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Architect Of Love (Fated Soulmates 2)
Architect Of Love (Fated Soulmates 2)
Architect Of Love (Fated Soulmates 2)
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Architect Of Love (Fated Soulmates 2)

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About this ebook

He could work miracles with His Hands
Lance Bartner loved working with his hands, made his living refinishing furniture. Nights out were for fun with friends and the occasional hook-up. Though the L word had never been spoken, he would have enjoyed a relationship had the right man crossed his path. But who would want a laborer like Lance? He wasn't college educated, didn't live in a fancy loft condo, didn't drive a Lexus, and didn't even own a suit.
Forrest Dentren, was an architect and city planner who had become a local name when his design for the Monroe City Center was chosen as one of the top three contenders. Well educated, extremely well built, and as both men and women put it, just plain hot. Some said he was married to his job, others said he was too picky, many said he didn't want to share the spotlight.
One hot, uninhibited sex-filled night
When Forrest broke his routine and went clubbing on a weeknight, he spotted Lance. The attraction was immediate from both sides of the dance floor. They both felt it. A few drinks later, still feeling it, they left for Lance's apartment.
It was never supposed to turn into anything more than one hot fuck
Two people from opposite ends of the world, no roadmap, not directions, no ideas how to make it work.
Architect Of Love is a hot and steamy, gay romance novel with no cliffhangers. It is the second book in The Fated Soulmates series and can be read as a standalone.

Release dateNov 27, 2016
Architect Of Love (Fated Soulmates 2)

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Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

    Jun 8, 2023

    I enjoyed the story, the plot was interesting, but this book needs even more editing than the previous one.

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Architect Of Love (Fated Soulmates 2) - John Charles

Architect of Love

(Fated Soulmates 2)


John Charles

Copyright and Legal Notice:

Smashwords Edition

Copyright 2016

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2016 John Charles. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, or portions thereof, in any form. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, downloaded, decompiled, reverse engineered, or stored, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical without the express written permission of the author. The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this book via the Internet or via any other means without the permission of the publisher is illegal and punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized electronic editions, and do not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials.

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ISBN: 978-1-882598-14-4

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Table of Contents

Comforted By Love by John Charles (Fated Soulmates 1)

Architect of Love

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Other John Charles Book

A message From The Author

Comforted By Love


John Charles

(Fated Soulmates 1)

Get your Free copy of Comforted By Love (Fated Soulmates 1)

Damian had taken care of his wheelchair bound mother since he was twelve years old, when his father walked out, leaving mother and son to fend for themselves. Life dealt them blow after blow, but his mother repeatedly told him "something good will come from this."

Eight years later, he was juggling community college classes, a part-time job he was sometimes ashamed of, volunteer work at a community center, and caring for his mother. Biking to classes in a downpour, Damian was soaked to the bone. As he locked his bike to the rack, those words rang through his head once again. Damian wondered, What good will come from this?

Frank, an ambitious, successful restaurateur wanted more from his life. Hook-ups had become boring, empty, and shallow. He needed some someone to give meaning to his life. His friends said he was a predator, would never be satisfied with one guy, that he needed the excitement from new prey in his bed each night. But his lust had faded, leaving his him and his bed empty.

When Frank saw Damian volunteering at the community center, run by his sister, his first thought was "He is Beautiful Beth said I make people my conquest, and maybe she was right, but Damian was different. He was neither prey nor a notch in my bedpost." He wanted Damian, couldn't get him out of his mind, and didn't know how to get him. With his sister's help, Frank and Damian met, but it was not lust or sex that brought them together.

When a corrupt attorney and greedy developer attempt to push Damian and his mother to the brink, Frank knows he needs to help, but how? Can he help mother and son, develop a relationship with Damian, and not drive a wedge between them?

Each book in The Fated Soulmates series is a standalone novel with no cliffhangers and a

Happy Ever After (HEA) ending

Get your Free copy of Comforted By Love (Fated Soulmates 1)

Architect of Love

(Fated Soulmates 2)


John Charles

He could work miracles with His Hands

Lance Bartner loved working with his hands, made his living refinishing furniture. Nights out were for fun with friends and the occasional hook-up. Though the L word had never been spoken, he would have enjoyed a relationship had the right man crossed his path. But who would want a laborer like Lance? He wasn't college educated, didn't live in a fancy loft condo, didn't drive a Lexus, and didn't even own a suit.

Forrest Dentren, was an architect and city planner who had become a local name when his design for the Monroe City Center was chosen as one of the top three contenders. Well educated, extremely well built, and as both men and women put it, just plain hot. Some said he was married to his job, others said he was too picky, many said he didn't want to share the spotlight.

One hot, uninhibited sex-filled night

When Forrest broke his routine and went clubbing on a weeknight, he spotted Lance. The attraction was immediate from both sides of the dance floor. They both felt it. A few drinks later, still feeling it, they left for Lance's apartment.

It was never supposed to turn into anything more than one hot fuck

Two people from opposite ends of the world, no roadmap, not directions, no ideas how to make it work.

Architect Of Love is a hot and steamy, gay romance novel with no cliffhangers. It is the second book in The Fated Soulmates series and can be read as a standalone.

Chapter 1

The tall blond kicked the door closed with his foot as he pinned the shorter, more muscular man against the wall. One hand held the shorter man's hands above his head, the other a handful of his shirt.

Lance is a pretty name for such a muscular guy. Why'd your mother name you that? His face was mere inches from Lance's. They breathed the same air as they stared into the other man's eyes.

She has a thing for different names. Don't ask me why, she just does. Lance was almost hyperventilating; his brown eyes were wide with curious anticipation, the pupils dilated. I might ask what was in your mother's mind when she named you Forrest. Were you conceived in the woods?

A growl emitted from the tall blond. He pushed Lance harder against the wall, his entire body now firmly against the shorter man. Never asked where they fucked and don't want to know, but the name works for me. Does Lance suit you? Are you?

That's a rather personal question, don't you think? After all, we just met. Lance struggled to keep his body under control. He could feel the heat emanating from Forrest, his breath smelled of Scotch, his muscles were taught as a lion's ready to pounce. His groin pressed just above Lance's and it was hard with desire as was his own.

They held eye contact for a long minute then Forrest moved his head, slowly as if testing the space between them. Lance followed his full lips as they neared his own. They were heavy with lust, slightly open, tongue barely visible. When they touched his, he felt a tingle down to his toes. He moaned.

Forrest held Lance in place, as he tasted the shorter man. Beer mingled with breath mint met his tongue as he pushed to gain control. He heard Lance's moan and continued to push for more. His body was ready to burst. He felt Lance's heat against his and knew the man wanted what he presented.

Suddenly as if on attack, Lance twisted in the taller man's arms. He forced Forrest around and pressed him against the wall where his back had lain seconds prior. How does it feel now? he whispered unable to voice anything louder. You want more? Can you handle it or are the trees too big, Forrest?

Forrest could feel Lance's long, calloused fingers holding his wrists. Short, muscular legs stood outside his encasing him. The hand pushing against his chest caused his heartbeat to sound and feel harder and louder. It was his turn to hyperventilate. I can take anything you throw at me. Care to try something else or is this all you've got?

Lance pulled Forrest from the wall keeping a tight grip on his wrists. He walked his captive backward to the couch at the far end of the small room. With a push, Forrest was lying on his back, Lance straddling him. For the first time, Forrest took in his surroundings. They were in a small, tidy apartment. The furniture looked old as if from garage sales or thrift stores. Though old, the couch felt soft and comfortable. A bookcase held a small TV and several hardcover books, the titles he couldn't make out from where he lay. Warm, comfortable, masculine were his thoughts, thoughts that were interrupted as Lance sensuously moved his ass along Forrest's throbbing erection. Lance's actions brought a whimper of pain and pleasure from his lips.

Lance sat on Forrest wondering just how far he could go with this hot man who picked him out of all the other guys at The Hole, a club on the gay strip in the south end. He frequented the area. The clubs provided an easy way for him to satisfy his fantasies without too much involvement. He had been the one to pick up others most nights.

Tonight, though, he sat with two friends, no one interested him. Then this hot man, clearly out of Lance's normal league, asked if he wanted a refill. That refill was not finished as they readily agreed to take the night further. A quick cab ride brought them to Lance's apartment.

Slowly with a little uncertainty, he unbuttoned Forrest's shirt

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