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The Dominant Brand
The Dominant Brand
The Dominant Brand
Ebook163 pages1 hour

The Dominant Brand

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About this ebook

People buy on price when they have nothing else to differentiate you from your competitors.

The Dominant Brand will give you the power to stand out from your competitors, with a brand to be proud of, that speaks to your ideal customer in a way that emotionally engages them. Becoming the dominant brand in your niche, will give you more time and more profit, so you can spend it on what you enjoy, with the people you love.

Have you ever lost business to a competitor on price?
Have you ever wondered why your website is not generating business?
How would you feel with more time with with your family and loved ones?
Would you like a clear easy to follow blueprint for your marketing, allowing you to charge 4-6 times your competitors rates?

I have developed and established TWO personal brands in my niche and customers include celebrities, and fortune 500 companies.

The Dominant Brand is my personal branding blueprint, with proven, simple, easy, affordable steps that will differentiate your business, so that you dominate your niche and never have to compete on price again. These are the the exact techniques that I used to successfully dominate my market.

The Dominant Brand will:
*Help you create a unique brand that will separate you from all you competitors in your niche.
*Give you a clear understanding of whats needed in your marketing copy and how to utilise it for the best results.
*Help you discover the emotional reasons why customers want your services....the Whats In It For Me.
*Give you my formula to craft your own unique message so that it speaks to your clients real emotions.
*Help you understand how to link your product or service features to these emotions.
*Attract a flow of high net worth clients...Clients with money.
*Give you simple techniques on how to add value to your proposition.
*Show you a clear path for your marketing strategy.

My Goal to share with you ALL MY Secrets and Shortcuts, that will save you time and money with Simple, Easy, Affordable Steps needed for you to create The Brand Of You.

Now is the time to be recognised as a specialist and go to ‘guy’ in your niche.

It is important to have your own Brand in todays world.

PublisherAndrew Smith
Release dateMar 4, 2017
The Dominant Brand

Andrew Smith

Andrew Smith has always wanted to be a writer. After graduating college, he wrote for newspapers and radio stations, but found it wasn't the kind of writing he'd dreamed about doing. Born with an impulse to travel, Smith, the son of an immigrant, bounced around the world and from job to job, before settling down in Southern California. There, he got his first ‘real job’, as a teacher in an alternative educational program for at-risk teens, married, and moved to a rural mountain location.

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    Book preview

    The Dominant Brand - Andrew Smith

    The Dominant Brand

    Setting, Getting, Never Regretting

    Every Cent You Are Worth.

    Andrew Smith

    Table of Contents

    Title Page



    My Gift To You

    Chapter 1: The Brilliant Balloon Man

    Stuck In A Rut.

    Overcoming Hurdles

    Success at Last

    Chapter 2: You are Worth More!

    Stop Competing on Price

    Raise Your Rates

    Kick Your Doubts Into Touch

    Working for Free

    Chapter 3: Lessons From A Specialist Balloon Twister

    Lessons from a Balloon Twister

    Perfect Your Act

    Understanding the Basics: Marketing Versus Sales

    Chapter 4: What’s In It For Me? Making the Emotional Connection

    Dare to Be Different

    Let’s Get Emotional

    Don’t Be a Generalist! - Focus on Your Niche

    Know Your Client

    Your First Step to becoming The Dominant Brand:

    Identify Your Ideal Client

    Know Your Competition

    Your Second Step to becoming The Dominant Brand :

    Study Your Competition


    Your Third Step to becoming The Dominant Brand :

    Gold, Silver, Bronze

    Chapter 5: Crafting Your Unique Message

    Emotional Words — How Would That Make You Feel?

    Your Fourth Step to becoming The Dominant Brand :

    Features, Benefits, WMT, and WIIFM

    Your Fifth Step to becoming The Dominant Brand :

    Emotional Words

    Define Your Unique Selling Point

    Your Elevator Pitch

    Your Sixth Step to becoming The Dominant Brand :

    Create Your Elevator Pitch

    New Clients: How to Get Yourself Out There

    The Sales Funnel

    Crafting the Perfect Sales Letter

    Your Seventh Step to becoming The Dominant Brand :

    Fine-tune Your Sales Letter

    Telephone Sales

    Your Website

    Connection and Trust

    Testimonials—Don’t Be Afraid to Ask!


    Media Coverage

    Your Eighth Step to becoming The Dominant Brand :

    Your Expert Status

    Tweet That: Tips on Social Media Use

    Business Cards—When to Use Them, When to Hide Them.


    A BIG Thumbs Up

    Chapter 7: Face to Face—Your Time to Shine

    Be Present

    Overcoming Shyness

    Dress to Impress

    Chapter 8: On With It!

    Your Future and a Call to Action

    Your Complimentary Bonus

    About The Author

    Your 8 Steps Revisited : Exercises

    Your First Step to becoming The Dominant Brand :

    Identify Your Ideal Client

    Your Second Step to becoming The Dominant Brand :

    Study the Competition

    Your Third Step to becoming The Dominant Brand : Packages.

    Your Fourth Step to becoming The Dominant Brand : Features, Benefits, WMT, and WIIFM

    Your Fifth Step to becoming The Dominant Brand: Emotional Words

    Your Sixth Step to becoming The Dominant Brand : Create Your Elevator Pitch

    Your Seventh Step to becoming The Dominant Brand : Rewrite Your Sales Letter

    Your Eighth Step to becoming The Dominant Brand : Your Expert Status

    Sample Forms and Letters

    Charitable Donation Letter

    Getting to Know You: Company Information Request Form


    Disclaimer - THE SMALL PRINT - Now I should add here a disclaimer, because the law in some states says I should. - The results are NOT guaranteed. - The Incomes expressed within this document are NOT Typical. - No guarantees of income are made. - This is NOT a get rich quick scheme. - Serious amounts of WORK are required to achieve great results. I, the author reserve the right to make changes without notice. This book is not intended for use as a source of legal, business, accounting or financial advice, these are my thoughts, feelings and actions that I have applied to my business.

    Copyright © 2016. Andrew Smith

    Cover design by Vanessa Mendozzi

    Editing by Davene Wasser

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the author.

    Andrew Smith



    I offer this book for my children who have seen and experienced my journey to success and have asked me to teach them all I know. They know I have worked hard to create an impressive list of clients, and they want to know what I have done to earn their loyalty. My children have seen me rise above the competition and they want to know my tricks of the trade. This book will explain, in greater detail, how I built my own personal brand and became a highly successful entertainer. This book isn’t just for entertainers; it’s for any business owner who is willing to take a hard look at his/her business and make changes to move beyond the competition. I offer this book to you in hope that you will learn from my journey and find your own unique path to success.

    I’ll bring up a memory of my old mum before we go further. My old mum was full of great quotes and had one for every occasion. These quotes were inspirational and taught me much about life. She also made a really great shepherd’s pie.

    A couple of things she used to say:

    ‘Less of the old’. She said this after hearing me refer to her as, ‘my old mum’ during one of my performances, I am not that old!!.

    ‘We are all separate individuals’. (This had something to do with different bedtimes but my takeaway was that I should follow my own journey and not be afraid to stand out from the crowd. Being an average student in school with the name Smith—the most common surname in the UK— and an ‘A’ Smith at that—it was important to me to differentiate myself from others.)

    I hope that the step-by-step process that follows will help you rise above the competition, let go of anything that may be holding you back, and become highly successful in your trade.

    My Gift To You

    Access to Complimentary Online Training.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this book, I really appreciate it. I would like to give you access to some complimentary training. This additional training will enhance your skills and introduce you to better quality leads and clients. Full details on how to access this valuable training can be found in Chapter 8.

    Chapter 1: The Brilliant Balloon Man

    Stuck In A Rut.

    Stepping off the stage at the Conrad Hotel, Hong Kong, I surveyed the crowd as the roar of applause cascaded through the banquet hall. For an hour, I had held a group of 900 guests completely spellbound with a performance of balloons, comedy, and magic. These days, I am regularly flown around the world by my clients to perform. A single birthday party brings in at least $1,000—often more.

    It hasn’t always been this way.

    Time for change, In the late 1990s, The financial services industry went through many changes, and I was made redundant three times in two years. I decided to leave my successful career in sales and try something new. My aim was to become an IT expert. During this study period I found myself with my magic—a hobby that paid for itself. I entertained at a few family gatherings and accepted the payment I was offered—usually a bottle of scotch whiskey. After six months, we had a cupboard of whiskey and my liver was at risk of being ruined. My wife suggested I advertise in the local paper and charge actual money.

    The plan was to study during the day and perform in the evenings and on weekends. Performing came naturally to me after many years giving sales presentations.

    The entertainment took off and the IT got left

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