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Hail to the Chief!
Hail to the Chief!
Hail to the Chief!
Ebook107 pages1 hour

Hail to the Chief!

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Have you ever thought, How the heck am I going to decide on a presidential candidate?In Hail to the Chief!, Donna Carol Voss lays out the ten most important questions to ask any candidate who wants to lead our great country. She differentiates those areas a president can affect—like fiscal responsibility and small business regulation—from those that are virtually invulnerable to the powers that be—like Roe v. Wade and gay marriage.• Should a 14-year-old girl to be able to get an abortion without her parents’ knowledge and consent?• How much power should a president have to work outside the Constitution, say, with a phone and a pen on a Tuesday afternoon?• Do we the people have a right to express our views publicly, no matter how politically incorrect they may be?• Are we willing to bomb innocent civilians to preserve our Judeo-Christian culture and save American lives?Whatever your politics, Hail to the Chief! will get you ready for the most important election in our lifetime.
Release dateMay 1, 2016
Hail to the Chief!

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    Hail to the Chief! - Donna Carol Voss



    SEVERAL YEARS AGO, I HAD A CONVERSATION with a family friend from Denmark. We were talking about our respective countries when I said, I’m proud to be an American. I’ll never forget his response. He looked at me with all seriousness and said, You should re-think that.

    Clearly, he didn’t know America the way I know America.

    I have no illusions about our faults, our shortcomings, our mistakes, or our sins, if you will. America is the worst country there is—except for all the others. We in this country hit the best nation jackpot, and I give thanks every day that I am lucky enough to live here.

    Not only am I lucky to be an American, I am shooting stars lucky to be a 21st Century Woman in America. I have more freedom, more opportunity, and more power here than I would anywhere else on the planet. Together, my sister 21st Century Women and I have enormous power to affect our world. We are the majority of citizens and the majority of voters; we can absolutely rock the 2016 presidential election.

    Not only am I lucky to be an American, I am shooting stars lucky to be a 21st Century Woman in America.

    As we approach the election, it is our privilege and responsibility to evaluate the candidates effectively. To do so, we have to be clear about our own personal values and how they shape our vision for the country; accordingly we are then able to evaluate the candidates’ vision for the country.

    It’s time to pick sides. There’s no middle ground left, and the waters are rising. If you’ve hesitated to move definitively left or definitively right, know that your cozy cocoon of moderate is virtually extinct. Today there are two ships and no communication between them. It’s an all or nothing ride. If you support, let’s say, Black Lives Matter¹, your political positions automatically converge on the intersectional axis, i.e., you can’t talk about racism apart from sexism, apart from homophobia, apart from … you get my drift. Likewise if you find yourself agreeing with The Federalist², you are automatically presumed racist, homophobic, sexist, Islamophobic, and a product of white privilege.

    It is our privilege and responsibility to evaluate the candidates effectively. To do so, we have to be clear about our own personal values and how they shape our vision for the country; accordingly we are then able to evaluate the candidates’ vision for the country.

    The short-term requirement is to pick a side. The long term requirement is to recognize how such polemical views polarize our society and gridlock our government. We’re so angry at each other that we too often vote from emotion rather than intellect, which knee-jerk reactions have brought us to the mess we’re in now.

    The long term requirement is to recognize how such polemical views polarize our society and gridlock our government. We’re so angry at each other that we too often vote from emotion rather than intellect.

    We’re going to elect a new president this year and every four years thereafter. It is cool, rational thought that allows us to discern which candidates are divisive and which are unifying; which will uphold the Constitution and which will use power as the means to an end; which will spend our treasure wisely and which will buy votes; which will require character-building sacrifice and which will encourage soul-killing dependency; which will make us safer and which will add fuel to the ISIS fire; which will carry the American banner proudly and which will grovel and plead that we be forgiven for being the greatest country this world has ever known.

    Whichever side of the political continuum you pick, whichever candidate you decide is best-suited to lead our country forward in these turbulent times, choose wisely; when we go over those rapids, there’s no getting out of the boat.

    American Exceptionalism

    Let’s start with how the candidates feel about America. Do they believe in American exceptionalism? Or do they think we are exceptional to ourselves the way the Greeks are exceptional to themselves and the Brazilians to themselves. Our Founding Fathers were inspired to create an absolutely brilliant form of government that has made us the most powerful, the most prosperous, and the most freedom-drenched nation that has ever existed anytime, anywhere in human history.

    That. Is. Exceptional. We need a president who knows that and who wears it proudly.

    The Constitution and the Rule of Law

    Do the candidates recognize what a brilliant—again brilliant—document the Constitution is? We are unique in that we view our rights as derived from God. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are God-given and cannot be taken away by Man. Our Constitution embodies that view by enshrining and protecting those rights.

    Will the candidates work within the constraints of the Constitution to change laws? Or will it be a pen and a phone on a Tuesday afternoon? The Constitution is the only thing standing between us and anarchy, and we need a president—constitutional scholar or not—who understands its constraints and agrees to subject him- or herself to them.

    The Constitution is the only thing standing between us and anarchy, and we need a president—constitutional scholar or not—who understands its constraints and agrees to subject him- or herself to them.

    Free Speech and Microaggressions

    Do the candidates believe that free speech is a right afforded to all or a privilege granted to only those individuals in marginalized groups? A recent piece³ in The New Yorker declared, The freedom to offend the powerful is not equivalent to the freedom to bully the relatively disempowered. No? Who decides the consequences for whom if speech is not free to all? That prerogative can change like the wind and is precisely why we have a First Amendment. And it is why we need a president who defends to the death the right of every citizen to utter abhorrent speech.

    Parents’ Relationship to Their Children

    Where do the candidates draw the line between the power parents have to raise their children according to their values and the power the government has to interfere with that relationship? Take a 14-year-old girl who becomes pregnant. Do the candidates think she should be able to get an abortion without her parents ever knowing? That’s the litmus test right there.

    The War on Women

    Do the candidates play on our fears about affordable birth control, legal abortion, and fairness in pay between men and women? Do they rile us up and then promise to rescue us from this war on women? Don’t fall for it. Roe v. Wade isn’t going anywhere no matter who is elected; birth control is cheap and covered by Obamacare; and the gender pay

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