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Louder Than Words
Louder Than Words
Louder Than Words
Ebook279 pages3 hours

Louder Than Words

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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A girl with no voice, only one friend, and a synthetic speech machine that makes her sound like a robot--definitely not prom queen material. So traumatized on the night of the car wreck that killed her entire family that she lost her ability to speak and most of her memories, seventeen-year-old Sasha faces a lonely, quiet future...until she meets a beautiful boy who can literally read her mind.
Release dateNov 18, 2012
Louder Than Words

Laurie Plissner

Laurie Plissner is the author of Screwed, a Simon & Schuster book.

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Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    The premise of this book sounded promising. I was really excited to read it. But I have to say that in the end I just didn't like it as much as I thought I would - or maybe I should say that I liked parts of it, and other parts of it - not so much.

    The heroine is not very likable. From the beginning she just seems like this self-centered spoiled little girl, and while I tried to be understanding of her situation, she lost her family and her memories and it's a tragedy, the author laid the story out in a way that evokes no sympathy (maybe on purpose? I'm not sure) from the reader. To me, Sasha was just a brat and I couldn't get over it. Often times she would belittle Charlotte's efforts to do her best with this situation they were given, and I kind of resented her for it.
    Eventually she does get it together and even though she continues to act like a brat, I did warm up to her in the end.

    Ben was a sweetie, and I liked the whole special bond thing they had. But both of them were constantly playing hot and cold with each other. Also, I felt kind of cheated, we never saw them get to know each other, it was more like: they meet BAM they kiss and date BAM they break up BAM...the whole first half of the book had weird pacing.

    But it improved in the second half, and it's only then that I started to get into the story more, after the whole mystery about her family's death started to unravel. Even though I had it figured out pretty fast, because it was heavily hinted at, I still thought it was interesting.

    Things that bothered me about this, and beware, there are spoilers:
    There are two near-rape scenes that I felt were just used as some sort of plot device and forgotten all about once the story moved on. I am not talking threats and a bit of overpowering, this went beyond that and I find it hard to believe that any girl would get over being assaulted like that so fast, and then move on thinking all kind of smutty thoughts about some other guy, almost immediately, acting like this never even happened.

    The ending - eh, the reason for Dr. O. killing her family turned out to be somewhat anti-climatic. A woman scorned, etc...pretty boring.

    And I did mind that we are never explained why exactly Ben could read minds. Or what's the deal with his whole family?

    Laurie Plissner's writing style is simple and straight-to-the-point, and I did enjoy that aspect of it. This being her debut I have to say I was pretty satisfied, good supporting characters (Jules, Ben, Stuart, Ben's mom), great chemistry between Ben and Sasha (at least what we got to see of them - the library scene was so promising).

    I want to give this a five star rating, because the idea was really good, but I can't overlook the things that bothered me about it. Sometimes a book is just mindless fun, and that's how I look at it, but when you bring things like attempted rape into it I expect the author to treat it a little more seriously.
    So yeah, I would recommend this because it has a bit of everything: a love story, a mystery, a little thrill towards the ending and just a touch of paranormal, but don't expect it to blow you away.

    **Free copy of this book provided by the publisher via NetGalley.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Okay so I think the summary above does little to make sense of this novel. First it's Sasha's older sister that is killed in the car crash. Sasha goes to live with her mom's sister and her husband who had decided not to have children because of their law careers. But lucky for Sasha, they are kind and loving people who, if they don't get it right it's not for lack of trying, it's more for lack of knowing how. Charlotte, her aunt, tends to be neurotic and a bit dramatic but Stuart, Charlotte's husband always seems to be able to say one word to bring her back to sensible reason and he can talk her out of any kind of kooky scheme like talking to Ben when Sasha and Ben break up.So while we're on the subject of Sasha and Ben, yes, Ben can read minds. There is a funny little scene in the library where he dares to invade Sasha's private little sofa area and then she's trying to look at him on the sly and with every thought about how sexy he is his smile grows despite the rather serious book he's reading by Sartre. At this point, and throughout the book, her only forms of communication are through a computer generated voice box and a piece of paper and pen. She leaves in a huff at his apparent amusement only to make a stupid girl mistake, walking through a park in the dark alone. (This is the second book I've read where this happened. Are teenage girls really that dumb?) And when Ben rescues her from something truly frightening she finds out about him being able to read her mind. Also, she doesn't report the incident he rescues her from like she should. Again, I know it's traumatic but why let them get away with it. They picked her because she couldn't tell, because she was mute. It left me uncomfortable, especially when Ben told her she was beautiful afterwords. Creepy. They do begin a relationship which Sasha has no experience with and is clearly not ready for. Her hormones are leading the charge very inexpertly and with a guy that can read her every desire it's very awkward. Thankfully, Ben is more of a gentleman than most men and he keeps things at a slow and chaste pace until the breakup.Sasha's biggest problem is that she can't talk. She can't remember the accident nor anything leading up to the accident including her childhood. The renowned PTSD psychiatrist working with her has had no success with her after four years. But then Sasha starts doing a few things on her own and discovers some secret notes at the crash site and fresh flowers and realizes that maybe there was another car there. She has a wonderful best friend that I would have loved to have seen more of but what I did see was someone that was loyal to a fault. This girl was very popular, head cheerleader, boyfriends by the handful, but she pushed all that away to stand beside her friend and never minded the talking machine she used. Jules never gave up on the idea that Sasha would one day get her voice back. She went on stake outs and fact finding missions with her. She was as loyal as a hound dog.And Ben, though he had the best intentions when he broke up with Sasha, finally realizes the error of his ways. But I didn't like how all over the place he was. He seemed too good to be true, but then he played with Sasha's emotions.But he did come through in the clutch. And his mother was a wonderful healer for Sasha and mother figure for her.In all, I really enjoyed the book except for the fact that attempted rapes aren't reported as I've seen in several other books. Why? I think this encourages girls to keep silent. NO! Speak out. Don't stay quiet. It really bothers me that the police didn't get involved although some revenge was exacted upon them. The mystery part of the story lead somewhere I hadn't even thought about so that part was well done. I hadn't even considered that person being involved in the crash. So that was a complete surprise. And again, this one is a nail biter to the very last sentence.I'd recommend this one to contemporary readers that don't mind a dash of magic with their romances. All the questions about sex and flirting and relationships with the opposite sex were difficult for even me to answer so I felt Sasha's angst. And I could only imagine her pain at the loss she suffered. In all it was a solid story, just a few pet peeves touched on.Definitely for a mature YA reader as a lot of focus on sex.I received a copy of this novel from Merit Press through NetGalley. I was not compensated for my review.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Louder Than Words by Laurie Plissner is a fun and fast paced read. To call Sasha, the main character in this story a sassy young girl would seem somewhat unusual, considering that she is unable to speak. We begin the story when she turns thirteen, and wakes in a hospital with her Aunt Charlotte at her side. Sasha has no idea where she is or why, because as hard as she tries, she can't remember why she is in the hospital. Her main concern in those first moments are for her family. She senses something has happened, but can't remember what. To find her mother's sister at her bedside instead of her mother is somehow not right. Sasha wants answers, and she wants them fast. This is when she finds that she is unable to speak. She opens her mouth to question Charlotte and nothing comes out. The inability to speak is a shock to Charlotte as well, and as she hurries to find paper and pencils for Sasha, a doctor comes in and things begin to happen in a hurry. There is no time for Charlotte to explain to her niece what has happened. Sasha doesn't know that she is the only survivor of a car crash that took the lives of both of her parents and her slightly older sister. No idea, until one of the doctors investigating her muteness inadvertently lets it slip. The news is almost unbearable. But there is no way to turn back the clock and make the accident not happen.The only choice is to move forward. Since she suffered no apparent physical injuries, and there was no physical injury to her throat, vocal chords or larynx, Sasha's inability to speak at all was diagnosed as Hysterical Mutism. This disorder is most commonly found in children and adolescents after a traumatic event. In some cases, like Sasha's, the young person is unable to speak at all. In other cases, it is possible for the affected person to speak to specific and well trusted person within their circle of friends or family. Sasha learns to communicate with a voice synthesizing device, which she calls her Hawkie Talkie, as it is the same sort of device that the famous physicist Stephen Hawking uses. Charlotte and her husband Stuart welcome Sasha into their family, they love and cherish her and do everything in their power to help her to find her voice again. According to all the experts, it is simply a matter of getting past the traumatic moment in whatever way it is possible to do so. But for Sasha, with no real memories of the accident, and not feeling the need to seek those memories, four years pass with no success. She is a studious and mostly quiet girl with a best friend called Jules, who has stood strong by her side from the days they were toddlers, through the accident and beyond. Sasha does have a difficult side, and this emerges through inappropriate behavior in school which often lands her in the midst of what you might call a bad crowd, as she is often sittin in detention. Unfortunately, it is there that she comes to the attention of some unruly jocks who learn her after school routine. Despite her school time behaviors, Sasha's favorite place to spend her time out of school is the library. One day she is joined in her little corner of the library by a good looking boy, and that moment has a momentous affect on the next part of her life.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    (This review was originally posted at My Library in the Making.)They say laughter is the best medicine, but what if—aside from a few huffs of air—you couldn’t even laugh?That’s Sasha’s life, post-accident—the accident that had taken her family and her voice. After four years of psychotherapy, she still suffered from hysterical mutism and retrograde amnesia, and had to choose between pen and paper or her Hawkie Talkie to communicate with others... well, that was until Ben Fisher, cute black-belter and Italian-speaking mind-reader, came complete with nunchucks to save her.I have to say, I certainly didn’t expect Louder Than Words to be such a fun read. Sure, Sasha was mute and had little memory of her life before the accident, but she wasn’t too down on herself. She was hopeless but positive. I doubt I’m making any sense here, but I really understood her outlook in life because it’s pretty much mine, too.Now, on to Ben freaking Fisher. I admit, he reminded me of Edward Cullen more than once—probably because of the mind-reading, Roman-god-looks, maturity, and out-of-the-blue chastity—but aside from his special talent, he was very much human. And very much swoon-worthy.Although it frustrated me (a lot), I liked how Ben prioritized Sasha’s mental health over their relationship, knowing she would never be whole without fully understanding her past, and I liked it even more that, instead of wallowing in grief, Sasha concentrated on getting better.With the perfect balance of giggles and I’m-suspecting-everyone mystery, Louder Than Words was the complete package, and I would love to pick it up again soon.MY FAVORITE PART was Sasha and Ben’s date in the city. Swooooooooon.

Book preview

Louder Than Words - Laurie Plissner

Chapter 1

Every night it’s the same thing. Screeching brakes. Crunching steel. A rush of cold, wet air as the glass crumbles, letting in the snowy night. The chorus of screams, and then nothing — just the slow drip of fluids from the mangled wreck and the hiss of steam escaping the crushed radiator. And the stench — scorched rubber, gasoline, the metallic smell of blood, burning electrical wiring — all mingled with a sweet, flowery smell I couldn’t identify. Was I dead? Did God work behind the perfume counter at Bloomingdale’s?

Why couldn’t I dream about something else? The accident was four years ago, and the dream never faded, never changed. If only I could remember more, then maybe I could figure out what really happened. Waking up exhausted every morning, my sheets in a tangle, my nightgown drenched in sweat, I was stuck. More than once I’d wished that I wasn’t the one who had miraculously escaped death, as the newspapers put it, pulled dazed and bleeding from the wreckage. Reliving my family’s last moments night after night was not my idea of living, and if I had the guts, I probably would have figured out a way to join them, wherever they were, instead of staying here in a sort of no-man’s-land. But that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon. I was a coward and a big talker. Well, actually, I wasn’t a talker at all anymore.

When I woke up in the hospital on that Christmas Eve, three days after the accident, my Aunt Charlotte was sitting next to my bed, wringing her hands as I rubbed my eyes, a fluffy mountain of her crumpled tissues on the bedside table.

Sasha, you’re awake. Oh darling, are you okay? Are you in pain?

I opened my mouth to answer her, to tell her that I felt fine, a little sore, but none the worse for wear. And I wanted to ask her what had happened, why I was in a hospital, judging by the mechanical bed, the IV in my arm, and that horrible antiseptic smell. But nothing came out. Like a fish out of water, gasping for air, my mouth opened and closed, but there was no sound. It was as if someone had pressed my mute button.

Desperately needing to communicate, I mimed a pencil and paper, and when Charlotte handed me a pad and pen, I wrote furiously. What happened? Why can’t I talk? Where are Mom and Dad and Liz? Why am I in the hospital?

At that point I hadn’t yet started having the dream and had no recollection of the accident. My mind was a jumble, and my lost voice and the panicked expression on Charlotte’s face terrified me more than I thought possible.

You can’t talk? I don’t know what’s wrong. Jumping up, knocking over the plastic water pitcher on the table next to the bed, Charlotte ran to find a nurse while I tried to rouse my vocal cords.

Hours later, after what seemed like a dozen doctors had looked down my throat with exotic instruments that looked more suited to medieval torture than medical diagnostics, a young man, who barely looked old enough to drive let alone practice medicine, appeared in the doorway. Before he could produce a flashlight or a tongue depressor I was shaking my head and covering my mouth with my hand. No more doctors. Whatever was wrong with me, this wasn’t helping.

Sasha, Mrs. Thompson, I’m Dr. Klein. Don’t worry, I’m a different kind of doctor. I won’t be putting anything down your throat.

He smiled reassuringly at us both and took my aunt out into the hallway, leaving me to visualize the worst that a kid could imagine. A doctor only left the room when there was bad news. By the time they returned I had decided that I was dying. Tears gushed down my cheeks, my shoulders shook, but even then, not so much as a whimper.

Sasha, it’s okay. You’re going to be fine. I promise.

Charlotte didn’t look as convincing as she sounded, but my parents were nowhere to be seen, and I needed to believe in someone. I bit my lip, blinked back my tears, and tried to suck it up. If she could be brave, then so could I. We both looked at Dr. Klein, who just stood with his arms folded, a sympathetic thin-lipped smile on his face.

Sasha, your aunt’s right. You will be just fine. Miraculously, you suffered virtually no injuries in the accident — no physical injuries, that is. Your inability to speak is a phenomenon called hysterical mutism, a rare manifestation of posttraumatic stress. As an adolescent — how old are you?

What accident? I wanted to scream. What was this weirdo talking about?

She’s thirteen today, my aunt said softly.

I hadn’t known what day it was myself. So this was what it felt like to be a teenager. Not at all what I’d expected.

Oh, dear. Wishing you a happy birthday doesn’t seem particularly appropriate. Anyway, as I was saying, the adolescent brain is in a state of flux and is especially vulnerable to psychic trauma. But the good thing is that the pubescent brain is also very elastic, capable of healing itself in ways that an adult brain cannot. He paused to let this sink in, but when he noticed my bewildered expression, he seemed to realize that he wasn’t talking only to adults, and that I hadn’t understood a word he’d said, other than the part about my birthday. I’m sorry, sweetheart. What I’m trying to say, and not doing a very good job, is that although your body was not seriously injured in the accident, your mind was. In response to this terrible thing that has happened to you, your brain has reacted by taking away your ability to speak. Your vocal cords are perfectly fine. While you may remember very little of what happened the night of the accident in your conscious mind, the deepest part of your brain remembers everything and is very upset by it.

Dr. Klein, overcompensating for his initial, convoluted explanation, was speaking incredibly slowly, enunciating every syllable, as if my inability to speak had somehow affected my ability to understand English. Unbelievable. Who knew my brain was that powerful, and that stupid? How could it shut down my voice box like that? What for? I couldn’t even remember what happened that night, or much of the rest of my life, for that matter. I nodded at Dr. Klein. What else was there to do? Why couldn’t I have a broken leg or a ruptured spleen, something run-of-the-mill that could be healed with a cast or some stitches?

I’m a general psychiatrist, but I think Sasha would benefit most if she worked with someone who specializes in the area of posttraumatic stress. Dr. Colleen O’Rourke, who is at the forefront of this field, recently moved here from Boston. She works primarily at New York General, but she does see a few patients locally. She’s eager to take your case. Dr. Klein patted my feet through the blankets and handed Charlotte a business card. I wish you a speedy recovery, Sasha, and I’m so sorry for your loss.

Charlotte glared up at him, shaking her head violently from side to side. I hadn’t … She didn’t finish the sentence.

I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize. Dr. Klein reddened, realizing that he had let the cat, the dead cat, out of the bag. But it didn’t matter — I already knew.

There was a knock at the door, and a woman peeked in. Unable to face another doctor, I yanked the sheet over my head.

I hope I’m not interrupting.

Perfect timing, said Dr. Klein. Mrs. Thompson, Sasha, this is Dr. O’Rourke.

Hello. Please accept my condolences for your terrible loss.

Charlotte gently pulled the sheet from my face. So nice to meet you, Dr. O’Rourke. Thank you for taking us on.

The two women shook hands, and Dr. O’Rourke nodded at me.

I very much look forward to helping Sasha cope with what has happened. You are a brave little girl.

Brave was the last thing I was, but she didn’t know me yet.

She is, Charlotte sniffed.

I actually knew your father many, many years ago. We went to high school together in Boston. He was the captain of the football team, the quarterback.

Three pairs of eyes stared at my mouth, as if waiting for me to have a breakthrough right there, as if a famous doctor standing at the foot of my hospital bed would be enough to jog my memory and cure my voice. I didn’t remember that my father had grown up in Boston or played football in high school. It was like they were talking about a complete stranger. Not knowing what else to do, I nodded. Maybe if I agreed with this person, she would leave.

That should make things easier, shouldn’t it? Charlotte said, sounding desperate for something positive to grab onto.

Absolutely, said Dr. Klein, and Dr. O’Rourke nodded. The fact that Dr. O’Rourke knew Sasha’s father, even so long ago, gives her insight into the entire dynamic.

Since when did my dead family become a dynamic? What did that even mean? I closed my eyes. I couldn’t make them stop talking, but at least I didn’t have to look at them.

Dr. O’Rourke whispered, You need to rest, Sasha. I will see you very soon. Mrs. Thompson, call me in a few days and we’ll set something up. Goodbye.

I’m going to go, too, Dr. Klein said.

The door clicked shut and I opened my eyes. For a few minutes, Charlotte and I just looked at each other. Then I tapped the pad of paper where I had earlier scrawled my questions. My parents and my sister were gone forever. There was no denying it. At the moment it didn’t really matter how it had happened, but I might as well get it over with.

Haltingly, Charlotte began telling me her version of events, still dancing around the fact that my entire family was dead. My mother and Charlotte were sisters, only a year apart, and had been as close as twins.

You were driving with Liz and your folks to the church for the holiday concert when the accident happened. It was snowing, but the roads looked okay, and your dad had just put the snow tires on the car. I spoke to your mom right before you left, at about seven o’clock. She wanted to know if Stuart and I wanted to join you, but we both had court in the morning and had work to do. Do you remember any of this?

Charlotte seemed more comfortable now that she could be helpful, using her lawyerly skills to remind the witness of what had happened. The color was slowly returning to her cheeks.

I shook my head. Church? Christmas concert? I remembered I had two parents, a sister named Liz, and Aunt Charlotte, but not much else before waking up in a hospital bed. My brain was wrapped in thick fog, and no matter how hard I concentrated, the haze wasn’t lifting.

Do you remember the car ride? she coaxed.

Charlotte leaned forward, her hands clutching the thin, white cotton blanket, as if she were physically trying to pull the memories from wherever they were trapped inside of me. I squeezed my eyes shut tight, trying to picture what had happened in the car, during what had been my family’s last few minutes alive. What was I wearing? How hard was it snowing? What was playing on the car radio?

Nothing, just a thudding pain behind my eyes and sudden, unbearable fatigue. Turning my head away from Charlotte, I slipped into blackness.

• • •

Two days later I was released from the hospital and moved into Charlotte’s house. Although I knew I had lived elsewhere before the accident, I had no conscious memory of that place and no desire to remember. If I could have made time stop, made myself disappear, I would have. Like a robot, I sat where I was told to sit, ate what I was told to eat, and settled into a new life with my aunt and uncle, which unfortunately started with my family’s funeral. When I woke up that morning, for a glorious second I thought I had dreamed it all, that my dad was going to march past my bedroom humming Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony to himself, just as he did every morning at exactly 7:03, and a few minutes later, the smell of coffee brewing would float up the stairs and under my bedroom door. But then, like a lens coming into focus, my real life emerged from the shadows inside my head.

I don’t want to go, I wrote. A yellow legal pad and a pile of Ticonderoga pencils were my only link to the outside world. I was still in my pajamas, and we were due at the cemetery in less than an hour. You can’t make me. I stomped my foot on the wood floor, but my socks muffled the sound, undermining the fury that I was so desperate to express.

Charlotte said, Darling, I know it’s hard, but I think — and Dr. O’Rourke agrees — that it’s important for you to go.

I had met the storied Dr. O’Rourke exactly once, and here she was, making decisions for me, giving unwanted advice, issuing orders.

But I know they’re all dead … I get it. My pencil dug into the paper as I wrote the word dead. Why do I have to see it? Why can’t everybody just leave me alone?

I closed my eyes, imagining three coffins lined up next to three perfectly rectangular holes in the ground. Why wasn’t there a fourth for me? It would be so much easier. In the days after the accident I spent much of my time fantasizing about an accident that took four lives instead of three. Charlotte blathered on about my life being spared because I must have some special purpose. Total bullshit. At this point I was just taking up space. Opening my swollen and bloodshot eyes, I stared out the window at the snow-covered trees. By now I should have run out of tears, but I seemed to have an endless supply.

It’s closure. You need to say goodbye to them. She could barely get the words out, turning her back to me so I wouldn’t see her cry.

I knew she must be as devastated as I was, but I had no room in my heart for empathy. Feeling sorry for myself was taking up all my energy.

What’s the point of saying goodbye to three wooden boxes? Like that’s going to help me get over it? They’re already gone. The tip of my pencil snapped with the force of my words.

Charlotte gave Stuart a pleading look. Standing at the island in the kitchen, he stirred his tea and looked on helplessly. I felt bad for him. This wasn’t supposed to be his life either. Putting down his spoon, he came and sat down next to me on the sofa.

Sash, funerals suck, and going to your family’s funeral is an unthinkable task, but it’s just something you have to do. It’s not right, but it’s what everybody’s expecting. If you don’t show up, they’ll never leave you alone. So let’s get this over with, and then you can come home and I won’t let anyone bother you. I promise. He held up three fingers in a Boy Scout salute.

That made sense. If I knew my public misery was limited to an hour or two, I could manage. I nodded. No wonder Stuart was so good at his job: he knew how to get things done. As horrible as I felt, I wasn’t immune to logic, and Stuart’s plan was reasonable and finite.

But Stu, what about the reception afterward?

Charlotte stood in front of us, filing her fingernails furiously. She was like a taut guitar string, ready to snap at the slightest touch, but Stuart maintained his cool.

Sasha and I are coming straight home after the funeral. No reception. You can go, and you should, to represent the family, but I don’t think any good is going to come of standing around talking about the good old days. It’s too soon. Stuart kissed me on the forehead and patted my knee. She’s just a baby, he whispered into my hair. She needs time.

Charlotte sighed and wiped her eyes, inspecting her hands for mascara. I suppose you’re right. Of course that makes sense. I was so busy thinking about what we were supposed to do that I wasn’t thinking about what was the right thing for Sasha. I’m so sorry, kiddo. This is all new for me. We’ll figure this out. It’s just going to take time to get used to everything.

My tears dripped on the yellow paper, smudging my words. It’s okay. I love you guys. Thank you for taking me in. I know you didn’t want to have a baby, and now you have me. It must be hard.

"Don’t ever say thank you for this. It’s a privilege to have you in this house. No more discussing it — let’s get this over with. Go get dressed, Sasha," Stuart ordered. Everything about Stuart made me feel safe.

It was a graveside ceremony, and all three coffins were lined up, just as I had pictured. Shiny dark wood, they looked like giant cigar boxes. Two of the caskets were blanketed with pink roses — my mother, sister, and I had all loved pale pink roses. Not anymore. Although it was bitterly cold, there must have been close to a hundred people huddled around the trio of holes in the ground. I didn’t recognize most of them — amnesia or shock, I didn’t know which — so I sat between my aunt and uncle, surrounded by a crowd of strangers, staring at my muddy shoes, trying not to think about my parents and sister being dropped into those pits and covered with dirt.

The worms crawl in … I remembered that Liz hated bugs. When there was a spider in the bathroom, she would holler until someone came in to kill it for her. And although she didn’t like to admit it, she was a little afraid of the dark. I used to make fun of her, because even though she was two years older, she was the scaredy cat in the family. Now she was alone in the dark, with the bugs, and I couldn’t help her. Jamming my fists into my eyes, wishing I could scream out loud, I tried to erase the image of three dead bodies, maggots crawling in and out of their ears.

The minister rambled on about lives cut short, some heavenly grand plan, and the duty of the living to carry on the memories of those no longer here. It sounded like a load of crap to me, but I couldn’t speak and I don’t think the words I wanted to say would have been very well received. What kind of fucking higher power would let this happen? And if He/She/It were going to let this happen, then the least He/She/It could do would be to wipe out the whole family at once. I didn’t even have any grandparents: two cancers, one heart attack, and a stroke had decimated my family tree long before the crash. Leaving one person behind, a child no less, smacked of poor judgment and bad planning. Where was the mercy in that? Somehow I knew I wouldn’t be finding comfort in religion.

Twenty minutes later, it was all over. Three hunchbacked men in black raincoats and rubber boots lowered the caskets into the holes with some cranking device. Charlotte, Stuart, and I stood like a tiny receiving line at a vampire wedding, while people said horrible, well-meaning things. We’re so sorry. If there’s anything we can do … Are you all right? How do you feel? Stupid, obvious, unanswerable questions. And then, as they walked away, I could still hear them, talking about me instead of to me. How will she survive? Did you hear that she may never be able to speak again? She looks terrible.

Come on, sweetie, let’s get you home, Stuart said, wrapping his arm protectively around my shoulders. You’re frozen solid.

I nodded and leaned against him, comforted by the feel of his rough wool coat against my face. His other arm was around Charlotte. If not for Stuart, we would probably both keel over.

Honey, are you all right? You don’t have to go to the reception, either.

Charlotte sniffled. I have to go.

There is no such thing as ‘have to’ in this situation.

No, I want to go. I won’t stay long. We stopped in front of the black Lincoln Town Car that had brought us to the cemetery. I’ll see you at home. The three of us stood with our arms around each other for a long minute.

My life was at the bottom of three holes in the Riverside Cemetery, but I had to keep on living. How was I supposed to do that?

Chapter 2

Dr. O’Rourke specialized in the treatment of posttraumatic stress. But after four years, I was still mute, and my memory was still murky — mild retrograde amnesia she called it. Maybe my tragedy was too mainstream for her. Girls my age who had been raped and beaten, or soldiers who had seen their entire units blown up before their eyes — these were the tough cases, the seriously damaged psyches that the doctor was accustomed to cobbling back together. My family was dead, but it was nobody’s fault. No one had purposefully hurt me. There was no evil in my life. I was just the victim of bad luck and black ice, in the wrong place at the wrong time.

In the beginning, once a week, and then later twice a month, I visited Dr. O’Rourke. I listened to her talk, did the homework assignments she gave me, unsuccessfully tried hypnosis, swallowed all kinds of colorful pills, meditated, kept a dream journal. But nothing helped. The books

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