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Lungcancer: Cancer Is Curable, It's Up to You
Lungcancer: Cancer Is Curable, It's Up to You
Lungcancer: Cancer Is Curable, It's Up to You
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Lungcancer: Cancer Is Curable, It's Up to You

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About this ebook

Cancer is a slowly developing illness. In the early stage it is, barring a few notable exceptions, not fatal.
Addressed to the layman, the reader learns why and under what conditions cancer is curable – in the stage of early cancer, also called carcinoma in situ. The emphasis lies on making the physician the patient's ally, in order to catch cancer at its very earliest stages, in which it can most definitely be cured.
Treat your body as well as you treat your car. Regular "service" conducted by your physician according to Redtenbacher's manual will save you from dying of cancer.
It is totally up to you that you do everything within your power to detect "Lung Cancer" at the very beginning, when it is absolutely curable.
Release dateFeb 26, 2016
Lungcancer: Cancer Is Curable, It's Up to You

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    Book preview

    Lungcancer - Michael Redtenbacher, M.D.

    Michael Redtenbacher, M.D.


    Cancer Is Curable, It’s Up to You

    Copyright © 2016 Redtenbacher Medical Publishing and Univ. Dozent Dr. Michael Redtenbacher

    All rights reserved

    eBook: Lungcancer – Cancer Is Curable, It’s Up to You

    ISBN: 978-3-99042-843-6

    Table of Contents

    Bernie Siegel, M.D.


    What kind of cancers are there?



    Michael Redtenbacher, M.D.

    You can change the experience of cancer by seeking information to integrate with your inspiration. This book can be your guide on how to go about it. You and I have the legal right and personal duty to be empowered and to ask for the performance of services, in order to prevent the necessity for extensive, physical and emotional traumatic treatments which we do not truly desire.

    Bernie Siegel, M.D. author of The Art of Healing and Love, Medicine & Miracles


    This book is written for those, who would like to know whether they might be suffering from a potentially debilitating or even letal disease, without even being aware of it, and not in favour of screening.

       Addressed to the layman, the reader learns why and under which conditions cancer is curable. The emphasis lies on making the physician the patient’s ally, in order to catch cancer at its very earliest stages, in which it is most definitely a curable disease.

       Usually, a patient seeks medical attention only, if symptoms are present, but cancer in the early, curable state does not produce symptoms. That is the key. Malignancy has to and can be detected in the very beginning, provided one knows what to focus on.

    The content of this book describes in utmost detail how

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