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Arianna's Addiction
Arianna's Addiction
Arianna's Addiction
Ebook83 pages1 hour

Arianna's Addiction

Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Arianna had a rough home life. Her parents expected her to take care of her five siblings and she had no life of her own. In order to cope she turned to something and someone who ultimately would change her life forever...and soon she realizes that she's going to lose everything she holds close to heart.

Release dateOct 13, 2016
Arianna's Addiction

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Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Literally terrible. They changed her age bout 8 times. I had to rate it bout it doesn't even deserve 1 star?

Book preview

Arianna's Addiction - Taquila Thompson

Chapter 1

My eyes rolled into the back of my head as I sucked on the pipe also known as the glass dick. This wasn’t the first time that I had gotten high and it wouldn’t be the last time that I got high either. I started smoking crack when I was just ten to escape my life at home. I was the oldest of six kids and I always had to do something for my family whether I wanted to do it or not, and very often I did not want to do it. I never got the opportunity to be a kid or be with any of my friends. With my mom dipping in and out my life chasing the next party and dad always working overtime to make ends meet everything depended on me and I hated it. I wanted a life of my own. To feel free and have friends and go to sleepovers and things but that wasn’t possible because technically I was the head of my household and it sucked.

Yea that’s that good shit ain’t it? asked Tone my dealer. He was a small time dealer who sold to you as long as you had the cash. It didn’t matter if you were old or young if you could afford it then you could get it. He sold a little of everything from crack to heroine. None of the others dealers had much respect for him because of the way that he handled his business but he didn’t care. The way he saw it he was his own man doing his own thing and he told me that often. I just listened to him ramble because sometimes it would result in a free rock my way.

My head slowly began to nod as I started to zone out. I didn’t really know what was going on nor did I really care. I was enjoying this moment because right now it was all about me. The white smoke and the crackling sounds eased my mind and I didn’t have a care in the world. I was free just like my favorite creature the butterfly.

I told you that I got you girl. I’ll always have your back out here. You don’t have to worry about me using you like your family. We’re friends and I always take care of my friends, he said as he patted me on the head and slowly slid his hand down my back.

I looked up at him and slowly cracked a smile. I didn’t care that he rubbed my back just as long as he didn’t try anything else with me. I didn’t consider myself to be like all of the other addicts out here on these streets. I didn’t have the shakes or the crack scratch and I never had sex to get what I needed from a dealer. I still had some of my integrity intact. What I did was steal money from my dad’s wallet sometimes when I didn’t have any left from the money that he gave me to take care of my brothers and sisters. I even sometimes had older guys pawn my siblings’ electronics because I was too young to pawn anything. Sure they were sad when they couldn’t find their stuff but I needed a break. I couldn’t be everything to everybody nor was I going to try to be. I had my own life to live and if my parents didn’t want to watch my brothers and sisters then they shouldn’t have had them. After all they weren’t my fucking kids! I was fifteen and still a kid myself but they didn’t see it that way. I was just an underpaid, overworked, in house babysitter.

I continued to get high until about one in the morning. On my way home I passed a couple of homeless dudes and a few crazy looking teenagers who looked even higher than I was. Nigga shield activate! Do not make eye contact. I thought to myself as I walked pass them. It wasn’t that dark outside because of all the street lights and some of the stores were still open. When I reached my house I saw that the living room lights were on and two figures that looked like they were arguing were in the window. Nobody was supposed to be in the house but my brothers and sisters so this was an unexpected sight. I ran across the street and around the side of the house to my room window. It was still slightly cracked and I breathed a sigh of relief as I climbed through it. Once inside I heard some of the argument that was going on. It was my dad and mom. I wonder what made them decide to come home since they’re rarely here at the same time. They sounded like muffled voices until I peeked through my room door to see what was going on. They argued often so this wasn't really a rare sight. They usually argued in front of us kids because they knew that either Taryha  or I would interfere and stop it. We never took sides though because in our eyes they both were crazy and didn't deserve us. After these arguments mom would usually storm off and be missing for days and I hoped that tonight wouldn’t be any different. It was peaceful when she wasn’t here.

Quetta you just can’t keep sliding back and forth into these kids’ lives whenever you feel like it. They need to have a full-time mother! Arianna can’t take care of all these kids all the time. You need to handle your responsibilities, yelled my dad.

I know that’s right, I mumbled to myself.

Whatever! It’s not like your ass is here all the time either John! she yelled back. The look on my mom’s face was venomous. I could see that she really was mad at my dad but that was nothing new either. I think that they were trying to stick it out for us kids but it was doing more harm than good.

I’m here more than you. I’m here every single day. You on the other hand come and go as you please! The kids see you like maybe two times out of the week if their lucky enough to be up when you waltz your ass in here! he yelled back.

I continued to watch and listen to them argue. I found it odd that my dad was saying what he was saying because we rarely saw him either unless we were up late. He left to go to work before we got up and came home when we were in the bed asleep. So he had very little room to talk. I suddenly saw a small little figure walk from the side of the hallway. It was my little brother Melvin. He was staring at our parents arguing. I could see the tears running down his face as he held tightly onto his little bear Bubby, which went with him everywhere even to daycare. He

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