go of their physical forms before completely embracing the Light. Of course, all of these decisions can be subject to change. And some may decide as they embrace suffering that they would actually prefer opening to the Light and will allow their physical discomfort to be the catalyst to that opening.

    It is not incumbent upon you to fix those who choose to suffer. If you are approached and asked for help, then most certainly you will have the power within you to be of service to those who wish to awaken.

    That power continues to grow stronger with each passing moment. The Light is flowing more easily than ever. Leia and Manalus noticed this during their recent journey [to the USA]. And this is true for all of you as well.

    All that is necessary for you to embrace these more powerful frequencies is an affirmation of surrender. If you give yourself completely to these frequencies, then you will find peace and harmony flowing into every crevice in your life. It will be effortless and delightful to behold.

    Wherever discomfort remains is a region where you have not as yet allowed the surrender to occur. When you affirm that a region of discomfort can also be surrendered to this Light, then this will happen. It is wondrous to behold and glorious to experience.

    We would urge you, however, to do this surrender without expectation of how this must look for you to accept the transformation in your life. You simply cannot understand or know with your ego mind how this can and will manifest for you. Allow the unknowable to manifest. Then, all that is necessary is to accept with gratitude what you will find in your life.

    We continue to support you in every way as you move through this time.

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