How To Buy A Business With No Money
About this ebook
NATIONAL EXPERT Reveals 32 Sneaky Yet Legal Strategies That Will Shock Your CPA... And Lets You Buy Any Business You Want While Keeping All Your Hard Earned Cash In Your Bank Where It Belongs.
Anything is easy once you know how to do it...
And this is especially true of buying businesses without money. Because this is about knowing how to spot certain PATTERNS and knowing how to take advantage of them.
Listen, if a bottomed-out, unemployed, and disabled combat veteran… living out of a broken down Volkswagen bus with only $500 to his name… can use some simple and clever tactics to buy a business and resurrect his life… then believe me you can do it too!
The real problem is the fact you’ve been lied to for years and these lies are keeping you from owning your own successful business.
You may have heard or perhaps even believed, you must qualify for a big loan from a bank and have a lot of money for a down payment to buy a business. That’s absolute nonsense!
If you are one of the many people that have actually believed this and accepted it as truth, then you need to decide right now to pay close attention to what I’m sharing with you in this book.
Because if you don’t, you’ll continue to struggle, or worse… you’ll never, ever, succeed in owning a successful high income business of your own. And your dreams will be squashed.
That’s Not What I Want For You.
How much of your remaining time on earth do you want to spend worrying about money?
How much of that time do you want to spend doing work you don’t enjoy... and with people you can’t stand?
How much of that time do you want to spend thinking “I wish wasn’t chained to this job all the time? Fearful if you take your eye off the ball even for a minute your income will falter and fall apart?
This training is a game changer. You are about to learn secrets like:
• How successful men and women are GETTING RICH buying profitable businesses... even when they LACK MONEY and have POOR CREDIT.
• How to sidestep the bureaucracy of a bank to finance a business... YET, still get all the MONEY you need.
• The UNDER-THE-RADAR method of getting your own business without sacrificing your life style... or your bank account... or feel like you are working two jobs.
• And why RIGHT NOW is the absolute best time in history to buy a business WITHOUT MONEY! This is the most closely guarded secret today and it’s yours just by reading this book.
Get How To Buy A Business With No Money today and you’ll receive a copy of my most popular business book ever: Buy Any Business And Get Rich.
These 2 books make a powerhouse combination for anyone thinking about buying a business.
You also get access to 10 more “No Money” strategies. Three of these are absolute gems. One, I use every single time to raise quick cash. This makes a total of 42 strategies to help you on your way.
When it comes to buying a business you have been kept in the dark too long!
Why wouldn't you grab a copy of this exciting book?
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Reviews for How To Buy A Business With No Money
8 ratings2 reviews
- Rating: 5 out of 5 stars5/5Royal Stevens is a God-Send! The information he gave freely is an expressible gratitude. The material compounds virtually non-excusable ways on your path to financial freedom if anyone just steps out on faith.
- Rating: 1 out of 5 stars1/5No real substance, nearly unreadable. For such a complex topic, the author seems to think that just believing in yourself is the only requirement.
Book preview
How To Buy A Business With No Money - Royal Stevens
Daring Greatly
C:\Users\Gary\Desktop\Roosevelt.pngIt is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.
-—Theodore Roosevelt
When you invest in How to Buy a Business with No Money today you’ll receive a copy of my most popular business book ever... Buy any Business and Get Rich. Inside this bonus book you will discover:
Insider secrets for sizing up your first purchase
Critical factors to watch for (red flags and time bombs)
Tips on valuing a business
The four kinds of money
These 2 books make a powerhouse combination for anyone thinking about buying a business.
You also get free access to 10 more No Money
strategies. Three of these are absolute gems. One, I use every single time to raise quick cash. This makes a total of 42 strategies to help you on your way.
Directions for getting your 2 Bonuses can be found at the end of this book.
An Important Message
Dear Determined Friend,
You can relax...
This is definitely not another one of those shameless GET RICH schemes designed to make somebody else rich and leave you broke.
Every word of what you are about to read is true and the suggested course of action is realistic, sustainable, and something you can be totally proud of.
If you've ever longed for the freedom, personal satisfaction, and financial independence of having a thriving and successful BUSINESS of your own, but never thought you had the resources or knowledge to get started,
You're about to discover the breakthrough you've been looking for. This is going to be one of the most rewarding books you've ever read in your entire life!
And here's why. I'm going to reveal the down and dirty secrets to Buying A Successful Business Without Any Money.
A practical plan ANYBODY regardless of business experience or financial resources can follow.
But please understand the information I am providing is not for dreamers. It is for doers. I don't advise just reading it once and forgetting about it.
If you learn and apply the information provided you can buy any size and type of business without risking or even having any money. When I say any type of business
I mean a well seasoned and highly profitable business with owner training provided.
What makes my book truly unique is the fact I spent 40 years using this knowledge myself while interviewing experts and studying real world case studies.
This passionate research revealed SPECIFIC PATTERNS that the truly successful business buyers use that's virtually HIDDEN from the public!
I uncovered these hidden patterns and unique (and sometimes odd
) tactics they use and from this moment forward, you will have the same tools to replicate their success! The strategies of the truly successful can NOW be duplicated easily by you.
This is for men and women who are ready to stop looking for MIRACLES
and start ensuring financial success.
There are no press-a-button answers to succeeding in making money... nothing in this life is easy, and you know that, but THIS is as easy as it gets.
It's surely easier than working 30 years for a bunch of lousy bosses... and it is risk free should you screw up... you never put up a penny of your own money.
There is absolutely no excuse for not making a big pile of money with my 42 business buying strategies... None.
And if you are reading this book I can only assume that’s what you want... more money and gaining a higher level of financial independence for you and your family.
Where do you want to be a year from now... 5 years from now... 10 years from now?
How will you get there if you don’t do something different... something that breaks convention... something with proven moneymaking power that provides greater leverage of your time and your resources so you can earn more while working less?
How much of your remaining time on earth do you want to spend worrying about money?
How much of that time do you want to spend doing work you don’t enjoy... and with people you can’t stand?
How much of that time do you want to spend thinking I wish I wasn’t chained to this job all the time?
Fearful if you take your eye off the ball even for a minute your income will falter and fall apart?
This training is a game changer.
Imagine having a treasure chest of wealth generating ideas to give you the freedom to tailor your lifestyle without compromise... to spend the rest of your years enjoying your family, traveling, and doing all the things you have been depriving yourself of for so many years.
Well, that’s what I’m offering you here.
Don’t look back a year from now... no further ahead in life than you are right now.
Don’t look back a year from now thinking... why didn’t I give myself a shot?
You’ll be kicking yourself for sitting on the sidelines... and nobody should have to live with that kind of regret.
Many folks write me to actually thank me for lighting a fire under their procrastinating butts... because my strategies work... and because they are based on FOUR profound and immutable truths.
This book features one profitable aha
moment after another.
I know 90% of the people buying information products don’t ever use them. And I also know that the 10% who do use them get enormous value.
And I know a small portion of you reading this book are doing so with an open mind and something I say will produce a life-changing epiphany and you will take action and it will literally change the course of your life.
Those epiphanies are plentiful but you got to have eyes
to see them. You have to be ready to appreciate them. That’s why I have been working so hard to put this book together for you... to help you see these ideas for what they really are. One profit exploding moment after another to help open your mind and get you to take action.
Most people won’t... I know that... but if I can get even a handful of you to step out of your comfort zone and get serious about implementing what is in my book... I know it will make a huge difference for you.
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover.