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Kratistotic Counseling Model
Kratistotic Counseling Model
Kratistotic Counseling Model
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Kratistotic Counseling Model

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This small book introduces a counseling model that is based on empowerment. The basic presupposition is that lack or loss of dignity, power, and prestige are at the root of the pains that drive the human psyche to seek out relief from the attendant shame. In small doses jealousy and envy is a manifestation of shame looking outwards. On the other hand, guilt is a manifestation of shame looking inwards and God-wards. We know we are not who we were created to be.

Kratistotic Christian counseling is a model aimed at shame-reduction and power/dignity/prestige augmentation. The quest for more power whether it be spiritual, social, intellectual, sexual, or financial is almost universal because every human being tends towards seeking to wield some form of power over self, something or someone. For a long time some Christian counselors have taken their lead from Psychiatrists and Psychologists who see humans as products of Darwinian natural selection. In that model, there is no room for shame because we are the best we have ever been (given the mechanisms of natural selection and evolution). Christian counseling sees humanity as declining from the original perfection Adam and Eve were created with.

Kratistotic counseling takes into account the fact that humans are made in the image of the Supreme God; time and space have beginnings and ends; the universe as we know it is an open system; and that God, angels, and demons do exist. Kratistotic counselors recognize that God has set eternity in the hearts of their clients and therefore, solving present problems is an important starting point towards helping them along the way of excellence in life. Kratistotic counseling is not a completely new concept. There are many other Christ-centered counseling frameworks in use today; however, the integrative approach is new. It is a model free from professional envy and protectionism for the greater good of empowering God's people to recover their "dominion mandate." Every man and woman should be able to rule over (reclaim and retain authority/control) their own lives and get back into the co-driver's seat and direct their lives under God's guidance. Kratistotic empowerment is thus whole-person empowerment and this requires the counselor to recognize the value of the contributions of other care-providers.

Release dateFeb 7, 2017
Kratistotic Counseling Model

Jonathan Mubanga Mumbi

I am Jonathan M. Mumbi an ordained Bishop of the Church of God (World Missions Zambia). This is a denomination under the World Missions Department of the Church of God, Cleveland Tennessee, USA.I have been in ministry since 1988 and mostly a volunteer in Youth With A Mission (YWAM) +30 years. My wife, Jean Mumbi, and I have served at various levels in YWAM and in the Church of God. My passion is to empower young people through nonformal Christian tertiary education. My educational journey has been mostly through YWAM's University of the Nations but I am grateful to have earned a Master of Divinity and a Master of Theological Studies through Nations University. I am a Pastoral Counselor and a lecturer. We are a family of which the youngest is going twenty-three and her siblings are adult brothers.Special personal note: None of the organizations served or mentioned will endorse every opinion I hold, neither do I want to leave anyone under the impression that I writes for, or, under any other authority other my own passion to write what I feel inspired to write.

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    Kratistotic Counseling Model - Jonathan Mubanga Mumbi

    Kratistotic Counseling Model

    By Jonathan M. Mumbi Ph.D.

    Published by Jonathan M. Mumbi at Smashwords

    Copyright 2017 Jonathan M. Mumbi

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite eBook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.



    CHAPTER 1: Twelve Kratistotic Christian Counseling Assumptions

    CHAPTER 2: What is Kratistotic Christian Counseling?

    CHAPTER 3: Is Kratistotic Christian Counseling Biblical?

    CHAPTER 4: Kratistotic Christian Counseling in Practice

    CHAPTER 5: The Bases Of Some Counseling Models

    CHAPTER 6: Kratistotic Counseling Ethics

    CHAPTER 7: Esthetic Considerations

    The End

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    Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


    Assessing the usefulness of Christian Counseling models has been a passion of mine for a long time. Being a Counselor in Africa has very unique challenges that most Western practitioners and academics do not face. African Christian Counseling takes place in a philosophical context that differs greatly from the prevailing philosophical frameworks in Europe and the Americas. It is not only the philosophical context that one has to contend with in order to practice counseling in African, there is also the Theological back-drop to contend with. In this little book I share the general direction African Christian Counseling will have to take if it is to thrive. I am eternally grateful to my mentors Dr. Darvin Smith MD, and his wife Carol Smith MA Counseling, who furnished me with enough reading materials to write my dissertation and begin to think through my future ministry and the challenges African Counselors are facing. I have chosen to share the big picture here in more accessible terms hoping to achieve a level of clarity that is often not my strongest point. If I have succeeded in doing this the credit should go to my mentors and teachers. A million thanks to my wife whose support I value greatly. All deficiencies in this work are mine alone

    .CHAPTER 1: Twelve Kratistotic Christian Counseling Assumptions

    Counseling has come a long way. Raw naturalism armed with certainty about the supremacy and infallibility of human reason simply declared God to be a figment of the primitive minds of mystical ancient humans existing without the benefits of modern empirically-based hard sciences. In their worldview, mankind created God and therefore it is logical for mankind to murder God (as they understood him-her-it), and they are doing so to this very day.

    The slow death of God gathered momentum soon after the Second World War (a world war is a good time to reflect on the self-destructive power of human selfishness and vanity; but, it is also a good time for people to consider where they stand with their Maker—if they have one). Scientific branches of counseling (psychology and psychiatry) simply exploded in membership in the Americas and seized the highest platforms of authority in counseling to the point where Christian counseling has to join their ranks for acceptance or be relegated to practices labeled, unprofessional, or, religious counseling, with an attendant covertly expressed warning that would read: take this at your own peril.Such a label would be possible only if the Church and the state would accept the authority of humanistic naturalists over Biblical Christian counseling. The agony of the Church is to go it alone against humanistic secularists in the Counseling profession because they have already hijacked her partner, the State and some supra-governmental bodies such as the European Union and the United Nations at the level of values.

    Human spirituality is valued by the Church but it is sneered upon by humanistic secularists in the profession. Christian academic literature in counseling was expelled to the arena of religious mysticism in the minds of most scientific researchers. Given the benefit of time and truth from other fields of metaphysical search, the human spirit has proved indefatigable in its quest for truth. This is true both on a personal and interpersonal level, and also on a corporate organizational level. In business, the industrial psychologist cannot understand why assured product demand based on scientifically researched consumer behavior and solid market research data does not automatically translate to instant product success.

    The human factor is still a mystery. So even the most naturalistic of producers are forced to acknowledge powers at work that are greater than what can scientifically be discerned to be the underlying factors. Many will pray at the launch of their product or, they will import a specialist to do so for them. The product's launch-name matters more than the code-names of the product prototypes in production. Some manufacturers will also insist on the most spiritually auspicious day to launch their product. Why? The presence of higher powers of good and evil is a global phenomenon that needs no explanation to most humans.

    God might be dead in the minds of naturalists, humanists and other atheists; but, is Satan also dead in the minds of their clients (or in their everyday life experiences)? Or, should the modern Christian researcher conclude that, in the humanistic secularist Counselors haste to murder God, they forgot to murder Satan (the personification of Evil in the universe—a supposedly equally powerful figment of the primitive mind)? Kratistotic Counseling is Christian counseling of the kind that makes no apologies for being closely aligned to Evangelical conservative biblical Christianity. It is Christian counseling from a Biblical Christian Worldview that demands both faith in God and faithfulness to His Revelation of who He is, who people are, what the world/nature is, and what the truth is. Here are a dozen pointers to such a worldview.

    (1) The theological fact of fiat creation and the existence of supernatural beings, namely; God, righteous angels and fallen angels

    Christian Counseling is impossible without the assumption that the universe is a creation of an intelligent Supreme Being, namely; God. The existence of a supernatural realm (the realm of God and angels) a future home of God’s followers. By the same token, Christian counseling is based on faith in a supernatural final destination for violators of God’s moral and absolute law. Christian counseling generally accepts micro-evolution (mutations within a kind) and reject macro-evolution (huge genetical leaps from kind to kind). The logical flow in a Christian Worldview is from perfection to imperfection due to the impact of sin in the world. What came directly from the hand of God, and was pronounced good by God, cannot be deficient in genetical quality to that which succeeds it. The Darwinian template’s logic flows in the

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