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Wedding Moon (Black Hills Wolves #52)
Wedding Moon (Black Hills Wolves #52)
Wedding Moon (Black Hills Wolves #52)
Ebook132 pages4 hours

Wedding Moon (Black Hills Wolves #52)

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Felix Dawson loves the ladies. As a retriever, a Wolf who runs errands for the pack, he’s met his fair share of buxom beauties outside Los Lobos. After an incident involving a traveling freak show and a mob of angry clowns seeking retribution for his taking the innocence of some not so innocent triplets, he swore to his alpha he’d stay out of trouble and away from human women.

And so far he has, until a vision in white stops him on the interstate outside Sioux Falls. He’s a knight in shining armor kind of guy and far be it for him to pass up a runaway bride in distress. Promises be damned.

Tierney manages to escape what could’ve been the worst mistake of her life. When she ditches her groom before the wedding, she has to run with a one hundred thousand dollar gown, purchased by the man she’d left behind. Good thing someone stopped to pick her up on the interstate, and bonus, it sounds like they’re headed to a remote location where she can lay low, until she can get the dress shipped back and avoid arrest for grand larceny.

When she can’t get anything out of Felix about the private community he won’t take her to, she decides to sneak into the cargo area of his Hummer when he goes into the gas station to use the restroom, jumping from the frying pan into the fire.
And then he catches her.

Release dateAug 19, 2016
Wedding Moon (Black Hills Wolves #52)

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    Wedding Moon (Black Hills Wolves #52) - D.L. Jackson

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    This book is a work of fiction.  Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    Wedding Moon

    Copyright © 2016 by D.L. Jackson

    ISBN: 978-1-68361-078-6

    Cover Art by Fiona Jayde

    Smashwords Edition

    All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work, in whole or in part, in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

    Published by Decadent Publishing Company, LLC

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    Wedding Moon

    Felix Dawson loves the ladies. As a retriever, a Wolf who runs errands for the pack, he’s met his fair share of buxom beauties outside Los Lobos. After an incident involving a traveling freak show and a mob of angry clowns seeking retribution for his taking the innocence of some not so innocent triplets, he swore to his alpha he’d stay out of trouble and away from human women.

    And so far he has, until a vision in white stops him on the interstate outside Sioux Falls. He’s a knight in shining armor kind of guy and far be it for him to pass up a runaway bride in distress. Promises be damned.

    Tierney manages to escape what could’ve been the worst mistake of her life. When she ditches her groom before the wedding, she has to run with a one hundred thousand dollar gown, purchased by the man she’d left behind. Good thing someone stopped to pick her up on the interstate, and bonus, it sounds like they’re headed to a remote location where she can lay low, until she can get the dress shipped back and avoid arrest for grand larceny.

    When she can’t get anything out of Felix about the private community he won’t take her to, she decides to sneak into the cargo area of his Hummer when he goes into the gas station to use the restroom, jumping from the frying pan into the fire.

    And then he catches her.


    Dear Reader,

    From the first moment my friend and fellow author, Rebecca Royce, approached me about writing for a new Decadent super secret project, Black Hills Wolves, I’ve had several characters in mind. I started with the more serious tales of bank robbers and a PTSD plagued hero. By the time I got to my Dawson boys, things took a different direction. Never did I expect my Dawson Wolves to be so much fun.

    And trouble.

    I hope you’ll check out my newest tales, Wedding Moon and Bringing Down Romeo, and laugh along with me at the Matron’s antics. They certainly ran away with the stories more than once, and let me tell you, as Gee can attest; they are not easy to rein back in.


    D. L. Jackson

    Black Hills Wolves Stories

    Wolf’s Return

    What a Wolf Wants

    Black Hills Desperado

    Wolf’s Song

    Claiming His Mate

    When Hell Freezes

    Portrait of a Lone Wolf

    Alpha in Disguise

    A Wolf’s Promise

    Reluctant Mate

    Diamond Moon

    Wolf on a Leash

    Tempting the Wolf

    Naming His Mate

    A Wolf Awakens

    The Wolf and the Butterfly

    Infiltrating Her Pack

    Omega’s Heart

    Rebel’s Claw

    Claiming the She-Wolf

    Worth Fighting For



    Promiscuous Wolf

    Disquieted Souls

    A Cougar Among Wolves

    Long Road Home

    A Mate’s Healing Touch

    Another Chance

    Broken Silence

    A Wolf’s Contract

    A Mate’s Redeeming Touch

    A Cougar Among Wolves

    Pleasure Me

    Craving His Love

    Jasmine Moon

    Winter Solstice Run

    Wolf’s Holiday

    Winter Magic

    Winter Secrets

    Winter Solstice Ménage

    Wolf in Winter Clothing

    Murder in Los Lobos

    Scent of Murder

    Scent of the Hunt

    Scent of His Woman

    Scent of Madness

    Coming Soon

    Secrets of the Hunt

    Salvaged Souls

    Also by DL Jackson

    Carnal Desires

    Carnal Attraction

    Carnal Denial

    Cinderella Wore Combat Boots

    Seducing Liberty

    This Endris Night

    Her Boogie Woogie Bugle Guy

    Being Prince Charming

    Beauty and the Brigadier

    Rebel Souls

    Last Flight of the Ark

    Courtesan Boot Camp

    Prepper Romance

    Finding Mercy


    Slipping the Past

    The Willfully Wedded Virgin

    Moon Crazy


    Wedding Moon

    A Black Hills Wolves Story


    D.L. Jackson

    Chapter One

    Tierney stared into the mirror. The cover-up did a great job hiding the bruise under her eye, but it didn’t take the hurt from her heart. She chewed on her lip. Can I do it?

    He’d sworn it would never happen again. No, it would, unless....

    She lifted her pearl and diamond-encrusted skirt, studying it. So that’s what a hundred thousand dollars looks like. She’d left her clothes back at the hotel and would be unable to change out of the monstrosity at the church. A pity. She was pretty certain taking off with it could get her charged with grand larceny. Lucky for her, the dressing room sat near a fire escape leading into an alley, not far from a ramp to the interstate, where, hopefully, she could make a getaway before the authorities caught her.

    Maxwell had flown the designer from Paris to create this gown exclusively for her. Her fiancé’s choice of fabric, his choice of style. Even the fortune in jewels sewn onto the fabric, his. Nothing about the god-awful gown spoke to her. Actually, she looked like a very expensive harlot in it. She’d tried to argue she’d pick her own dress, opting for something simple and elegant, but what Max wanted, Max got. So here she stood, looking like a stripper, exactly as he wanted.

    What about this wedding wasn’t?

    The guests were his, even the cake a flavor he’d chosen—rum raisin. Who the hell chose rum raisin for a wedding cake? He’d all but told her he owned her—bought and paid for—and demonstrated his control by tugging her strings and watching her dance to his music. But he’d made one mistake. He’d failed to squash her rebellious streak, the same streak which had her standing here, asking what the heck she thought marrying him would accomplish.

    No, he didn’t own her. Not yet. She hadn’t said I do. So, when she got somewhere safe and away from him, she’d ship the dress back. No harm—no foul. Except. Well, the wedding was bought and paid for to the tune of sixty grand. Lord, what had she gotten herself into?

    Plus, if he caught her, he wasn’t the forgiving type. Since she didn’t have a family nearby, and the only friends she had were the ones he picked for her, nobody would miss her if she disappeared. At least, not right away. Long enough he could dispose of any evidence of her demise.

    She should just marry him. But her granny, God rest her soul, would roll over in her grave if she did. She’d always told Tierney someday she’d find a man who would love her the way her father had loved her mother. A forever guy. She’d told her to hold out for him because out there somewhere, under that big sky, a man existed who would love her to his dying breath.

    Yeah, and that man isn’t Max. She slipped her engagement ring off her finger and set it on the stand beside the mirror. For all the excess Max went to, the ring was the one thing he’d kept simple. If he’d spent one hundred dollars on it, she’d be surprised. Another way he’d shown her the only value she had was what he assigned to her.

    Knock, knock, knock. Five minutes, Celia called from the other side and walked away, her heels clicking on the imported Spanish tile. Celia, Max’s assistant and the one he fucked in his office at night, when he said he had to work late, the very woman he swore he’d never touched. Tierney’s inquiry of said whore’s lipstick on his collar had been the reason for the black eye she’d had to cover up. No way would she marry a man who hit her or smashed away at her self-confidence.

    Now or never. Tierney raced over to the window and pushed it up. She slipped her heels off and dropped them to the ground. Lucky her, a ledge about eighteen inches wide gave her access to a fire escape no farther than ten feet away. She’d need only edge along the narrow brownstone and climb onto the metal stairs to make her escape. A piece of cake. If only her dress didn’t weigh so much. Oh, this would in no way be fun.

    She reached up, plucked her diamond tiara off her head, tossed it across the room like a Frisbee, gathered the excess fabric of her skirt, and climbed out the window. Two stories below, she could hear the music of the organ start up. In another minute, her cue to start down the aisle would play. She needed to move, and now.

    Step. Slide. Step. Slide. She pressed her back to the stone and moved as quickly as she could. As she reached the fire escape, the wedding march started. Dun, dun-dun, dun, dun, dun-dun....

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